Homework p281 Q 1-5 and q1-4 p283

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Homework p281 q 1-5 and q1-4 p283

1. Neutrality involves not fighting in a war and not supporting either side.
2. Ireland stayed neutral as our economy was weak and would be further damaged by war.
We wanted to show our independence from Britain and finally we weren’t prepared to
3. Evidence that showed we favoured the Allies side would be alllowing planes to fly over
Donegal from the north, German airman were imprisoned but the allies were allowed to
escape and finally Irish fire brigade went to Belfast to help with destruction of German
4. Changes were introduced such as newspapers were censored along with play and poetry.
5. I think the emergency power act was brought in to show Germany that they were neutral in
case Germany got suspicious and calls for a war on Ireland

1. Glimmer men were men employed by the government to call to people’s homes to check
no one was overusing gas supplies
2. Sean Lemmas role in the emergency was to be the minister for supplies.
3. The Irish shippping company was to transport goods to Ireland in 15 cargo ships.
4. People’s lives were affected by the rationing of food meaning they had a sense of
community and sharing. The affect of shortage of fuel was factories shut down meaning
immigration was on the rise

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