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Program Development Basics

End-of-chapter test -1.1-

The procedure of program development consists of [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 4 ], and [ 5 ].
In [ 1 ], you will study the data to be necessary in the program.
In [ 2 ], you will determine the procedure of the processing in the program in detail.
In [ 3 ], you will describe the structure and processing of data with [ 6 ] according
to the data design document and processing procedure document.
[ 4 ] is a work to execute a program with which compile [ 7 ] have disappeared to
check whether it is running without problems.
[ 5 ] is to have the [ 8 ] of the steps checked by those other than the persons in


a. coding b. programming language c. product

d. test e. procedure design f. data design
g. error h. review i. flowchart
j. pseudo language k. debug

Answer Column

Question Answer
1 f

2 e

3 a

4 d

5 h

6 b

7 g

8 c

1 © emBex Education Inc.

Program Development Basics

End-of-chapter test -2.1 -

Data structures consist of [ 1 ] data, [ 2 ] data, and [ 3 ] data.
[ 1 ] data stores any single value.
[ 2 ] data is a type of data in which multiple data are managed not as individual
variables but as a collection.
A [ 4 ] is used to refer to individual elements.
[ 3 ] data is used for collectively managing multiple [ 1 ] and [ 2 ].


a. array b. variable c. index

d. structure e. function f. number

Answer Column

Question Answer
1 b

2 a

3 d

4 c

2 © emBex Education Inc.

Program Development Basics

End-of-chapter test -3.1-

Procedure design is to determine the procedures of how to enter, [ 1 ], and
output data in detail.
A [ 2 ] can be used to describe a processing procedure in a graphical method.
[ 2 ] is established in JIS.
In [ 2 ], when assigning a value to a variable, you can describe that in the
symbol of [ 3 ]. Also, specify the [ 5 ] in the symbol of [ 4 ] using an equal sign,
inequality sign, or the like to branch the flow of process depending on whether
the condition is satisfied or not.


a. flowchart b. assignment c. use

d. DFD e. processing chart f. treat
g. selection h. condition i. processing
j. suspension k. decision l. inequality

Answer Column

Question Answer
1 f

2 a

3 i

4 k

5 h

3 © emBex Education Inc.

Program Development Basics

End-of-chapter test -3.2-

Structured programming is based on the concept that any logic can be
described by the combination of three basic [ 1 ].
The three basic [ 1 ] are [ 2 ] (or sequences), [ 3 ] (or branches), and [ 4 ] (or
To call a subroutine in a JIS flowchart, describe the [ 6 ] in the symbol of [ 5 ]
A [ 7 ] can be used to pass a value from the caller side to the subroutine.
A [ 8 ] can be used to return a value from the subroutine to the caller side.


a. Program b. data c. sequence

d. return value e. iteration f. decision
g. function h. structure units i. selection
j. predefined process k. order l. argument
m. condition n. subroutine name o. number of returns

Answer Column

Question Answer
1 h

2 c

3 i

4 e

5 j

6 n

7 l

8 d

4 © emBex Education Inc.

Program Development Basics

End-of-chapter test -3.3-

Major algorithms in programming include [ 1 ] and [ 2 ].
[ 1 ] is processing to arrange a group of data in a different sequence according
to a predefined rule.
[ 2 ] is to look for data that satisfies the specified conditions from multiple data.


a. subroutine b. search c. recursion

d. merge e. interrogation f. sorting

Answer Column

Question Answer
1 f

2 b

5 © emBex Education Inc.

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