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The researchers strongly advise that more emphasis be placed on the study in order to better
understand consumers and consumers' consumption.
 Good understanding of the various consumer groups for accurately targeted and
effective policies.
 The research to be more producer-focused, with initiatives aimed at increasing
transparency about the environmental and social impacts of production, as well as how
they relate to consumption, in order to put more pressure on producers and businesses
to adopt more sustainable practices.
 Consumers' consumption be measured and shared, as well as how to encourage more
innovative ideas on sustainable lifestyles and consumption.
 Quality-related initiatives that have a high chance of achieving the United Nations'
Sustainable Development Goals, such as:
1. Promoting resource and energy efficiency.
2. Sustainable infrastructure
3. Access to basic services
4. Green
5. Well-paying job
6. Sustainable consumption and production.
7. Recognize the need to improve quickly, as this will improve their ability to adapt
to rising environmental concerns.

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Policies to be Implemented
Water Consumption


1. Water use must be mandatory for all users. They must minimize their water use at the
maximum water meter reading of 15 cubic meters.

2. In order to recycle spent water, people must utilize tap water. However, tap water should not
be taken with food or beverages.

3. A daily maximum water intake must be imposed. This is to assist individuals in being
responsible for stopping faucets and reducing water waste.
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Policies to be Implemented

Energy Consumption
1. Electricity must be restricted. People squander resources when they have unlimited access to
power because others believe it is inexpensive. Electricity must be limited in everyday
consumption, particularly in residential settings.

2. Nonetheless, the government must look for alternatives to generators for supplying power to
households. This is due to the fact that generators contribute to pollution and the destruction of
natural resources. To provide power, they must budget for windmills and water plants.

3. Our belief is that if the government improves energy lineups, all cities in the Philippines would
avoid the undesirable practice of squandering electricity.

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Policies to be Implemented

Food and Production Consumption

1. In order to make the best use of natural resources, the government must develop programs
such as effective food management practices.

2. There must be an alternate method of food production for dealing with spoiling and
manufacturing problems.

3. It is the government's responsibility to promote domestic raw material purchases in order to

minimize crop damage among farmers.

Global Standard Project

1. In a global organization, states must construct a solar panel system capable of producing
power on at least 10 hectares of land.

2. A plastic prohibition campaign is required. Countries that sell plastics in supermarkets must
be held accountable for breaking the law. As a result, they will be required to pay fines and
damages based on the magnitude of the operation.

3. There must be monthly sustainable development activities. This will involve tree planting and
protection efforts. Countries throughout the world have penalties for burning plastics and using
incorrect decomposition procedures.

Institutional Behavior/ Culture Change

1. The government's ideas for developing rules to promote the 5 Ps must be revised.

2. It appears that tourism development does not necessarily imply long-term growth.
Environmental concerns must be prioritized in development.

3. The Philippines is an example of a country with a major traffic problem. The government must
make car regulations easier to follow. If the distance traveled is not too long, residents must
utilize bicycles or walk unless they have an illness or condition.

4. Governments are targeting youths in order to change a certain consumption habit

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