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Study Sheet

True or False?
1- The footer section is used for placing the text that appears at the top of
every page (F)
2- Drop cap is the first line hanging over the rest of the lines (F)
3- The format painter option copies the format from one part of the text to
another (T)
4- Mirror margins is a preset text position (F)
5- The style id for looking up synonyms for a particular word (F)

Fill in the blanks.

1- You can use the …….Thesaurus…….. to look up synonyms for a particular
2- To print a document vertically, you can use the ….Portrait…. Option.
3- ….shading ….. can be applied by using the borders and shading dialog box.
4- A …. Style….. is a set of formatting instructions.
5- The non-printing characters are visible on the screen using the
….show/hide…. Tool.

Give one word for the following.

1- The firs line is a little more to the left than Hanging indent
2- The option used for making books and magazines Mirror margins
3- It gives options for weather the content on Orientation
the page will be printed/vied in portrait or landscape.
4- The tool used to copy the font setting from Format painter
one part of the text to another
5- This option is used to organize a page in Columns
the form of newspaper columns
Define the following.
1- Drop Cap.
A feature in which the first character of the paragraph is bigger and
dropped on the subsequent lines of the paragraph.
2- Endnote.
A citation of sources which are given at the end of a document.
3- Footer.
The text that appears at the bottom margin of every page.
4- Footnotes.
A comment printed at the bottom of a page which gives extra information
about something that has been written on the page.
5- Header.
The text that appears at the top margin of every page.
6- Styles.
A set of formatting instructions.
7- Thesaurus.
A tool that allows you to search for synonyms for a particular word.

Answer the following questions.

1- why do you use page numbers in a document?
To help you identify the page while viewing the document.
2- How can you insert page numbers in MS word 2010 Document?
By using a Footnote.

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