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 Google works with something called Performance Advertising. This means

that the advertiser only pays when the user takes the action, such as
clicking on a link. These links are tracked and the cost per click (CPC) is
measured by the average cost per click during the time that a particular ad
was shown. In addition, there is also Brand Advertising. In this case,
advertisers pay for cost-per-impressions (CPM). This strategy works best
when a brand wants to reach a much broader target audience, in order to
increase brand visibility.
There are five advertising platforms:
• Google Ads: it is the old AdWords. Whenever someone does a search, ads
relevant to the search will appear at the top of the page, before the first
results. Each time a user clicks on these ads, the advertiser pays a fee to
Google. The amount will depend on the CPC. Google Shopping: in its
shopping section, users search, compare and buy products from companies
that have paid to advertise their products there.Google Adsense: this
platform is used whenever websites provide spaces for Google ads (banners,
for example), which will be displayed based on users’ searches. Advertisers
pay for the chosen space, time, and targeting. Google Admob : according to
the website itself, “AdMob makes earning revenue easy with in-app ads,
actionable insights, and powerful, easy-to-use tools that grow your app
business”. That is, advertisers can advertise on apps and this helps app
developers earn money from their apps. YouTube: you may have seen that
the ads appear before the videos on YouTube and, depending on the length,
during the video as well. Advertisers pay to have their ads displayed in these
spaces, usually on content related to their product, service, or audience.
• GOOGLE ALGORITHM:An algorithm is a set of instruction of how to carry
out a process. IF A=5, IF B=4, THEN C=A+B, PRINT C
• DEFINITION: Google algorithm is the program used by Google for ranking
websites on it’s result pages among organic results. Theoretically, the first
page is more relevant for the query”.1
• WHAT ARE META TAG ? Meta’ refers to information ‘about’ the page which
characterizes it. Used by search engines to catalog websites.The three most
important types of meta-data are the document tag, the document
‘descriptions’ meta tag and the document ‘keywords’ meta tag. These need
to be unique for each page on a site, otherwise the search engine may
assess the content as duplicate and some pages may be down-weighted in
importance. Let’s look at it in a little more detail
• Three major classes: TITLE ,DESCRIPTION, KEYWORDS
• META tag: An HTML tag that contains information about a Web page.Does
not change how Web page is displayed.Can contain description of page,
keywords and title of page.Most search engines rank your site by sending
out a spider to inspect the site.The spider reads the META tags, determines
the relevance of the Web page’s information and keywords and ranks the
site according to that visit’s findings.Examine competitors’ sites to see what
META tags they are using.Top ten results
• 1) THE DOCUMENT TITLE: The tag is arguably the most important type of
metadata since each search engine places significant weighting on the key
phrases contained within it and it is the call-to-action hyperlink on the
search engine results page. If it contains powerful, relevant copy, you will
get more clicks and the search engine will assess relevance relative to other
pages which are getting fewer clicks
• 2) THE DESCRIPTION META TAG: A meta tag is an attribute of the page
within the HTML section which can be set by the content owner. It doesn’t
directly affect ranking, but shows the information which will typically be
displayed in the search engine results page. If it is absent or too short,
relevant ‘snippets’ will be used from within the body copy, but it is best to
control messages and this can help identify the page as unique to prevent
duplicate content problems.
• 3) THE KEYWORD META TAG: The meta keywords meta tag is used to
summarise the content of a document based on keywords. Some
unscrupulous SEOs can still be heard to say to potential clients (‘we will
optimise your meta tags’). But this is not significant today since the
keywords meta tag is relatively unimportant as a ranking factor (Google has
never used them), although these keywords may be important to internal
search engines.
• 4) SEMANTIC MARKUP: In order to better manage the interrelationships
between different data on the web, the W3C has introduced specific HTML
markup in a format defined by known as microformats which
can be used to reinforce the semantics, or meaning, of the information on
web pages so that it can be better understood and managed by search
engines. These are particularly important in some markets since they give
more prominence to businesses in the search results, as described by Smart
Insights (2014), for example: ● local business information such as names and
addresses; ● product details such as pricing, size; ● ratings awarded for
articles, products or service quality

What is search engine marketing (SEM)? SEM is the act of marketing a

website via search engines by purchasing paid listings
What are paid listings? These are listings that search engines sell to
advertisers, usually through paid placement or paid inclusion programs. In
contrast, organic listings are not sold.
1. Paid listings: 1) Paid inclusions- Advertising programs where pages are
guaranteed to be included in a search engine's index in exchange for
payment- no guaranteed ranking - payment made on a Cost Per Click (CPC)
basis 2) Advertisers pay to be included in the directory on a CPC basis or
per-url fee basis with no guarantee of specific placement.
2. Paid placements:- Advertising programs where listings are guaranteed to
appear in organic listings- the higher the fee, the higher the ranking - eg
sponsored links and Google’s Ad words - can be purchased from a portal or a
search network - search networks are often set up in an auction
environment where keywords and phrases are associated with a cost-per-
click (CPC) fee. - Google and Overture are the largest networks
What is blogging ? Blogs and blogging Blogs give an easy method of regularly
publishing web pages as online journals, diaries or news or events listings.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others
function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text,
images and links to other blogs, web pages and other media related to its
topic. The capability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format
is an important part of many blogs. -Feedback (trackback) comments from
other sites are also sometimes incorporated. Frequency can be hourly, daily,
weekly or less frequently, but several updates daily is typical. -There are
many free services which enable anyone to blog (for example
www.wordpress. com and The blogging format enables
the content on a website to be delivered in different ways. For example, the
Smart Insights blog has a lot of rich content related to Internet marketing
which can be delivered in different ways.
By categories of blogs: 1.By topic (in categories or topics to browse). For
example, social media marketing category. 2.By tag (more detailed topics –
each article will be tagged with several tags to help them appear in
searches). For example, ‘B2B’ or ‘case studies’. 3. By author (features from
different columnists who can be internal or external). Guest posting is an
effective method for both guest author and blog to increase reach. 4. By
time (all posts broken down by the different methods above are in reverse
date order)
 WHAT IS AFILIATE MARKETING ? Affiliate marketing is the ultimate form
of marketing communications since it is what is known as a ‘pay-per-
performance marketing’ method and it’s a commission-based
arrangement where the merchant only pays when they make the sale or
get a lead. Compare this to the wastage with traditional advertising or
direct mail! It can also drive a volume of business in a range of sectors –
many banks, travel companies and online retailers get more than 10 per
cent of their sales from a well-run affiliate marketing programme. It’s not
so suitable though for business products or lower-priced consumer
productssince it will not be sufficiently profitable for the affiliates, and it
may be difficult to recruit sufficient affiliates. For example, Amazon has an
affiliate programme but it could be argued that its brand is so well known
and it has such a large customer base that it would receive many sales
anyway. However, Amazon has run its programme for over ten years and
although it has reduced commissions, it is still running and is used to
promote new product offerings such as music downloads.

 WHICH AFFILIATES ?. These are the options of affiliate marketing models

for you to consider. ● Aggregators . These are the major comparison sites
like Kelkoo, USwitch and Moneysupermarket. These aren’t strictly affiliates
since some, such as Kelkoo and Shopzilla, charge on a cost-per-click, but
USwitch and Moneysupermarket have a CPA model as well. Google
Product Search (formerly Froogle) uses a similar model, but is a free option
for retailers to submit a feed for which products may then be featured in
the top of the Google SERPs. ● Review sites. For example CNet software
or hardware reviews, or maybe startups like Reevoo or Review Centre.
These all link to merchants based on cost-per-click or cost per-acquisition
deals. ● Rewards sites. These split the commission between the reward
site and its visitors. Examples are GreasyPalm or QuidCo. . These are the
options of affiliate marketing models for you to consider.● Voucher code
sites. MyVoucherCodes or Hot UK Deals are typical. If you have some great
deals to entice first-time shoppers you should generate business, although
many search by well-known brand. ● Über-bloggers. Martin Lewis’s is an incredibly popular site due to his PR efforts
and great content. Although he has no ads, he is an affiliate for many sites
he recommends. ● Everyone else. They don’t tend to be high-volume
super-affiliates like all the above, but they’re collectively important and
you can work them via affiliate networks like Commission Junction or
Tradedoubler. They often speciali
 GOOGLE AD WORDS DEFINITION: Google AdWords is Google's online
advertising program.Google AdWords is a product that you can use to
promote your business, help sell products or services, raise awareness,
and increase traffic to your website. AdWords Editor is a free,
downloadable application for managing your AdWords advertising
 Purpose:- Can make bulk changes in off-line. -Export and Import files to
share proposals. -View statistics to all campaigns. -Copy/Move items
between Adgroups and Campaigns. GOOGLE AD WORDS LAYER:
1.Account 2.Campaigns groups.-The ad campaign has its own budget
and settings that determine where your ads appear.-They can create a
project based on the client requirement for the project.
■ WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ? Social media marketing is the
process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.
(Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+ and so on….) Social
media marketing is the utilization of the social media technologies,
channels and software to create, communicate, deliver and exchange
offering that have value for an organization stakeholders.

■ WHAT IS FACEBOOK ? Basically Facebook is a social media platform,

where we can make new friends, find old school/college friends, interact
with new peoples, see photos of our friends and celebrities and so on.But
in digital marketing term, Facebook is a Sub-part of Social
Media.Marketing that We can use as a tool of social media marketing.
WHY FACEBOOK ? Facebook has a huge amount of costumer base.
Facebook has 2.23 billion monthly active users. Facebook support more
than 100+ languages.Facebook is a globally popular social networking
platform. Facebook page is like a personal profile page but for a business
profile. People can “like” pages that they recipe posts by the business in
their news feed. A page can have some similar information to the website
such as about, contact details and call to action button.
■ WHAT IS REACH ? the number of people who see your post. Similar to
print readership in traditional advertising. It may appear in people’s feed,
but it depends on they may react to it or not.
■ Organic reach VS Paid reach: Organic reach: people who see your ad via a
like, share or comment notification that a person’s friend makes. Paid
reach: people who are served your post because they mee the criteria of
the target audience that you identify.
■ HOW TO REACH ORGANICALLY ? Post good content.Post to the interests
of the audience, not your needs. Post content that inspires. Use photos
that pass the “scroll test”. Post frequency and timing: max of once per day,
afternoon is best. Post content that is likely to spur conversations. Ask
open ended questions to spark feedback. Follow your Facebook Insights.
Engagement = (Likes+Comments+Shares)/people reached. Try to target
10% engagement with your posts. As engagement increases, so does your
reach. FACEBOOK ADVERTISING : Facebook ads is simply paying Facebook
to show posts in front of wider audience of your choice.A motor bike
company for example: might only want their post seen by 18-35 year old
boy/man in Delhi.Facebook makes it possible to target the right audience,
and narrow it down so you get right people seeing your ads.Facebook ads
just looks like just normal post but say as ‘sponsored ads’ on the left hand
corner. TWITTER ADVERTISING: Twitter is free social networking and
micro blogging service that unables its users to send and read messages
knows as twittes. Twitter is good for: Linking up with a community of
people who share your interests. Live event reporting: finding out what
people are talking away from conferences, debates, sporting events, etc.,
in real time. TWITTER FOR BUSINESS: -Develop and promote your brand.-
Interact with your customer base-Track what people are saying about you,
your company, your brand-Create buzz-Employees can reach out to your
company’s constituents/customers/clients-Promote events, content,
blogs, podcasts, webinars-Develop direct relationships with journalists,
bloggers, media.
■ WHAT IS VIRAL MARKETING ? Viral marketing is a set of techniques that
make use of internet media such as social networks (among others) in
order to increase sales of products and services, or positioning of a brand
with the help of the propagation of the message in an exponential or a
viral way among internet users.
■ -This type of marketing often takes the form of funny video clips, or
interactive Flash games, images, and even text.-The internet is the
primary setting for the vast majority of this kind of marketing, but does
exist on TV, print, cell phones, etc. METHODS OF VIRAL MARKETING:
1.Search engine optimization (SEO): process of affecting the visibility of a
website or a web page in a search engine's natural or un-paid search
results. more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more
visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. 2.Social media
optimization (SMO): -use of a number of social media outlets and
communities to generate-publicity to increase the awareness of a product,
brand or event.-social media involved include RSS feeds, social news and
bookmarking sites, as well as social networking sites, 3.Television and
radio:-Ads on TV and Radio.-various channels and FM stations. VIRAL
MARKETING AND STARTEGIES: Organize a referral contest: -an old-
schooled viral marketing idea, yet extremely effective. -It means
encourage people to work extra hard to promote for you.
1. Provide free ‘viral’ online services: -Google being a search engine, Google
has really created tons of useful applications, such as Google Map, Google
Doc, Google Analytics, Google Mail, etc that we can use free. Target-
based referral program: -we set a minimum target for our referrals to hit.-
In specific ,when our members reach 20 referrals. 4 Bait Post - idea of a
bait post is to turn your blog post into an online resource that other
people will link to. – Q & A type of sites such as Ask Yahoo! 5. ‘Sure-win’
referral program:- email sent out to promote business.- getting paid for it
by the client.Video marketing:-publish videos on Youtube ,those videos
can bring you traffic for years. -chances are they will visit your website.
Leverage on social networking: -viral marketing through social
networking.-Facebook ,Gmail , LinkedIn etc. TYPES OF VIRAL MARKETING :
1.E-mail:- It was first but it is still around and still used. It is, however,
getting a little harder to use as more and more government restrictions are
placed on it. Still… it does work. E.g.: 2.Newsletters:- This
is an extension of e-mail but it a very effective tool. If you include enough
timely and valuable information, a good newsletter can drive up the
number of visits to your website.3.Blogging:- Providing the tools on your
website to enable bloggers to interact with one another is a terrific way to
get the message about your product of service out there and being talked
about. Bloggers have their ears to the ground for new products and
services. 4. Chat Rooms:-A chat room on your website can and does
encourage interaction among your customers and that can’t be a bad
thing. Also, you can use the chat room to schedule special events like
having an expert available to answer questions on a given day at a given
time. 5.Tell-a-friend Script:- If you add this with a statement saying that e-
mail addresses supplied will never be shared with third parties, you can
increase your potential customer list greatly. 6.Video Clips:- Including cool
video clips on your website will keep the interest up and increase traffic.
7.Flash Games:- Although they are a little costly to start, they are an
extremely effective tool to get your viral marketing campaign going. Once
they are launched, they require nothing more from you. 8.Buzz-
Marketing:- This Involves celebrities Go ahead and replace it with
discussing about products and experiences with a hint of Controversy.
9.Types User Managed Database:- It refers to different5 database of
prospects that clients generate themselves with the help of online service

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