For and Against Essay Being An Artist

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For and against essay

-Being an artist-
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an artist? An artist is
defined as someone who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music, or
literature) using conscious skill and creative imagination, however people
nowadays see artists as something special, and as Alli K once said ‘I
always get tongue-tied when people ask me what I do. I feel I can’t just say
artist, plus I like the idea or being MORE’.
To begin with the advantages, one of them is that artists are creative
and have their own style of solving difficulties. There isn't a guide to being
an artist at all , and there isn't always a guide to being alive. Artists, on the
other hand, make creativity a habit, and they continue to look for new,
inventive ways to solve problems in their artwork and in their lives. Second,
artists have their own way of thinking and can express all of their feelings
through their work, thus they are clear headed since their art is their escape
from real life, which implies that being an artist is also therapeutic. Finally,
artists have the ability to inspire. In this manner, they convey to the public
all of their ideas, resulting in more individuals being inspired and beginning
to accomplish what they truly enjoy.
However, there are also downsides to being an artist. For one, artists
do not have a set schedule. Being an artist implies that what you do is
entwined with who you are as a person. Because the lines between human
and artist, working time and free time are frequently blurred, being an artist
is a full-time job. Another drawback is that you can't make any money from
your art at first, so you have to work really hard to get to the point where
you can earn something. Finally, the most difficult aspect of being an artist
is that others do not accept your work as true work, thus you must
persuade them to believe in your work, which may overwhelming for an
artist at times.
All things considered, being an artist has both advantages and
disadvantages, but in my opinion, being an artist is the greatest career for
someone who wants to express themselves.

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