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The measumamak of any eleehorc Cov) elladrical Quanbly or Voniaits is tenmad oy an elactsone masssumant The prysaal chancel, Hlachicol quantty poopasty ee: Vande ov o Gondatien te the measuad 18 Safed. 63 -measunand. ‘Penorumance chosactenisbes \ > “Hon dalecking @ pops: anshotument fox o pooticados ype j amaoaisard neds lhe Somuleday of the popemance hasorclewtia qe anihrurant Skokie chanoekeninhies Stabe chonackenisbés 2 The Sok of Cuiteaia afro Need on Phe toskuments sulwch are avsd to sreotiem bho qusniibas tehich ane AMouty Ha diene Cos) tmosity Combbant St MWed Sloke bes ) Aceunaesy mde is The Aagrss eg Mloseness uth astuch Ihe Bro Jue Value of tre orshumerdt sanding, apace f ques do the mnnosused > 4 Phe anilhumenk has aes Scoble, Yho axcusecy Gon be expaatien a -poncoaings op fut Scale susding > 4) Be accunosy as eluscal in beams of teu Value of apsandihy feing meoseoed ik 18 exprotiad a Pecontaae Of true Valu. > 4) te suakoument Nob poy pant dp» seh Peaking at spor > 4 He arewwany 4 dpacitet al edly one : peels pena 4s ColOad poink Aecesbony. at Yre smosumum vn Beale 8 Gillbmated anc 4 min are ) Procision SSE denotes he clleseres> yah ashudh andundid) qneasunomonis dca departed Gs) dptrbwed plist the Gusting: rusmben of maouincd Wolues % > AL is snabhernsh cally expacal as P= Tooasm Xo > Vad of n'* mansssesrt Rn > Aveswge of the do), of mmansurcd value =The atgebrase Abeoance Qehrcer Hix andumnbed Vals. and the Lowe Vale g te quankty Jo Le imectuod 44 Gllcd ease. 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Rasdom cowan !- > These eons aoe duc bo the occumulahen of Domae raumber op Br drat etiecis Thake eoeiesy Ge cheredd , SES of sand Grenan arly shor the Pugh daa & orcuncn) 1s esqueee > SE Gnideomeiiei Shy irene Ailieg Lhe rusalee of Shsewvelien and. by using Alatshuall molucds Dasssieation op branadacons >A borsdues a device Hat accoues nena) Jeera Ore duyptern and knoniml ab yo annthes in. 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Resistindy Cam) L > Length op Geomdider (m) AS joiea op Goss Scar Capt) The swsistance charge dite Jothe Change 1° Sonu ef the Gnduuctos is sad in mshahanad poke (ee) sdraluonall a fo mnsesira Qusicor SThe chang Ut snosivvane: pind. ais, Sho usostking pounaps ag She Shears PUG = A sosisonee -potenkomcken Graal of a Beciutic Borrant along en o Aiding Gries A lyse “wy mods up of plokewrn omsithie wee sumund ch ehuch th dk ab skxper ox nuchal ak oc) rm The Ioy vith. changes a Small 0 J) Gmant, thet mmeifidcd Gober co? 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Bape cf opens >the bate poncipls as the fact Yhat Phe sesishencs Hhe ie changes ab tanith funchen of Svan, incnoastrg, om and seducing aith coigretien the chang iin gositkanes mrésausd ath a avhealstons Dsasdyp oka Goll aouagp as Neeidad smth ihe elpacimen 4 c= the gusoy aditiecied de the Sars Straunias Prat of eatin The mest Gemenon Maleials sted so ures Shain BP ase Gmitanian aWleys dnbatning ss of Nuvelectt of Copper. 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Cosas pioke auc > By Soapang Ae one poke meving ard shai is aston pallid 4o obras poe Gonmen plate axza Gn SE Vosusd > Ths mothed 9 Qulable an the snaasatemanl Sstaksnal disploconsnt the avenger 7 emplyed a he os of dilated actey ard Stabor “> ven the sushey ploves op the apace axe arabe, the Gpnehans, Ness _pospontonl ho Sep ongfon Auseliaccment of Lhe oustoy_pllabes This frethod (Gow Gee sued & mansue She fooquect i) change sin dallerloic Ce Buy angasting 0 alas of Vaualte pamiiety the fopsciboria Gao Me Vera > Antveduchon af Cab of Vosnalte -pooaltudly ae gus de a Gmpnsile Capacitor . This meted 1s vubarl tn Gopoesianes ype Bevel malen > dn dome Gass, hw Ailverad qposte cians are, uted 3 Depending pm the. prwhte,. Hho, dusplacor Of there Gusriniaains Nawy and shone the epapsbeares of the dyaten gps Vaan Adana >The poe Sexpwtirvent is Veay mal? and once the pace Sequial de oposaie as Stra oak Very din doald Aisi}, Bae Ss Hegpty hanithwe > Have gent bequeney fa aad Mey Hah he ania = Das ansuflalssn J sequins Qrehvoon he malalfic pas og the poh Jronsdiicat Sos Mow value Papacikance ‘the oukpuk ampadanc: ferd to Voiy Aug Natu: shch Gases Moadig etlacs Ghenatve MicaePHone 2 4b is an acho mechasseal bsonsducat uthech Gensel tho dbourd eaatyy (on) Bigied Inve an’ aecincal ) ri Sonal > Nicwphene ab a Bamducer alu doweds Se Se presse change ante, Contespondurg Dactaiead drqnat > Sound Sqn cs Po al lal Hovolile Mekal | een | dhaghiogn : | Te Sappenieg Scchuce , ————> 4niulater cad Trobal plate > de donuist of arsvallo melal Asaphiogin sehuch Bassperccd oboe @ foad mand Qxiche plate > The Aaapiicye ack 94 ore plate wala proto’ Oreck plate Ge at arcthon Pate of pall pale Gpanibor etx Me pope epessthian, Khe rato ph sno nocd Naas Geom Soo Grakont D-¢ Malioge 1% applusd Qehuem a draphsogn asc \exod arakal pote Mesugh a sosistor the ditance Lebuen we plates ef Capacior a b en 220) = cp 4 KPCED Xo > Diakance bias Awe lla adh no Sound Signal Ks ‘Vaopostinaihy Guskood PLE) > Sound pressus > The Spector ar anetaphone us e by. at): Eb “xa & 3 -pasindtordy og $e dye ct: Gh te + ke Ce) >The Valinge acsoss the pacer aun by Ve olf ee 34 Saye on ee ais Gmalant, When tue vn: 6 =, © ech) Een eed = Axe 5 Ok pa) oR fo tha the Votkage actess the Gpsah ds Asuclty eoposharal to Jhe Vausbeon Jn pseseuse Adsankage : > Hos divmolty esckended peur, mange “Dk 48 suraged and efisctaey isoues age Sound The dif fiacken inbeslenarne Yes; Secanse of smal hood, Sine janknge > Vey expensive a Sepa at needs wc Mas sbeap ply Feelin = => Used th hugh fatctaty sroxivsding Sypterns 4 Studs > used ob detdasd rucephane bo @iduaie othe Rrabiar horet Preroedechic bransducnt = Pthen hoc oppose pet of a Hun Alico of Gakain Guptals any cluljerted Ako a amchanenl! jpec. 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Halal Aochredtes plated en to Joes of Racks Grupo aie faker oul bp maosure bpul i > the nul pu Vethoge ih yen Qsy, 4 ‘J Vp =o < ~The Sensikye spargpellichse ellbinent op a _pisrgpencn AsontAuct 4s in the fone 4 pia 8f -pass.ap qpacte hese dues are held jn uch o unis that hate epic ‘yes aie thelivean o {ot arated tece cathel Dead plow Be duo and Soansdias tousmg on othen ade. > lol P te the fomee preducad dy Ve external Bue. thi oe apt nko bo pass >the phe Ph Me Gagshed pats Ade Le fone % the pindeading Khun. stalled bebe Pa f +Pe =Ky ant kp ax = Ax Oxia ka) Bees ee a Ue Oxakeaxr kitka SNe Phe sults ha!) dacimses, the Lantilumby Rip incowais.% have Arattd, Values of Kare, 4p eyicn Skins Ii of the Guystcl pido, Phe flassboy OF Deading alpouna Akoutd be dose > ap Kosky, ds Gnstant men She -pasus sang fo Be meatued Shen onty’ Oineox epesahnn ib posal Advantages = > GinadO Sige and Ragged Gershmchan re Sg oulpet anh raga le phase Shift > Maoh Frcquoney Susprmic Bisadwonkn ses > ftampasabite Senukur > tod fos ayreari frcoseasemncn}s RLY 3 Sn high Shamash Gondabon , He Capgists aunt at Solved. Applicahisn 2 Alewwdrynasn ; Supoosrue snarsch Arsenal) = wWihsasmic. yon daibuctie teal Se > Spas rikon erques 0 Q ediaddicn :- dn Mas lyge the Wastihon op snduckane 08% Bon ef duspocarmasd ss achined “thy Vaiiahen tn “Al, farce (ox) Mrududl. ncluckanes Lew s Nd Namber of Gds & > Palucans of ad $: ¥l => Hares aay, aidudtane LB oper by, L: Niue fb N > Nuseller of tens of cal LS Tesurcabitity, ap Ge Cake) a> Anco of snare Goeiat Cro) LS Lenatn of Nic Grcink Cm) oe § = > The Vowuahin in fat}, vedbirdateer traay Ye duo te 2) hana aw tained ig shuns 2 f 41) Cengy “ant oiallertheanee”* ( te) harap an jponrnaadls J Wonduan Onved on insgle of chasge in lil Suduchare cath Number op kusns ek D cludely -poaposaral ho 24 O tusect te Measate Duns as ave a5 ngutes Auiplocement 3 4n oth Gusi,as sounflet of tuans changes, {We Value Sa, Anduchroce changes and franco rho Subpu Notlage abso chan Deplocannt eB oa ap Nene aierk 3 E e L- pak i) Nasunbla permeatti Srduckive Tronsdce DThe Value gy Self shdudane qos dopa on pesansallhy a do the. the Asplacserend dle aneased appliad de the sted awhich immed in and “iow of SEH Gone accortss9 sto chunischien of dusplocament S when thon Gre rime in, te effectsie ponabihg mand ashen em Gone rover aut, the a} prhue lity Aatreases ans -honca eubput , Vollogs Chonsps Ralarckoncs Snduckwe' Tansdicss : The dal}, Anduckane “as snwvesrsally panpoohions bn Eitan $ é {Tasges poke PA Geld 5° ori YE depad joomegrade Stake a nowt: poke poe alee Css seth a A pp The ty of the aie app istesimines the Farce of tho sree Camel pwhach decidos the Gnd hence >the dusplacement de be meatincd 2 apples to the Argel plate. Aeeossdvig te He displace Be tasaet poade mies tutiich Congss Ahe ali gop aod hence Hye Set}, Spdudone . Lvat :: © fnoat Vosable Dahsondl “rare Dato Bhe brane Asnsing elarent ay the Meassiervant of prosue, feud ard acralnokion x 4b abso Josms the Lote element op Lechoone Conposaies: thickness, Jneabusing Unit and Gove tndicaloos. Gorstouckin and Wonking’- Ste lay Gntst yo aingts spouriasy vending, ol be ecendlay svdung sc0ind) oy 0 bole Gybinconeal ‘formu. The Sccerdasit tae an equal salle of teens Sut Boy ane Gruacled in South eppasin So thak he emys induad ty he Gol epee Coach Oth, > the -Pasimasy asanding is G@morted do ac deuce meyatic abd num Cone Alrles swiside the -batlew s Mode up f nuchal: seu aaltey os Bed Limmasbucanlty b> oedaue ectday Gomer Gossrésis aromert te fe mansued AS applied to >The duspharon ons allnchad te tha: Gate. othoth ihe Cove an the ec He andueed C1 ty the Eecondlacies one eqnutl hey oppose eoeh ebhes Mhe eabpal Volkage audit Zeno Yotl > when an extemalty applic jpos fret He Jo the fat dhand -posihen » iene reg othe uss Suwa . 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