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3 (Senior Girls Production)

Senior girls production came a lot quicker quietness less than a week for turnaround time. This
was a bit less expected when told how quick I needed it by so the preparation was far less achieved.
However, because this project was solely based on what shots were taken from media day, I was able to
keep it short and sweet without much thought put to it. Similar to the senior boys, I kept the dark
theme, controlling the lights how I want them to be showcasing the players.

Considering I was on the volleyball team at the time production was difficult in terms of getting
team shots. I would have to use a tripod, leaving my shots very still and long. I had faced some other
difficulties getting unique and variable shots as they had requested only the grade 12’s, rather than the
whole team as I had planned for. Through all the rough patches I had encountered, I was still able to
make eye catching shots that had nice tone to them. They were quite bland, so I made sure to have key
composition using the rule of thirds, and to have precise focus on the players.

In total I had filmed individual shots for everyone where I got them to choose what they wanted
to do, giving the shots personality and individuality. The plain shots meant I had to make the editing
more creative and appealing in order to compensate.

(Figure 17-18)

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