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– The music is light and the gradually becomes loud and then quiet again this shows that the
movie is mysterious and it has some suspense in it

– He touches a tree branch when he first gets off the spaceship

– They react by screaming and running away from these strange creatures trying to hurt

– The aliens chest glow when there is danger around and warning them to come home

– The boys were eating pizza playing a board game and alienating Elliot

– You could tell the movie was set in the 80s because the camera quality wasn’t the beast
and the the way they dressed

– Elliot first heard the noise and thought it was his dog, when he finds out it wasn’t his dog
he then ran to get his brothers and mum the brothers grabbed some knifes and they went
out into the shed they saw footprints but thought they were coyotes. That night Elliot goes
back outside again to see what was in the shed.

– Loving
– I think Elliot is a kind and loving boy whos curiosity can sometimes lead him away from the
real world. I think that Elliot needs his curiosity and imagination a lot because his brother
don’t play with him a lot and he had to play by himself.

– 5 When Elliot and E.T see each other for the first time they start screaming and shrieking
both equally scared of each other. Then when they meet again Elliot is so scared he
doesn’t cry for help E.T gives him some sweets.

– 4 The town in which Elliot lives is is rich and well of because I saw pools in there back
garden I think it’s your normal American village with some woods near it.

– 4 My impression of Elliot’s family is that his mum is newly single and has broken up from
there dad. His brother is an average teenage brother and his younger sister is sweet and
funny. I think they are still adjusting from the seperation

– 3 There is conflict because they don’t beilive Elliot when he says he saw the goblin and
then out of anger Elliot brings up his dad this make his mum upset and makes his brother

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