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Make your English better Name : Anis Sofea bt Tarmizi Year: 1 Amanah School : S.K.

Perempuan Padang Rengas Perak

Story 1 My name is Anis Sofea binti Tarmizi. I am seven years old. I live in Padang Rengas Perak.I learn in Sekolah Kebangsaan Perempuan Padang Rengas. I am in a year one. I have two brothers and a sister.

seven years - tujuh tahun live - tinggal learn belajar two brothers 2 orang adik beradik lelaki a sister seorang kakak

Story 2 Anita has a pet cat. Its name is Pinky.Its fur is white in colour.It likes to drink milk every morning. Every evening Pinky plays a ball with Anita.Pinky always waiting for Anita back from school.Anita loves Pinky very much.

Pet binatang peliharaan Name - nama Plays - bermain School sekolah loves - sayang fur - bulu

Story 3

Sofea is seven years old. She learns in Sekolah Kebangsaan Perempuan Padang Rengas.She has two brothers and a sister.Her father is working as a teacher in Sekolah Menengah Vokasional Padang Rengas.Her mother is a fully housewife. Sofea loves her family very much.

Story 4. Anis sofea is seven years old. Her hobby are drawing and reading. During her free times, she likes to read books.Her favourite subject is mathematics. In School she was appoint as a class monitor. She likes to help her teachers when they ask for it.

Story 5 Aqlan`s hobby is collecting coins. He puts the coins in a special album. He has different sizes and shapes of coins. He gets all the coins from many countries in the world. In the school, he shows his album to his friends.

Hobby kegemaran Coins-duit syiling Puts meyimpan/meletak Different - berbeza Sizes-saiz From-daripada Countries- Negara Shows menunjuk Friends- kawan-kawan

Story 6 Linda`s hobby is reading storybooks. During her free time, she likes to read story books.She has many kinds of story books in her room. She also finds that reading is fun and interesting. From reading, she learns more about new words and gain her knowledge .

Reading - membaca During - semasa Kinds - jenis Storybooks - buku cerita Finds mendapati Interesting menarik Learns - belajar Knowledge - pengetahuan Room - bilik

Story 7 Ali`s hobby is fishing in the river. He likes to follow his grandfather fishing. Usually, they go fishing every weekends. They bring along their fishing rods, baits and a pail . They catch fishes and bring them home to eat for dinner.

Fishing- memancing River - sungai Follow mengikut Grandfather - datuk Weekends - hujung minggu Bring bawa Fishing rods - batang pancing

Story 8

Last Sunday, Year 1 Amanah went on a picnic near the waterfall. They went there with their teachers. They wear their shorts to swim. When they felt hungry they ate foods that they bring. They also catch the butterflies after finished swim in the river.

Sunday - ahad Picnic - berkelah Went - pergi Teacher - guru/cikgu Shorts - seluar pendek Swim - berenang Hungry lapar Food - makanan Catch butterflies - menangkap rama-rama

Story 9 Every evening, there were many childrens in the playground. Some of them, like to play swings. They also meet their friends in the playground. A group of children are enjoy to play with monkey bars. There also has a see saw for childrens to play. They have fun and play together in the play ground. Playground - taman permainan Evening - petang Play bermain Swings - buaian Meet berjumpa Friend kawan Boys - budak lelaki Monkey bars - palang gayut Fun - seronok Together - bersama-sama

Story 10 Last holidays, Ahmad and his family went to the Port Dickson beach. There were many people crowded at the beach. His parents were swimming in the sea. He and his brother were building sand castle on the beach. They had a wonderfull time at the beach and hope they can come again at the place.

Holidays - bercuti Beach - pantai Crowded Brother - adik beradik lelaki Building - membina Swimming - berenang Had - melalui / mengalami Come again - datang lagi

Story 11 Last holidays, Mr Chan and his family visited to their village. They also visited their vegetable farm. His children were plucking the vegetable leaves. Suddenly his daughter was screamed. She screamed because she afraid of snails on the vegetables leaves.

Family - keluarga Visit - melawat Vegetables - sayur Farm kebun/lading Children kanak-kanak Plucking - memetik Daughter anak perempuan Screams - menjerit Afraid takut Snails - siput

Story 12 Last Saturday, Adam and his family went to the Orchid farm in Taping. They went there by bus. There were many beautiful orchids in the farm. They saw different sizes and colours of orchids. Before they went back, they also bought some orchids to grow them at home.

Orchid farm - kebun orkid Bus - bas Beautiful - cantik Different - berbeza Colours - warna Bought - membeli Grow - menanam

Story 13 Suhaimi`s father owns a fish farm. Sometimes, he follows his father to the farm with his friends. They help Suhaimi`s father to feed on the fishes. They also help Suhaimi`s father to catch the fishes. All fishes that they catch, they sell at the market.

Fish - ikan Fish farm - kolam ikan Follows - mengikut With - dengan Help - menolong Catch - menangkap Sell - menjual Market - pasar Sometimes - kadang-kadang They - mereka

Story 14 Last holiday, Linda was celebrated the Chrismas day.Her family were also invited their relatives. They served many kinds of delicious food and cookies.Linda and her cousins also exchanged their presents. In the evening, they enjoy watched the fireworks show.

Celebrate merayakan Invite - menjemput Relatives saudara Delicious lazat/sedap Cookies biskut Cousins - sepupu Enjoy - seronok Fireworks - bunga api

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