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Babahoyo School

Student: Ashly Maliza García.

Course: 3th Science. Parallel: “H”.
Date: Tuesday 10/January/2023.

Test Second Quimester

1. Complete using: Do or Does.

1. A: ___________ you live in a house or a flat?
B: I live in a flat in London, near my college.
2. A: ___________ you live alone?
B: No, I don’t. I share the flat with my brother.
3. A:___________ he go to the same college as you?
B: No, he’s a bit older than me. He’s got a job.
4. A: __________ you work at the weekend?
B: Yes, I work in a café on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
5. A:__________ you have a girlfriend at the moment?
B: I do! Her name’s Adele.
6. A: __________ she come from London?
B: No. She’s from Scotland but she came here to study.
2. Choose the correct from of the following verbs.
Wake(s)up- open(s)- speak(s)- take(s)- do(es)- cause(s)- live(s)- play(s)- close(s)-
live(s)- drink(s)
1. Ann ________ handball very well.
2. I never ________ coffee.
3. The swimming pool __________ at 7:00 in the morning.
4. It _________ at 9:00 in the evening.
5. Bad driving _________ many accidents.
6. My parents __________ in a very small flat.
7. The Olympic Games _________ place every four years.
8. They are good students. They always __________ their homework.
9. My students _________ a little English.
10. I always __________ early in the morning.
3. Text messages: match the meaning with their abbreviations.
4. Let’s talk about.....Social Media
Match the vocabulary to the definitions below to help with your conversation.
1. Tweet n/v A. In a foreign country/not in your country.
2. Regret v/n B. Want to change something you did in the past.

3. Blog n C. Negative factors/bad things.

4. Waste v/n D. Post something on twitter.

E. Discussion/informational website (often with diary-style
5. Disadvantages n
6. Abroad adv
F. Image or piece of text (often funny and spread by internet
7. Meme n
8. Emoticon/emogi n
G. A picture representing a facial expression (example: a smile).
9. Feature n H. Use your time in a way that is useless/not productive.
I. Component/something added as a special attraction.

Metacognitive reflection
5. We studied grammar in this project. Write your reflection. It is important for
you? Is it really necessary to study it? (1 point)

6. Social networks are part of everyday’s life. Which social networks do you use
and why? (1 point)

7. Are social networks addictive? (1 point)

8. Have you ever been addicted to any social network? Why? (1 point)

9. Do you consider moral, ethical, social, and civic values are essential in a
society? Why or why not?

10. Give an example when you apply values in your daily life. (1 point)

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