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Ri ACAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD Code No: 1368 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLC 1B. Tech IIL Year II Semester Examinations, May - 20 CYBER SECURITY (Common to CE, EEE, ME, ECE) Max, Marks a Past A. Ps question ca PART A SMa 1a) wuts oman ho) b) Write about web jacking ©) Write the services in cloud 4) Explain types of cyber stalkers shin? DAP security tikey logest hb) What is SQL injection: 2.a) Write about phonographic offences and password sniffing an laws related to hac oR ludian perspectives ‘What is email spoofing? Explain in detail Explain attack vector in detail 4 Discuss about the classification of social engineering { oR S.a) Draw a plan of cyber criminal for attacking 1b) Explain how does cyber stalking. works i re explain briefly life? [ 64a) Give anote on wends in mobility b) Explain the security challenges for mobile devices. t oR bile devices * Q Al Discover Search Collections 17:34 wl he & Enrolment No, GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MCA~SEMESTER -IV EXAMINATION -SUMMER-2019 ‘Subject Code:3640011 Date: 28-05-2019 ‘Subject Name: Cyber Security & Forensics ‘Time: 10.30 am to 1.00 pm ‘Total Marl Instructions 1. Attempt al questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Figures to the right indicate Tall marks. QA (a) i) Define Terms (ANY THREE ) 03 ’) MOBILedit ii) Chain of custody ii) Hacking. iv) Phsing i Describe Digial Forensic Lite Cycle os (©) Say TRUE or FALSE with jusificatio 7 1) Cyber defamation is nota cognizable offense. i Indian Information Technology Act(ITA) 2000 does not define eybercafes ii) When you get a computer installed or use a mobile device forthe firs time, itis 100% secure iv) Amackers are often very systematic in launching their anacks ¥). The goal of DoS attack isto gain unauthorized access to system or data ‘Any financial dishonesty that takes place ina computer environment is called Computer Crime si) Cyber criminals are always insiders Q2 (a) Explain classifications ofeyber crimes with example, 07 () Define Attack Vector. Compare Active and Passive attacks 7 oR (b) How Bomets are used asa fuel to cybercrime? How fo ensure system agains it. 07 Q3 (a) What is Kdenti'y Theft? Explain techniques and ypes oft. How to preven it? 07 () Distinguish berween 7 i) Keyloggers and. Spywares iy Virws and Worms oR Q3 (a). Describe stops for SQL Injection attacks. How to prevent it? 7 (b) Distinguish beween 7 ') DoS and DDos atacks ii Trojan Horses and Backdoors Q4 (a) Discuss various reasons to have Cybetlaws in India 7 (b) Steganography isthe art of Information hing -Jusify your answer by answering 07 how and why ? on Q4 (a) Whatis the Relevance of the OSI 7 Layer Mode! to Computer Forensics? 7 (b) Describe the key challenges that exists with regard Wo the law and cyber crime 07 scenario in India QS (a) Explain in brief Forensics Ausiting and Antiforensics. 7 () Design Organizational Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics for FT Consulting firm. 07 oR QS (@) List various available Too! hits for Hand-Held Device Forensics. Explaia any 07 () Compare Digital Forensics, Network Forensics and Computer Forensics 7 * Q Al Discover Search Collections 17:35 all & He Ge R16 AL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD "9 Cade No: 1366 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOG! (CF, EEE, ME, ECE) Max. Marks: 75, sins two pats A and B b caries 25 tmatks, Answer all qu yas in Part A. Pat Answer any ome fll queston froma each tat Fach question car OS rors : mag, Explain igpes of eyber stalkers ) What is vishin t f L L I I. L 1 1 i 1 1 i i hat is social 1 1 i) List the security risks in social media PART -B {80 Marks) 2.8) Write about phonographic offence ) Write Indian Laws related to hacking, on dhan perspectives oa cyber time plain det 4a) Explain amack vector in b) Discuss about the classifica ‘OR S.a) Draw plan of cyber crtninal for attacking and explain briefly b) Explain how does cyber stalking works in rea if Iss] 6a) Give anote on tends in mobility b) Explain the security challenges for mobile device [s+3] oR 2) Explain RAS security for mobile devices b) Elaborate atta ) [s+3] = SSS eee * Q Al Discover Search Collections 17:35 all & He & Enrolment No. GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BA ~ SEMESTER 3~ EXAMINATION ~ SUMMER 2019 ‘Subject Code: 3539254 Date:11/05/2019 ‘Subject Name: Cyber Security and IT Governance ‘Time:02.30 PM TO 05.30 PM ‘Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1 Attempt all questions. 2 Make suitable msumptions wherever necessary ‘X- Fligures to the right indicate ull marks. (Qu Explain the terms “ (a) Spamming (b) Web jacking () Social Media Marketi (8) Boinets (@) Cyber stalking (1) Email bombing (g) Mabware 2 (a)Clarify the concept of cybercrime. Briefly discuss the classification of eyber-rimes. 7 (0) What are the main survival mantras for Netizens? s OR (b) Prepare a note on typical modus operandi ofan atack by cyber criminal 1 3 (@)How do fraudsters do creditcard frauds in Mobile? 1 ¢b) Explain cybercrime and cloud computing 7 ‘OR Q3-_ (@) Elaborate phishing. Briefly explain methods of phishing 1 (b) Explain the main counter measures of phishing. 1 QA (a) Prepare a note on cybercrime scenario in Ini, 1 () Define socal engineering. What are the classifications of social engineering? 1 ‘OR QA (4) Briefly explain roles and responsibilities of TT Manager for curbing cyber crimes, 7 (b) What are the essential components of cybersecurity? 7 QS Case sudy Sony India Private Ld, which runs a website called, targeting Now Resident Indians. The website enables NRIs to send Sony products 10 their friends and relatives in India after they pay for itonline ‘The company undertakes wo deliver the prelucts tothe concemed recipients. In May 2002, someone logged onto the website under the Memity of Barbara Campa and oedered a Sony (Color Television set and cordless head phone, She gave her credit card number for payment and requested thatthe products he delivered to Arif Azim in Delhi- * Q Al Discover Search Collections Seat No, Enrolment No, CAL UNIVERSITY AMINATION ~SUMMER-2019 Date: 28.08.2019 subject Name: Cyber Security & Forensics : 10.30 am to 1.00 pm Instruction: 1, Atlempt all questions 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary 3. Figures to the right indicate Fall marks. tal Marks: 70 QA (a) i) Define Terms (ANY THREE ) 03 ) MOBILedit ii) Chain of custody iii) Hacking iv) Phising iy Describe Digital Forensic Life Cycle, (b) Say TRUE of FALSE with jusifiati i) Cyber defumation is nota cognza ge p offense, i) Indian Information Technology Act(TTA) 2000 does not define eyberates ii) When you get a computer installed or use a mobile devie forthe frst time, itis 100% secure, a very systematic in launching their attacks, DoS attack isto gain unauthorized acess to syten dishonesty that takes place ina computer environ called Computer Crime vii) Cyber criminals are always insiders, dats, Q2 (a) Explain classifications of eybercximes with example “7 (b)_ Define Attack Vector, Compare Active and Passive sacs, ” oR used us «fuel 0 eybercrime’ (b) How Bometsa How to ensure system agains it 3 (a) Whut is Kdnify Theft? Explain techniques and types of it, How to prevent i () Distinguish between i) Keyloggers and. Spywares ii) Views and Worans sss oR 3 (a) Describe seps for SQL Injection atacks. How to preven (b)_ Distinguish beween ') DoS and Dos anacks iy Trojan Horses and Backdoors ss QA (a) Discuss various reasons to have Cyberlaws in India 7 ()) Steganography isthe at of Information hiding Justify your answer by answering 07 how and why ? on QA (a) What isthe Relovance of the OSI 7 Layer Model to Computer Forensics? “7 (b) Describe the ke ges that exits with regard wo the law and eyber crime 07 scenario in India QS (a) Explain in brief Forensics Auditing and Amiforensis. “7 (b) Design Organizational Guidlines on Cell Phone Forensics for IT Consulting firm. 07 oR QS (@) List various available Too! kits for Hand-Held Device Forensics, Explain any 07 ‘woot them, () Compare Digital Forensics, Network Forensics and Computer Forensics, ” * Q Al Discover Search Collections 17:36 all & Me Seat No: Enrolment No, GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MCA: SEMESTER-IV EXAMINATION - WINTER 2019 Subject Code: 4649309 Date: 18-11-19 Time: ibject Name: Cyber Security & Forensic :M AM TO 01:00 PM. ‘Total Qu Q2 Q3 Qa a4 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions w herever necessary A. Figures to the right indicate fll marks. Explain following 1. Password sniffing Tdearity thet Spamming Email spoofing Cyber stalking theft (b)_ Whats cybercrime? Explain any six types ofeyber crime (a) Whatis cybertalking? Explain the types of stalkers. How stalking works? What is Dos attack? How its performed? Explain classification of Dos Attack o oR (b) Explain different types of atacks possible on Mobile phone (a) What is Phishing? How Phishing works? List and Explain types of phishing (b)- Explain Identity Theft in detail with example ‘OR (2) Explain strong, weak and random passwords (b) What is social engineering? Explain its classification (a) What are the difference etween Trojan and Backdoors? How to protect agninst Trojan Horse and Backdoor? (b) ~~ L. What isthe difference between steganography and cryptography? 2. What isthe difference between SQL injection and Blind SQL injection? OR @ Explain Botets~A fuel for cybercrime, (b) What is Views? How virus spreads? List and Explain types of virus (a) Explain forensic analysis of E-mail (b) What are the challenges to Indian Law and cybercrime scenario in India? ‘OR (a) Describe briefly toolkits for hand-held device forensics (b) What are the amendments in lndin FTA 2008 for Cybertaw * Q Al Discover Search Collections 17:37 wl & te Ss Seat No. Enrolment No.__. GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MCA- SEMESTER -V EXAMINATION -SUMMER-2019 Subject Code:2650008 Date: 08-08-2019 Subject Name: Cyber Security and Forensics ‘Time:10.30 am to 1.00 pm ‘Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make Suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Ql (a), Define the following : 7 1. Cyber vandalism » 2. Ano 4. Data diddling 5.Key logger irs. 3 Salami attack 6Whaling 7.RAS » ive the Full forms ° LLDAP 2. IMEI 3, ICMP. 4,GSM_SNDA 6FCR 7.RIM Q2 (a) Describe phases evolved in Digital Forensics Life Cycle 07 (b) Discuss challenges in forensics of the Digital images, still camera 7 OR () Explain DoS attacks with ts classification and levels, 3 (a) Justify the need of cyber laws with reference to Indian 7 (b) Compare and contrast: FTA 2000 and FTA 2008, 7 OR 3° (a) Justty the following statements with deseription: 1. Cyber cafe is one of the source of eyber crime 03 2. There are enough measures to be taken in ITA 2008 tohandle the issues of — 04 {yer cafe elated crimes. (b) Differentiate the followin 1. Spam mails - Howx mails 02 2. Vishing ~ Smishing 02 3. DoS attack - DDoS attack 0 Q4 (a) Define phishing. Explain spam emails and hoax emails 7 (b) Discuss classification of cybercrime, 0 oR Q4 (a) (2) Explain any two techniques each for human-base ID Theft and computer- 04 ‘nased ID Theft (ii List forensic techniques wilized for Phones. (6) Whats Blind SQL injection attck? Can it be prevented? QS (a) What are rootkits"? Why ae they dangerous? How dorooskits help cyber 7 attackers? (©) Explain the various measures for protection of the laptops through physical 07 ‘measures and logical access control measures OR QS (a) Discuss relevance of the OSI Layer model to computes forensics 7 (b) Explain forensics of BlackBerry wireless device 7 * Q Al Discover Search Collections

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