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As we are living in the era of

technology, electronics are of a great

variety. A lot of companies produce
goods such as headphones, smart
phones, laptops and many more. Even
so, it is hard to come up with
something original, therefore, the
companies tend to have the same
products, but sometimes with slight

To begin with, in the past I bought a

pair of wireless headphones and one
of normal headphones. The wireless
headphones were not too expensive,
but they were meeting their
expectations. Also, their main purpose
was for listening music. The normal
headphones were neither cheap nor
expensive and their wire was covered
in some sort of material especially
meant not to get tangled.
Secondly, I've decided to buy those
because I do not want to annoy my
neighbours since I listen to music very
often and use Youtube a lot. As specific
reasons for each of them, I bought the
wireless headphones because they
had an extra bass boost for music,
which made the experience much
better and also allowed me to move
freely while still listening to music,
instead of having to carry my phone
with me. When it comes to the other
pair of headphones, I bought them
because of the rather unique material
on the wire since I had some problems
with my previous pairs of normal

All in all, thankfully both products

performed well and meet their
expectations for what they were bought
in the first place. Even though they
were similar enough as products, they
were still different since one was
mainly used for listening to music and
the other one
for calls and watching Youtube.

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