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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite
Tagaytay City Science National High School - Integrated Senior High School
Accountancy and Business Management

In Pursuit of Business: Entrepreneurial Preferences and Intention of

Senior High School Students in Tagaytay City Science National High
School - Integrated Senior High School


Cunanan, Sean Eddward

Artificio, Alexa Florence
Bacani, Chrisha Loraine
Baluyot, Princess Jeraizy


Mary Joyce Catudio


ABM 12 - Henry Sy



Students studying Accounting, Business, and Management are anticipated to become

successful entrepreneurs who are skilled in handling business in the near future. As observed,
there are numerous proportion of students that sell retailed goods inside the school according
to the CNBC on October 10, 2017. After the global crisis, most individuals tend to conduct
their purchases through online websites and other platforms. Not only in buying, but to sell
also. To elaborate, Steve Strauss of USA Today (2022) stated in one of his article that “For
many reasons, the more varied the ways someone can find your business, the more customers
you can catch. Some people, especially in this almos t-post-pandemic world, are committed
online shoppers.”

Most Individuals have experienced difficulties since the pandemic happened. The outbreak
made the majority rely in online platforms. Consequently, many engagements are managed
virtually. To be able to adopt the online world, the interest of a student in doing small part-
time business can be a conflict too if they lack enough understanding in such processes

This study aims to properly manage the cycle of business management; Maximizing
knowledge through conducting franchises whether it is big or a small one. Determining the
effectiveness of selecting Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) strand from all
current senior high students in Tagaytay City Science National High School - Integrated
Senior High School (ISHS).


With the electronic purchase, sale of products through online services and in physical market,
the number of gadget-based users when doing any transactions have skyrocketed due to the
widespread transmission of viruses across the world since 2020. This study aims to acquire
perspective of Grade 11 and 12 students of Tagaytay City Science National High School -
Integrated Senior High School (TCSNHS-ISHS), specifically if the respondents will consider
being an ABM in order to improve business processes. It hopes to answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the students with respect to:

1.1 Sex
1.2 Strand
1.3 Annual Family Income

2. What percentage of respondents has entrepreneurial intention?

3. What are the factors affecting entrepreneurial intention of the respondents in terms of:
4.1 Product
4.2 Budget
4.3 Earnings
4.4 Goal

4. Is there a significant relationship between profile of the respondents and entrepreneurial

intention of the respondents?


The findings of this study will bound to benefit the current students in the field of
Accountancy, Business and Management through maximizing their knowledge. It will be their
guidance through the process of building their interactive business in a relation to their chosen
field. Assimilating the how’s and what’s of the study can help students to adapt interactive
processes. Furthermore, the study will benefit the following:

Students - They are the focus of the study. A beginners for building a career in which they
can use in the future. The study will play a huge part as they maximize and enhance their
experience in business.

Teachers - The study can be helpful as they act as a support. It gives the main reason why
the majority of the students have a factors of knowledge in conducting business. However,
teachers can benefit too if a student has a wide range of understanding regarding online

Parents - The capital of the business is provided by them. It serves as the starting or the intial
investment to either open an account before establishing. The accountability of the students to
return the finances spent through gaining extra income in revenue/s.

Academe - This study may aid future studies and researchers by serving as a background and
base data for important information for giving backgrounds to similar endeavors.

- The percentage of the respondents has zero entrepreneurial intention.

- The entrepreneurial preferences of the respondents are zero.
- There are no factors that affect the entrepreneurial intention of the respondents
- There is no significant relationship between profile of the responsdents and entrepreneurial
intention of the respondents?


The focus of the study is to gain knowledge on establishing a business while taking ABM
as their academic strand. This study mainly concentrate on the insights of the students about
conducting business of their own. The study considers the student’s personal information such
as name (optional), age, strand/section and grade level.

The researchers limited the study to 140 participants which consist of 35 students per strand in
Senior High Tagaytay City National High School - Integrated Senior High School (TCNHS-
ISHS) in the year 2022-2023. Each of the respondents will be handed a questionnaire nor a
link of google form to answer.


Input Process Output

Demographic Profile
A. Sex
B. Strand
C. Annual Family Income

Percentage of Respondents
Data Gathering Analysis of Related
Factors in Entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial Data Analysis Preferences and Intentions
Data Interpretation
Factors Affecting
Entrepreneurial Intention
A. Product
B. Budget
C. Earnings
D. Goal

Annual Family Income - Annual family income means the sum of a family’s annual earnings
and cash benefits from all sources before taxes. Individuals don’t need to be related to make
up your household income.

Budget - A business budget is a spending plan for your business based on your income and
expenses. It identifies your available capital, estimates you’re spending, and helps you predict
revenue. A budget can help you plan your business activities and can act as a yardstick for
setting up financial goals.

Earnings - Company’s earnings are its after-tax net income. This is the company’s bottom
line, or its profits. Earnings are perhaps the single most important and most closely studied
number in a company’s financial statements.

Goal - A business goal is an endpoint, accomplishment, or target an organization wants to

achieve in the short term or long term. Business goals can take many different forms and be
aspirational or motivational, such as driving an organization toward a certain objective like
improved customer service.

Product - A product is an object, system, or service that is made available for consumer
use as a result of consumer demand; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a
customer’s desire or need. 

Physical markets - It is a marketplace or a set-up where in two or more people are

exchanging products, services and money. It is also a marketplace in which you can
communicate with the seller immediately and the customer can view the products quality and
quantity in the physical markets

Profits - Profits is amount of money that you gain after accounting all of the expenses. It
is the excess money from the selling price of goods and it is the money earned in trade or

Promotion - Promotion is an act of being raised on your current position and advancement of
an employee’s position. It is also refers to actions planned to raise awareness or advancement
of an item or employee.

Place - It is a suitable area, building, town or building. It is a specific location, building or

locality where in you can discuss or tackle your topic or ideas.

Promotion - A value or equivalent of a product you need to buy. It is a quantity of payments

to be given to seller by a buyer in return of goods or services.


The research and studies included in this chapter encompass a wide range of ideas, perception,
generalizations, and advancements related to the study of entrepreneurship from distant past to
the present, and they serve as a guide for the researchers. Informations relevant to this chapter
aid in familiarizing different perspectives comparable to the current research.

Jena (2020) of Institute of Management Technology considers entrepreneurship as one of

the most innovative and significant factors determining the health of a country’s competitive
economy. It is the manner in which students respond or react to a certain set of attitudinal
objects and behavioral components that represents the desire of students’ behavioral intents
in the form of goals, ambitions, and aspiration, as well as expected reactions to the attitude
object. According to Cavazos-Arroyo, Puente-Daz, and Agarwal (2017), intuitive thinking
might shape the perceived desirability of entrepreneurship and its education.

Alsos, Clausen, Hytti, Solvoll (2019) stated that the social identity of an entrepreneur
influences the behaviour of an individual when engaged in new venture formation. The study
influences whether the individual predominantly engages in effectual or causal. It contributes
by focusing on entrepreneurial identity as an important factor shaping the behaviors
of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs vary in terms of their practices, and this variation has
consequences for their entrepreneurial intention.

Dudic, Veljkovic, Maric, Subotic, Gregus (2019) based the preferences as the factors
of differences in the development of entrepreneurial potential of students according to
intellectual abilities, self-confidence, motivation, social relations, constitutions, emotionality,
openness, and organizational skills.

Cortenraede (2022) in his article as an entrepreneur stated that 90% of startups fail within the
first five years globally. Every year, both new and experienced entrepreneurs pour their hearts
and souls into launching a new firm. It is frequently viewed through rose-colored glasses, but
the fact is that it takes hard work, dedication, and tenacity.

Visa’s Recommerce (2022) of Cision PR Newswire regarding the environmental entrepreneur

declares recommerce growth is supporting the needs of consumers and small businesses
during the cost-of-living crisis. It help individuals and businesses learn more, with educational
resources on how to adopt the six R’s of Recommerce: Resale, Repair, Rental, Refill, Return
and Redistribution.




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