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A human resource is a group of individuals that forms the workforce of the
organization. These human resources are important assets for organizations and are
responsible for carrying out operations and functions of the organizations.
So it becomes a matter of great value and concern to manage the resources in the
best and most efficient way possible. improper management of human resources
can create various difficulties like employee dissatisfaction, and unclear
organizational goals and objectives. HRM provides a direction to employees to work
towards goals and objectives which helps to motivate the employees to perform
Concept and application:
According to Invancevich & Gluek “HRM is concerned with the most effective use of
people to achieve organizational and individual goals. It is the way of managing
people at work so that they give their best to the organization”.
Objectives of HRM can be explained and understood as given below
1. Societal objectives:
It becomes the top priority for the HRM to ensure that the legal, ethical, social,
and environmental issues are properly attended to and the social needs of
their employees are attended to. Various programs like compensation and
benefits programs, disability employment, and community relations programs
are some examples.

2. Organisational objectives:
HRM ensures that there is the availability of the right number of employees in
the right place and at right time with the right skills. Proper and efficient
deployment of the workforce shall ensure that the goals and objectives of the
organization are achieved.

3. Functional objectives:
Functional objectives of HRM include the preparation of organizational
policies by the laws related to human rights, employment requirements, health
and safety standards, etc.

4. Personal objectives:
Personal objectives of HRM include acquiring developing, utilizing, and
retaining efficient employees in an organization. This helps in achieving
personal goals and organizational goals. This helps employees to find the
areas of improvement and work on them.
Scope of HRM:
Various areas of scope for human resource management are s follows

1. Human resource planning:

Human resource planning is one of the most important aspects involved in

HRM. It is a systematic approach to determining the need and quality of
the workforce required for the job and ensuring that the right type of
person is available at the right location for the job.
In the case of Sundaram ltd. With the expansion over India will be
important for the company to have employees with the correct experience
and skills at the correct places for success level at all India-level

2. Job design:

The scope of HRM lays down the foundation for laying down the
organizational structure, authority, and responsibility. This comprises two
main activities namely, job description and job specifications.
In the case of Sundaram, it needs to be taken care that while expanding
the company the new workforce should be in sequence and familiarised
with the description and specifications of the jobs. Employees with correct
and defined skills should be used as the descriptive nature of the jobs.

3. Selection and staffing:

This includes the recruitment of the workforce for any organization for
particular job positions.
While the expansion of the Sundaram ltd. the HRM dept. Should keep in
mind the nature and requirements of the job for which the recruitment is
being carried out. The skills and competencies of the applicants should be
to the job requirements.

4. Training and development:

This is an important aspect as the technological era is on the boom so it

becomes very important for organizations to provide their employees with
regular upgrading training and develop their skills level with time to be
competent and efficient.
Sundaram ltd. Should also look into brushing up on their skills and
efficiency by providing regular training to their employees to understand
and develop their skills for the expansion.
5. Organisational development:
Under this aspect, the HRM policies should be in synergic mode with the
goals and objectives of the organizations. Achievements of policies will
lead to overall organizational development.

6. Compensation and benefits:

In this area, the wages and salaries are taken care of by the HRM.
Compensation and benefits will also include nonmonetary benefits, like
paid leaves, flexible working hours, retirement plans, etc.
Sundaram ltd. Can provide their employees with this compensation and
benefits which will keep the human resource asset of the company
satisfied and efficient leading to overall success at all India expansion

7. Employee assistance:

Assisting the employees with their issues and matters can help the
company to make a trustworthy bond and Sundaram ltd. Should also try
and look into understanding any issues and problems their employees are
facing and try to remove those so that the employees can work with full
and proper attention towards their work.

8. Union labor relations:

Healthy relations with the union labor are extremely important for the
organization’s smooth working. Labour unions help the members in solving
any problems or work-related issues. HRM plays an extremely important
role in the maintenance of the relationship between labor and

9. Personal research and information:

HRM should have a proper database regarding the employees to have the
proper and complete knowledge about the employees. this information is
used to understand the expectation and behavior of employees. These
details can include names, addresses, family backgrounds, qualifications,
hobbies, etc.
Sundaram ltd. Management should also make a proper database of their
employees with detailed information to understand their employees in a
better way. The expansion of Sundaram will lead to an increase in the no.
of employees and hence this research and information will lead Sundaram
to understand their employees in a proper and better way.
With the above discussion, it is clearly understood that the scope of Human
resource management is indeed vast and extremely important aspect for
organizations. With the upcoming expansion of Sundaram ltd. It becomes
even more important for the management of Sundaram ltd. To understand
that all the scopes of HRM are efficiently taken care of and managed in a
proper way to keep their human resources satisfied and efficient which will
lead them to reach their organizational goals in the future.

 NMIMS study material


In any organization, the human resource department is the one that deals with
the manpower assets, their concern, and issues. This department acts as a
pivotal point between employers (management) the employees, and workers
to ensure that all related concerns and effects are in tandem with laws and
their execution and practices in the organization.

Concept and application:

The department of human resources focuses on the concept of employee
management concerns. it handles the various activities of the organization
related to the employees in the organization. HRD is responsible for
recruitment and hiring, training and development, compensation and benefits
for the employees, and maintaining smooth and strong relations of the
employees with the company management .it also ensures that all the
operations and the workings are n by the labor laws and proper ethics.
With the growth of the company the human resource dept. Requires a proper
structural order for the proper channel and communication of the employees
with the higher authorities. structure of the human resource dept depends on
various factors like
 Size of the industry
 Type of the industry
 Business working climates
 Company budgets
In the HR dept. there are various subdivisions for various works to be
carried out smoothly for the proper working of the organization

1. Personal transactional management:

This division of the human resource dept. includes the personal activities
regarding the employees while working in the organization by the dept.
This subdivision performs various activities for the dept. which are as follows
 Centralised timekeeping
 Benefits Administration
 Analysis and tracking of HR metrics
 Payroll management
 Fair reuimeration above avg. industry level provided by Nestle for their
 Salary rewards and bonuses based on the performance levels
 Various other benefits like PF, medical leaves, paid leaves, medical health
insurance for family
 Regular time upkeep is monitored by the hr dept. for employees.

2. Staffing management:

This division looks into the part of managing the staff personnel including
or the officers. Various activities of this division can be listed below

 Recruitment
 Selection
 Hiring
 Transfers and promotions
Nestle looks forward to qualities like dynamism, loyalty, hard work, and reliability for
the recruitment of their employees. recruitment is carried out via different filtration
processes to get the cream lot from the applicants.

3. Organisational developments:

This division includes the operations of the resources that are being carried
out within the organization for the overall development of the organization with
a par level for market competition. Various activities that the human resource
dept. look into this division are as follows

 Talent management
 Employee assistance and referrals
 Employee performance and discipline
 Equal employment opportunities
Nestle provides its employees with various aspects that lead to the overall
development of the company and their employees
 Regular performance reviews and updates including all procedures of
workings along.
 Appraisals for the contribution of the employees to the development of the
 Awards with “Nestle Idea Awards” per quarter to the employees for their
innovative ideas for the workings.
 “Passion To Win” awards given to the employees who achieve more than their
 Talented performers are given references for promotions in the organization.

4. Ethics and labor:

This subdivision of the dept. looks into labor-related issue and keep them in
check to maintain the smooth working of the team. some of the various
activities under these are

 Labour relations
 Labour contract administration
 Ethical conduct
 Regulatory and statutory requirements

Nestle looks into the aspect of labor and ethics in a very concerned manner and
appreciates the inputs from its human assets.
 Nestle offers an open-door policy for any suggestions
 New and innovative ideas are warmly welcomed.
 Prefers work and life balance for employees.
 Provides a grievance redressal system to understand and remove any
problems being faced by the employees.
 Nestle has upward communication culture where the voice of workers is
communicated to higher authorities

5. Training and development:

This subdivision looks into the regular training and development programs for
the employees to develop their overall skills of the employees. These training
and developmental programs are monitored and reviewed by the dept. for
their referrals to be reported during the board meetings. Various activities
under this division are as follows
 Corporate Learning
 Mandatory certification training
 Leadership references
 Conferences
Take the example of one of the FMCG companies like “Nestle”. Nestle has got
training and development of their employees as an important aspect to increase the
knowledge and the skill of their employees.
 Nestle provides literacy training to upgrade the essential literacy skills of the
employees who are running new machines.
 Nestle also arranges the employees to be sent abroad for further and detailed
learning of the customer markets and consumer behavior etc.
 Regular certification courses are being sponsored by nestle for their officers to
become more competent and efficient.

From the above discussion, we can understand that the model employed by nestle
has proved to be a milestone in the success level of the organization in achieving the
desired goals and continuing to move forward with their strong foot forward.
The company should also take and understand from the example of nestle to
develop their human resource dept. by which they can clearly and efficiently take
care of all the aspects of human resource management.
The motivation of the organization will depend on the willingness to understand a
question like “what” and “why” and will surely lead to better human resource handling
and most importantly it will finally to successful!
References :
 NMIMS study material
 Byju’s

For any organization, the most important and valuable asset is its human resource. It
is the aspect of human resources for any organization that holds the key to
establishment and improvement and better working of the organization’s work. So
the pooling of human resources becomes a very important issue and hence requires
a systematic way to determine the future workforce requirement.
This systematic and continuous process of optimum use of the human resource is
known as “human resource planning” (HRP). This HRP helps an organization to
ensure that they have the right people with the right skills placed in the right
Concept and application:
The concept of human resource planning can be defined as a process of finding out
a course of action for the accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives.
According to James. W. Walker “HRP is the process of analyzing an organization’s
human resource requirements under changing conditions and developing activities
necessary to satisfy these needs”.
HRP enables managers to make efficient use of existing human resources and grab
new budding talents from the market hence increasing productivity and providing an
edge over the other competitors.
Various objectives of human resource planning can be listed as given below
 Optimum use of the available resources.
 To check all the organizational goals and objectives.
 To take care of the human resource of the organization and to resolve any
sort of problems cropping out.
 To avoid any conflict of interest among the employees

As already known HRP is a systematic process when human resource objectives are
aligned with organizational goals and objectives there are certain steps in the
process of HRP explained below

Step 1. Review business goals:

Before planning human resource requirements, it is important to study the
organizational goals and objectives. Based on these reports the jobs can be done for
the work completed to be carried out in the estimated time.
Step 2. Scanning the environment:
In this step, the HR should look for the amount of gap in the available human
resource and the required human resource for the resource requirement to be
proper. However, to find the human resource requirements, various factors like
knowledge, skill, no. of vacancies, and eligibility criteria are taken into consideration.
The scan carried out can be of two types briefed as
 Internal scanning:
Identifying weaknesses and strengths of the organization. certain factors like
management changes, change in structure, and operational changes are
some of the factors that affect human resource demand and supply.

 External scanning;
This includes opportunities and threats in the market. Some other factors that
can affect demand and supply can be competition, govt. policies,
geographical regions, technological trends
Step 3. Balancing manpower demand and supply:
This step involves bringing manpower demand and supply to a balanced state. This
is done to resolve the situations such as human resource shortage and supply, for
example, in case of shortage the HR dept. hire new people, promotions are carried
out, overtime and higher training are carried out to improve the quality aspect of the
work on the verge of surplus the dept. looks to layoffs, terminations, voluntary
retirements, etc.
Step 4. Implementing and monitoring plans:
After the demand and supply issues have been taken care of the HR plans are
applied. the activities reqd. for the execution of the plan including recruiting,
selection, placement, training, and development. once the plan is successfully
implemented then the results are closely monitored to keep a check on the
compatibility of the plans with the output results and all the results are recorded for
future reference.
Based on the above discussion it is understood that human resource is the factor
that requires proper planning for the organizations to perform properly and efficiently
and for this, proper planning is required to be made and executed properly.
Proper and efficient channels for HRP help the organization teach its goals and
objectives and make it successful!
 NMIMS study material

ANS 3(b)
The process of human resource planning (HRP) starts with the forecasting of the
requirements of the organizations, this process of forecasting is known as “ HR
demand forecasting”.
HR demand forecasting can be defined as the prediction of demand and supply. In
an organization, the demand of people is affected by various factors for example
organizational structure, business technology being used, and business strategy.
HR dept. forecast both short-term and long-term staffing needs to be based on
projected sales, office growth, attrition, and other factors that affect a company’s
need for labor.
Concept and applications:
On a global scale there are various companies like GE, Microsoft, and google there
is a huge requirement for skilled and knowledgeable personnel as against
comparative small scaled companies. The demand for human resources is
influenced by the skills and abilities of the people. Hr dept. has a very important role
in this by providing the best possible and best-suited ones for the organizational
The process of human resource demand forecasting can be divided into two types

1. Quantitative methods:
These are the statistical methods that are used by organizations looking
into long-term forecasting. these methods use time series and cross-
sectional data to find out the demand.


 Trend projection
 Graphical methods
 Least square methods

2. Qualitative methods:
These are the methods that mainly focus on buying behavior of the
customers to collect the data by conducting surveys or by expert
gatherings. These methods are less statistical and consider the skills,
potential, and interests of the employees.
Various types of qualitative methods used are as follows

 Expert forecasts:

In this method, regular inputs and views of HR people regarding

the staffing requirements of the organization are taken by the
These experts forecast the requirements of human resources, and
the required skill those are required for organizations to achieve
their goals and objectives in the upcoming future. These experts
can be internal or external.

 Management forecast:

This sort of forecasting method is an internal method for the

organization. In this method, the management heads from the
different departments of an organization along with the
management people tend to determine the human requirement of
the organization. They decide the number of people to be hired
and the skills required as per the requirements.

 Delphi method:

The Delphi method is one of the most effective methods of

forecasting HR demands. In this method, a group of pre-selected
experts has the responsibility of fulfilling the forecasting demand.
These experts look into the different aspects of the requirements
of the organization and then provide their responses. These
responses are summarised and reported. This process keeps in
the loop till all the experts agree.

Taking into the factors above Az Tec Solutions should go on with the Delphi method.
Delphi method will help the HR dept. personals to be on the same page with a
single-based orientation and view with the bench of experts will help the organization
to look into all the aspects to get the best possible manpower with the correct skills
to be positioned at the correct position to give the best possible output for the
organization working.

We can conclude that the HR demand forecasting process tends to set the best
possible method of filtering the properly skilled people stationed at the proper places.
Aze tech soln. ltd should opt for the Delphi method of the qualitative way of
forecasting. This method will help them to cover all the aspects of demand
forecasting and will gain the correct person at the correct location for the
achievement of goals and objectives.

 NMIMS study course
 Drishti IAS

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