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ALCOLOCKER: Prioritizing Privacy

and Safety


Division of Oriental Mindoro

Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School

Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro

Cluster 1


Codiamat, Jian Krevan C.

Gayeta, Jorge M.

Doroga, Dianne B.

Research Adviser:

Cecilia B. Tanglao

Date of Submission:

November 7, 2022

Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School 1

Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety


Alcohol had become a must-have after the breakout of COVID-19. The way

people use it came in various ways since then, from storing them in mini bottles, mini

spray bottles, mini spray bottles that can serve as a keychain as well, to using automatic

alcohol dispenser specially for public use. How wonderful can it be when a locker that

can help people have safe place to store their things will be infused with an automatic


To determine the capability of ALCOLOCKER in storing things and dispensing

alcohol, one sample was prepared to determine its effectiveness. The researchers gathered

facts through personal observation since there was a limited time in doing the experiment.

ALCOLOCKER was created first by creating the system that will enable the proximity

sensor to automatically dispense the alcohol, followed by the creation of the body, which

is the locker itself.

Upon undergoing the experiment, the sample showed positive results. Its

automatic alcohol dispenser can effectively function in a locker in terms of its proximity

sensing ability, it is also consistent with how it sprays alcohol, and is very quick in

dispensing alcohol. Its ability to sense the users’ hands to be able to dispense alcohol is

also observed to be great. Given the features of this product, this product is still cost-

efficient as it provides quality performance as a tool, yet still maintaining a reasonable


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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety


The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation to all

of the groups and individuals who contributed their knowledge and assistance in order to

make this study successful.

To Mrs. Cecilia B. Tanglao, their subject teacher, who never flatered in

supporting their research for the greater good and benefit of her students.

To their parents, who extended support and effort and provided for them all the

needed and expenses for this study to be accomplished.

And most especially to God, who gave the researchers everything they required as

well as the gifts of life, knowledge, wisdom, and strength. This research study would not

be possible without him.

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TITLE PAGE………………….…………………………………………………………1



TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………..……4-5


Background of the Study/Rationale……………………………………………………. 6-8

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………9

Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………...10



Scope and Delimitation of the study……………...……………………………………...11

Significance of the study …………………..………………………………………...11-12

Definition of terms……………………………………………………………………12-14


Review Of Related Literature And Studies…………………………..……………….15-18


Research Design………………………………………………………………………….19

Research Instrument……………….....……………………………………………….19-20

Data Collection Process……………………..………………………………………...…20


Construction of the Product………………………………………………...…….…...…21

Product Testing…………………………………………………………………………..21

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Results and Discussion………………………………..………………………………22-23









Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………………30-32

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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety


Background of the Study/Rationale

After two years of distance learning brought by the COVID-19 pandemic in the

Philippines, schools are once again getting back to the face-to-face mode of learning.

This proved that the country is recovering well from the pandemic. Since more and more

people are going out nowadays because of the face-to-face classes, people must be more

cautious of the virus since it is still currently around everyone.

As the new school year have started, students concern about the loads they have

to carry back and forth from their school to their home is again arising. For this reason,

students who have lockers on their school benefits a lot in having less things to carry.

But, since not every school provide lockers for students, a lot of students still struggle

from carrying a lot of things. That’s why a cost-efficient locker would be a great help to

schools specially the students.

According to an essay from, the main purpose of a locker is to stay

organized and reduce the weight of student backpacks. You can put coats and heavy

textbooks in your locker and get them out at the end of the day. Some people rely on

lockers to stay organized and to lighten backpacks.

Alcohol had become a must-have after the breakout of COVID-19. The way

people use it came in various ways since then, from storing them in mini bottles, mini

spray bottles, mini spray bottles that can serve as a keychain as well, to using automatic

alcohol dispenser specially for public use. How wonderful can it be when a locker that

can help people have safe place to store their things will be infused with an automatic


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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety

Pru Life UK (2020) proved that rubbing alcohol sold commercially for household

use is usually 60 to 70 percent solutions of either ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. Like soap,

alcohol can rip apart the protective envelope of coronaviruses. Alcohol also has an

additional mechanism that helps destroy bacteria and other microbes: it can dissolve or

“denature” protein structures inside them. Destroying these protein structures also leads

to the destruction of the microbe. Just like soap, rub the alcohol for 20 seconds to allow

the chemical reaction to work. The advantage of using rubbing alcohol on our hands and

other surfaces is that it can be used as is--unlike soap which needs water to activate its

germ-killing power.

Phuong D. (2020) explained that an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser is a device

dispensing a controlled amount of hand sanitizer (or a similar liquid such as soap

solution). They are often used in conjunction with automatic faucets in public restrooms.

They help conserve the amount of sanitizer used and stem infectious disease


Benmahdjoub, M. A., Mezouar, A., & Van den Bossche, A. (2022), in their

research conducted, explained that with relate to their product Non-Contact Automatic

Alcohol Gel Dispenser by using Embedded Real-Time Systems, indeed, spreading by

contact could lead to a new outbreak of the epidemic and a return of coronavirus. Two

applied means to avoid the spread of COVID-19 are wearing masks and using an alcohol

gel dispenser. In this paper, a non-contact automatic alcohol gel dispensed (AAGD) is

proposed. The product made on their study was a device based on microcontroller device

“Arduino Nano”, Ultrasonic sensor “HC-SR05” and servo-motor of 1 Nm. It can be used

and integrated in the schools, markets, and different companies. In this focus, the AAGD

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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety

works without touching by hand that could have touched the nose and not cleaned 100%.

This property is important in this crisis period, especially since the appearance of

coronavirus delta variant. This real-time device is nice to operate, and could be produced

using quite common control devices, a too high or complicated technology level would

reduce its application.

Hand sanitizer, also known as a hand antiseptic or hand rub, is a product that is

applied to the hands to remove common pathogen in the hands [1]. Hand sanitizers are

usually available as foam, gel, or liquid [2,3,4]. They are recommended for use when

there is unavailability of water and soap or there are other medical concerns (e.g., it

causes cracks on the skin) [5, 6]. In early 2020, WHO declared a pandemic “severe acute

respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”, better known as COVID-19. Exponential rise has

been seen in the cases despite authorities setting down their best efforts. Prophylaxis is

the easiest method to reduce transmission, proper hand washing and hygiene are the most

effective pandemic strategies [7]. Hand sanitizers have emerged to be alternative to soap

and water washing both in healthcare and public institutions. They are used to break the

chain of infections, making them one of the important protocols for reducing the burden

on healthcare (Prajapati, P., Desai, H., & Chandarana, C., 2022).

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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety


Based on the foregoing study, the researcher draws the conceptual framework of

this research as follows.

Functioning of Alcolocker in terms of:

a) Proximity sensing ability

b) Consistency of alcohol

spraying ability

c) How long will the alcohol

be dispensing

Acceptance of ALCOLOCKER as an

automatic alcohol dispenser infused


The conceptual framework follows the Independent Variable-Dependent Variable

format. Independent variable shows one set up of ALCOLOCKER. This set-up will

undergo observation for a day to determine its characteristics in terms of proximity

sensing ability, consistency of alcohol spraying ability, how long will the alcohol be

dispensing. The dependent variable on the other hand, shows the factors on which how

the ALCOLOCKER will be functioning can be shown and the acceptance of

ALCOLOCKER as an automatic alcohol dispenser infused locker

The result of the test must prove or will accept the use of ALCOLOCKER.

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1. Can automatic alcohol dispenser be effectively functioning in a locker in terms of:

1.1 Proximity sensing ability

1.2 Consistency of alcohol spraying ability

1.3 How long will the alcohol be dispensing

2. Can the automatic alcohol dispenser be able to automatically detect the users’ hands

by effectively ejecting or spraying out alcohol when motion is sensed?

3. Can Alcolocker become cost-efficient to buyers?


1. To utilize Alcolocker’s effectiveness as a locker with infused automatic alcohol

dispense. in serving its purpose as a locker infused with automatic alcohol dispenser.

1.1. Proximity sensing ability

1.2. Consistency of alcohol spraying ability

1.3. How long will the alcohol be dispensing

2. To determine the ability of the automatic alcohol dispenser to automatically detect the

users’ hands by effectively ejecting or spraying out alcohol when motion is sensed.

3. To examine if alcolocker can become cost-efficient to customers.

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There is no significant differences between the effectiveness of the alcohol

dispenser and locker in terms of proximity sensing ability, consistency of alcohol

spraying ability, how long will the alcohol be dispensing


This study included Alcolocker as a locker with infused automatic alcohol

dispenser’s determining its effectiveness in terms of its proximity sensing ability,

consistency of alcohol spraying ability, how long will the alcohol be dispensing.

This study is limited to utilizing Alcolocker the ability of the automatic alcohol

dispenser to automatically detect the users’ hands by effectively ejecting or spraying out

alcohol when motion is sensed, and determining how cost-efficient Alcolocker is to



The researchers initiated in conducting this project to help students when it comes

to providing a product which can help students in their needs. Students are the top

priority of this project, but it can be used in offices as well. As a two in one product, this

locker can help learners in terms of securing their privacy and safety. Aside from being a

tool for students in storing their things, this can also give protection to them since this

product is infused with alcohol, helping them sanitize constantly. This will be a great help

to them especially in this time of pandemic where constant sanitation is really needed.

This product, having an automatic dispenser for alcohol, having the thought of

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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety

contaminating people’s belongings will be less of a worry. This feature will provide the

users a way to lessen their fear from the virus that has been a threat to everyone’s life.

Locker, as the innovated product in this research, this won’t only help students for merely

their safety, it can also lessen the burden of students in carrying a lot of stuffs they use for

their classes which they have to bring from home to school and vice versa. By using this

product they can store their things/belongings such as notebooks, books, paper works,

project outputs, clothes and even food. If they happen to use this product before entering

school or before or after doing activities that may make students have to sanitize, they

can sanitize their hands as well. If students happen to forget bringing their

alcohols/sanitizers this product can be used as an alternative source for their sanitation



Alcohol Dispenser are designed to specifically pour a pre-configured amount in a glass,

no more, no less. There can be certain advantages: Consistency of drinks. Controls over

quantity poured. Less bartender training required.

Automatic- working by itself with little or no direct human control. The word automatic

can be used to describe a machine that works on its own, performing its tasks with little

or no human intervention, such as an automatic transmission on a car.

Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser is an infrared motion sensor-based dispenser. It used to

dispense any alcohol-based sanitizer. It has a touch-less operation, which makes people

fearless and more confident about the sanitization process. It is also known as a touch-

less or contact-less sanitizer dispenser.

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Alcolocker: Prioritizing Privacy and Safety

Ejecting- force or throw (something) out, typically in a violent or sudden way. 1a: to

throw out especially by physical force, authority, or influence ejected the player from the

game. b: to evict from property. 2: to throw out or off from within ejects the empty


Hand Sanitizer also called hand antiseptic, hand rub, or hand rub, agent applied to the

hands for the purpose of removing common pathogens (disease-causing organisms). 1,2.

Hand sanitizers typically come in foam, gel, or liquid form.

Locker is a small, usually narrow storage compartment. They are commonly found in

dedicated cabinets, very often in large numbers, in various public places such as locker

rooms, workplaces, elementary schools, middle and high schools, transport hubs and the


Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information

about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively.

Product User is the true customer of consumer of a goods or services. Sometimes they

are called end user because the come into picture at the end of the product supply chain

and differentiate the actual user from people involved in other stages of product

development like manufacturers, distributors, buyers etc.

Proximity Sensor- includes all sensors that perform non-contact detection in comparison

to sensors, such as limit switches, that detect objects by physically contacting them.

Proximity Sensors convert information on the movement or presence of an object into an

electrical signal.

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Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other

danger. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an

acceptable level of risk.

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Jadhav, S. explicated that sanitizing hands is a simple act that pays in dividends

when it comes to keeping ourselves healthy and safe. Hand sanitizing is also one of the

key cornerstones of COVID- 19 prevention. Using a squeezing type sanitizer container

spout in public places (hospitals, schools, shopping centers, industry plants and

workplaces) is unsafe as it was touched by many hands. Therefore, there is a need of

automate the squeezing operation which guarantee a legitimate cleanliness and safe to use

as touch less operation. Proposed unit is based on pre-programmed electronics and an

inbuilt ultrasonic sensor. It detects hands when it comes in its programmed range and

machine start pouring set amount of liquid into hand. Additionally, there is preset delay is

provided to serviceable and efficient use.

Furthermore, according to Alpers, S. E., people had hazardous drinking behavior

and one-tenth reported increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic lockdown

period. Increased alcohol consumption was particularly common in the age group of 30–

39 years, among people with economic worries due to COVID-19, and among those Int.

J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1220 9 of 11 who were placed in quarantine or

working or studying from home. This could be important information for policymakers to

keep in mind when revising measures to tackle pandemics.

Moreover, Benmahdjoub, M. A. explained that AAGD (Automatic Alcohol Gel

Dispenser) is based on microcontroller device that detects the right distance measurement

between the hand and alcohol dispenser. In addition, it will control the mechanism of

push-pull button of dispenser, by managing the angle rotation of servomotor. This

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mechanism can be changed depending on the design proposed by the manufacture

company. On the other hand, the program can be extended, to obtain a smarter device.

This device has the possibility to be integrated it in the companies and markets, to reduce

the spread of coronavirus between the people, and spreading psychological confidence

inside the society. For sure, some mockup will help the social acceptance, but a technical

base is still needed.

Prajapati, P. et al. explained that nine out of 10 small case-control studies showed

that hand washing reduced the risk of social contamination. Vitro studies have

established that alcohol-based disinfectants can be effectual in reducing viral load. The

SARS-CoV-2 transmission has an incubation time of 10 days, which makes it easy to

propagate through drops, contaminated hands or surfaces. Therefore, the effect of viral

inactivity on all broadcasts should be considered. Alcoholic disinfectants have been able

to deactivate SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV (also pre-activated coronaviruses) on living

surfaces like plastic, glass, and metal.

Moreover, Chauhan, S. described using an automatic hand sanitizer as one of the

easiest ways to keep your hands clean. It is a very efficient product. Since it is operated

through a sensor, every time it detects a movement such as showing of hands underneath

it, it automatically dispenses a standard amount of IPA alcohol-based hand sanitizer

liquid. This type of contactless functioning eliminates the need for human contact

completely. This helps in maintaining a hygienic and safe environment.

Furthermore, he added security of school lockers is not only beneficial to

students, either, as the presence of a personal locker gives parents peace of mind that

their children’s costly belongings are secure throughout the day. Giving students a safe

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space to store their things when they are not needed will help lighten the load and

alleviate some of these health concerns. Being free from any niggling aches and pains

will also help students focus their attention on their studies. A locker plays an essential

role in guaranteeing privacy by creating a place in schools where students can house their

personal belongings. Though security is undoubtedly the greatest benefit that comes with

installing lockers for schools, the advantages and lessons learned to extend far beyond

matters of security (Nuesmart. 2020).


The lack of a vaccine for the Covid-19 pandemic has Filipinos turning to

disinfectants as an additional line of defense against the virus. Isopropyl alcohol is one of

them and has long been required in every home and workplace. The majority of alcohol-

based hand antiseptics contain ethanol, isopropanol, n-propanol, or a combination of two

of these substances, according to the World Health Organization (Nepomuceno, 2020).

Automated Robot Alcohol Dispensers can automatically pour rubbing alcohol. It

can be released for use by the public. The dispensers, made with LEGO Education EV3

and sensors to give the exact amount of alcohol for the public. Therefore, no wastage and

provides protection for the people. People can reduce their chances of being infected or

spreading COVID-19 by thoroughly cleaning hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or

washing them with soap and water and practicing physical distancing (Cabico, 2020).

Lockers provide security for students’ belongings, store them somewhere tidy,

and avoid having to deal with everything at once. Lockers can aid in deterring theft of

personal property. They will be able to have a tidy location to store their books as a

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result. Locker is crucial because carrying all of a student's belongings around can lead to

health issues (Sun.Star Baguio, 2016).

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Research Design

Since the current study aims to prove and confirm if Alcolocker can be used as a

locker infused with automatic alcohol dispenser. It applies mixed methods design of


Mixed-methods in research is the type of research in which a researcher or group

of researcher employs elements of both qualitative and quantitative research approach

like in influence techniques to achieve abroad level of understanding. (Schoonenboom

and Johnson,2017).

Research Instrument

This study aims to produce a high-quality locker infused with automatic alcohol

dispenser that is cost-efficient to customers.

To achieve the desire product, locker and authomatic alcohol despenser are

processed and examine.

These are the following instruments (materials) used in making the product.

1. Proximity Sensor. This is one of the most important materials needed to create the

product. The proximity sensor was taken and examine for research use.

2. DC water pump. It is alsoan important material to make this product. It used to help the

alcohol in getting pumped-out.

3. TIP32C PNP transistor. It is intended for use in medium power linear and switching


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4.Aquarium Tubing. This is a material also needed to make this product. It is used to as a

pathway for the alcohol to get sprayed.

5. Rubbing Alcohol. This is the one of the most important materials needed to create the


6.Plywood and coco lumber. Materials used to make a locker. These are the most needed

materials to make a locker as it would create the cover needeed for it to become a locker

8. Nails (pako). This is the tools used to make a locker.

9. Hammer. This is also a tools used to make a locker.

10. Lock and key. These are materials used in locker.

Data Collection Process

Through the means of creating ALCOLOCKER, researchers begin with a specific

observation, which is the experimental product is a high-quality locker. The researchers

gathered facts through personal observation since there was a limited time in doing the



The researchers gathered the materials which are Lock, Key, Proximity Sensor,

DC Water Pump,TIP32C PNP Transistor, Aquarium Tubing, 1k Ω resistor, Rubbing

Alcohol, Wires which were bought from specific stores. The tools and equipment needed

such as Plywood, Coco lumber, Nails, Hammer, Container, Old Ballpen will be taken

from the researchers’ house.

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Construction of the Product

After gathering the materials, (1) cut a short segments of tubing, (2) connect the

aquarium tubing to the dc water pump and fasten it in place, (3) drill a whole on the

container for the wires and tubing, (4) insert the other end of the tubing through the

container's cap as well as the dc water pump's wire, (5) attach the proximity sensor on top

of the container using glue gun and the transistor using shoe glue, (6 ) solder the I kilo

ohm resistor across the transistor's base to the proximity sensor's digital output, (7)then

the transistor is connected to the VCC pin on the sensor, (8) solder the negative wire of

the pump to the ground pin of sensor, (9) use an old USB cable and connect the red wire

of the USB cable goes to the VSS pin and the black wire goes to the ground pin of the

sensor, (10) cover the circuit with host glue to prevent it from short circuiting. After

preparing the alcohol dispenser, prepare the locker starting with (11) creating the base of

the box with the use of coco lumber and nails, (12) attach the plywood to its outer part

leaving a space for the alcohol dispenser, (13) attach the automatic alcohol dispenser to

the body of the locker then cover it with plywood. (14) Attach a lock on the door part of

the locker.

Product Testing

One set-up will be prepared.

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Results and Discussion

This chapter presents, analyze and interprets all the data gathered by the

researcher from the conduct of this experimentation.

1. Can automatic alcohol dispenser be effectively functioning in a locker in terms of:

a) Proximity sensing ability

The four boxes were ranked as:

4 – Strongly agree 2 – Disagree

3 – Agree 1 – Strongly disagree

The respondents strongly agreed.

b.) Consistency of alcohol spraying ability

4 – Strongly agree 2 – Disagree

3 – Agree 1 – Strongly disagree

The respondents strongly agreed.

c.) How long will the alcohol be dispensing?

4 - very quick 2 - slow

3- quick 1 - very slow

The respondents s observed the dispensing alcohol to be quick.

2. Can the automatic alcohol dispenser be able to automatically detect the users’ hands

by effectively ejecting or spraying out alcohol when motion is sensed?

4 – Strongly agree 2 – Disagree

3 – Agree 1 – Strongly disagree

The respondents agreed.

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3. Can Alcolocker become cost-efficient to buyers?

Yes___ No____

The respondents answered yes.

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This study observed the capability of ALCOLOCKER as an as a locker based on

the experiment. It was found that based on the experiment, a system that can help people

in sanitizing can be infused in a locker with the help of a proximity sensor. Alcohol is

easier to access since it can be automatically dispensed by the help of the said system.

Therefore, ALCOLOCKER can serve its purpose well.

There should be preciseness when creating the locker as handling the circuit

involved in the creation is technical and should be given full attention in the process of

creating it.


Alcolocker is therefore a product that has an automatic alcohol dispenser which

could effectively function in a locker in terms of its proximity sensing abiliy, it is also

consistent with how it sprays alcohol, and is very quick in dispensing alcohol.

Its ability to sense the users’ hands to be able to dispense alcohol is also observed

to be great.

Given the features of this product, this product is still cost-efficient as it provides

quality performance as a tool, yet still maintaining a reasonable cost.

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The researchers would like to recommended the following for further

improvment of the study:

1. Use more appropriate tools and equipment to improve the quality of the


2. Seek the help of experts in making the circuit for automatic alcohol dispenser.

3. Conduct a larger scale testing of the products efficiency.

4. Use the finished product for storage and sanitation in school, offices or even


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Prajapati, P., Desai, H., & Chandarana, C. (2022). Hand sanitizers as a preventive measure in

COVID-19 pandemic, its characteristics, and harmful effects: a review. Journal of the

Egyptian Public Health Association, 97(1), 1-9.

Alpers, S. E., Skogen, J. C., Mæland, S., Pallesen, S., Rabben, Å. K., Lunde, L. H., & Fadnes, L.

T. (2021). Alcohol consumption during a pandemic lockdown period and change in

alcohol consumption related to worries and pandemic measures. International journal of

environmental research and public health, 18(3), 1220.

Prajapati, P., Desai, H., & Chandarana, C. (2022, February 8). Hand sanitizers as a preventive

measure in COVID-19 pandemic, its characteristics, and harmful effects: A Review -

Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association. SpringerOpen. Retrieved November

2, 2022, from

Online Sources

MBA Skool Team. (2014, October 21). User - Meaning & Definition. MBA Skool. Retrieved

October 24, 2022, from


Importance of lockers. Importance Of Lockers - 785 Words | Internet Public Library. (n.d.).

Retrieved November 2, 2022, from



Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School 26

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Automatic hand Sanitizer dispenser and some useful information you may not know. Uniduc.

(n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2022, from




Soap, alcohol, sanitizer: Sizing up the coronavirus cleansers. Soap, alcohol, sanitizer: Sizing

up the coronavirus cleansers | Pru Life UK. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2022, from


Benmahdjoub, M. A., Mezouar, A., & Van den Bossche, A. (2022). An Open-Source Non-

Contact Automatic Alcohol Gel Dispenser by using Embedded Real-Time Systems.


Benmahdjoub, M. A., Mezouar, A., & Van den Bossche, A. (2022). An Open-Source Non-

Contact Automatic Alcohol Gel Dispenser by using Embedded Real-Time Systems.

Chauhan, S. (2021, November 1). Why do we need an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser?

LinkedIn. Retrieved November 2, 2022, from



Why should you have a locker facility in school? Nuesmart. (2020, June 23). Retrieved

November 2, 2022, from


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Nepomuceno, P. (2020, August 22). Coping with covid-19: The craze for Disinfectants.

Philippine News Agency. Retrieved December 28, 2022, from

Cabico, G. K. (2020, April 6). Bulacan School makes automated alcohol dispenser using

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Sun.Star Baguio. (2016, May 19). Students Locker. - Digital Newspaper

& Magazine subscriptions. Retrieved December 28, 2022, from


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Proximity Sensor TIP32C PNP Transistor DC Water Pump

Aquarium Tubing 1k Ω resistor Plywood

Coco lumber Nails Hammer

Lock and key Old container Old ballpen

Rubbing Alcohol Wires

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