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Experiment No.

8 Date:

To determine the enthalpy of neutralisation of strong acid 0.5M HCI and strong base 0.5M

carv: Enthalpy of neutralisation is an enthalpy change, when one mole ofH' ions of an acid
is completely neutralised by one mole of OH ions of a base to form one mole of water.It isHeat to
neutralisation of any strong acid and
strong base is almost constant, AH -57.3 kJ.
= due

eomplete dissOciation of strong acid and strong base.

Reaction: NatOH(aq) HC(aq) NaClkaq) + H,0(); AH -57.3 kJ

+ =

In case of weak acid and strong base the enthalpy of neutralisation is less than that
and strong base as some heat is utilised for complete ionisation of weak acid.
of strong acid
Apparatus: Polythene bottle, cork with two holes, two beakers, thermometer (1/10), measuring
cylinder, etc.

0.5 M HCT and 0.5 M NaOH.


Rubber cork


Polythene bottle

HCl and NaOH Solution

1 Take 50 mL 0.5 M HCI in a clean and dry polythene bottle.
2. Record its initial temperature (t, "C).
water and gently wipe with filter paper.
3. Wash the thermometer with
Take 50 mL 0.5 M NaOH in a clean
and dry beaker.
Record its initial temperature(t,'C). bottle, shake wel.
Add NaOH solution to the polythene mixture (t,C)
Kecord the constant maximum temperature ofthe
Note: be approximated to
ot polythene bottle can
Specific heat capacity of commonly used PET type
gC 1000 J/kg "C. = 0.25 cal/g
can be neglected ifmass ofwater
inside it is more than 100a.
the bottle is thin walled, its mass is used, we need to known and use its water equivalent.
lf a heavy bottle of different material
Observation Table
Initial temperature of 0.5 M HCI 30:c
2 Initial temperature of
0.5 M NaOH 31:8.C
3 Mass of solution Total
volume of solution m 100 9
Average temperature of both solutions
(HCI+NaOH) 30:%.t) +3:Kt) 31:3.C
Final temperature of mixture 34.C
6 34-7 31-3
Rise in temperature At.C (t).C (1,) 3:.C
Specific heat capacity of water S 4.184 J/g C


Enthalpy change during neutralisation of 50 mL 0.5 M HCI by 50 mL 0.5M NaOH.

Q m S At
Q- 100 x 4.184 J/g °C x A At

1000 mL 0.5 M HCl contain 0.5 mol of HCI

50 mL 0.5 M HCI will contain 0.025 mol of HC1

422:%oQ) heat evolved when 0.025 mol of HCI neutralised

Enthalpy of nutralisation is therefore Space for log calculation

422 ShQ) Number log

AH 6.102.: Jmol
AH .6...0.2.. /mol
The Enthalpy of neutralisation of strong acid HCI and strong base NaOH =0102kJ/mol

(Negative sign is because reaction is exothermic in nature)

Remark and sign of teacher: .

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