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Web Element Operational Method :-

#.. perform operation on web Element..

1) click() :-- it is used to click on Web Element..

2) sendKeys() :-- it is used to enter data inside input box, text box, text area..

3) clear() :- it is used to clear the input box..

4) getText() :-- it is used to fetch the text of web element..

5) getTagName() :-- it is used to retrieve the html tag name..

6) isSelected():--it is used to check, if the web element is selected or not..

return type :-- True or False
7) isEnabled():- it is used to check, if the web element is Enabled or not..
return type :-- True or False
8) isDisplayed():--it is used to check, if the web element is Displayed or not..
return type :-- True or False

System.setProperty("", "G:\\seleniume\\chrome\\

System --- Class

. --> Extention

setProperty -- > method of System class> it is a Property of chrom brower

public class LaunchTheURL {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Setting the property of Chrome Browser and Passing Chromedriver path

System.setProperty("", "G:\\seleniume\\chrome\\
// Interface Ref Var = new Class
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); // Up Casting..

// driver.navigate().to("");

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