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Do you believe that there’s luck to get success and live the life of your dreams?

Do you feel that there’s a higher force that’s acting upon you and the decisions
that you make? Let's understand the different type of lucks.

1. Blind Luck – This is the first category of luck where sometimes people win
lotteries! Yes, this form of luck does exist and based on that particular person’s
karma, they might win or lose aspects of their life based on their actions
performed in this life or their previous live.

2. Hustle Luck – This is the second category of luck in entrepreneurship where the
whole focus is “force-based”. This is where you might have heard the saying that
“when hustle meets preparedness, you get lucky”. It’s true, but there’s more.

3. Spotting Luck – This is the third category where you have a keen sense of
awareness to position yourself in a way by which you get better results or you
avoid pain – purely based on your skills and knowledge sensitivity.

4. Creating Luck – This is the ultimate form of luck. When you build yourself into
a unique brand, a unique character with a unique mindset that adds value to the
world – then luck finds you. You attract the people, opportunities and situations
in your life without much stress. In my podcast, I go deep into very practical
examples of how to position yourself in this way.

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