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Flight Mechanics a n d Variational Problems of

a Linear Type f
Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.

SUMMARY overcome. Rigorous sufficiency proofs can b e devel-

A general analysis is presented of variational problems of oped for linear problems of b o t h t h e simplest type a n d
linear type. T h e characteristic of these problems is that the the isoperimetric type, as is shown below.
functional forms to be extremized, the differential equations of
constraint, and/or the eventual isoperimetric conditions only in- (2) L I N E A R P R O B L E M S OF T H E S I M P L E S T T Y P E
volve the first power of the derivatives of the unknown functions.
For the above problems the Legendre-Clebsch condition fails to Consider a functional form of t h e t y p e |
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yield any information on the minimal or maximal nature of the

extremal arc; moreover, the Weierstrassian function is zero along
a major portion of the Eulerian solution. By the use of a new
technique, based on Green's theorem, the afore-mentioned
J *X2

[$(x, y) + yfSfr(x, y)]dx (1)

difficulties can be overcome. Rigorous sufficiency proofs are where $ a n d SP are given functions of t h e arguments x
developed for linear problems of both the simplest type and the and y a n d where yf = dy/dx. Assume t h a t , among all
isoperimetric type. Several physical problems, associated with arcs y{x) consistent with certain prescribed end condi-
the mechanics of flight of either a constant mass or a variable mass
vehicle, are treated within the general frame of problems of
tions, t h e special a r c which extremizes—-i.e., maximizes
linear type. or minimizes—the integral (1) is t o be found. As is
known from t h e theory of t h e first variation, t h e ex-
(1) INTRODUCTION tremal arc associated with t h e problem under consider-
ation is t o be a solution of t h e Euler's differential equa-

S EVERAL N E W PROBLEMS of applied mathematics

have arisen in t h e analysis of trajectories of high-

(d/dx) (bF/dy') - (bF/dy) = 0 (2)

speed aircraft a n d missiles which cannot be handled b y
the use of conventional methods of performance anal- where the so-called fundamental function F is defined as
ysis. These problems, which fall under t h e domain
of t h e calculus of variations, are generally concerned F = $ + ^ryf (3)
with t h e determination of t h e maneuver of t h e em-
pennage control a n d / o r t h e engine control which opti- T h e development of E q s . (2) a n d (3) leads t o t h e fol-
mize a given performance. lowing result:
A category of variational questions of rather fre- (dV/dx) - (p$/by) = 0 (4)
quent occurrence in aeronautical engineering is repre-
sented b y problems of t h e so-called linear type. T h e T h e above equation points o u t t h a t there is, asso-
dominant characteristic of such problems lies in t h e ciated with t h e functional form (1), a degenerate vari-
fact t h a t t h e functional forms to be extremized, t h e ational problem. I n fact, while t h e Euler's differential
differential equations of constraint, a n d / o r t h e eventual equation is, ordinarily, a second-order differential
isoperimetric conditions only involve t h e first power of equation (as such, its general integral depends on two
the derivatives of t h e unknown functions. This a p - integration constants), E q . (4), on t h e contrary, is an
parently simplifying circumstance is actually t h e source equation infinite terms.
of i m p o r t a n t analytical difficulties. I n connection with I t is, therefore, concluded t h a t if t h e coordinates of
the study of t h e minimal or maximal properties of the end points 1 a n d 2 are consistent with E q . (4), then
the solutions, t h e Legendre-Clebsch condition fails to Eq. (4) represents t h e extremal arc associated with t h e
yield a n y information on t h e n a t u r e of t h e extremal arc. variational problem under consideration. If, on t h e
An analogous difficulty is found, along a major portion contrary, t h e end points 1 a n d 2 do n o t lie on t h e curve
of t h e extremal arc, when applying t h e more stringent defined b y E q . (4), then t h e variational problem has no
Weierstrass condition. solution.
B y t h e use of a new a n d hitherto unexploited tech- I t is t o be noted that, even when t h e b o u n d a r y con-
nique, based on Green's theorem, this difficulty can be ditions of t h e problem are consistent with E q . (4), a
further difficulty arises. F o r a linear integrand t h e
Received February 13, 1958. Revised and received April Legendre function b2F/by'2 is zero a t all points of t h e
18, 1958. extremal arc. Moreover, t h e Weierstrassian E func-
| This article is a condensed version of the investigation de- tion 1 is also E = 0 along the extremal arc. I t is, there-
scribed in reference 11.
* Engineering Consultant, Missiles Engineering Department. t The subscripts 1 and 2 are employed here to denote, respec-
Also, Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, Purdue University. tively, initial point and final point.
582 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O / S P A C E S C I E N C E S — S E P T E M B E R , 1958

the integral (1) under the new constraint

y'+f[x,y, z(p)] = 0 (7)

%*o T h e dependent variables being two in number, two

/--—7 ,. Euler equations are needed to define the extremal arc
dz_n (d/dx) (dF/dy') - (bF/by) = 0 (8)
] 2 f
(d/dx) (dF/dp ) - (dF/dp) = 0 (9)
f1 F being the so-called fundamental function

: p
^ F = $ + * / + \(y> + /) (10)
and \(x) a variable Lagrange multiplier. Eqs. (8) to
(10) lead to the following results:
FIG. 1. Parametric representation of a variable subject to
inequality. (d/dx) ( * + X) - (d$/dy) -
(d*/dy)y> - \(df/i>y) = 0 (11)
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fore, inferred t h a t b o t h the Legendre condition and the (df/dz) \{dz/dp) = 0 (12)
Weierstrass condition yield no information on the T h e Euler equation (12) associated with the p variable
minimal or maximal n a t u r e of the extremal path. is interesting, because it shows t h a t the extremal arc is
discontinuous, being generally composed, for df/dz ^ 0,
X= 0 (13)
W i t h regard to engineering applications, a more im-
p o r t a n t t y p e of linear problem occurs in the case where and subarcs dz/dp = 0 (14)
the arc y(x) extremizing the integral (1) is to be con- For t h e subarc X = 0, t h e relationship between x and
sistent with a constraint of the form y is obtained from Eq. (11)
y' +f{x,y,z) = 0 (5) (d¥/ds) - (d$/dy) = 0 (15)

where z is a new variable such t h a t * For the subarcs dz/dp = 0 the z variable has a con-
s t a n t value^—-i.e., either z = %\ or z = z2 according to
Zi < z < z2 (6) the parametric representation devised in Fig. 1. T h e
relationship between x and y is obtained b y integrating
To account for t h e relation (6), the idea of para-
Eq. (5) subject to either the constraint z = Zi or z = z2.
metric representation of the variable subject to in-
Clearly, t h e present problem differs from t h e one of
equality is introduced. T h e variable z is represented
Section (2), insofar as subarcs z = const, m u s t be con-
(see Fig. 1) as a function z(p) of a parameter p having
sidered in the composition of the extremal arc in addi-
the following properties: (a) for — oo < p < ph
tion to the special subarc represented b y Eq. (15). T h e
z = zh dz/dp = 0, d2z/dp2 = 0; (b) for p2 < p <
role of these subarcs z = const, is fundamental in the
+ oo; z = z2, dz/dp = 0, d2z/dp2 = 0; and (c) for pi <
solution of the b o u n d a r y value problem: in fact, it is
p < p2, a one-to-one correspondence is assumed between
now entirely possible to satisfy a set of prescribed end
z and p—i.e., dz/dp ^ 0 everywhere.
conditions in the (x, y) plane—a, circumstance which,
With the above artifice, t h e independent parameter
on the contrary, is generally impossible for the problem
p is allowed to v a r y between — <» and + °°. T h e
formulated in Section 2.
variable z becomes a dependent quantity, variable be-
T h e analysis of t h e Legendre-Clebsch condition and
tween Zy and z2 according to t h e scheme of Fig. 1.
of the Weierstrass condition (omitted for the sake of
Notice t h a t the condition dz/dp = 0 represents either
brevity) leads to the following results: 1 1 (a) the
a line z = zv or a line z = z2\ on the other hand, the con-
Legendre- Clebsch condition yields no information on the
dition dz/dp ^ 0 is representative of any other value
minimal or maximal character of the solution for the
of z intermediate between Z\ and z2. Notice also t h a t
three subarcs X = 0, z = zh and z = z2; and (b) the
p is only a parameter and t h a t there is no necessity of
Weierstrassian function is E = 0 a t points of the sub-
attributing to it any geometrical or physical meaning.
arc X = 0. T h e analogy between the present conclusions
The main effect of the parametric representation is
and those of Section (2) should be emphasized.
to reduce a variational problem involving inequalities
to the same mathematical model useful in solving t h e
case where all constraints involve equalities. Thus,
for the present problem, the two unknown functions
y(x) and p(x) must be determined so as to extremize
* The subscripts 1 and 2 are employed here to denote, respec- As a further step, the problem of extremizing the
tively, lower bound and upper bound for the z variable. functional (1) is considered in connection with a
F L I G H T M E C H A N I C S AND V A R I A T I O N A L P R O B L E M S 583

nonholonomic constraint obeying E q . (7) plus a n iso- T h e horizontal distance (X) flown b y the aircraft is
perimetric constraint of linear t y p e : given b y 2 ' 1 2

mV VeV
[3>(x, y) + ty(x, y)y'\dx = given (16)

X dV (23)
Xl D(m, V) D(m, V) m
For t h e problem represented b y E q s . (1), (7), and (16) where mr = dm/dV. T h e m a x i m u m range problem
the two unknown functions y(x) a n d p(x) m u s t be con- consists of extremizing t h e integral (23), subject to t h e
sistent with t h e Euler equations (8) and (9) where t h e constraint
F function is now defined as follows:
*' + {mft/[Veft ~ D(m, V)]} 0 (24)
F= $ + Vy' + \(y' +f) + X($ + * / ) (17)
where 0 < 8 < 3max (25)
X(x) being a variable Lagrange multiplier and X a con-
s t a n t Lagrange multiplier. T h e development of E q s . I t is to be noted t h a t t h e problem represented b y t h e
(8), (9), and (17) leads to t h e following result: relations (23), (24), a n d (25) is mathematically identical
with the problem represented b y Eqs. (1), (5), and (6).
(d/dx) [tf + X* + X] - ( d $ / d y ) - ( d ^ / d y ) / - This fact is evident if t h e following substitutions are
X(5//by) - X[(5$/dy) + ( d t f / d y ) / ] = 0 (18) made:
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(bf/dz) \(dz/dp) = 0 (19) x = V, y m, z = (3, zi = 0, z2 = pn

Once more t h e extremal arc is discontinuous, being $ = -(mV/D), ^ = -(VeV/D),
composed, for df/dz ^ 0, of subarcs dz/dp = 0 (z = Zi or f = M(3/(Vep - D)
z = z2) and subarcs X = 0—-i.e., subarcs such t h a t
T h e solution, therefore, involves (a) subarcs /5 = 0, (b)
(d^*/dx) - (d$*/dy) = 0 (20) subarcs /5 = f3maX} and (c) subarcs flown with variable
where ^ * = V + X^ (21) thrust, along which the mass-velocity relationship is
represented b y
$* = $ + X$ (22)
(d/dV) [VeV/D] - (5/dm) [mV/D] = 0 (26)
Notice t h a t E q . (20) is representative of a family of
curves in the (x, y) plane, one for each value of t h e con- For t h e particular case of a drag polar of t h e form
s t a n t multiplier X. T h e particular value of X asso- D = AV2 + B(m2/V2) (27)
ciated with t h e problem under consideration m u s t be
computed on t h e basis of t h e given isoperimetric condi- (where A and B are appropriate constants), E q . (26)
tion and of t h e prescribed b o u n d a r y conditions. reduces to 1 2
T h e study of t h e Legendre-Clebsch condition and of
m = VJ/B V2 V ( F + Ve)/(V + SVe) (28)
the Weierstrass condition is omitted here, as it leads 1 1
to conclusions similar to those of Sections (2) and (3). W i t h regard to t h e b o u n d a r y value problem, t h e
subarcs (3 = 0 and /5 = (3max m u s t be combined with
(5) T Y P I C A L P R O B L E M S INVOLVING A NONHOLONOMIC those obeying E q . (26), so as to satisfy a set of pre-
CONSTRAINT scribed end conditions. I n this connection, t h e further
I n t h e present section several physical problems are
introduced; their mathematical model falls within t h e dm < 0 (29)
frame of t h e problem considered in Section (3).
m u s t be accounted for. I t s effect is to limit t h e number
(5.1) Burning Program for the Maximum Range of a of physically possible combinations of subarcs. This
Rocket Powered Aircraft in Level Flight circumstance is described in Section (7).
A rocket-powered aircraft moving along a rectilinear
horizontal p a t h is considered in connection with the (5.2) Burning Program for the Maximum 3Endurance of
a Rocket-Powered Aircraft in Level Flight
following hypotheses: (a) t h e t h r u s t is tangent to the
flight path, (b) the equivalent exit velocity of t h e Under t h e same hypotheses of Section (5.1), t h e
rocket engine (Ve) is a constant, a n d (c) t h e engine is problem of maximum endurance consists in extremizing
capable of delivering all mass flows (ft) bounded be- the integral
tween a lower value (ft = 0) and an upper value Ve,

dV (30)
(ft^ftmax)- D(m, V) D(m, V) m J
I n flight a t constant altitude, t h e drag D can be con-
ceived as a function D(V, L) of velocity (V) and lift subject to t h e constraints (24) and (25). T h e solution
(L) only. After accounting for t h e equation of motion involves subarcs /3 = 0, subarcs ft = ftmax, and variable-
on t h e normal to t h e flight p a t h (L — m g = 0, where t h r u s t subarcs satisfying t h e relationship
m is t h e mass and g t h e acceleration of gravity), t h e
(d/dV) (Ve/D) - (d/dm) (m/D) = 0 (31)
drag D is reduced to a function D(V, m) of velocity
and instantaneous mass of the vehicle. For t h e particular case of a drag polar obeying E q . (27),

the variable-thrust subarc reduces to p a t h is approximated as L — W = 0, where L is t h e

2 lift; (c) t h e t h r u s t (T) is tangent t o the flight p a t h ; (d)
m = VX/B V (32) the power plant is operated in such a way t h a t t h r u s t
(5.3) Burning Program for the Maximum Increase in (T) a n d fuel consumed per unit time (q) are known
Altitude of a Rocket in Vertical Flight {Zero Drag) functions T(V, h) a n d q(V, h) of altitude (h) a n d ve-
locity (V).
A rocket-powered vehicle moving along a rectilinear
For flight in a vertical plane t h e drag D can be con-
vertical p a t h is considered in connection with flight
ceived as a function D(h, V, L) of altitude, velocity,
in a vacuum. Hypotheses (a), (b), a n d (c) of Section
and lift. After considering hypotheses (a) a n d (b), t h e
(5.1) a r e maintained. Assuming t h a t t h e initial alti-
drag D is reduced t o a function D(h, V) of altitude and
tude is zero, the problem of maximum altitude increase
velocity only. As a consequence, t h e time (t) neces-
consists in extremizing t h e integral 4
sary t o transfer t h e aircraft from an initial condition
2 1 to a final condition 2 is given by 5 , 6
h= f [-(V/g) - (VeV/mg)m']dV (33)

subject to the constraint {(l/g) [W/(T-D)] +


m' + [p?n/(Ve(3 - mg)] = 0 (34) ( 1 / F ) [W/(T - D)]hf) dV (42)

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where 0 < f3 < /3max (35) where h' = dh/dV.

T h e brachistocronic problem consists in finding t h e
T h e solution involves only subarcs /5 = 0 a n d subarcs
altitude-velocity relationship which minimizes t h e in-
0 = Pmax- Variable-thrust subarcs do not participate
tegral (42) subject to the constraint
in the composition of the extremal arc insofar as

(d/dV) [VeV/mg] - (d/dm) [V/g] = h' + (V/g) [Ws'm 6/(Wsm 6 + D - T)] = 0 (43)
Ve/mg ^ 0 (36)
where 6 is t h e p a t h inclination with respect to a hori-
(5.4) Burning Program for the Maximum Increase in zontal plane and
Altitude of a Rocket in Vertical Flight (Quadratic Drag
Law) - 1 < sin-0 < + 1 (44)
T h e problem of m a x i m u m altitude increase is here This problem can be reduced t o the mathematical mode
investigated once more. All the hypotheses of Section treated in Section (3), b y using the substitutions
(5.3) are maintained, t h e only exception being t h a t a
quadratic drag law (D = KV2, w i t h X = const.) is now x = V, y = h, z = sin 6, zx = — 1, z2 = + 1
$ = W/g(T - D), V = W/V(T - D)
The analytical question consists in extremizing t h e
integral 4 f = (V/g) [W sin 6/(W sin 6 + D - T)]

\-[mV/(mg + KV2)] - T h e solution, consequently, involves (a) subarcs sin

6 = — 1 (vertical dive), (b) subarcs sin 6 = + 1 (vertical
[VeV/(mg + KV2)]m'} dV (37) zoom), a n d (c) subarcs flown with variable p a t h incli-
subject to the constraint nation, along which the altitude-velocity relationship is
represented by*
m' + [pm/(Vcp - mg - KV2)] = 0 (38)
(d/dV) [W/V(T - D)] -
where 0 < (3 < /3max (39) (d/dh) [W/g(T - D)] = 0 (45)

T h e solution involves subarcs /3 = 0, subarcs /3 = (3max, W i t h regard t o t h e boundary value problem, t h e

and subarcs flown with variable mass flow. Along t h e subarcs sin 6 = — 1 and sin 6 = + 1 m u s t be combined
latter, t h e mass-velocity relationship is represented b y with those obeying Eq. (45) so as to satisfy a set of pre-
scribed end conditions. I n this connection, t h e case
(d/dV) [VeV/(mg + KV2)] -
where the further inequality 6
(d/dm) [mV/(mg + KV2)] = 0 (40)
T - D > 0 (46)
T h e development of Eq. (40) leads t o
m u s t be accounted for is of engineering importance.
m = (KV2/g) [1 + (V/Ve)] (41)
Its effects are t o limit the number of physically possible
(5.5) Brachistocronic Climbing Technique for a Turbojet combinations of subarcs.
Powered Aircraft
* The analysis of the climbing technique of minimum fuel
T h e climbing flight of a turbojet-powered aircraft
consumption 5 - 6 leads to a mathematical model similar to the
is now considered in connection with t h e following hy- one of Section (5.5). An analogous remark refers to the so-called
potheses: (a) t h e weight (W) is ideally a constant; steepest climb, if the simplifying assumption sin 6 = t a n 6 is
(b) t h e equation of motion on t h e normal t o t h e flight accepted.
V A R I A T I O N A L P R O B L E M S 585

(5.6) A Degenerate Case: Burning Program Extremizing obeying Eq. (27), Eq. (50) reduces to
the Time of Flight for a Rocket in Vertical Flight (Zero
With the same hypotheses of Section (5.3) the prob- m= Jl W JW±H±M±^l (5i)
lem of extremizing IB 1V(V+ 3 7.) + X(F + 2 TO
(6.2) Brachistocronic Burning Program of a Rocket in
[-(Vg) - (Ve/mg)m']dV (47) Vertical Flight for Given Altitude Increase (Quadratic
Vi Drag Law)
is considered, subject to the constraints (34) and (35). Under the same hypotheses of Section (5.4), the prob-
The solution formally involves subarcs (3 = 0, sub- lem of minimizing the integral 4
arcs 13 = /3max, and subarcs such t h a t
(d/dV) [VJmg] - (d/dm) [1/g] = 0 (48) t= p r - - ^ L — - - -m^[dV (52)
JVl L mg + KV* rng + KV* J
Notice t h a t Eq. (48) degenerates into an identity* this
is considered. T h e nonholonomic constraint repre-
is a clear indication of the fact t h a t an infinite number
sented b y the relations (38) and (39) is accounted for,
of extremals exist, 4 all leading from the initial point
together with the isoperimetric constraint represented
(Vi, Wi) to the final point (V2, m2) in equal times.
b y Eq. (37), where h is now a prescribed q u a n t i t y .
The latter circumstance is logical, insofar as Eq. (47)
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T h e solution involves subarcs f3 = 0, subarcs /5 = f3maXi

can be integrated in a closed form yielding
and variable-thrust subarcs. Concerning the latter,
t = (1/g) [V,- V2 + Velog (mjm2)\ (49) the mass-velocity relationship is represented by
(6) T Y P I C A L P R O B L E M S INVOLVING B O T H A (d/dV) {[VJ(mg + KV>)] (1 + XV)} -
i.e., b y
In the present section several physical problems are
considered: they all fall under the mathematical scheme m = (KV/gVe) {V(V+ Ve) + [(V+2Ve)/\]} (54)
of the problems formulated in Section (4).
(6.3) Brachistocronic Climbing Maneuver of a Turbojet
Powered Aircraft for Given Horizontal Distance
(6.1) Burning Program Maximizing the Range of a
Rocket-Powered Aircraft for Given Time (Level Flight) Under the simplifying assumption sin 6 ~ tan 6, and
Under the same hypotheses of Sections (5.1) and conserving all other hypotheses of Section (5.5), the
(5.2), the problem of maximizing the integral (23) is horizontal distance (X) traveled b y a turbojet powered
considered, in connection with the nonholonomic con- aircraft while climbing is given by 5
straint represented by the relations (24) and (25) and
with a further isoperimetric constraint, represented b y
Eq. (30), where t is a given quantity.
This problem is mathematically identical with the T h e problem of minimizing the integral (42) is now con-
one represented b y Eqs. (1), (7), and (16), as is evident sidered, subject to the constraints (43) and (44) and to
from the substitutions the further isoperimetric constraint represented b y
Eq. (55), where X is a prescribed quantit}^. 7
x = V, y = m, z = /3, zx = 0, z2 = /3max
T h e solution arc includes subarcs sin 6 = — 1, sub-
p = -mV/D, ¥ = - VeV/D, f = m/3/(Ve/3 - D) arcs sin 6 = + 1 , and subarcs along which the altitude-
velocity relationship is expressed byf
$ = -m/D, ¥ = -VJD
( d / d U ) {(W/V) [(1 + \V)/(T - D))} -
T h e solution arc, therefore, involves subarcs 0 = 0, (d/dh) {(W/g) [(1 + \V)/(T - D)]} = 0 (56)
subarcs f3 = /3max, and variable-thrust subarcs. T h e
latter are ruled b y the following relationship: (7) APPLICATION OF G R E E N ' S T H E O R E M TO T H E
(d/dV) [(VJD) (V+X))-
(d/dtn) [(m/D) (V + X)] = 0 (50) In the previous sections a general t r e a t m e n t has been
developed, valid for linear problems. Several physical
Notice t h a t Eq. (50) represents a one-parameter family problems have been formulated. All of t h e m involve
of curves in the (m, V) plane; each member of the discontinuous solutions. For each of them, the an-
family corresponds to a different value for the constant alytical relations governing the different subarcs form-
multiplier X. Once the isoperimetric condition and the ing one extremal arc have been indicated. For all of
boundary conditions are prescribed, the particular them the Legendre-Clebsch condition fails everywhere
value of X associated with a given problem can be de-
f The problem of the climbing technique of minimum fuel
termined. For the particular case of a drag polar
consumption for given horizontal distance 7 leads to a similar
* Therefore, any arbitrary function m( V) can be regarded as mathematical model and, therefore, to a solution analogous to
a solution to Eq. (48). the one described here.

and the Weierstrass condition fails along a major por- step, the two limiting lines (3 = 0 and (3 = fimax starting
tion of the extremal arc. from 1 are calculated. Their respective equations are
In the present section, Green's theorem is employed (see Fig. 3)
to overcome the difficulties associated with the indirect
m = const. (61)
methods of the calculus of variations in the analysis of
linear problems. A method of attack is outlined b y V + Ve log m - (gm//3max) = const. (62)
means of particular examples having physical interest.
The technique here introduced is general. In fact, with As a second step the two other limiting lines /3 = 0
minor variants, it applies to all questions formulated and (3 = f3max arriving at 2 are computed (see Fig. 3).
in Sections (3) and (5), and to other problems, also. 8, 10 T h e broken line 13241 of Fig. 3 is drawn; it surrounds
a closed region to which all admissible p a t h s belong.
(7.1) Maximum Increase in Altitude for a Rocket in Now focus attention on the Eulerian arc 132 which
Vertical Flight (Zero Drag)
is formed b y one subarc 13 flown with maximum en-
T h e problem of Section (5.3) is now considered. gine o u t p u t followed b y one subarc 32 flown b y coast-
After introducing the definitions ing. T h e arbitrary, though admissible, comparison
p a t h 152 is considered and the difference in final alti-
* = ~(V/g), ¥ = -(VeV/mg) (57)
tude between the paths 132 and 152 calculated:
Eq. (33) is rewritten as
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h {$ + Vm')dV (58)
Ah = hU2 — hlb2 = = f (* + * m ' ) dV
J 132
I ( $ + Vm')dV = 0 ($dV + Vdm) (63)
(7.1.1) The co Function—The following function of J 152 ./13251
the variables V and m is defined:
B y means of Green's theorem, the above cyclic integral
co = (d^/dV) - (d<f>/dm) (59) can be transformed into a surface integral associated
with the area a (see Fig. 3) bounded b y the clockwise
After accounting for Eqs. (57) and (59), one obtains
circuit 13251:
co = ~{VJmg) (60)

T h e co function, therefore, has the property of being

negative at all points of the semiplane m > 0.
"--//.(£- dm

(7.1.2) Class of Admissible

Mass-Velocity Plane—Consider
Displacements in the
a rocket having the
-If. ojdVdm (64)

state of flight (V, m) at time instant / and let P be its Since the co function, defined b y Eq. (59), is negative
representative point in the mass-velocity plane (see Fig. everywhere, it follows t h a t
2). After a time interval dt = t' — t, the new mass
Ah > 0 (65)
of the rocket is m' = m + dm, the new velocity is V =
V + dV, and the new vector position of the rocket in In view of the arbitrariness of the comparison p a t h 152
the (V, m) plane is OP 7 = OP + ¥F. it is concluded t h a t the Eulerian arc 132 maximizes
As is evident from Eq. (34) and from the inequality the altitude rise, under the limitation 0 < (3 < f3max.
dm < 0, there is one elementary displacement PP' for B y the use of the same technique, it can be proved
each value of the mass flow (3. Since 0 < (3 < f3max, one t h a t the other Eulerian p a t h 142 (see Fig. 3), formed
infers t h a t the class of admissible displacements b y a coasting subarc 14 followed by a subarc 42 flown
PP' is bound b y two limiting conditions—a displace- with maximum thrust, has the property of minimizing
m e n t PR(f3 — 0), corresponding to coasting flight; and the altitude rise h.
a displacement PT ((3 = /3max), corresponding to flight
with maximum engine output. (7.2) Maximum Range of a Rocket-Powered Aircraft in
Level Flight
While a displacement like PS is physically possible, a
displacement like PQ is physically impossible, because T h e problem of Section (5.1) is now considered.
the mass of the rocket cannot increase; analogously, a After introducing the definitions
displacement like PZ is also physically impossible, be-
$ = -(rnV/D), * = -(VeV/D) (66)
cause the constancy of the mass implies zero thrust and,
therefore, a negative acceleration. In conclusion, the Eq. (23) is rewritten as
two lines fi = 0 and f3 = /3max split the (V, m) plane into *V2
two regions associated with point P: a region (H), ($ + Vm')dV (67)
/ Vx
whose points are accessible to the rocket in vertical
flight; and a region (K), which is forbidden to the (7.2.1) The co Function—-The following function of
rocket, because of the physics of the motion. the variables V and m is defined:
(7.1.3) Analytical Proof—Consider a rocket which
= (d^/dV) - (d$/dm) (68)
m u s t be transferred from the initial state of flight
(Vi, mi) to the final state of flight (F 2 , m 2 ). As a first i.e.,
F L I G H T M E C H A N I C S AND V A R I A T I O N A L P R O B L E M S 587
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FIG. 2. Class of admissible displacements of a rocket in the mass- FIG. 5.W Comparison between the Eulerian arc 1562 and thp
velocity plane (vertical flight, zero drag). control path 172 (maximum range, level flight).

p-o / v \ a ; # = C)

/ KV [ V+2Vel
>*•&» "*>°

H <
| A< o

FIG. 6. Properties of the co* function for X < 0 (vertical flight,

FIG. 3. Comparison between the Eulerian arc 132 and the quadratic drag law).
control path 152 (maximum altitude rise, vertical flight, zero

FIG. 7. Comparison between the Eulerian arc 1562 and the

FIG. 4. Properties of the co function (level flight, parabolic polar control path 172 (minimum time, given altitude rise, vertical
with constant coefficients). flight, quadratic drag law).
588 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O / S P A C E S C I E N C E S — S E P T E M B E R , 1958

Ve[V(dD/dV) - D] + V[D - m(dD/dm)] TABLE 1

co =
D"- Region Region
where where Extremal Arc •
(69) Point 2 Subarc Subarc Subarc
Case of Point 1
Flight belongs belongs 15 56 62
For a drag polar having t h e form represented b y Eq.
I A B 0 = pmax ea = 0 (3 = /3 W
(27), the co function becomes II A A (3 = (3max a, = 0 (3 = 0
III B A |8 = 0 co = 0 0 = 0
= °<V + V ]
« ~ B(m*/V*) ( 7 + 3 7,) IV B (3 = 0 co = 0 (3 = (37n
[AV2 + B(m2/V--)}2

and, therefore, embodies t h e following properties (see AX = I j oodVdm + I I co dVdm (72)

Fig. 4 ) : (a) co = 0, a t points of the variable-thrust J J SA J J SB
subarc, defined b y Eq. (28); (b) co < 0, in the region A of which one is associated with the area SA internal to
bounded b y the m axis and b y the subarc governed b y the clockwise contour 1571, the other one with the area
Eq. (28); and (c) co > 0, in the region B bounded b y SB internal to the counterclockwise contour 7627. In
the V axis and b y the subarc governed b y Eq. (28). view of the fact t h a t co < 0 a t points of the area SA and
All of the subsequent line of reasoning refers to the co > 0 at points of the area SB, it follows t h a t
simplified case represented b y Eq. (27)—i.e., the case
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of a drag polar with constant coefficients. T h e analy- AX > 0 (73)

sis of a drag polar with coefficients depending on the
Since the comparison path 172 is arbitrary, the in-
M a c h N u m b e r has been carried out b y the writer in
equality (73) proves t h a t the extremal arc 1562 maxi-
reference 2.
mizes the range for given end velocity and given pro-
(7.2.2) Class of Admissible Displacements in the pellant mass.
Mass- Velocity Plane—The class of admissible displace-
ments for the rocket-powered aircraft in the mass- (8) APPLICATION OF G R E E N ' S T H E O R E M TO T H E
velocity plane is entirely defined b y Eq. (24) and b y the PROBLEMS OF SECTIONS (4) AND (6)
inequalities (25) and (29) and is determined b y con-
siderations analogous to those of Section (7.1.2). By means of minor modifications of the consider-
ations developed in Section (7), Green's theorem can
In particular, it is of interest to trace the two limiting
also be employed to establish sufficiency proofs in
lines (3 = 0 and (3 = (3max starting a t 1 and the other
connection with problems involving constraints of the
two limiting lines (3 = 0 and /3 = (3max arriving at 2;
isoperimetric type. As an example, the problem of
the associated broken line 1532641 surrounds a closed
Section (6.2) is investigated. I t should be noticed
region to which all admissible p a t h s belong (see Fig. 5).
t h a t the present theory is general and applies to all
(7.2.3) Combination of Subarcs—Four main types of problems of Section (6), as well as to other problems. 9
boundary conditions m a y exist, depending upon the
relative position of points 1 and 2 with respect to the (8.1) Brachistocronic Burning Program of a Rocket in
curve co = 0. Four cases of flight must be, accordingly, Vertical Flight for Given Altitude Rise (Quadratic Drag
analyzed. Generally speaking, the optimum p a t h
1562 includes three subarcs: 15, 56, and 62. T h e T h e problem of Section (6.2) is now investigated.
subarc 56 is always flown with variable t h r u s t accord- T h e following definitions are introduced:
ing to Eq. (28); the subarc 15 is flown with maximum
engine o u t p u t if point 1 belongs to the region A or b y $ = - [m/(mg + KV2)], * =
coasting if point 1 belongs to the region B ; the sub- ~[Ve/{mg + KV2)] (74)
arc 62 is flown with maximum engine o u t p u t if point 2 $ = _ [mV/(mg + KV2)], ^ =
belongs to the region B or b y coasting if point 2 be- -[VeV/(mg + KV2)] (75)
longs to the region A.
(7.2.4) Analytical Proof—An analytical proof is here and the integrals (52) and (37) are rewritten as
offered for one of the four cases of flight listed in Table •F2

1—-namely, the case of flight designated as Case I. ($ + Vm')dV (76)

/ Vi
For all the other cases, the demonstration is analogous.
»y2 _
T h e optimum p a t h 1562 is compared with an arbi-
trary, though admissible, control p a t h 172 and the /
($ + Vm')dV
following difference is formed: Vi
After introducing the further definition
AX — Ai562 ~~ AT 172 —
r = t + \h (78)
(b ($>dV + Vdm) + (f> ($dV + Vdm) (71)
one obtains

By the use of Green's theorem, the above two cyclic

+ V*m')dV (79)
integrals are transformed into surface integrals Vi
F L I G H T M E C H A N I C S AND V A R I A T I O N A L P R O B L E M S 589

where I n view of the fact t h a t co* < 0 in the region SB and co*
> 0 in t h e region SA, it is concluded t h a t
<£* = $ + X<£ (80)
Ar = At + \Ah < 0 (86)
^* = ^ + X^ (81)
T h e isoperimetric condition concerning the altitude rise
(8.1.1) The co* Function—The following function of
requires t h a t the control p a t h 172 be chosen in such a
the variables V and m is introduced:
way t h a t
a,* = ( d ¥ * / d F ) - (d$*/dm) (82)
Ah = AiB62 - hm = 0 (87)
Simple manipulations yield the following results:
As a consequence, the inequality (86) leads to

At < 0 (88)
KV(V + 2Ve) + \KV\V + Ve) ~ XmgVe
\mg + KV2)2 T h e following theorem is, therefore, proved: "All
Eulerian arcs 1562 such t h a t the variable-thrust subarc
Notice that, for a given negative value of X, the co* 56 is associated with a negative value for X minimize the
function embodies the following properties (see Fig. time of flight for given altitude rise."
6): (a) co* = 0, at points of the variable-thrust sub- By means of similar techniques it can be proved
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arc, defined b y Eq. (54); (b) co* > 0, in the region A t h a t : "All Eulerian arcs 1562 such t h a t t h e variable-
bounded between the m axis and the subarc defined t h r u s t subarc 56 is associated with a positive value for
b y Eq. (54); and (c) co* < 0, in the region B bounded X maximize the time of flight for given altitude rise."
between the F axis and the subarc defined b y Eq. (54).
On the other hand, for a given positive value of X, CONCLUSIONS
the signs which the co* function takes into the two
regions A and B are reversed with respect to those T h e indirect methods of the calculus of variations
indicated in Fig. 6. are employed in the study of linear problems of b o t h
(8.1.2) Analytical Proof—-The first step for carrying the simplest type and the isoperimetric type, subject
out the sufficiency proof is to analyze t h e class of ad- to additional constraints involving inequalities. Dis-
missible displacements [Eq. (38) and inequalities (29) continuous solutions are found. T h e Legendre-Clebsch
and (39)] of the rocket in the mass-velocity plane. condition fails to supply any information for all sub-
Considerations analogous to those of Section (7.1.2) arcs forming one extremal arc. Moreover, the Weier-
must be carried out. By drawing t h e four limiting strassian function is zero along a major portion of the
lines /5 = 0 and (3 = f3max starting at 1 and arriving a t Eulerian arc.
2, the broken line 1362451 is determined: it surrounds By the use of a new and hitherto unexploited tech-
a closed region to which all admissible paths belong (see nique, based on Green's theorem, the afore-mentioned
Fig. 7). difficulties are overcome. Rigorous sufficiency proofs
T h e second step is to analyze all possible combina- are developed.
tions of subarcs. In this connection, the analysis shows I t is to be observed t h a t this new technique is of
t h a t the optimum p a t h 1562 includes a subarc 15, a limited interest as far as the calculus of variations is
subarc 56, and subarc 62. T h e equations of these concerned, because it only applies to linear problems.
subarcs are the same as in Table 1, the only difference Nevertheless, as far as the mechanics of flight is con-
being t h a t co is replaced b y co*. cerned, t h e use of Green's theorem is rather important,
Assume now t h a t the five quantities mh Vh m2, F 2 , h in view of the frequent occurrence of linear problems
are prescribed and t h a t the particular extremal path in t h e p a t h analysis of turbojet and rocket-powered
satisfying the above conditions has been found. As- vehicles.
sume also t h a t the value of X associated with this par-
ticular extremal p a t h is negative and t h a t the boundary REMARKS

conditions are such t h a t the Eulerian arc is of the type 13

In a recent paper a special transformation of co-
I I I of Table 1. ordinates has been indicated such t h a t the Legendre
Consider now the arbitrary, though admissible, com- condition yields a result other t h a n zero along one of
parison p a t h 172, and form the difference: the subarcs forming the extremal arc.
In a further paper 1 4 this writer has stressed that, in
Ar = rises — rn2 =
connection with the level flight of a rocket-powered
dV + V*drn) aircraft, Green's theorem supplies a complete proof of
«/l571 .7 7627 the necessary and sufficient conditions for the ex-
(84) t r e m u m ; while the Legendre condition alone is only
By means of Green's theorem, the above cyclic integrals indicative of the local behavior of the solution with
are transformed as follows: respect to weak variations. This writer has also shown
that, for level flight, t h e results of reference 13 can be
obtained as a by-product of the approach based on
IL ** dVdm —
a)*dVdm (85)
Green's theorem
590 J O U R N A L OF THE A E R O / S P A C E S C I E N C E S — SEPTEMBER, 1958

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