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Muhammad Nawaz Shareef

University of Agriculture Multan

Submitted by:
Muhammad Siddique Khan
Registration No:
Seed Science and Technology
Assignment no.3


Bean is a self pollinating crop Only about 5% is cross pollinated mainly by insects
Both reproductive parts are on same flower but different locations. Unlike the
maize plant, bean plant self fertilises itself. Isolation distances are not as critical as
maize. Performs under various ecologies. Choose variety to suit ecology, rainfall
and soil conditions. Obtain foundation/ Basic seed from relevant institution.
Isolation not as critical (3m) However avoid mechanical admixture.

Land preparation and agronomic practices:

Good land preparation Plant seed at recommended rate (under rain-fed 60
120kg/ha of large seeded variety and 35-70kg/ha for small seeded varieties. Plant
one seed/ hole, 7-15cm apart.

Fertilizer application:
Cowpea can synthesise atmospheric nitrogen for its own use It also benefits from
organic and chemical fertilizers on depleted and marginal soils. Apply
phosphorous fertilizer at recommended rate/ 50-60kg/ha.

Weed control:
Good seed bed preparation or use No-till. Timely and good
weeding/manual/herbicide. For manual weeding, weed 2-3 weeks after planting
When canopy closes, weeds may not be a problem, 6-8wks after planting.
Insect and pest control:
Most new varieties are resistant to major bean diseases. Where necessary use
treated seed, cultural or recommended chemical. Use recommended chemical for
insect control. Pull out and burn disease plant to prevent spread. In doubt contact
Agric extension services

Inspect field and remove plants that show disease and pest symptoms. Remove
plants that show a deviation from varietal characteristics. These include, days to
flowering, flower colour and height. Remove problem weeds such as Striga and
Rotboellia exaltata.

Harvesting, Drying and shelling:

Harvest on time to avoid losses due to shattering, mould and rot. Dry on clean
patio or tarpaulin. Thresh when dry to safe moisture level. At partial drying of 14
15% seeds can be threshed. Threshing can be manual or with mechanical
thresher. In all cases exercise care not to damage seed. Further dry seeds to
about 10-12% for storage.

Treatment and storage:

Treat seed with recommended chemical. Check with a reputed chemical dealer or
Extension/Plant Protection Services. Package and store in a cool, dry, clean
environment. Use durable moisture proof packaging material to avoid re
absorption of moisture to cause pre-germination. Conduct periodic tests to
revalidate quality
Quality control and seed testing:
Periodic field inspections are conducted at crop growth to ensure removal of off-
types, good field sanitation, and plant population and yield determination. Usual
seed testing determinants are moisture, purity and germination. Certification can
be granted when field and laboratory standards are met.

Conducting moisture testing:

Moisture tests are conducted using moisture meters or using the oven method.
Different types of moisture meters are available. Some are only suitable for the
seed testing laboratory and others are portable and can be carried to the field. A
difference of +- (1-2%) between meters is acceptable.

Conducting germination testing:

In the laboratory tests using both soils in a tray and paper towel in a germinator
can be conducted. For a seed producer the soil test may be easier by the
following method: Construct a simple wooden box with suitable dimensions. Fill
the box with insect free loose soil Water the soil thoroughly and plant 100 seeds.
Count germination percentage after a number of days usually, 4-8 days. Calculate
germination percentage by expressing germinated over 100.

Seed standards:
Moisture content – the moisture content of each class of cowpea seed shall not
be more than 9%. Certified cowpea seed shall not be stored in the same building
with other cowpea varieties, unless previously bagged, tagged and sealed or
unless they are otherwise identified. A representative 1 kilogram sample of the
seed as produced for sale shall be obtained by the certifying authority. If the
grower has more than one batch of seed, a referee sample shall be obtained for
each batch.
Factor Breeder Foundation Registered Certified
% Varietal purity 99.5 98 98 98
% specific purity 99.5 98 98 98
Inert matter. 2 2 2 2
Noxious weed 0 0 0 0.1
Germination % 80 80 80 75
Other crop seed Nil Nil Nil Nil
Weed seed/kg 0 0 0 0.1

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