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Tourism is classically regarded as travelling for recreation

although this definition has been expanded in recent years to include

any travel outside of one’s normal working or living area.

The tourist originated when large number of middles class people

began to join aristocratic travellers. As societies became wealthier, and

people lived longer, it became not only possible bur probable that lower

middle and class people steadily employed would retire in good health

and with some significant savings.

Tourism provides an opportunity for local economic development

through small and medium enterprises like shops, restaurants and

travel agencies. Providing various types of home-sty accommodation

for tourists is a major economic activity during season. Many larger

hotels and restaurants in the region are run by businessmen from

outside which results in siphoning of income due to ‘leakage effect’.

The hospitality and language skills of the local people are enhanced by

their interactions with tourists.

Studies conducted on Resident perception about Tourism show

that majority of local people believe that tourism is good for economy,

promotes infrastructural development and gives more opportunities to

people in the region. But 29.67% feel that there is increase in crime

levels due to tourism. For 5.87% people tourism disrupts their life
through traffic congestion, parking problems, excessive noise etc.

during peak seasons. But still 60.63% people believe that tourism has

brought more benefits than problems in the region.


Varkala a coastal town in Thiruvananthapuram district is a fast

developing tourist destination, which is increasingly attracting many

Indian and Foreign tourist. Varkala coastal town is renewed for its

unique 15m high Northern cliff adjacent to the Arabian Sea. It is popular

for its hippi culture. Sivagiri pilgrim center is another major tourism

destination as well as pilgrimage centre also. Varkala beach is famous

for its beauty. Varkala beach is known as Dekshinakashi, shacks on

the cliff serving great seafood and playing global music and samerdhi of

Kerala saint Shree Narayana Guru. Varkala is known for Janardhana

Swami Temple also known Dakshina kasha and Golden Island.

Varkala has some of the prestine beach hills, lakes, forts, light

house, natural fisheries and springs ??? of this together makes this

town a little paradise.


The main vision of the project is developing Varkala as one of the

most preferred and eco-friendly tourist destination and integrating it with

needs of local community, improving quality of life and providing more

employment opportunities with least interference in the natural


The ultimate mission is attracting investment in a paradigm of

regulated growth and development at the designated nodes within the

project area, by involving all the stake holders-both public and the

private sectors for vision realization.


Varkala a coastal town, situated at a distance of about 50 km

north of Thiruvananthapuram and 37 m south of Kollam city is one of

the important religious and tourist destination in Kerala. It is visited

lacks of foreign and domestic tourists/pilgrims rugederly as well as

during the special occasions both from India and abroad.

In view of Varkala enormous tourist potential the Government of

Kerala has initiated the process of preparing the master plan for

integrated development of this area through a number of infrastructure

development projects for meeting the requirement of marketing Varkala

a tourist puradi both for the domestic and foreign tourist to achieve this

objective, Government of Kerala through its own vision Varkala

Infrastructure Development Corporation LTD has engaged RITES LTD,

a Government of India Enterprise for preparing the master plan.


i. Assessing existing demographic and infrastructural scenario in

the project area,

ii. Assessing the existing tourism scenario of Varkala and the

surrounding area,

iii. Impact of tourism on environment and the culture of the project


iv. Identification of major issue confronted in Varkala with reference

to tourism.

v. SWOT Analysis

vi. Vision, Objectives and Strategies for increasing tourism potential

of the region and overall development,

vii. Planning proposals, Land use Zoning and framing the

Development Control Regulations considering the existing

situation and envisaged future developments,

viii. Estimates on requirement of physical and social infrastructure to

cater to the growing needs of the Project Area by 2041,

ix. Strategies for protection of environmentally and culturally

sensitive areas,

x. Master Plan implementation strategy.

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