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Paul Valencia Dec 13, 2022

Capstone Reflection 3
What I plan to do is try to organize my notes for what I want to say for my videos I
was only able to 1 recording of my process, but it was more based on how to use
the Drawing app krita. So, I want to organize all my note, so I know what to say
for when I am explaining animation for my Capstone tutorial video.
I have all the software’s I need to start recording my tutorial videos called OBS for
recording, DaVinci Resolve to edit the video, and Krita the drawing software I am
going to be using for the animation demonstration. For recording I must make
sure that all the notes from my mentor is mentioned in my videos so then the
people who are viewing it can have a clear understanding on how animation
An obstacle I anticipate when working on this capstone was trying to understand
how DaVinci resolve worked because I have not used that video editing software
in almost a year, so it took me awhile to relearn the video editing software and
how to import media.
My summary of my work for that week is to organize all my notes that was given
from my discussion with my mentor and notes from my experience and
investigation. Why I would try to organize all of those because I would want to
put all those notes in my tutorial video when I explain how animation works and
how its created. So, if I have all my notes with me, I can say all that important
information about animation when I am screen and voice recording myself.
A core competency skill I employed while working was Communications and
Collaborate to plan, carry out and review because I was able to find a mentor to
talk about the same topic as my Capstone project and it was Studio arts 2d
teacher. Through this project I was able to collaborate with my studio art teacher
about the topic of how animation works by asking her questions about animation
and opinions about the topic itself. With this I was able to carry out and review all
her answers, information, and opinions about animation and how I can now
explain all this in my tutorial video.
A challenge I encountered was trying to find the right time to talk to my mentor
about my capstone project on a day where she is not busy and when she is

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