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ICOM 5026-090: Computer Networks

Homework 4 - Solution

1. Comparing pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA, which one can lead to a shorter
delay when the traffic load is very small? Why?

Answer: pure ALOHA has shorter delay because it does not need to wait for the
beginning for the next time slot.

2. A group of N stations share a 56-kbps pure ALOHA channel. Each station outputs
a 1000-bit frame on an average of once every 100 sec, even if the previous one
has not yet been sent (e.g., the stations can buffer outgoing frames). What is the
maximum value of N?

Answer: With pure ALOHA the usable bandwidth is 0.184 x 56 kbps = 10.3 kbps.
Each station requires 10 bps (1000/100 = 10 bps), so N = 10300/10 = 1030

3. A large number of stations in a slotted ALOHA network generate 50 requests per

second on average, where the requests include originals and retransmissions.
Suppose the duration of a time slot is 40 ms. (a) What is the probability that the
message is successfully transmitted on the k-th attempt? (b) What is the expected
number of transmission attempts needed for a successful delivery?

Answer: G=2 requests/slot


4. Design a limited contention protocol based on the simple bit-map protocol.

(Explain the main idea).

Answer: All nodes can be partitioned into groups, and nodes in the same group
will compete for the same bit in the bit-map.

5. Why the Manchester encoding is used in Ethernet? Sketch the Manchester

encoding for the bit stream 0001110101.

Answer: Manchester encoding is used in Ethernet for Synchronization.

The Manchester encoding for the bit stream 0001110101:
6. Sketch the differential Manchester encoding for the bit stream of the previous
problem (Problem 5). Assume the line is initially in the low state.


7. Suppose a CSMA/CD network is operating at 1Gbps, and suppose there are no

repeaters and the length of the cable is 1km. Determine the minimum frame size if
the signal propagation speed is 200km/ms.

Answer: Since the length of the cable is 1 km, we have a one-way propagation
time of τ = (1 km) / (200 km/ms) = 0.005 ms = 5 µs
So, 2τ = 10 µs.
If we have 1 Gbps, we can calculate the amount of bits transmitted in 10 µs.
Let L be the minimum frame size, then 10 µs = L/(1 Gbps) = L/(1000 bits per µs)
So L = 10,000bits.
So the minimum frame size should be 10,000 bits.

8. What are the major difficulties for bridging from 802.x to 802.y?

Answer: There are four major difficulties for bridging from 802.x to 802.y:
different frame formats, different data rates, different frames sizes and security
practices. To solve the problem with different file format is necessary to do some
reformatting but this consumes CPU time and increases the probability of errors.
The difference in data rate occurs when sending frames from a fast network to a
slow one the bridge will need to buffer the incoming frames and expect that it will
not run out of memory. The different frames sizes is a much more complex
problem because splitting the frames in smaller units is not an option because the
data link protocols have no provision to reassemble the frames. The security
concern becomes a problem because most wireless protocols provide encryption
services on data link layer and the Ethernet does not. If a wireless network
transmits data using a data link encryption service and is send to a Ethernet
network there will be no way to decrypt the data .

9. State the differences of repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, routers, and gateways.

Device Layer Description
Application Application These devices understand the format and the contents of the
Gateway packet and converts data from one format to the other.
Transport Transport It is a device which function is to connect 2 computers that
Gateway have different connection oriented transport layer protocols.
They reformat packet as needed to convert them from one
protocol to the other.
Router Network It is a device which function is to choose an output line for
the packet based on the contents of its header.
Bridge Data Link Is device intended to connect to or more LANs. It could
handle different transmission speeds and with a bridge each
cable is its own collision domain. Uses address to find out
where to send the frame. It can hold multiple line cards for
different networks types.
Switch Is a device intended to connect individual computers and they
usually have more line card than bridges because they require
more buffering space for the incoming frames. With a switch
the port are the collision domain.
Repeater Physical It an analog device connected between to cables which
primary function is to amplify the incoming electrical signal
from one cable and output the amplified signal through the
other. It has no understanding of the contents of the packet.
Hub It a device which primary function is to join electrically an
arbitrary number of input lines. Is not intended to amplify the
out put signal just to transmit any frame sent to one line to all
other lines. All the input lines should work at same speed and
the hub form a single collision domain for all devices
connected to it. It can hold multiple line cards but all for the
same network type.

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