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Work with a partner.

A. Underline the adjective clause with a broken line.

1. Circle who, which, or that.

2. Draw an arrow to the noun that the adjective clause describes.

1. His mother, who neglected him and his brothers, wants to keep him.

2. He wants to be adopted by the Russes, who are his foster parents.

3. Foster parents are people that take care of abused or neglected children.

4. A box that contained marijuana was in the living room.

5. The children's mother smoked marijuana, which is an illegal drug.

6. The boys'father, who did not live with their mother, did not want the children either.

7. This case, which was the first child-parent divorce in the United States, received a lot of

8. In my opinion, parents who don't take care of their children are criminals.

9. The lawyer that represented Mrs. Kingsley was a woman.

10. The judge listened carefully to both lawyers, who spoke clearly and forcefully.

Work with a partner.

I. Underline the adjective clause in each sentence

2. Draw an arrow to the noun it modifies.

3. Add commas if necessary.

1. A country that has a king or queen is called a monarchy.

2. England, which has a queen is a monarchy.

3. A pediatrician is a doctor who takes care of children.

4. Dr. Jones, who is our neighbor is a pediatrician.

5. Saudi Arabia and Singapore, which punish criminals in public have very little crime.

6. Countries that punish criminals in public have very little crime.

7. Coca-Cola is a carbonated drink which is sold all over the world.

8. Coca-Cola, which is sold all over the world is a carbonated drink.

9. Millions of people drink Coca-Cola, which is sold all over the world.
10. Students that have studied regularly will do well on the final exam.

11. Gabriela and Trinh, who have studied regularly will do well on the final exam.

12. The car that I bought yesterday broke down today.

13. Mynew Supernova Sportmobile, which I bought yesterday broke down today.

14. My birthday is next Monday, which is a holiday

15. A holiday that children especially love is Halloween.

Work with a partner. Choose an adjective clause from the list on the right and combine it with
an independent clause from the left. Several different combinations are possible. Be sure to put
the adjective clause directlyafter the noun it describes, and add commas if necessary. Write your
new sentences on the lines below.


1. They gave their boss a Rolex watch.

2. The purse is hers.

3. Sandy moved to New York last month.

4. She is living in an apartment.

5. On our honeymoon we stayed at the Bellagio.

6. My Uncle John has every thing.

7. A person has everything


a. who owns a house on every continent, his own private jet, and two yachts

b. which is on the thirteenth floor

c. who was celebrating his 50th birthday

d. who has love

e. who is my best friend which is lying under the chair

g. which is the newest hotel in Las Vegas

1. They gave their boss who was celebrating his 50th birthday a Rolex watch.

2. The purse that is lying under the chair is hers.

3. Alice, who is my best friend, moved to New York last month.

4. She is living in an apartment that has a view of Central Park.

5. On our honeymoon, we stayed at the Bellagio, which is our favorite hotel in Las Vegas.

6. Uncle John, who owns a house on every continent, his own private jet, and two yachts, has

7. A person who has love has everything.

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