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Earlier challenge trials deliberately infected

volunteers with flu virus and other pathogens.

approve, scientists could infect the first vol-

unteers in January 2021. The first studies,
involving up to 100 volunteers ages 18 to 30,
would identify the lowest viral dose needed
to cause an infection. Then they could move
forward with head-to-head comparisons of
different vaccine candidates. Although the
experiment won’t replace traditional efficacy
trials, it could highlight which vaccines war-
rant further investment, Chiu says.
Chiu is comfortable with intentionally
infecting people with SARS-CoV-2 because
there is growing evidence that young adults
have a low risk of serious illness. He con-
sulted with researchers at King’s College
London who help manage an app tracking
COVID-19 COVID-19 symptoms for more than 4 mil-

Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on December 5, 2020

lion people. Among 650 young adults with

New challenges emerge for confirmed cases, 90% had no symptoms after
3 weeks, and the symptoms of a few “outliers”
resolved after a few months, Chiu says.

planned human challenge trials In the United States, however, the en-
couraging recent vaccine results have put a
damper on human challenge trials. A month
Scientists debate risks and benefits of intentionally ago, virologist Matthew Memoli put the final
exposing volunteers to dangerous virus touches on plans for a challenge trial at the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID). But Anthony Fauci, head
By Warren Cornwall cal concerns. For example, because there are of NIAID, and Francis Collins, head of the Na-
no reliable treatments for severe COVID-19, tional Institutes of Health, recently suggested

n the early days of the COVID-19 pan- people who volunteer to test a vaccine could the experiment is no longer necessary.
demic, tens of thousands of young volun- die if they get sick. So, medical authorities That’s welcome news to some, who fear
teers offered to risk their health by letting around the world have adopted a cautious that challenge trials present serious risks to
scientists intentionally infect them with approach. Even 1 year after the outbreak be- volunteers. Others, however, say the apparent
the pandemic coronavirus, hoping to gan, no such trial is underway. Meanwhile, success of some vaccines could strengthen
speed the hunt for a vaccine or treatment. 11 vaccines have entered the final phase of the case for challenge trials. Once viable vac-
Several research groups announced plans to conventional human testing, with cines are available, it’s harder to
run these so-called human challenge trials, promising results already emerg- justify continuing with traditional
even as some scientists questioned whether ing: Four vaccines have shown up Science’s trials, in which thousands of people
they could be conducted ethically. to 95% efficacy (see p. 1151). COVID-19 are given a placebo while others are
Now, with recent news that conventional Proponents say challenge experi- reporting is vaccinated, says bioethicist Nir Eyal
supported by the
human trials have produced several promis- ments could still advance science of Rutgers University, New Bruns-
Pulitzer Center
ing vaccines, scientists are debating whether and save lives. They could be used and the wick. “Are you going to hope that
planned challenge trials are still needed. In to compare the effectiveness of dif- Heising-Simons tens of thousands of people will
the United States, one nascent effort is on ferent vaccines, for instance, and Foundation. altruistically be willing to forgo ac-
hold. In the United Kingdom, however, re- help quickly screen the most prom- cess to a proven vaccine?” he asks.
searchers say they are moving ahead. “There ising second-generation candidates from the Seema Shah, a bioethicist at Northwest-
are still many strong arguments for pursu- dozens now in the works. Challenge studies ern University, thinks human challenge trials
ing” challenge trials, says immunologist could also help answer unknowns, such as could still be useful, but there is less urgency
Christopher Chiu of Imperial College Lon- whether vaccines block infection entirely or now. And she would like to see more ways
don, leader of the proposed U.K. trial. simply prevent people from getting sick. to ensure participants’ safety, such as find-
In traditional human trials, researchers It’s hard to use large trials to determine ing biological markers for people at greater

give volunteers either a vaccine or a placebo, whether a vaccinated person still sheds the risk of getting sick. “I think I would feel more
then wait months or longer for enough cases virus, says epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch comfortable waiting a bit to see how those
to emerge to gather statistically rigorous re- of Harvard University. “It’s almost pro- things developed and whether the risk could
sults. Challenge trials can move faster by first hibitively expensive because in a 30,000- be minimized further,” she says.
vaccinating volunteers and then intentionally person trial you have to test 30,000 people Lipsitch agrees that “the immediate
exposing them to SARS-CoV-2 in a controlled a week,” he says. need is not great” for human challenge tri-
setting. Researchers would then closely mon- The initiative Chiu heads, the Human als. But, he adds, researchers “need to keep
itor the volunteers for days or weeks. Challenge Consortium, is backed by £33 mil- preparing in case we have reason to start
But challenge trials are also rife with ethi- lion from the U.K. government. If regulators doing them.” j

1150 4 DECEMBER 2020 • VOL 370 ISSUE 6521 sciencemag.org SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
New challenges emerge for planned human challenge trials
Warren Cornwall

Science 370 (6521), 1150.

DOI: 10.1126/science.370.6521.1150

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