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Utazás és turizmus középszint

gyakorlati vizsga Javítási-értékelési útmutató 0811





Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

General aspects of evaluation

A written project is a possible option to complete the requirements of the practical

examination in the Travel and Tourism subject. The examination consists of producing a
written report of a project and defending it at the oral examination. The evaluation rubrics
refer to content and form in both the written and oral examination elements. These are
separated in the Guidelines because they are to be handled separately in terms of scoring the
two examination elements.

The evaluation of the written part is based on the knowledge and competence criteria
stemming from the goals of the subject - these are detailed in the description of the
examination. Thus the evaluation of all project content areas is done following the same
criteria but with different content elements. The chart below contains the criteria referring to
the project areas and the maximum possible scores for each aspect. In the case of certain
content areas the aspects are the same but the possible maximum scores may not be the same.
This is due to the characteristics of the different contents.

The relevance of the examination element is a prerequisite for the examination. The content
of the project work is inadequate if it does not refer to or significantly differs from the list of
topics issued centrally by OH.

The formal evaluation aspect refers to the competencies of collecting information

autonomously and presenting them. The formal aspect does not represent an examination
element in itself and therefore even in case of formally inadequate project work (e.g. 0 points)
the student may pass the examination. Formal adequacy is not a prerequisite for the

The student, upon request, may see the evaluation of the project work (with the points given).
In this case the consultant, later the examining teacher, describes to the student the strengths
of his/her work and calls attention to the weaknesses or details which are not clear for the
reader. These may also be used as questions for the oral defense.

Oral defense forms part of the practical examination completed by submitting project work.
During the “defense” the examining teacher poses questions and/or asks for explanations
about certain details of the written part. The aim of the defense is not for the student to
provide an overview of the project or for the teacher to explain his/her evaluation (the student
has the opportunity to look into this before the examination). The examining questions may
refer to details which are not worked out or may be unclear, the opinion of the student or
his/her answers.

The examination results (scores) of the student must be recorded on the freely copiable
scoresheet attached to the end of these Guidelines. The chart provided on the previous page
serves to summarize the practical examination results of the Travel and Tourism students.
The use of this chart is optional.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 2 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Content requirements and evaluation rubrics for the project work:

Project title Evaluation criteria Possible max. scores Possible max.

for the written scores for the
examination element oral
1. Five days long active - Familiarity with concepts and 6 points 3 points
tourism programme for basic data
a peer group in the • Active tourism
Balaton region with at • Transportation alternatives
least two transportation • Supply side:
alternatives. accommodation, travel,
catering, program
organization, budgeting,
optional/substitute programs
• Demand side: motivation,
income, spending propensity,
free time, recreation

- Logical handling of problems, 5 points 2 points

• The implementation of active
programmes which are suited
to the age group
• Plan for substitute program

- Formulating an autonomous 6 points 3 points

opinion and articulating it
• Argues for the selected
program elements, presents
his/her hypotheses and
answers questions

- Ability to collect and use 3 points 2 points

information related to the subject
but not included in the teaching
• Uses his/her own personal
• Use of thematic press
• Use of tracking maps
• Names the source of

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 3 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Project title Evaluation criteria Possible max. scores Possible max.

for the written scores for the
examination element oral
2. Comparative analysis - Familiarity with concepts and 4 points 2 points
of at least two basic data
Hungarian adventure • Adventure tourism, wellness
parks. tourism
• Adventure park
• Tourist attraction
• Tourism infrastructure,
accommodation, catering,
program options, tourism
• Tourism advertisement,
pricing policy
• Tourism demand

- Logical handling of problems, 5 points 3 points

• Formulates the aspects for
• Argues for development

- Formulating an autonomous 6 points 3 points

opinion and articulating it
• The student is familiar with
and able to analyze
andcompare the strengths and
weaknesses of the adventure
parks from a tourism point of
• Takes a stance in favor of
further developments

- Ability to collect and use 5 points 2 points

information related to the subject
but not included in the teaching
• Own personal experiences
• Personal contacts
• Information gathered about
adventure parks (tourism
journals, daily press,
advertisement materials)

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 4 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Project title Evaluation criteria Possible max scores Possible max.

for the written scores for the
examination element oral
3. Organization of a - Familiarity with concepts and 6 points 2 points
school birthday party. basic data

Program organization:
• Script
• Timing
• Program
• List of equipment
• School traditions

- Logical handling of problems,

argumentation 6 points 3 points
• Differences between the
ideas of teachers and students
(venue, program elements,
tasks, etc.)
• Cooperation with the task
managers at certain

- Formulating an autonomous 4 points 3 points

opinion and articulating it
• Argues for the selected
• Is able for compromise
• Has an overview of the whole

- Ability to collect and use 4 points 2 points

information related to the subject
but not included in the teaching
Uses the views of fellow
students and of teachers and
builds them into the program

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 5 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Project title Evaluation criteria Possible max. scores Possible max.

for the written scores for the
examination element oral
4. Compilation of a - Familiarity with concepts and 5 points 2 points
thematic program basic data
package for a family • Thematic tours
travelling abroad • Tour package
• Supply side:
accommodation, travel,
catering, program
organization, budgeting,
substitute programs
• Demand side: motivation,
spending propensity, free
time, recreation

- Logical handling of problems,

argumentation 6 points 3 points
• Implementation of joint
programs appropriate to the
interests of different
• Compiling two different
weekend thematic offers,
arguing in favor of one of
• Plan for substitute program
5 points 3 points
- Formulating an autonomous
opinion and articulating it
• Argues for the selected
program elements, services,
presents his/her hypotheses
and answers questions
• Justifies the selected
destination country
4 points 2 points
- Ability to collect and use
information related to the subject
but not included in the teaching
• Uses his/her own personal
• Uses travel brochures

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 6 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Project title Evaluation criteria Possible max. scores Possible max.

for the written scores for the
examination element oral
5. Examination of - Familiarity with concepts and 5 points 2 points
regional gastronomy in a basic data
selected small region • Gastromony, rural tourism,
cultural- and heritage tourism
• The attraction inventory of
the selected small region
• Rural B&Bs, program
organizers, catering
• Tourism demand (spending
propensity, age group,
traveling habits, number of
• Tourism development
strategy in the small region

- Logical handling of problems,

argumentation 4 points 3 points
• Further development of the
touristic exploitation of
regional gastronomy
• Plan for substitute and
optional program elements

- Formulating an autonomous
opinion and articulating it 6 points 3 points
• Argues for his/her selection
of small region
• Analyzes the hosting
capacity, gastronomical
offerings, heritage programs
of the settlements using
his/her own experiences
• Summarizes his/her ideas
about development

- Ability to collect and use

information related to the subject
but not included in the teaching 5 points 2 points
• Uses his/her own personal
experiences, personal
• Thematic printed materials
• Tourism exhibitions
• Professional publications,
printed materials of
professional organizations

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 7 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Formal requirements and evaluation aspects for thewritten project:

The teacher may give a maximum score of 10 points for the completion of formal requirements.

• The length of the written project may be between 8 and 10 typewritten or word processed A/4 format
pages. Handwritten work qualifies as formally not acceptable.
o One typewritten page is 32 lines, 62 letters.
o In case of word processing one page: Standing A/4 format, 2.5 cms margins, 1.5 line spacing,
12-point font size.

In the text of the written material there must be no charts, statistics, graphs, pictures or figures. These must be in
a numbered attachment and must be referenced in the text according to the numbering.

• The written project must be furnished with page numbering in such a way that the first digit refers to the
actual page number, the second to the total number of pages. The pages of attachments must be
numbered continuously. (e.g. 1/12 or 1-12 in the case of the first page of a written project that is 12
pages long together with its attachments.)
• The written work must be equipped with a front page and table of contents. On the front page should be
the title of the work, the name and class of the student, the actual year, and the name and/or the crest or
logo of the school.
• It is obligatory to attach a list of reference works or resources. References provided on the resources
page could be to oral information, websites, documents, or the literature. (The data collected by the
author of the project, as well as the results of questionnaire surveys, should appear in the attachments
but not in the list of resources.)
o Oral information as a reference: e.g. Oral information by János Kovács, November 19, 2005.
o Information collected from the internet should be referred to the website or the ftp source with
exact site description/URL. E.g.
o References to the literature must comply with one of the accepted reference protocols used in
scientific literature. The reference is acceptable is it contains the full name of the author, the
title of the cited material, the place of publishing, the publisher, and the year of publication. In
case of periodicals the name of the periodical, the volume, the page number(s) (from-to)
should appear instead of the publisher and the publication data. It is advisable to issue students
with a sample reference list from the literature.

• The written work must be bound, and the student has to sign or put his/her signo on each page,
handwritten in blue ink.

Scoring: The written work should be evaluated according to the above five aspects. The maximum of 2
points may be given if the work complies fully with the description of each aspect. 1 point could be given
if only a few elements can be identified in the written work out of the expectations listed under the aspect.
0 points are given if it does not meet any of the requirements of the aspect.

Aspects for evaluating the content of the oral defense of the project

During the evaluation of the oral defense the student can receive a maximum of 10 points for the content. In the
evaluation chart there are separate columns for the maximum scores of the written and the oral (defense)
elements. These are identical for certain topics, while, in other cases they are different due to the divergent
nature of the topics.

As with the written examination part, the formal element may be evaluated only if the student has received at
least 1 point for content. (In case of a 0 score for content it does not make any sense to proceed with formal
evaluation - in this case the examinee receives 0 points for the defense.)

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 8 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Formal requirements and evaluation aspects for the oral defense of the project:

Using the formal evaluation aspects of the oral defense it is possible to measure the communication
competencies of the student. Presentation skills appear in equal proportion, (with 10 points) in the summary
beside the appropriate content.

• Time management by the student. 15 minutes is allotted for the oral examination. Within this period
the student should answer all questions asked.
• The use of grammatically correct sentences. The student expresses himself/herself in syntactically
correct language. The use of stylistic elements which are appropriate tothe speaker’s intention (literary,
scientific, argo). The student uses stylistic conventions which are in line with his/her intentions. For
example is the student argues with numbers, then he/she should use the conceptual framework of
statistics and the argumentation should be logical and structured. If he/she wants to be convincing then
should use affective, emotional elements, and if the content requires it s/he may even use slang
elements (e.g. for the description of certain traveler types).
• During the oral examination the student should use non-verbal communication tools which support the
content. Non-verbal communication tools:
o Eye contact (whether the student keeps eye contact with the examiner and the members of the
o Mime, gesticulation (facial expressions and hand-movements appropriate to the situation)
o Volume (volume of speaking voice appropriate the situation and intention, audible speech)
o Rhythm (student’s delivery is fluent and his/her speech is intelligible)
o Questioning, mobilizing (the student asks for feedback to check if he/she was understood,
involves the examiner in the solution of the task e.g. asks he the examiner had similar

• The use of materials, presentation tools

o Presentation materials (whether the student uses the materials provided or has prepared
presentation support materials, e.g. a montage, chart etc.)

Scoring: The formal part of the oral examination should be evaluated according to the above five aspects.
Maximum 2 points could be given for each element if the presentation and answers fully comply with the
expectations described under each aspect. 1 point could be given if one or only a few of the expectations for the
aspect can be identified in the oral answers. 0 points are given if the oral answer does not meet any of the
expectations of the given aspect.

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 9 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

1. part
Written project,
content maximum 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Written project,
formal maximum 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1. part maximum: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
1. part total:
2. part
Project, oral
defense, content maximum 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Project, oral
defense, formal maximum 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2. part maximum: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
2. part total:
Total score:

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 10 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 11 / 12 2008.

Utazás és turizmus angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Name of the examinee: ………………………………………

1. part
Written project ,
content maximum 20
Written project,
formal maximum 10
1. part maximum: 30
1. part total:
2. part
Project work, oral
defense, content maximum 10
Project work, oral
defense, formal maximum 10
2. part maximum: 20
2. part total:

Written final
examination project and 50
its oral defense

examining teacher

Date: ……………………………
elért beírt
pontszám pontszám
/score /score points
points written into
the program
Előre elkészített záródolgozat
ésa annak szóbeli megvédése
/ Written final examination
project and its oral defense

javító tanár/examining jegyző/examination reporter


dátum/Date: …………………………… dátum/Date: ……………………………

gyakorlati vizsga 0811 12 / 12 2008.

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