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Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of

Agriculture Multan

Scientific Writing (SST-611)
Submitted to:
Dr. Hammad Nadeem
Submitted by:
Muhammad Siddique Khan
Registration No:
Seed Science and Technology (IPBB)
Assignment no.1

The scientific method

Example form daily life events or problems;

Make observations and research your topic of interest.
“It looks like plants grow more in warm environments, Then in cooler environments.”

Develop a question that can solved through experiment.
Will plants grow faster in cold or warm environments?

Formulation of hypothesis:
Predict a possible answer to the problem or question.
“If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth wall increase”

Develop and follow a procedure:
 Include detailed materials list.
 The outcome must be measurable (quantifiable).
“One plant will be planted in sunny, warm part of the yard and the other plant will be planted
under full shade next to any wall of building”
Collect results:
“Measure the growth of both plants”

Include a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis. And get help from internet for some
study on plants growth behavior.
“The plant growing in the sunny warm space grew more than the plant in the shaded, cooler

For further evaluation I discuss my results with my gardener at home.

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