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Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven középszint

gyakorlati vizsga Javítási-értékelési útmutató 0811






Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Make photo-pairs whose elements are motivated by the following compound words: LOVE-CHILD (SZERELEMGYEREK) - LOVE IN CHILDHOOD
Make a photo-montage from each pair of pictures.
Then make up two similar word-pairs and make pairs of photos based on the words, and create the two photo-montages based on the new pairs.
Finally, make one montage (a montage-composition) using all the ten photos you have until now. Give a title to your work. If you follow the
instructions you will end up with 16 pictures (5 pairs of photos which mean 10 pictures and the 6 montages).
To the photo-pairs and the montages attach a process-report (the length of which is prescribed in the exam description), in which you interpret the
content aspects of your ideas and present your original idea, the important phases of your work, and you outline the difficulties of the realization and
possible alternative versions.



gyakorlati vizsga 0811 2 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

How the conception was planned, how the No point can be given if the examinee maximum 10 points
realization was prepared and how the work did not make the requested 10 photos
was organized and the 6 photomontages.
(The evaluation of the work is primarily In case of the lack of the three initial
based on the process-report.) photomontages or the lack of their
components (the photos themselves or
their interpretations) 6 points (2 points
for each pair of photos) should be
deducted from the total score.
In case of lack of the two
photomontages and their components
(the photos themselves and their
interpretations) which are supposed to
be made from the examinee’s own
ideas, 4 points (2 points for each pair
of photos) should be deducted from the
total score.
In case of the lack of the final
photomontage made from the 10
pictures or the lack of its
interpretation, 2 points should be
deducted from the total score.
In case of the lack of the title of the
final photomontage 1 point should be
deducted from the total score.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 3 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret the main / or the description and the
references and connections of the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
(motivical or dramaturgical) contents entail a score deduction (1 point).
of the photos and montages in If the aspect has a significant
relation to the given and the made up deficiency and / or the description and
terms. the interpretation is perfunctory, this
2 points will entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret the main / or the description and the
visual aspects of the photos and the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
montages (frame size, eye line and entail a score deduction (1 point).
point of view, composition, lights). If the aspect has a significant
2 points deficiency and / or the description and
the interpretation is perfunctory, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the examinee is able to If the description and interpretation of
recognize and interpret the the montage effects is partial, slightly
functioning of the montage effects of deficient and perfunctory and / or their
the photomontages. identification is missing (depending on
Whether the examinee is able to the number and importance of these
identify the montage effects in the deficiencies), this will entail a 1 point
montages she / he created. or 2 points deduction.
4 points If the aspect is strongly deficient and
the description / interpretation are
perfunctory, this will entail a 3 points
If the aspect is fully absent, this will
entail a 4 points deduction.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 4 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret the mode of / or the description and the
action of the consolidated montage. interpretation is perfunctory, this will
Whether the examinee is able to entail a score deduction (1 point).
identify the montage effect(s) in the If the aspect has a significant
montage she / he created. deficiency and / or the description and
2 points the interpretation is perfunctory, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.
The quality of the documentation of the work Whether the examinee attached any If the listed documents are perfunctory maximum 6 points
process, the quality of the (self)reflection of document or plan to the process- or incomplete, this will entail a score
the created work. report (description of the process deduction (1 point).
(The evaluation of the aspects is primarily either in text or in pictures, list of the If the mentioned documents do not
based on the process-report and its variations of the shooting and editing exist at all, this will entail a 2 points
appendices.) etc.) deduction.
How detailed and well-elaborated are
these documents.
2 points
Whether the examinee presents, in If such texts are present, but the
her / his process-report, the process explanation of the motivation of the
of preparation (planning and alternative choices is partially or
interpretation of the issues, choosing completely absent or a perfunctory
the motif, the character and the argument is made, this will entail a
location etc.), and the process of score deduction (1 point).
realization of the picture-pairs (in In case of the total absence of such
special consideration of the possible texts, this will entail a 2 points
alternatives that come up in the way deduction from the total score.
and the motivation of the decision
about the actual choice.)
2 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 5 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee goes into The description of the divergences is

details and properly proves the main present, but without reasoning or with
divergences of the planned and the an incomplete interpretation or if all of
realized variations of the work in the the mentioned aspects are missing, this
process-report. will entail a score deduction (1 point).
1 point
Whether the process-report includes If such texts are rather incomplete or if
self-evaluative comments or the argument is perfunctory or if they
summary related to the creative are missing, this will entail a score
work. deduction (1 point).
1 point
The technological and aesthetic quality and oThe general formal standards of the Where the formal methods are used maximum 6 points
creativity, and the personal aspect of the photos of the photo-pairs (for inappropriately or unnecessarily
workmanship. example the frame sizing, views and (depending on the gravity of the
(The evaluation is primarily based on the viewpoints, compositions, managing deficiencies), 1 point or two points
creative work but the related relevant the lights), the directing methods should be deducted.
comments from the process-report also can used in the single photos (motives, (Maximum 2 points should be
be taken into account.) properties, backgrounds, guidance of deducted.)
characters), its accuracy and right
functional usage.
2 points
The general formal standards of Where the formal methods are used
photomontages (for example the inappropriately or unnecessarily
accuracy of the joining, the (depending on the gravity of the
justification of the dimensions of the deficiencies), 1 point or two points
motives, interrelations in the should be deducted.
composition.) (Maximum 2 points should be
2 points deducted.)

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 6 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee applied any Where understanding and realization

unique, individual creative solution lack description, reasoning and
in the course of the interpretation or / interpretation (depending on the gravity
and the realization of the task. of the deficiencies) 1 point or 2 points
Whether it is possible to see signs of should be deducted.
any conscious effort aiming at
individual ways of expression or for
the homogeneous form in the whole.
2 points
The formal level of the What is the general impression of the If the appearance is very incoherent or maximum 3 points
presentation project work (the pleasantness and unpleasant then a point should be
presentation of the pictures in deducted.
consideration of the available
technology, the lucidity and
manageability of the process-report
1 point
Whether the examinee adhered to the If the brevity of the process-report
defined length that was prescribed by makes the understanding significantly
the task and the exam requirements. difficult 1 point or 2 points should be
2 points deducted.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 7 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Analyse the angle and composition of the attached photo and the metacommunicative signs of the people on the picture. Take into consideration
the angle, the composition and the metacommunicative signals, make a short extract of a filmstudy with maximum 10 shots, in which the
situation in the photo is the first or the last shot of the film.
Attach to the work a process-report (the length of which is prescribed in the exam description), in which you interpret the original picture, describe
your original idea of the narrative of the complete filmstudy and the aspects of the selection of the character(s) and location(s). In the process-report
explain, in detail, how the extract you shot fits into the imagined filmstudy, why you chose the narrative form (or perhaps a non-story-based form),
that is, why you elaborated the situation in the picture in the manner you did.



gyakorlati vizsga 0811 8 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

How the conception was planned, how the In case of the lack of interpretation of Maximum 10 points
realization was prepared and how the work the original photo 5 points should be
was organized deducted.
(The evaluation of the work is primarily No point can be given for the project
based on the process-report.) work if the examinee did not use the
original photo in her / his film extract.
How profound and accurate the If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
examinee’s description and / or the description and the
interpretation are, in relation to the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
interpretation of the composition and entail a score deduction (1 point).
body-language of the original photo. If the aspect has a significant
2 points deficiency and / or the description and
the interpretation is perfunctory, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret correctly the / or the description and the
narrative attributes in her / his interpretation is perfunctory, this will
created extract (characterization of entail a score deduction (1 point).
the characters; introduction of the If the aspect has a significant
location(s); the indicators of the deficiency and / or the description and
environment; identification and the interpretation is perfunctory, this
demarcation of the structural will entail a 2 points deduction.
components; genre attributes etc.).
2 points
Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret correctly the / or the description and the
signals of the role-play of the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
characters and their role in the entail a score deduction (1 point).
dramaturgy in the created extract. If the aspect has a significant
2 points deficiency and / or the description and
the interpretation is perfunctory, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 9 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret correctly the / or the description and the
signals of the montage of the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
filmstudy (for example how the entail a score deduction (1 point).
linear montage originates continuity If the aspect has a significant
or how the parallel acts work out, deficiency and / or the description and
expressive effects) the interpretation is perfunctory, this
2 points will entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
recognize and interpret correctly the / or the description and the
main visual aspects / results of the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
shots of the filmstudy (frame size, entail a score deduction (1 point).
eye line and point of view, If the aspect has a significant
compositions, camera movements, deficiency and / or the description and
lights). the interpretation is perfunctory, this
2 points will entail a 2 points deduction.
The quality of the documentation of the work Whether the examinee attached any If the listed documents are perfunctory maximum 6 points
process, the quality of the (self)reflection of document or screenplay to the or incomplete, this will entail a score
the created work. process-report (written technological deduction (1 point).
(The evaluation of the aspects is primarily screenplay, storyboard, editing plan If the mentioned documents do not
based on the process-report and its etc.) exist at all, this will entail a 2 points
appendices.) How detailed and well-elaborated arededuction.
these documents.
2 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 10 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee presents, in If such texts are present, but the
her / his process-report, the process explanation of the motivation of the
of preparation (planning and alternative choices is partially or
interpretation of the subjects / issues, completely absent or a perfunctory
choosing the location, casting etc.), argument is made, this will entail a
and the process of realization of the score deduction (1 point).
sequences (in special consideration In case of the total absence of such
of the possible alternatives that come texts, this will entail a 2 points
up along the way and the motivation deduction from the total score.
of the decision about the actual
2 points
Whether the examinee goes into The description of the divergences is
details and properly proves the main present, but without reasoning or with
divergences of the planned and the an incomplete interpretation or if all of
realized variation of the work in the the mentioned aspects are missing, this
process-report. will entail a score deduction (1 point).
1 point
Whether the process-report includes If such texts are rather incomplete or if
self-evaluative comments or the argument is perfunctory or if they
summary related to the creative are missing, this will entail a score
work. deduction (1 point).
1 point

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 11 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The technological and aesthetic quality and oThe general formal standards of the Where the editing-accommodating are maximum 6 points
creativity, and the personal aspect of the filmstudy: the degree to which the inaccurate and the act is incoherent
workmanship. act and role-play are understandable (depending on their frequency and the
(The evaluation is primarily based on the and easy to follow; extent to which it becomes difficult to
creative work but the related relevant the logical connections of the interpret), 1 point or 2 points should be
comments from the process-report also can editing-montage (for example the deducted.
be taken into account.) existence of signals helping Where the image sizing and the shots
orientation in the location, the are used inappropriately or
connections of the movements); the unnecessarily (depending on their
precision and consistence of the frequency and the extent to which it
shots (easy to follow and becomes difficult to interpret), 1 point
functionality); the functional usage or two points should be deducted.
of other components of directing (for Where other listed directing methods
example locations, properties) are used inappropriately or left without
4 points any explanation / interpretation, this
will entail a score deduction.
(Unless the process-report presents a
reasonable explanation and
interpretation of the realizations)
(Maximum 4 points should be
Whether the examinee applied any Where understanding and coherent
unique, individual creative solutions realization lack description, reasoning
in the course of the interpretation andand interpretation (depending on the
the inclusion into a story of the gravity of the deficiencies) 1 point or 2
situation in the original picture. points should be deducted.
Whether it is possible to see signs of
any conscious effort aiming at
individual ways of expression or for
the homogeneous form in the whole.
2 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 12 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The formal level of the What is the general impression of the If the presentation of the act is very maximum 3 points
presentation project work (the pleasantness and incoherent and it becomes difficult to
presentation of the pictures in understand then a point should be
consideration of the available deducted.
technology, the lucidity and
manageability of the process-report
1 point
Whether the examinee adhered to the If the brevity of the process-report
defined length that was prescribed by makes understanding rather difficult or
the task and the exam requirements. the examinee exceeds the prescribed
2 points limit of the shots in any way (making
less or more) 2 points should be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 13 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Make a structured interview, which should be minimum 5 and maximum 8 minutes in length, with a district-nurse about the situation, difficulties
and problems of teenage motherhood and her / his experiences of it.
Attach to the interview a process-report (the length of which is prescribed in the exam description), in which you outline the phases of the
preparation for the work and the aspects of the choice of the interviewee. Describe how you prepared for the conversation, how you organised the
interview, in what circumstances the shooting took place, and then demonstrate the criteria according to which you edited the raw material.
Finally describe the aspects of the preparation and the editing and, with regard to the final version of the edited interview, show its strong and
weak points.



gyakorlati vizsga 0811 14 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

How the conception was planned, how the Whether the examinee is able to If the aspect has a minor deficiency and maximum 10 points
realization was prepared and how the work recognize and interpret correctly the / or the description and the
was organized attributes of the report (first of all the interpretation is perfunctory, this will
(The evaluation of the work is primarily role of the reporter and the function entail a score deduction (1 point).
based on the process-report.) of the questions). If the aspect has a significant
Whether the examinee knows and deficiency and / or the description and
interprets well the main report- the interpretation is perfunctory, this
attributes of the chosen medium (for will entail a 2 points deduction.
example if the examinee chose to
make a radio-interview she / he has
to introduce the location and the
interviewee, use some of the
background noises to authenticate; if
the examinee chose to make an
interview for television then it is
important to have cut aways, and the
role of the narrator and the inserts
are also important).
2 points
Whether the examinee made it clear If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
and confirmed what kind of medium / or the description and the
she / he made the interview for, why interpretation is perfunctory, this will
and what for (for which purpose / entail a score deduction (1 point).
intention), whether the interview is If the aspect has a significant
fact-revealing and pragmatic or an deficiency and / or the description and
infotainment for magazines. the interpretation is perfunctory, this
Whether the examinee identified and will entail a 2 points deduction.
analyzed the receiver target audience
according to the chosen mode of
2 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 15 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee interpreted If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
profoundly enough how the gender / or the description and the
and professional roles in relation to interpretation is perfunctory, this will
the task are represented by the entail a score deduction (1 point).
chosen mode of processing. If the aspect has a significant
Whether the examinee analyzed the deficiency and / or the description and
noticeable stereotypes in the the interpretation is perfunctory, this
representation of the gender roles (or will entail a 2 points deduction.
in her / his material).
2 points
Whether the examinee endeavoured If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
to find the interviewee with the / or the description and the
competent knowledge and private interpretation is perfunctory, this will
experience in the field and with an entail a score deduction (1 point).
important (opinion-shaper) point of If the aspect has a significant
view. deficiency and / or the description and
2 points the interpretation is perfunctory, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the examinee is able to use If the aspect has a minor deficiency and
and interpret correctly the / or the description and the
connections to the personality rights interpretation is perfunctory, this will
during the report-making. entail a score deduction (1 point).
2 points If the aspect has a significant
deficiency and / or the description and
the interpretation is perfunctory, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 16 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The quality of the documentation of the work Whether the examinee attached any If the listed documents are perfunctory maximum 6 points
process, the quality of the (self)reflection of screenplay or plan to the process- or incomplete, this will entail a score
the created work. report (which includes for example deduction (1 point).
(The evaluation of the aspects is primarily pictures of the location(s), the If the mentioned documents do not
based on the process-report and its introduction and characterization of exist at all, this will entail a 2 points
appendices.) the interviewee(s)). deduction.
Whether the examinee attached the
list of the questions (with the
originally planned questions) or a
written document which helped the
editing process (the so called script-
list where the selection of the shot
material is marked using time codes).
2 points
Whether the examinee presents, in If the preparing part (mainly the
her / his process-report, the process description of the explanation of the
of preparation (collecting materials, choice of the interviewee and the
getting the permit and planning, preparation for the interview) is rather
choosing the character and the incomplete or if the argument is
location, the procedure of the pre- perfunctory or if they are missing, this
interviews, organizing and preparing will entail a score deduction (1 point).
the recording etc.)
1 point
Whether the examinee interpreted, in If the editing part is rather incomplete
her / his process-report, the process or if the argument is perfunctory or if
of editing. they are missing, this will entail a score
1 point deduction (1 point).

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 17 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee goes into The description of the divergences is

details and properly proves the main present, but without reasoning or with
divergences of the recorded and the an incomplete interpretation or if all of
edited variations of the work in the the mentioned aspects are missing, this
process-report (especially the will entail a score deduction (1 point).
attendance of the interviewee and the
changing of the reporter role).
1 point
Whether the process-report includes If such texts are present but its
self-evaluative (either positive or argument rather incomplete and logical
critical) comments about the or if they are missing, this will entail a
relationship between the planned and score deduction (1 point).
the realized interview or / and about
the problem solving and the
experience gained during the
1 point
The technological and aesthetic quality and oWhether the reporter’s questions are If the questions are dysfunctional (not maximum 6 points
creativity, and the personal aspect of the appropriate and suitable to the related to the emphasised subjects that
workmanship. prescribed subject. have any connection to the task), this
(The evaluation is primarily based on the Whether the process-report proves will entail a 1 point or 2 points
creative work but the related relevant the connection between the actually deduction (depending on the gravity of
comments from the process-report also can asked questions and the prescribed the deficiencies).
be taken into account.) task. If the examinee does not prove the
2 points connection between the questions and
the task, this will entail a score
(Maximum 2 points should be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 18 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the recorded and edited If the listed fundamental pieces of

sound-material is informative information are missing, this will entail
enough (does it tell us who the a score deduction.
interviewee is, how she / he is
connected to the subject, where the
report was made etc.).
1 point
Whether one can see the intention of If the editing is inconsequential or
the examinee to create a structure, a muddled (for example too long
logical dramaturgical frame – as speaking on either side, or the
much as is possible in an interview. incoherence or absence of the
Whether the examinee gives reasons consequent and thoughtful usage of the
for and interprets in the process- recorded material) (depending on the
report her / his ideas about editing gravity of the deficiencies), this will
the material and the difficulties she / entail a 1 point or 2 points deduction.
he might have faced during the If the logic and / or the difficulties of
workmanship. the editing is not explained and
2 points interpreted at all, this will entail a score
(Maximum 2 points should be
Whether the report uses any original, Where understanding and realization
unique idea which is suited to the lack reasoning and interpretation a
chosen medium (for example point should be deducted.
creating atmosphere with
background noises or other sound
effects fits into the environment and /
or the situation; using relevant cut-
aways and / or other related
documents; inventive editing).
1 point

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 19 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The formal level of the What is the general impression of the If the presentation of the report is very maximum 3 points
presentation project work (the pleasantness and incoherent (bad quality picture or / and
presentation of the pictures and / or bad quality sound) or / and the
the sound in consideration of the structure of the process-report is
available technology, the lucidity muddled, then a point should be
and manageability of the process- deducted.
report etc.)
1 point
Whether the examinee adhered to the If the examinee diverges from the
defined length that was prescribed by prescribed length of time in either way,
the task and the exam requirements. or if the brevity of the process-report
2 points makes understanding rather difficult
(depending on the degree of difficulty)
1 point or 2 points should be deducted.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 20 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Analyse (the length of which is prescribed in the exam description), how the conscious colour-usage helps in the creation of the characters
(Viola, Angela, Marina) in the film Fresh Air directed by Ágnes Kocsis. Your analysis should include an interpretation of the symbology of the


The quality of understanding the task, the No point can be given if the maximum 10 points
relevance of the knowledge and source- examinee does not use any
(background-) literature used in solving the independent observations, only
task. the general accessible knowledge
(biographies, description of the
story of the film etc.), that is, the
essay does not show the right
level of background reading.
Whether the examinee realized and If the examinee neglected the
described the importance of the main aspect or the interpretation is
colours (red, green, pink and blue) and mainly false or perfunctory, this
attached all one by one to the will entail a 2 points deduction.
appropriate character. If the argument is ambiguous, and /
2 points or the approach of the problem has
minor deficiencies, this will entail
a score deduction (1 point).

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 21 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee analysed the If the aspect is absent or the

attributes, characteristics and situation
interpretation mainly includes
of the main characters (Viola, Angéla, invalid observations and aspects,
Marina), for example confusion in this will entail a 3 points
communication, aloofness, separation, deduction.
look for a partner) If the examinee indicated fewer
3 points aspects or her / his concept-usage
and argument is ambiguous, this
will entail 1 point or 2 points
Whether the examinee connected the If the aspect is absent or the
creation of the character marks to the interpretation mainly includes
consequent system of the colours. invalid observations and aspects,
Whether the examinee proved her / his this will entail a 3 points
argument with observations in film deduction.
language. If the examinee indicated fewer
For example: aspects or her / his concept-usage
– the harmony and contrast in the and argument is ambiguous, this
colours of the costumes and in the will entail 1 point or 2 points
colours of the environments; deduction.
– the harmony and contrast between
the colours of the costumes and the
colours of the environment;
– the "blobs" were created by the
colours and the harmony and contrast
between the lines structured by the
objects (doors, windows, curtains
– the connection between the
characters, colours and the role-play.
3 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 22 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee described the If the examinee neglected the

possible symbolic meanings of the aspect or the interpretation is
colours. mainly false or perfunctory, this
For example: will entail a 2 points deduction.
– red – desire, prohibition, blood, life; If the argument is ambiguous, and /
– green – naturalness, immaturity, free or the approach of the problem has
to go sign; minor deficiencies, this will entail
– characters with a different colour a score deduction (1 point).
than their environment – loneliness,
2 points
The lucidity of the text (logical structure) and Whether the ways of interpretation, the If the descriptive-analysing maximum
the mode and stylistic level of the highlights of the argumentation are well structural articulation of the text 6 points
argumentation arranged and well structured, and is difficult to follow, this will
whether the logical line of the text is entail a score deduction (1 point).
continuous. If the structure of the text is not
2 points built properly and the parts of it
do not connect, this will entail a
score deduction (1 point).
How logically correct is the If the argumentation has a minor
interpretation, the argument which is deficiency and / or it is perfunctory
connected to the revealed observations. (conclusion drawn from deficient
(How valid is the argumentation.) premises or wrong conclusion
2 points drawn from correct premises), this
will entail a score deduction (1
point). If the argumentation has a
significant deficiency or it is false
and includes basic mistakes, this
will entail a 2 points deduction.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 23 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the text is homogeneous, and In case of a misleading structure

its style is enjoyable. Whether the and incoherent style, wrong usage
language is scientific and professional of the professional language 1
as much as can be expected at this point should be deducted.
level. In case of the predominantly or
2 points totally dysfunctional and
incoherent style (usage of a
different stylistic layer than
the scientific requirements of an
essay) 2 points should be
The quality and frequency of independent How independent is the reading and Depending on the level of the maximum
observations and ideas interpretation method of the essay. method of reading and 6 points
2 points interpretation, this will entail a
score deduction between 0 and 2

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 24 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

How creative and inventive is the Any logical, rhetorical or

approach of the single theoretical fields, structural idea, highlighting and
and how clear are the connections making connections (sectioning,
between them, and how was it put into numbering, highlighting and
language and how was it structured. graphical italics) are appreciated
2 points as long as it helps to reveal the
problem, and makes it easier to
understand the logic and the
structure of the text, and makes
the text lucid. If such ideas are
partial or inadequately used, this
will entail a score deduction (1
If the structural ideas are absent
or they are used inadequately and /
or the text is mainly or fully
unorganized 2 points should be
Whether the essay includes individual If the reflective-critical,
attitude or self-evaluative comments, evaluative comments and the self-
reflections. reflective statements consciously
2 points. made in relation to the addressed
topic are incomplete or
incoherent, this will entail a score
deduction (1 point).
In case of the total absence of
reflection 2 points should be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 25 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The level of the Whether the examinee adhered to the If the examinee does not adhere to maximum
presentation defined length that was prescribed by th the defined length that was 3 points
task requirements. prescribed by the task (It is possible to
requirements, this will entail a 1 deduct even 2 points if
point or 2 points deduction. the essay length is
Whether the essay is easy to follow. If the formal appearance is not inappropriate, even if
Whether the different parts of the essay lucid and easy to follow, this will the examinee satisfied
are differentiated well. entail a score deduction (1 point). the other requirements
1 point related to the formal
Whether the examinee marks the If the listed issues in the essay are level of the
citations. significantly deficient or totally presentation.
Whether the essay includes the absent, this will entail a score If the essay does not
necessary references and bibliography deduction. satisfy the length
which is needed for the evaluation of requirements and there
the analysing-describing part of the are other deductions
essay and in order to estimate the for formal problems,
(possible) research and processing then all together
work to write the essay. maximum 3 points can
1 point be deducted.)

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 26 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Write an analysis (the length of which is prescribed in the exam description) of the exposition of the film titled Stranger than Paradise, directed
by Jim Jarmusch, from the viewpoint of the complex formal film language. Analyse how the narrative and visual construction, the role-play and
the montages in the exposition contribute to form the style of the narration.


The quality of understanding the task, the No point can be given if the maximum 10 points
relevance of the knowledge and source- examinee does not use any
(background-) literature used in solving the independent observations, only
task. the general accessible knowledge
(biographies, description of the
story of the film etc.), that is, the
essay does not show the right
level of background reading.
Whether the examinee knows and uses If the examinee neglected the
the general functions of the exposition aspect or the interpretation is
(introduction of the time, space and mainly false or perfunctory, this
characters) in the narrative structure. will entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the examinee analyses the If the argument is ambiguous, and /
presence and the change of these or the approach of the problem has
functions (for example the effect of the minor deficiencies, this will entail
fragmentary nature) at the start of the a score deduction (1 point).
2 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 27 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee analyses the If the aspect is absent or the

system of the narrative structure and interpretation mainly includes
its elliptic (omissionary) structure. invalid observations and aspects,
Whether the examinee analyses the this will entail a 3 points
special features of the space- deduction.
construction. If the examinee indicated fewer
Whether the examinee analyses the aspects or her / his concept-usage
codes that refer to the time and how and argument is ambiguous, this
they become uncertain (for example, will entail 1 point or 2 points
difficulties in determining the age, the deduction.
part of the day).
3 points
Whether the examinee examined at If the aspect is absent or the
least with three observations the visual interpretation mainly includes
construction of the exposition of the invalid observations and aspects,
act (for example: the system of the this will entail a 3 points
frame sizes; the tones of grey; the deduction.
neutral surfaces with no shadows; the If the examinee indicated fewer
neutral and the extreme choice of the aspects or her / his concept-usage
point of view; the stylistic effects of and argument is ambiguous, this
the directions and lines etc.) will entail 1 point or 2 points
3 points deduction.
Whether the examinee point out the If the examinee neglected the
special features of the actor-direction aspect or the interpretation is
(for example small acts, movements). mainly false or perfunctory, this
Whether the examinee analyses the will entail a 2 points deduction.
special functioning of the characters in If the argument is ambiguous, and /
the communicative situation of or the approach of the problem has
becoming acquainted. minor deficiencies, this will entail
2 points a score deduction (1 point).

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 28 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The lucidity of the text (logical structure) and Whether the ways of interpretation andIf the descriptive-analysing maximum
the mode and stylistic level of the the main points of the argumentation structural articulation of the text 6 points
argumentation are lucid and well organized, whether is difficult to follow, this will
the logical structure of the text is entail a score deduction (1 point).
continuous? If the structure of the text is not
2 points built properly and the parts of it
do not connect, this will entail a
score deduction (1 point).
How logically correct is the If the argumentation has a minor
interpretation, the argument which is deficiency and / or it is
connected to the revealed observations. perfunctory (conclusion drawn
(How valid is the argumentation.) from deficient premises or wrong
2 points conclusion drawn from correct
premises), this will entail a score
deduction (1 point). If the
argumentation has a significant
deficiency or it is false and
includes basic mistakes, this will
entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the text is homogeneous, and In case of a misleading structure
its style is enjoyable. Whether the and incoherent style, wrong usage
language is scientific and professional of the professional language 1
as much as can be expected at this point should be deducted.
level. In case of the predominantly or
2 points totally dysfunctional and
incoherent style (usage of a
different stylistic layer than
the scientific requirements of an
essay) 2 points should be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 29 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The quality and frequency of independent How independent is the reading and Depending on the level of the maximum
observations and ideas interpretation method of the essay. method of reading and 6 points
2 points interpretation, this will entail a
score deduction between 0 and 2
How creative and inventive is the Any logical, rhetorical or
approach of the single theoretical fields, structural idea, highlighting and
and how clear are the connections making connections (sectioning,
between them, and how was it put into numbering, highlighting and
language and how was it structured. graphical italics) are appreciated
2 points as long as it helps to reveal the
problem, and makes it easier to
understand the logic and the
structure of the text, and makes
the text lucid. If such ideas are
partial or inadequately used, this
will entail a score deduction (1
If the structural ideas are absent
or they are used inadequately and /
or the text is mainly or fully
unorganized 2 points should be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 30 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the essay includes individual If the reflective-critical,

attitude or self-evaluative comments, evaluative comments and the self-
reflections. reflective statements consciously
2 points. made in relation to the addressed
topic are incomplete or
incoherent, this will entail a score
deduction (1 point).
In case of the total absence of
reflection 2 points should be
The level of the Whether the examinee adhered to the If the examinee does not adhere to maximum
presentation defined length that was prescribed by th the defined length that was 3 points
task requirements. prescribed by the task (It is possible to
requirements, this will entail a 1 deduct even 2 points if
point or 2 points deduction. the essay length is
Whether the essay is easy to follow. If the formal appearance is not inappropriate, even if
Whether the different parts of the essay lucid and easy to follow, this will the examinee satisfied
are differentiated well. entail a score deduction (1 point). the other requirements
1 point related to the formal
Whether the examinee marks the If the listed issues in the essay are level of the
citations. significantly deficient or totally presentation.
Whether the essay includes the absent, this will entail a score If the essay does not
necessary references and bibliography deduction. satisfy the length
which is needed for the evaluation of requirements and there
the analysing-describing part of the are other deductions
essay and in order to estimate the for formal problems,
(possible) research and processing then all together
work to write the essay. maximum 3 points can
1 point be deducted.)

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 31 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Document the various ways an event appeared in the media – an event which for a time featured repeatedly among the issues in the media. Your
collection has to include at least six documents. Through the media-representation of the chosen event, elaborate the "media-career" of this event,
then demonstrate and analyse, based on the examined case, the serialization phenomenon (in a short essay, the length of which is prescribed in
the exam description).

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 32 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The quality of understanding the task, the If the examinee does not rely on maximum
relevance of the knowledge and source- the prescribed and collected 10 points
(background-) literature used in solving the material and its analysis, but the
task. essay shows a relevant
interpretation and analysis, it is
possible still to evaluate the
essay, but the scores have to be
deducted as follows:
In case of the total absence of the
collection 10 points should be
In case the collection includes
less than six documents but the
argument about the serialization
is correct and relevant, this will
entail a 4 points deduction.
In case the collection includes
less than six documents and the
interpretation illustrates only
some of the components and the
argument does not include the
serialization phenomenon, this
will entail an 8 points deduction.
If the examinee does not rely on
any independent observations and
the essay does not show any
competency, then no point can be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 33 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee interpreted and If the examinee neglected the

analysed in the essay the phenomenon aspect or the interpretation is
serving as the basis of the task, the mainly false or perfunctory, this
cause of the serialization, and the effect will entail a 2 points deduction.
on the reception. If the argument is ambiguous, and /
2 points or the approach of the problem has
minor deficiencies, this will entail
a score deduction (1 point).
Whether the examinee used relevant If most of the examples are
examples to illustrate how the serials irrelevant and without reasoning,
developed. Whether the examinee this will entail a 2 points
followed in her / his analysis the deduction.
demonstrable process-history of the If there is one example which is
event in the continuity of the collected irrelevant and without reasoning,
material. this will entail a score deduction
2 points (1 point).
Whether the examinee analysed the If the aspect is absent or the
relation between the elements of the interpretation mainly includes
collection. invalid observations and aspects,
For example: this will entail a 3 points
– narrative structure; deduction.
– the life of the characters before and If the examinee indicated fewer
after; aspects or her / his concept-usage
– the appearance of sub-subjects and argument is ambiguous, this
connected to the original event; will entail a 1 point or 2 points
– magazinization; deduction.
– the arousal and release of the
phenomenon of social interest / moral
– moral function.
3 points

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 34 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee found the If the examinee totally neglected

examined event a general example or the aspect or the interpretation is
an example of individual interest. mainly false or perfunctory, this
Whether the examinee interpreted the will entail a 2 points deduction.
learned general phenomena and If the argument has minor
manifested forms of the serialization in ambiguity / deficiencies or / and
her / his own example. Or whether the the interpretation is perfunctory,
examinee found a different / new this will entail a score deduction (1
aspect. point).
2 points
Whether the examinee realized that the If the aspect is absent, this will
chosen event is not giving a full picture entail a score deduction.
of the problem, but represents / portrays
the analyzed topic.
1 point
The perspicuity of the text (logical structure) Whether the ways of interpretation, the If the descriptive-analysing maximum
and the mode and stylistic level of the highlights of the argumentation are well structural articulation of the text 6 points
argumentation arranged and well structured, and is difficult to follow, this will
whether the logical line of the text is entail a score deduction (1 point).
continuous. If the structure of the text is not
2 points built properly and the parts of it
do not connect, this will entail a
score deduction (1 point).

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 35 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

How logically correct is the If the argumentation has a minor

interpretation, the argument which is deficiency and / or it is
connected to the revealed observations. perfunctory (conclusion drawn
(How valid is the argumentation.) from deficient premises or wrong
2 points conclusion drawn from correct
premises), this will entail a score
deduction (1 point). If the
argumentation has a significant
deficiency or it is false and
includes basic mistakes, this will
entail a 2 points deduction.
Whether the text is homogeneous, and In case of a misleading structure
its style is enjoyable. Whether the and incoherent style, wrong usage
language is scientific and professional of the professional language 1
as much as can be expected at this point should be deducted.
level. In case of the predominantly or
2 points totally dysfunctional and
incoherent style (usage of a
different stylistic layer than
the scientific requirements of an
essay) 2 points should be
The quality and frequency of independent How complete and coherent are the If the aspect-system is incoherent, maximum 6 points
observations and ideas examination of the phenomena of the at has a minor deficiency and it is
least three programmes indicated in the hard to piece it together, this will
task, the aspects of the analysis and the entail a score deduction (1 point).
1 point

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 36 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Whether the examinee satisfied the If the aspect is absent, the elements
requirements about documentation given at the start of the key come
prescribed in the task (the citations and
into force.
pictures used in the argument really didIf the documents are put together
originate from three different kinds of deficiently or in a perfunctory
programme). Whether the documented manner, or the prescribed number
material is suited logically to the of the
argumentation of the essay. Sources of the examples were not
2 points taken into account, then
(depending on the gravity of the
deficiencies) this will entail a 1
point or 2 points deduction.
How creative and inventive is the If the structural ideas are used
approach of the individual theoretical inconsequently or they are absent,
fields, and how clear are the this will entail a score deduction.
connections between them, and how If the text is badly structured or
was it put into language and how was it has no structure, this will entail a
structured. 2 points deduction.
2 points

Whether the essay includes critical In case of the partial appearance

comments in relation to the used media or incoherent argumentation of
materials or the findings of the literature the reflective-critical, evaluative
in the field or it includes individual comments and the self-reflective
attitudes related to the task, self- statements consciously drew the
evaluative comments or reflections. relation to the processed issue in
1 point. the task will entail a score
deduction (1 point).
In case of the total absence of
reflection 2 points should be

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 37 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

The level of the Whether the examinee adhered to the If the examinee does not adhere to maximum
presentation defined length that was prescribed by th the defined length that was 3 points
task requirements. prescribed by the task (It is possible to
requirements, this will entail a 1 deduct even 2 points if
point or 2 points deduction. the essay length is
Whether the essay is easy to follow. If the formal appearance is not inappropriate, even if
Whether the different parts of the essay lucid and easy to follow, this will the examinee satisfied
are differentiated well. entail a score deduction (1 point). the other requirements
1 point related to the formal
Whether the examinee marks the If the listed issues in the essay are level of the
citations. significantly deficient or totally presentation.
Whether the essay includes the absent, this will entail a score If the essay does not
necessary references and bibliography deduction. satisfy the length
which is needed for the evaluation of requirements and there
the analysing-describing part of the are other deductions
essay and in order to estimate the for formal problems,
(possible) research and processing then all together
work to write the essay. maximum 3 points can
1 point be deducted.)

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 38 / 39 2008.

Mozgóképkultúra és médiaismeret angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

maximum realized score

task A: making a media text and a process-report 25
task B: writing an essay 25

corrected by

Date: …………………………………..


score written in
the program /
score /
task A: making a media text and a process-report / A feladat:
médiaszöveg és munkanapló elkészítése
task B: writing an essay / B feladat: esszé elkészítése 25

corrected by / javító tanár notary / jegyző

Date / Dátum: ………………………………… Date / Dátum: …………………………………..

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 39 / 39 2008.

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