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C. Michae~ Hudson (MS 437) and ~°~e K. Seward (MS 185 )

Langley Research Center~ NASA
Hampton, Virginia 23665 U~A
tel: (8047827-4631

In [la] the authors presented an initial compendium of sources of

fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth data. Because of both the
favorable reception of [la] by the technical community and the many
subsequent inquiries received for additional sources of data, the auth-
ors have compiled this Part II of their compendium. For Part II, we
have concentrated on technical reports as the primary source of our
references. We have, however, updated our review of the technical
journals (which were the primary sources of references in [la]~. The
reader should note that none of the references cited in [la] are in-
cluded herein.

Table I lists the journals reviewed and the periods covered during
this review. Table II lists the abbreviations used for the various
references. Table III lists the materials for which data were located
and the corresponding references.

The reader is again cautioned not to use the data indiscriminately.

The reader should ensure that all factors affecting fracture and/or
fatigue crack growth behavior are adequately considered in using the
data sources in Table III.

The authors stated in [la] that all data sources for materials
such as Ti-6AI-4V titanium alloy and 7075-T6 aluminum alloy were not
listed because the sources shown were judged to typify the full range
of data. Further review of the literature indicates this judgement
m~y have been slightly optimistic. Consequently additional references
for these materials are cited herein.

Where available, accession numbers have been included with the

references. These accession numbers (which are listed in square brack-
ets) are the code numbers for ordering these reports. The sources
for ordering these reports are listed below:

Accession Number Source

[Axx-xxxxx] AIAA
Technical Information Service
750 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017 USA

[AD-xxxxxxL] Defense Technical Information Center

Defense Logistics Agency
Cameron Station
Alexandria, VA 22314 USA

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[AD-xxxxxx] National Technical Information

5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161 USA

[Nxx-xxxxx] NASA
Scientific and Technical Information
or Facility
P.O. Box 8757
[Xxx-xxxxx] B.W.I. Airport, MD 21240 USA


ASME - Journal of Engineering Materials Oct. 1977 - July 1979

and Technology
ASME - Journal of Engineering for Industry Nov. 1977 - Nov. 1979
ASME - Journal of PressureVessel Tee~nologyNov. 1977 - May 1979
Cryogenics Feb. 1965 - Jan. 1980
Engineering Fracture Mechanics Winter 1977 - Winter 1979
Experimental Mechanics Oct. 1977 - Jan. 1980
Fatigue of Engineering Materials and 1979
International Journal of Fracture Feb. 1977 - Dec. 1979
Journal of Material Science Dec. 1977 - Nov. 1979
Materials Science and Engineering Nov. 1977 - Dec. 1978
Metals Progress Nov. 1977 - Dec. 1979
Metals Science Jan. 1977 - Dec. 1979
Metallurgical Transactions A Jan. 1978 - Jan. 1980
Nuclear Technology Dec. 1977 - Dec. 1979
Welding Journal, Research Supplement Feb. 1977 - Jan. 1980


AFFDL Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory,

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433 USA
AFML Air Force Materials Laboratory,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433 USA
AGARD Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and
7 rue Ancelle, 92200 Neuilly Sur Seine, France
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019 USA
AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical
and Petroleum Engineers,
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017 USA
AMMRC Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center,
Watertown, MA 02172 USA
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineering,
345 East 47th Street
New York, NY 10017 USA
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials,
1916 Race Street
Philadelphia, P A 19103 USA
CRYO Cryogenics
EFM Engineering Fracture Mechanics
EM Experimental Mechanics
FEMS Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures
IJF International Journal of Fracture
JEMT Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology
JMS Journal of Materials Science
JPVT Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
MEQ Metals Engineering Quarterly
MP Metals Progress
MS Metal Science
MSE Materials Science and Engineering
MT Metallurgical Transactions
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Scientific and Technical Information Office
Washington, DC 20546 USA
NRL Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC 20375 USA
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers,
485 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017 USA
WJ Welding Journal

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)



A.I Aluminum and I t s Alloys; Fracture Toughness
A206-T7 i 249-T7 2
265-L93 3 2014-T3 4
2014-T6 2,3,5-27 2014-T6 HAZ 28
2014-T62 29-32 2014-T651 2,7,8,31,33-37
2014-T651 HAZ 35 2014-T652 38
2014-T6510 30 2014 weld 28,35
2020-T6 3 2020-T651 2,3,29,39-41
2021-T8 E31 42 2021-T81 3,8,28,37,43-46
2021-T8151 2 2021 weld 28,45
2024-T3 4,19,34,47-57 2024-T4 3,13,39,40,58-60
2024-T8 52 2024-T31 34
2024-T36 34 2024-T62 51,61,62
2024-T81 34,61,63,64 2024-T86 34
2024-T351 2,19,34,36,37,39,40,55,61,65-68
2024-T352 21
2024-T851 2,3,8,9,14,29,33,34,36,41,60,61,62,66,69
2024-T851X 30 2024-T852 21,34,36,61
2024-T861 70 2024-T3511 55
2024-Y 34 2048 cold rolled 71
2048-T31 34 2048-T86 34
2048-T851 1,71-74 2048-T3E9 71
2124-T31 34 2124-T86 34
2124-T351 71
2124-T851 2,3,9,14,34,36,56,61,70,71,75-82
2141-T851 3 2214-T651 2
2219-T37 37 2219-T62 61
2219-T81 7,13,42,83 2219-T81 HAZ 83
2219-T87 3,5,7,8,10,11,12,19,23,31,35,37,39,40,55,84-101
2219-T87 HAZ 35,99
2219-T851 2,3,4,29,34,36,39,40,41,58,59,61,76,102-105
2219-T852 7,72,106 2219-T6E46 107
2319 weld 29,31,46,83,85,92,95,97-100,107,108
2419-T851 1,104,109-111 2618A-T6 68

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


2618-T61 112 2618A-T651 68

4340 weld 8,29,113,114 5039 weld 115
5083-0 38,115-122 5083-H321 113
5086-H32 113 X5090-H38 1,123
5183 weld 113,115-117,120 5356 weld 46,113
5456-HI17 37,124 5456-H321 125
6061-0 126 6061-T6 60,127
6061-T651 2,3,33,37,67,76,109,113,118,128,129
6061-T652 21 7001-T75 41,130-133
7005-T6351 2,67,113 7007-T6 8,28,45,46
7007-T6 HAZ 28 7007-T6EI36 44
7007 weld 28,45 7039-T6 134
7039-T61 8,43 7039-T63 136
7039-T64 42 7039-T6151 1,115
7039-T6351 37
7049-T73 1,2,8,55,56,61,137-141
7049-T76 8,141 7049-T7X 139
7049-T7351 I,iii
7049-T73511 55 7049-T76511 55,142
7050-T61 34 7050-T73 61,143,144
7050-T76 34,145 7050-TXI 34
7050-TX2 34 7050-TX3 34
7050-T7X 139
7050-T736 2,34,36,55,137-139,146
7050-T7X2 139 7050-T7351 72,137
7050-T7352 139 7050-T7351X 34,36,147
7050-T7651X 34,36,56,143 7050-T73511 55
7050-T73651 1-3,34,36,55,73,74,140,143,148-150
7050-T73652 34,35 7050-T76511 55,142
7050-T7E56 1 7050-T7E73 151
7075-0 126
7075-T6 2-5,7,11-13,19,22,27,34,39,40,47-56,59,63,64,66,71,
7075-T61 34 7075-T62 30
7075-T73 2,3,52,55,61,66,137,143
7075-T76 61

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

7075-T651 2,3,7,33,34,36,37,41,55,60,68,75,76,86,94,130,131,134,
7075-T651X 34,36 7075-T6351 137
7075-T6510 30,151,168 7075-T6511 55,169
7075-T7351 2,3,8,9,33,34,36,37,39-41,53,58-61,68,75,76,86,109,
7075-T7351X 34,36,162 7075-T7352 2,21,34,36
7075-T7651 2,3,34,36,61,137
7075-T73510 30,168 7075-T73511 61
7075-T76511 2,142 7075-TMT 66
7075+Zr-T6 63 7075+Zr-T73 63
7079 forging 172
7079-T6 3,5,11-13,39,40,49,102,130,132,133,153,158,173
7079-T62 30
7079-T651 2,3,7,9,14,33,37,41,60,131,162,166
7079-T652 34,36 7079-T6510 30
7080-T7 158 7080-T76 34
7080-T7E41 168 7080-T7E42 168
7106-T6 102
7106-T63 3,39,40,59,102
7149-T73 34,36 7175-T66 2,137
7175-T7X 139
7175-T736 1,2,8,34,36,55,56,61,137,138,140,174
7175-T73511 1,144 7175-T73652 61
7175-T76511 144
7178-T6 5,7,11-13,47,152,155,156
7178-T62 30 7178-T76 1
7178-T651 7,60,134,137,168,175
7178-T6510 30,168 7178-T6511 55
7178-T7651 137 7475-T6 34,63,71
7475-T61 5,11,12,34,47-49,54-56,152,176
7475-T73 63,71
7475-T651 2,34,36,72,137,140,143,177
7475-T761 34,47,49,54-56,152,176
7475-T7351 2,3,34,36,72,76,111,137,140,149,177-180
7475-T7651 3,34,36,72,137,140,143
7475-T76151 54,55

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

AZ 74.61 146 AMg6 120-122
AMg6 weld 120 Anticorodal-100 80
BS L65 181 BS L70 182
BS L71 182 MAI5-T6 63
MAI5-T73 63 MAI5-T7XI 162
MAI5-T7X2 162 MA52 138
MA52-T7X 139 MA56-T6 63
MA56-T73 63 MA61-T6 63
MA61-T73 63 MA62-T6 63
MA62-T73 63 Peraluman-260 80
Peraluman-460 80 Perunal 80
RX720 i'83 RX725-TMA 71
Silafont-30 80 Unidur-100 80
ZK 141 35 ZK 141 HAZ 35
ZK 141 weld 35
AI-2.84Li-0.14 Zr 167
AI-3Cu 181
AI-3.6Li-0.1Zr 167
AI-4.24Cu-I.24Li i67
AI-4.5Cu 181
AI-5.2Mg-2.7Li-O.2Zr 184
AI-5.2Mg-2.7Li-0.3Mn 184
AI-5.76Zn-2.32Mg-2.96Cu-0.11Zr 185
Ai-5.92Zna2~26Mg-2.49Cu-0.12Zr 185
AI-6Zn-2.5Mg 186
AI-6Zn-2.5Mg-I.5Cu 187
AI-6Zn-2.5Mg-I.5Cu-O.15Zr 187
-0.11Mn 187
AI-6.0Mg-3.2Li-0.2Zr 184
0.05~O~03Ti~e~002Be-0.~IZr 188
0.05Cr-0.06Zr 188
0.04Si-0.05Ti=0.002Be-0~!4Er 188

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

A2. Aluminum and Its Alloys; Fatigue Crack Growth
Aluminum, pure 189
2014-T6 15,16,190,191 2014-T62 29,31
2017-T3 192,193 2020-T651 131
2021-T81 28,46 2021 weld 28
2024-T3 34,36,50,52,53,55,71,164,191,194-210
2024-T4 211 2024-T8 52,194,212
2024-T31 213 2024-T351 191,214-221
2024-T651 131 2024-T851 61,222-224
2024-T852 61 2024-T861 70
2048-T31 213 2048-T851 71,72
2048-T3E9 71 2048 cold rolled 71
2124-T3 71 2124-T31 213
2124-T86 213
2124-T851 56,61,70,71,74,77-79,81,225
2219-T62 31
2219-T87 8,31,85,86,91,94,97,99,194,226-229
2219-T87 HAZ 99,229
2219-T851 34,36,61,82,131,195,199,230-241
2219-T852 72 2219-T8511 61
2319 weld 29,31,46,85,92,97,99,108,229
2419-T851 104 2618A-T6 68
2618A-T651 68,220 3003-0 i18~242
4043 weld 29 5056-0 243
5070 244
5083-0 31,116,118,119,121,193,245,246
5183 weld 31,128,245
5356 weld 28,46 5456-HI16 247
5456-HI17 124,194,248-250
5456-H321 34,36,153,195,226,248,250
6061-T4 251 6061-T6 198,202
6061-T651 34,36,195,226
6063-T6 251 7001-T75 131
7005-T63 226,227 7007-T6 28,46
7010-T7 252 7039-T6 134
7039-T6X31 226 7049-T73 56,253

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


7049-T7351 253 7049-T7352 61

7049-T76511 142 7050 194
7050-T6 36,252 7050-T7 36,252
7050-T73 144 7050-T76 74,145,213,254
7050-T736 55,74,143 7050-T7351 72
7050-T7351X 147 7050-T7651 74,143
7050-T7651X 147
7050-T73651 61,74,143,149,150
7050-T73652 74 7050-T76511 74,142
7050-T7E73 151
7075-T6 36,50,52,53,55,71,153,156,191,194,196-205,207,212,
7075-T7 36,252 7075-T61 213
7075-T73 34,36,52,194,195,212,261,262
7075-T651 167,194,253,255,258,263,264
7075-T6510 151,168
7075-T7351 53,61,68,86,131,143,170,200,203,218,221,225,264
7075-T7651 61 7075-T73510 168
7075-T73511 61 7075-T76511 55,142
7079-T6 34,36,130,153,173,195
7079-T65 194 7080-T76 213
7080-T7E41 168 7080-T7E42 168
7106-T63 226 7175-T651 265
7175-T736 56,174 7175-T7351 220
7175-T73652 61 7178-T6 156
7178-T651 168,175 7178-T6510 168
7475 194 7475,T6 71,213
7475-T7 252
7475-T61 55,56,213,266
7475-T73 71 7475-T651 177
7475-T761 55,56,266,267
7475-T7351 72,177,225,255,268
7475-T7651 140,143,255 7475-ITMTI 261
7475-ITMT2 261 AMg6 121
AZ4GI 206 BS 2L71 269
BS 2L93 264 BS 1490.LM30 270

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


LM30 271 RR 58 194,270,271

RX725-TMA 71 RX725 cold rolled 71
ZK41-T6 211 AI-4Cu 272
AI-4Zn-2Mg 273
AI-4.24Cu-I.24Li 167
AI-4.5Zn-2.5Mg 274
BI. Iron and Steel Excepting Stainless Steel; Fracture Toughness
ASTM A7 275 ASTM A20 276
ASTM A36 275 ASTM A70 277
ASTM A203 Gr.A 118 ASTM A203 Gr.D 118
ASTM A203 Gr.E 38,278
ASTM A212 Gr.B 3,279-282
ASTM A216 WCC 67,283-285 ASTM A217 129,283,286
ASTM A242 275 ASTM A285 Gr.C 276
ASTM A302 Gr.B 3,130,279,280,287-296
ASTM A302 Gr.B HAZ 294 ASTM A302 Gr.B weld 294
ASTM A350 LFI 297 ASTM A350 LF3 282
ASTM A353 31,298 ASTM A387 Gr.B 299
ASTM A440 275 ASTM A441 275
ASTM A469 129,286,300 ASTM A469 CI.5 161
ASTM A470 129,286 ASTM A470 CI.8 161
ASTM A471 129,283,286,301,302
ASTM A508 CI.2 280,293,303-308
ASTM A508 CI.2 HAZ 305,307
ASTM A508 weld 303,306 ASTM A516 Gr.60 291
ASTM A516 Gr.70 238,288,291,309,310
ASTM A517 Gr.F 3,289,290,311 ASTM A517 Gr.H 27
ASTM A533 Gr.A 43,312 ASTM A533 Gr.A HAZ 312
ASTM A533 weld 312
ASTM A533 Gr.B 3,8,67,153,161,280,283,285,289,290,292,293,295,296,
ASTM A533 Gr.B HAZ 292,303,305,320
ASTM A533 weld 292,303,305,306,313,320
ASTM A537 CI.I 322,323 ASTM A536M 324
ASTM A540 129,293,303 ASTM A542 8
ASTM A542 HAZ 8 ASTM A542 weld 8

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

ASTM A543 Gr.B CI.I 309,325
ASTM A543 weld 325
A S T M A 5 5 3 Tp.l 31,38,118,122,278,326
ASTM A553 Tp.l HAZ 122
ASTM A572 Gr.50 327 ASTM A588 Gr.B 275
ASTM A645 31,38,118,122,278
A S T M A 6 4 5 HAZ 122
AISI 01 328 AISI 1018 126,231
AISI 1020 134,329 AISI 1035 275,291
AISI IOB35 291 AISI 1045 134,291
AISI IOB45 291 AISI 1060 27
AISI 1144
AISI 4130 5,11,12,47,48,126,291,330-334
AISI 4140 40,59,134,334-336
AISI 4147 291,330 AISI 4320 337
AISI 4330 3,283,334,338
AISI 4330V 169,338-341 AISI 4330M 1,19,144,342
AISI 4335V 130,343 AISI 4337M 344
AISI 4340 3,4,8,20,27,51,60,62,76,93,127,130,153,160,291,319,
AISI 4340M 55
AISI 4340+0.5AI÷0.5Si 363
AISI 4340+IAI 363 AISI 4340+iSi 363
AISI 4340+IAI+ISi 363 AISI 4340+1.5AI+1.5Si 363
AISI 4340+2AI 363 AISI 4340+2Si 363
AISI 4340+2AI+2Si 363 AISI 4340+3AI 363
AISI 4340+3Si 363 AISI 4350 334
AISI 4817 337 AISI 4820 364
AISI 8620 337 AISI 86B30 291
AISI 86B45 291 AISI 8645 291
AISI 8822 364 AISI 9310 341,365
AISI 52100 366,267
ABS-C 3,8,287,289-291
AF 1410 370-374 AF 1410 weld 372-374
AF 1410 HAZ 374 Almar 362 375
Almar 362 weld 375 BS 4360 Gr.50D 376

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

D6AC 3,5,8,11,12,27,69,109,110,130,148~159~331,338,339,341,
D-63A 3 D-63B 3
DUCOL 385 E 36 313
E7018 weld 322,323
En 16 386
EX 24 337 EX 29 337
EX 32 364 EX 55 337
FS-01 387
H-II 3,130,338,340,355,388
H-57 3 HF-I 277,389
HP 9-4-.15-1Mo-iCr 390
HP 9-4-.20 3,8,27,43,55,61,126,153,341,370,375,391,392
HP 9-4~+20 we~d 3,61,375,393
HP 9-4-.20-2Mo-ICr 390
HP 9-4-.25 3,8,40,59,130,153,335,384,391,394-398
HP 9-4-.25 weld 391
HP 9-4-.30 3,61,339-341,399
HP 9-4-.45 i~51,62,338,340,355,400
HP 150 69,338 HP 310 341
HT 80 299 HY TUF 378
HY-80 67,279,289,291
HY-130 8,67,283,289,291,309,384,401
HY-140 3,55 HY-140 weld 3
HY-180 392 Iron, cast 402
Iron, ductile 403 Iron, gray cast 404
Iron, malleable 403 J-79 3
JIS SM50C 299 JIS SM58Q 299
[JIS SUJ-2 405 M-2 406,407
M3-2PM 328 M-50 408
N-TUF CR-196 122 N-TUF CR-196 HAZ 122
NMH 80 Ni,Cr-Mo-V 8
OXI3AGI9 weld 122 RSM-250 5,11,12,331
Steel, armor 3,319,409 Steel, bridge 289
Steel, carbon 8O Steel, ESR 410

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

Steel, gun 338,361 Steel, E 287
Steel, mild 411-413 Steel, mild HAZ 413
Steel, mild weld 413 Steel, mild pipe 414
Steel, rail 415 Steel, tool 386
Steel, trip 338 T-I 3,291,330,408
T-1 weld 3 USS 150 338
US-ultra 80 UXW 416
VCN-100 347 Vasco X-2 417
Vasco X-2(M) 417 X-65 418
X-70 418
Cr-Mo-V 67,419,420 Ni-Co-C 421
Ni-Cr-Mo 354,422-424 Ni-Mo-V 67,130
Ni-Cr-Mo-V 67,291 Ni-Cr-Mo-Si-V 400
2NiCrMoV 425
2Cr-2Mo-2Cu-iNi 426 2~4Ni 118
2~Cr-iMo 67,427
3Si 428 3Cr-1.5Si-0.25C 429
3Cr-2Si-0.22C 429 3Cr-2Si-0.29C 429
3Cr-3Si-0.24C 429 3½Ni 118,326
3½Ni-l.7Cr-Sb 430 3½NiCrMoV 431
4Cr-0.4C 432 4Ni-2.2Cr 426
5Mo-0.6Mn-0.30C 333 5Cr-Mo-V 336
5Ni-Cr-Mo-V 335,391 5Ni-Cr-Mo-V weld 391
8Mn-0.2Ti 433 8Ni 298
9Ni 434 9Ni HAZ 434
9Ni weld 434
10Ni 67,149,153,348,354,371,393,401,435
!0Ni HAZ 393,435 10Ni weld 149,393,435
12Ni-0.1Ce 436 12Ni-0.1La 43~
!2Ni-0.1Ta 436 12Ni-0.1Y 436
12Ni-0.15Nb 436 12Ni-0.2Nb 436
12Ni-0.2Ti 437 12Mn-0.2Ti 433,438
12Ni-0.25AI 436 12Ni-0.24Hf 436
12Ni-0.25Nb 436,439,440 12Ni-0.25Nb weld 441
12Ni-0.25Si 436 12Ni-0.25Ta 436
12Mn-0.25Ti 442 12Ni-0.25Ti 436,439,440

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


12Ni-0.25Ti weld 441 12Ni-0.25V 436

12Ni-0.25Y 436 12Ni-0.25Zr 436
12Ni-0.35Ta 436
12Ni-0.5AI 436,437,439,440,443
12Ni-0.5AI weld 441 12Ni-O. 5AI-0.25Nb 439,440
12Ni-0.5AI-0.5Cu 443 12Ni-0.5AI-ICu 443
12Ni-0.5AI-2Cu 443 12Ni-0.5AI-3Cu 443
12Ni-0.5Hf 436 12Ni-0.5Nb 436
12Ni-0.5Si 436 12Ni-0.5Ti 436
12Ni-0.5V 436 12Ni-0.5Zr 436
12Ni-IAI 436 12Ni-iNb 436
12Ni-iTi 436 12Ni-IV 436
12Ni-2AI 436 12Ni-2Nb 436
12Ni-2Ti 436
12Ni-2V 436,437,439,440
12Ni-3Nb 436 12Ni-3Ti 436
12Ni-4AI 436
12Ni-5Cr-3Mo 3,40,59,130,153,291,391,394,396,436,444,445
12Ni-5Cr-3Mo weld 391,444,445
13Ni-3Mo-0.2Ti 446 15Cr-3Mo 426
16Cr-2Mo-2Cu-iNi 426 17Ni-2Co-3Mo weld 391
18Ni (180) 291
iSNi (200) 3,8,31,43,55,130,360,375,394,396,445,447-450
18Ni (200) weld 3,338,375
18Ni (250) 3,8,40,58,76,109,110,130,291,371,375,391,399,447,449-454
18Ni (250) HAZ 451
18Ni (250) weld 338,391,451,454
18Ni (300) 130,278,355,449,455-458
18Ni (350) 375,449,459
18Ni (400) 460,461
20Ni 130 20Co-15Ni-5Mo 462
35NiCrMo16 178 49Ni 463
Fe-.004C-.01Mn-16.3Ni-12.87Co-4.98Mo-0.78Ti 464
Fe-.IOC-.25Si-I.27Mn-0.17Ni 465
Fe-.13C-.32Mn-8.70Ni-I.08Cr-I.12Mo-0.10V-3.92Co 466
Fe-.14C-.32Mn-12.2Ni-I.98Cr-2.13Mo-.IOV-3.04Co 466

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


Fe- i5C-.32Si-I.39Mn-.019P--.007S weld 467

Fe- 15C-.33Mn-12.15Ni-I.07Cr-I.14Mo-.10V-3.04Co
Fe- 16C-.44Si-1.37Mn 465
Fe- 18C-.30Mn-II.8Ni-.10V-4.0Co 466
Fe- 19C-.31Mn-4.25Ni-2.03Cr-I.12Mo-.10V-4.0Co 466
Fe- 19C-.32Mn-8.65Ni-2.90Cr-.IOV-4.0Co 466
Fe- 19C-.32Mn-8.7Ni-I.ICr-2.12Mo-.IOV-4.0Co 466
Fe- 19C-.32Mn-9.05Ni-2.15Cr-I.02Mo-.08V-3.90Co 466
Fe.-19C-I.12Mn-.23Si 468
Fe-.2C-.3Mn-8.75Ni-3.23Mo-.10V-3.95Co 466
Fe-.2C-.3Mn-9.10Ni-.9Cr-I.01Mo-.10V-4.10Co 466
Fe-.2C-13.3Cr-8.8Ni-2.9Mo-2.0Si-2.0Mn 469
Fe-.21C-.3Mn-II.6Ni-I.07Cr-I.12Mo-.09V-3.90Co 466
Fe-.21C-I.15Mn-.51Si-.4Cr-.2Ni-.01AI-.08Ti 468
Fe-.23C-.61Mn 468
Fe-.24C-I.33Mn-.27Si-.4Mo 468
Fe-.26C-.66Mn-.41Si 468
Fe-.26C-10.1Cr-8.8Ni-5.5Mo-2.0Si-I.7Mn 469
Fe-.27C-9.0Cr-8.0Ni-4.0Mo-2.0Si-2.0Mn 469
Fe-.33C-I.15Mn-I.34Si-I.2Ni-I.ICr-.24Mo-.015P-.eI4S 470
Fe-.35C-3.4Ni-I.~Cr-.6Mo-.5Mn-.IV 471
Fe-0.4C-4Cr 472
Fe-.52C-I.35Si- .57Cr-.65Mn-.017P-.016S 47O
IEI70 330 IE682U 330
5M21 378 10DC 9-10 313
10DC 9-10 weld 313 15MDV 04-03 313
70B496 330 99M174 330
250M 154,340
300M 1,3,8,53,61,109,110,130,148,334,338-341,349,355,399,
350M 477
B2. Iron and Steel Excepting Stainless Steel; Fatigue Crack Growth
ASTM A20 276 ASTM A36 291,481,482
ASTM A36 HAZ 481 ASTM A36 weld 481
ASTM AI05 GroII 483,484 ASTM A201 Gr.B 291
ASTM A203 Gr.E 118,485 ASTM A212 Gr.B 291,486

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


ASTM A216 WCC 285 ASTM A285 Gr.C 43,276

ASTM A288 487 ASTM A302 Gr.B 211,482
ASTM A387 Gr.C 488 ASTM A387 Gr.D 488
ASTM A387 Gr.22 CI.I 489 ASTM A469 CI.5 161,230
ASTM A508 CI.2 316,490,491 ASTM A508 CI.2 weld 490,491
ASTM A515 weld 492 ASTM A516 Gr.60 488,493,494
ASTM A516 Gr.70 310
ASTM A533 Gr.B 153,161,195,230,285,488,490,491,495-502
ASTM A533 weld 490-492 ASTM A537 Gr.A 482
ASTM A537M 324 ASTM A542 CI.2 503
ASTM A553 CI.I 31,118,193,246,326,485,504
ASTM A588 Gr. A 481 ASTM A588 Gr.A HAZ 481
ASTM A588 weld 481 ASTM A612 Gr.B 505
ASTM A615 Gr.40 506 ASTM A615 Gr.60 506
ASTM A645 31,118,485 ASTM A645 HAZ 118
AISI i010 507 AISI 1015 508
AISI 1018 231,508,509 AISI 1020 134,510,511
AIAI IOB35 512 AISI 1045 134
AISI 1144 134 AISI 4130 190,291
AISI 4130 HAZ 291 AISI 4130 weld 291
AISI 4140 134 AISI 4335 291
AISI 4340 62,153,216,291,346,353,496,513-516
AISI 9310 365 ABS-C 482
AF 1410 370 ,372-374 AF 1410 weld 373,374
Alloy 903 517 BS 15 518
BS 817M40 516 BS 835M30 519
BS i456A 520 BS 1458A 520
BS 1458B 520 BS 1760B 520
BS 4360-50C 521 CSA G30.12 Gr.40 522
CSA G30.12 Gr.75 522 CSA G40.11 508,523
D6AC 291 ,377,380,381
E8018-CI weld 488 E70 weld 291
EN 24 524 H-II 422
HF-I 389
HP 9-4-.20 61,153,226,234,370,525-527
HP 9-4-.20 HAZ 61 HP 9-4-.20 weld 61

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

HP 9-4-.20-2Mo-iCr 390
HP 9-4-.25 102,130,153,394-398
HP 9-4-.30 61,253
HT-80 193,291,504,528-530
HY-80 482,525,531
HY-130 247,268,482,531-533
Iron, ductile cast 529 Iron, pure 211,534
Iron, gray cast 535 Iron, spheroidal cast 535
M-50 408 RACO 5215 weld 488
SIOC 504 S15C 529
$20C 511 $35C 211
$38C 529 $45C 192,209
SB56M 536 SM41 537
SM50 538 SMI 507
SNCM2 539
SNCM8 193 ,211,504,529
SS41 193 ,504,529
Steel, A1 killed 211 Steel, carbon 243
Steel, cast 529 Steel, DFM 540
Steel, dual hardening 541 Steel, ESR 410
Steel, mild 260,538,542,543
Steel, nitriding 544 Steel, rimmed 211
STY80 529 T-I 291,408
WT60 545 WT-80C 211,546
X-27 422 X-65 210
XAR-30 422
0.5Cr-Mo-V 520,547,548
C-Mn 549-551 Cr-Mo 529
Ni-Cr-Mo 260,422
Cr-Mo-V 502,529,537,548,552-$54
Ni-Mo-V 529 Ni-Cr-Mo 520,529
Ni-Cr-Mo-V 553 ~-Ni-Cr-Mo 520
1.08C 555 1½Mn-Mo 520
2Ni-Cr-Mo-V 425,556 2~Cr-iMo 503
3S i 428 3% Ni 326
3½Ni-Cr-Mo-V 431

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


5Ni-Cr-Mo-V 58,214,291,557
9Ni 434,529
10Ni 82,149,153,214,226,227,230,241,$71,558
10Ni weld 149
10Ni-Cr-Mo-Co 210,482,526
12Ni 58,153,226,394
12Ni-5Cr-3Mo 291,396,482
13Cr 529 18Ni(200) 394,396
18Ni(250) 223,371 18Ni(300) 278,355
18Ni 226,227 49Ni 463
Fe-.035C-3.4Ni-I.8Cr-0.6Mo-0.5Mn-0olV 471
Fe-0.23C 555 Fe-0.45C 555
Fe-0.64C 555 18G2VA 559
300M 53,61,200,203,253,474,476,477,480
835M30 560
Cl. Stainless Steel; Fracture Toughness
AISI 301 6,7,28,35,46,456,561-563
AISI 301 HAZ 35,563
AISI 301 weld 28,35,46,563
AISI 304 7,118,564,565
AISI 304 HAZ 563 AISI 308 weld 563,564
AISI 310 6,7,38,118,566,567
AISI 310 weld 567
AISI 316 38,118,565,568-570
AISI 316 weld 568,570 AISI 347 365,571,572
AISI 403 mod 12Cr 67,129,286 AISI 431 37
AISI 3105 129
PH 13-8Mo 3,37,43,61,130,255,399
PH 13-8Mo weld 61 PH 14-8Mo 1,123,375
PH 15-5Mo 37,55,573 PH 15-7Mo 37,48,336,388
PH 17-4Mo 1,67,336,401,574,575
PH 17-7Mo 37,336,388,576,577
A-286 31,38,129,365,563,566,567,571,572,578
A-286 weld 567
AFC 77 1,55,338,423,579,580
AFC 260 1 AM 350 64,388,563

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


AM 355 37,62,64,130,336
Custom 450 1 Custom 455 1,123,581
Kromarc 58 129,566,567 Kromarc 58 weld 567
Pyromet 538 567 Pyromet 538 weld 567
Fe-13Cr-19Mn 582 Fe-13Cr-19Mn HAZ 582
Fe-18Cr-2Mo 583
Fe-21Cr-6Ni-9Mn 38,73,384,584-586
Fe-21Cr-6Ni-gMn weld 129
Fe-22Cr-13Ni-5Mn 31,365,587
C2. Stainless Steel; Fatigue Crack Growth
AISI 301 28,31,46,201,588
AISI 301 weld 28,46
AISI 304 31,118,128,153,192,193,211,230,240,485,529,530,564,
AISI 308 weld 128,564,589,591,599,602
AISI 310 31,118~485,566~567,594
AISI 310 weld 567
AISI 316 31.!18,i28,153,192.210,$85,569,588-594~598-601,603-608
AISI 3i6 weld 56~,588,589,591
AISI 321 575~590 AISI 347 365
AISI 348 575,590 AISI 403 609
PHI3-8Mo 61,128,226,257,526
PHI3-8Mo HAZ 61 PHI3-8Mo 6]
PHI5-5Mo 610
PHi7-4Mo 247,268,575,610
~286 31,365,566,567,611,611A
A.286 weld 567
AFNOR Z0 CD 26-1 612
AFNOR Z~ CNDU 21-7 612
AFNOR Z5 CNDT 17-12 612
AFNOR Z6 CND 17-12 612
ASTM A453 485,594 Custom 450 1
Kromarc 58 31,566,567 Kromarc 58 weld 567
Pyromet 538 567 Pyromet 538 weld 567
Trip 613 Uranus 50 5!2
VK-A271 612,614 12Cr-Mo-V-W 615
Fe-13Cr 6!6 Fe-13.Cr-19Mn 58~

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

Fe-13Cr-19Mn HAm 582 Fe-13Cr-19Mn weld 582
Fe-16Cr-8Ni-2Mo weld 606 Fe-21Cr-6Ni-9Mn 485,594
Fe-22Cr-13Ni-5Mn 128,365
DI. Titanium and Titanium Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Ti-2AI-2.5Sn 58 Ti-3AZ 102
Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr 1,617,620
Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr+Y 619
Ti-4AI-0.20 621 Ti-4AI-I.5Mo-0.5V 622
Ti-4AI-3Mo-IV 5,11,12 Ti-4.5AI-3Mo-I.5Cr 623
Ti-4.5AI-4Mo-I.5Cr 623
Ti-5AI-2Mo-2V-2Sn 3,58,624
Ti-5AI-2Mo-2V-2.5Sn 391
Ti-5AI-2Mo-2V-2.5Sn weld 391
Ti-5Ai-2.5Sn 3,7,8,10,23,26,31,38,42,58,84,90,91,93,95,96,136,228,
Ti-5AI-2.5Sn weld 95 Ti-5AI-2.5Sn-2.5V-I.3Cb-I.3Ta 632
Ti-5Mo-4.5AI 623 Ti-5Mo-4.5AI-I.5Cr 370,~23
Ti-5AI-6Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.25Si 1,633
Ti-5.25AI-5.5V-0.9Fe-0.5Cu 634,635
Ti-6AI-I.5Mo-0.5V 622 Ti-6AI-2Mo 3,624,636,637
Ti-6AI-2Cb-ITa-0.8Mo 67,102,637,638
Ti-6AI-2Cb-ITa-0.8Mo HAZ 638
Ti-6AI-2Cb-ITa-O.8Mo weld 637,638
Ti-6AI-2Cb-ITa-IMo 111,143
Ti-6AI-2Mo-2Cr-0.25Si-0.080 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.120 640
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-0.7Si-0.080 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.25Si-0.070 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.25Si-0.080 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.25Si-0.120 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.25Si-0.140 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr-0.4Si-0.080 639
Ti-6AI-2Sn-IMo-IV 58 Ti-6AI-2Cb-ITa-I.2Mo 3,624
Ti-AI-2V-2Mo-2Sn 58,638 Ti-6AI-2V-2Mo-2Sn HAZ 638
Ti-6AI-2V-2Mo-2Sn weld 638
Ti-6AI-2Zr-2Sn-2Mo-2Cr 1,73,111,143,641
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.120+Si 642

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo 1,123,144,635,643,644
Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 1,620,644-647
Ti-6AI-3V-IMo 58,391,638,648
Ti-6AI-3V-IMo HAZ 638 Ti-6AI-3V-IMo weld 391,638
Ti-6AI-4V 1,3-5,7,8,11,12,20,29,31,32,37,38,40,42,43,47,48,53,
Ti-6AI-4V HAZ 563,638,666,670
Ti-6AI-4V weld 29,61,92,149,391,563,637,638,663,666,669,670
Ti-6AI-4V+Y 619 Ti-6AI-4Sn-IV 3,40,335,653
Ti-6AI-4V-IMo 3,624
Ti-6AI-4Zr-2Mo 3,40,58,59,102,335,653
Ti-6AI-4V-2Mo 3,59,624,638
Ti-6AI-4V-2Sn 3,40,102,335,638,653
Ti-6AI-4Zr-2Sn-0. 5Mo-0.SV 3,40,58,59,335,638,653
Ti-6AI-4Zr-2Mo 638 Ti-6AI-6Zr-IMo 102
Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn 1,3,8,55,73,130,143,370,399,637,659-661,671-678
Ti-6AI-4V-2Sn weld 637,676
Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn-ICu-0.5Fe 58,638,648
Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn-ICu-0.5Fe HAZ 638
Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn-ICu-0.5Fe weld 638
Ti-6AI-6V-2.5Sn 3,40,335,638
Ti-6AI-6V-2.5Sn-ICr-0.5Fe 653
Ti-6AI-6V-2.5Sn-ICr-0.5Fe weld 653
Ti-6AI-6V-4Mo-4Zr 679 Ti-6.5AI-I.5Mo-0.5V 622
Ti-6.5AI-5Zr-IV 3,40,58,59,335,653
Ti-7AI 622 Ti-7AI-IMo-IV 58,637
Ti-7AI-IMo-IV HAZ 638 Ti-7AI-IMo-IV weld391,637,638
Ti-7AI-I.5Mo-0.5V 622 Ti-7AI-I.5Mo-0.5V-0.2Pd 622
Ti-7AI-2Mn 622 Ti-7AI-2V 622
Ti-7AI-2Cb-ITa 58,67,401,648,680
Ti-7A!-2.5Mo 58,102,391,637,648
Ti-7AI-2.5Mo HAZ 638 Ti-7AI-2.SMo weld 391,637,638
Ti-7AI-3Mo-IV 622 Ti-7AI-3Cb-2Sn 58
Ti-7Mo-4Cr-2.5AI 623,681 Ti-7.5AI-I.5Mo-0.5V 622
Ti-8AI-IMo-IV 153,638,644,674,680,682

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


Ti-8AI-I.5Mo-0.5V 622 Ti-8AI-2Cb-ITa 3,40,335

Ti-8Mo-2.5AI-I.5Cr 623 Ti-8Mo-4V-2.5AI-0.150 623
Ti-8Mo-4V-3Cr-2.5AI 623 Ti-8Mo-4.5AI 623
Ti-8Mo-4.$AI-I.5Cr 623 Ti-8Mo-4.5Cr-2.5AI 623
Ti-8Mo-4.5AI-4Zr 623 Ti-8Mo-4.5Cr-4Zr-2.5AI 623
Ti-8Mo-4.5AI-4Zr-2.5AI-0.150 623
Ti-8Mo-4.5Cr-4Zr-2.5AI-0.190 623
Ti-8Mo-5.5AI 623
Ti-8Mo-8V-2Fe-3AI 1,3,73,76,109,110,149,660,661,674,677,683,684
Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI 1,144 Ti-10Mo-5.4Sn 102
Ti-10Mo-6Cr-2.5AI 623,681 Ti-10Mo-8V-2.5AI 681
Ti-10V-8Cr-3AI 674 Ti-IIMo-2.5AI 623
Ti-IIMo-4Zr-2.5AI 623 Ti-IIMo-4.5AI 623
Ti-IIMo-4.5AI-4Zr 623 Ti-llMo-5Sn-5Zr 102
Ti-ll.5Mo-6Zr-4.5Sn 677,685 Ti-12Zr-7AI 58
Ti-13V-IICr-3AI 5,11,12,62,130, 661,674
Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn 1 Ti-16V-2.5AI 5,11,12
A-II0 572 BETA C 149
BETA III 149,630,661,666,679
Beta III weld 666
Corona 5 1,686-688 Hylite 60 689
Hylite 65 689 IMI 551 690
IMI 689 IMI 684 689
MARZ 277 RMI 38644 691
Titanium, pure 638 Ti-17 692,693
Ti-680 694 BI20 VCA 47,51
Transage 695,696
D2. Titanium and Titanium Alloys; Fatigue Crack Growth
Ti-3AI-8V-6Cr-4Zr-4Mo 620
Ti-5AI-2.5Sn 31,91,365,485,625,628,697,698
Ti-5Mo-4.5AI-I.5Cr 370,623
Ti-6AI-2Cb-ITa-0.8Mo 247,699,700
Ti-6AI-2Nb-ITa-0.8Mo 701
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.120 640,642
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.25Si 640
Ti-6AI-2Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.25Si-0.120 640

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

Ti-6A!-2Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.120+Si 642
Ti-6Ai-2Sn-2Zr-2Mo-2Cr 641
Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo 144,644,702
Ti-6AI-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo 620,644,645,647,703
Ti-6AI-2.5Sn 198
Ti-6AI-4V 8,31,53,61,91,93,94,149,153,190,191,194,200,203,
Ti-6AI-4V HAZ 61,663
Ti-6AI-4V weld 61,92,149,663,666,710
Ti-6AI-4V-2Sn 636
Ti-6AI-6V-2Sn 194,223,226,370,636,659,671,678,700,705,712,714,
Ti-7AI-2Cb-ITa 226,636 Ti-7AI-2.5Mo 226,636
Ti-7Mo-4Cr-2.5AI 681
Ti-8AI-IMo-IV 153,194,644,700,716,717
Ti-8Mo-4.5Cr-2.5AI 623 Ti-10Mo-6Cr-2.5AI 681
Ti-10Mo-8V-2.5AI 681 Ti-13V-IICr-3AI 62
Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn 1 Ti-24V 718
Ti-27V 719 Ti-30V 719
BETA III 194,666 BETA III weld 666
Corona-5 686,687 IMI 318 547
IMI 230 194 Titanium, pure 698,720
Ti-ll 713 Ti-17 721
El. Nickel and Nickel Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Astr01oy 722 AF-II5 723
Hastelloy X 365 IN-100 724
INCO LEA 31,129 INCO-Weld B 122
Inconel 82 weld 122
Inconel 625 123,571,572,721
Inconel 625 weld 571,572,586
Inconel 706 31,129,725 Inconel 706 weld 725
Inconel 718 8,31,38,42,61,107,136,563,571,572,725-733
Inconel 718 HAZ 563,727
Inconel 718 weld 8,31,107,563,571,572,725,727,730,734
Inconel X750 31,38,129,735,736
Inconel X750 weld 737 Nimonic 90 738

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


Rene' 41 722 Rene' 80 739

Udimet 700 1 Waspaloy 740
E2. Nickel and Nickel Alloys; Fatigue Crack Growth
Astroloy 741,742 B-1900 738
Hastelloy X 240,365
IN-100 724,738,741,743-745
IN-738 746 Inco 69 weld 31
INCO LEA 31,725 Inconel 82 weld 118
Inconel 92 weld 118 Inconel 600 240,747
Inconel 625 128,721 Inconel 706 31,725
Inconel 706 weld 725
Inconel 718 31,61,128,517,611,725-727,730,731,733,747-758
Inconel 718 weld 31,611,725,727,730,734,755
Inconel X750 31,735 Monel 400 759
Monel K-500 759-761 NASA IIB-7 741
Nimonic 105 746 Nimonic PEI6 762
Rene' 80 739 Rene' 95 751
Udimet 123,763-766 Waspaloy 517,741,742
y/y'-~ 767
FI. Copperand Copper Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Brass, cartridge 63 Brass, 70/30 126
Bronze, Phosphor 365
F2. Copperand Copper Alloys; Fatigue Crack Growth
Brass, 70/30 243 Bronze, phosphor 365
Copper, OFHC 508 Cu-9AI 768
6. Magnesiumand Magnesium Alloys; Fracture Toughness
AZI3B 126 AZ31B 154
ZE63A 769
Hl. Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Beryllium 51,136,770-775
N50A 775,776 S-200 775-779
H2. Beryllium and Beryllium Alloys; Fatigue Crack Growth
Beryllium 771
I. Molybdenumand Molybdenum Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Molybdenum 667
O. Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys; Fracture Toughness

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

Zirconium-2.5 Nb 780
K. Cobalt and Cobalt Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Haynes Alloy 188 123
L. Uranium and Uranium Alloys
No References
M. Tungsten and Tungsten Alloys; Fracture Toughness
Tungsten 667,781
N. Zinc
No References
O. Multiphase Alloys; Fracture Toughness
CTX-I 782 Incoloy 903 1,111,782
MP 35N 1,61
P. Niobium; Fatigue Crack Growth
Niobium 783
Q. Vanadium; Fatigue Crack Growth
Vanadium 784
[la] C. M. Hudson, and S. K. Seward, IJF 14 (1978) RI51-RI84 [A78-47590].
[i] O. Deel, AFML-TR-78-179 (1978) [N79-32201].
[2] J. G. Kaufman, Developments in Fracture Mechanics Test Methods
Standar~zation, STP 632, American Society for Testing and Mater-
ials, Philadelphia (1977) 3-24 [A77-51577].
[3] National Materials Advisory Board Report NMAB-328 (1976) [N78-
[4] J. C. Newman, Jr., Properties Related to Fracture Toughness, STP
605, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1976) 104-123 [A77-17522].
[5] A. M. Sullivan and J. Stoop, NRL Report 7650 (1973) [N74-21567].
[6] J. L. Christian, W. E. Witzell, and W. Hurlich, Advances in
Cryogenic Engineering, i0, Plenum Press, New York (1965) 86-101
[7] F. R. Schwartzberg, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 12, Plenum
Press, New York (1967) 458-472 [A67-27671].
[8] J. E. Campbell, Fatigue and Fracture Toughness - Cryogenic Be-
havior, STP 556, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 3-25 [A75-12013].
[9] R. H. Van Stone, R. H. Merchant, and J. R. Low, Jr., Fatigue and
Fracture Toughness - Cryogenic Behavior, STP 556, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974) 93-124

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[i0] T. W. Orange, T. L. Sullivan, and F. D. Calfo, Fracture Toughness

Testing at Cryogenic Temperatures, STP 496, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1971) 61-81 [A71-40918].
[ii] A. M. Sullivan and J. Stoop, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 99-110 [A75-15980].
[12] Deleted.
[13] C. M. Carman, D. F. Armiento, and H. Markus, First International
Conference on Fracture, 2, Sendai, Japan (1966) 995-1038.
[14] J. R. Low, Jr., R. H. Van Stone, and R. H. Merch~t,~N~SAl~N-
131100 (1972) [N73-19521].
[15] W. S. Pierce and T. L. Sullivan, NASA TN D-5140 (1969) [N69-21392].
[16] W. S. Pierce, NASA TN D-4541 (1968) [N68-21768].
[17] T. W. Orange, NASA TN D-4017 (1967) [N67-28297].
[18] Deleted
[19] C. E. Federsen, F. A. Simonen, L. E. Hulbert, and W. S. Hyler,
NASA CR-1678 (1970) [N70-40384].
[20] J. W. Forney, Frankfort Arsenal Report M66-20-I (19~6) [N66-30652].
[21] H. P. Chu and G. A. Wacker, Journal of Materials 7 (1972) 95-99
[22] C. M. Carman and R. J. Weimer, Frankfort Arsenal TN-II40 (1969)
[23] T. W. Orange, T. L. Sullivan and F. D. Calfo, NASA TN D-6305
(1971) [N71-24240].
[24] W. S. Pierce, NASA TN D-6099 (1970) [N71-12050].
[25] Deleted.
[26] T. L. Sullivan and W. S. Pierce, NASA TN D-4951 (1968) [N69-14480].
[27] T. P. Rich and A. R. Rosenfield, Fractur~ Mechanics, Sy~rposi~
on Naval Structural Mechanics, 10th, Washington, D. C., Univer-
sity Press of Virginia (1978) 43-67.
[28] F. R. Schwartzberg, R. D. Keys, and T. F. Kiefer, NASA CR-72733
(1970) [N71-I0447].
[29] L. R. Hall, NASA CR-72396 (1968) [N69-20265].
[30] D. J. Brownhill, R. E. Davies, and D. O. Sprowls, AFML-TR-68-34
(1968) [X68-15242].
[31] ~ b o o k on Materials for Superconducting Machinery, Metals and
Ceramics Information Center Handbook MCIC-HB-04, Battelle Columbus
Laboratories (through January 1977).
[32] L. R. Hall and R. W. Finger, AFFDL-TR-70-144 (1970) 235-262
[ N71-250921.
[33] F. g. Nelson and J. G. Kaufman, Fracture Toughness Testing at
Cryogenic Temperatures, STP 496, ~ e r i c a n Society for Testing

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


and Materials~ Philadelphia (1971) 27-39 [A71-40916].

[34] R. J. Bucci, ALCOA Report No. 57-77-24-REV (1978) [N79-32323].
[35] H. Terada, E. Nakai, and Y. Kakuta, Transactions Japan Society
of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 21 (1979) 182-193 [A79-32171].
[36] R. J. Bucci, EFM 12 (1979) 407-441 [A79-53075].
[37] D. O. Sprowls, M. B. Shumaker, J. D. Walsh, and J. W. Coursen,
NASA CR-124469, Part I (1973) [N74-I0835].
[38] R. L. Tobler, 4th International Conference on Fracture, Waterloo,
Canad~ 3 (1977) 839-845 [A78-33773].
[39] C. N. Freed, R. J. Goode, and R. W. Judy, Jr., NRL Report 6853
(1969) [N69-28939].
[40] C. N. Freed and R. J. Goode, NRL Report 6991 (1969) [N70-25389].
[41] R. E. Jones, AFML-TR-69-58 (1969) [X69-17579].
[42] W. E. Witzell, AFML-TR-67-257 (1967) [X68-13258].
[43] C. Vishnevsky and E. A. Steigerwald, Fracture Toughness Testing
at Cryogenic Temperatures, STP 496, American Society for Testing
and Materials, Philadelphia (1971) 3-26 [A71-40915].
[44] R. W. Westerlund, W. A. Anderson, H. Y. Hunsicker, and J. W.
Coursen, NASA CR-61423 (1967) [N68-14135].
[45] F. R. Schwartzberg, Paper No. W9-19-I, 1969 Western Metals and
Tool Conference (1969).
[46] F. R. Schwartzberg, R. D. Keys, and T. F. Kiefer, NASA CR-72617
(1970) [N70-19729].
[47] A. M. Sullivan and C. N. Freed, NRL Report 7332 (1971) [N72-18560].
[48] C. N. Freed, A. M. Sullivan, and J. Stoop, NRL Report 7374 (1972)
[49] D. Y. Wang and D. E. McCabe, Mechanics of Crack Growth, STP 590,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976)
169-193 [A76-31232].
[50] D. Broek, National Aerospace Laboratory Report NLR TR 72096-U
(1972) [N74-12248].
[51] G. E. Tardiff, Jr., Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-
51544 (1974) [N75-13101].
[52] G. R. Chanani, AFML-TR-76-156 (1976) [N77-26295].
[53] R. C. Rice, K. B. Davis, C. E. Jaske, and C. E. Feddersen, NASA
CR-2586 (1975) [N75-32507].
[54] J. E. McCarty, AIAA Paper 74-340, AIAA/ASME/SAE 15th Structures,
Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Las Vegas, N V (1974).
[55] J. E. McCarty, AFFDL-TR-73-53 (1973) [N74-32456].
[56] C. F. Babilon, R. H. Wygonik, G. E. Nordmark, and B. W. Lifka,
AFML-TR-73-83 (1973) [N74-I1362].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[57] S. O. Davis, AFML-TR-66-335 (1966) [X67-22994].
[58] R. J. Goode, R. W. Huber, R. W. Judy, Jr., D. G. Howe, P. P.
Puzak, K. B. Llyod, T. W. Crooker, R. E. Morey, E. A. Lange, and
C. N. Freed, NRL Report 6454 (1966) [N67-17711].
[59] C. N. Freed, NRL Report 6654 (1967) [N68-17777].
[60] M. J. Rich, AFFD½TR-70-144 (1970) 635-651 [N71-25092].
[61] R. R. Ferguson and R. C. Berrymmn, AFML-TR-76-137 Volumes I and II
(1976) [N77-29287] and [N77-29288].
[62] G. L. Hanna and E. A. Steigerwald, AFML-TR-66-139 (1966) [X67-
[63] E. J. Ripling and E. Falkenstein, Materials Research Laboratory
Report, Contract No. DAAA25-70-C-0715, Frankfort Arsenal (1973)
[64] R. G. Forman, AFFDL-TR-65-146 (1965) [X66-21298].
[65] C. A. Griffis and G. R. Yoder, NRL Report 7676 (1974) [N74-27994].
[66] A. W. Sommer, N. E. Paton, and D. G. Folgner, AFML-TR-72-5 (1972)
[67] J. P. Gudas and J. A. Joyce, David Taylor Naval Ship Res. and
Dev. Center Report DTNSRDC-78/054 (1978) [N79-II181].
[68] C. Bathias, EFM I0 (1978) 267-281 [A78-26837].
[69] M. F. Amateau and E. A. Steigerwald, AFML-TR-67-145 (1967) [X68-
[70] L. J. Pionke and R. K. Linback, NASA CR-141695 (1974) [N75-18397].
[71] D. S. Thompson and R. E. Zinkham, AFML-TR-73-247, Volume II (1974)
[72] D. J. Brownhill, R. E. Davies, G. E. Nordmark, and B. M. Ponchel,
AFML-TR-77-102 (1977) [N78-24344].
[73] O. L. Deel, P. E. Ruff, and H. Mindlin, AFML-TR-73-114 (1973)
[74] Aerospace Structural Metals ~ I~ndbook, AFML-TR-68-115, 3 (through
[75] M. H. Jones, R. T. Bubsey, W. F. Brown, Jr., R. J. Bucci, S. F.
Collis, R. F. Kohm, and J. G. Kaufman, Developments in Fracture
Mechanics Test Methods Standardization, STP 632, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 115-152 [A77-51583].
[76] G. Succop, R. T. Bubsey, M. H. Jones, and W. F. Brown, Jr., Devel-
opments in Fracture Mechanics Test MethodsStandardization, STP
632, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1977) 153-178 [A77-51584].
[77] J. J. Ruschau, AFML-TR-78-155 (1978) [N80-71921].
[78] R. R. Cervey, AFML-TR-75-208 (1975) [N76-30364].
[79] K. A. Fudge and R. E. Jones, AFML-TR-73-310 (1974) [N74-27027].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[80] M. A. Kassem, EFM i0 (1978) 591-608 [A78-39160].
[81] R. G. Forman and L. A. James, NASA TM-74875 (1975) [N77-83193].
[82] R. J. Bucci, Part-Through Crack Life Prediction, STP 687, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 47-73 [A81-
[83] W. E. Witzeli and C. J. Kropp, NASA CR-72288 (1967) [N68-23923].
[84] L. R. Hall, Fracture Toughness Testing at Cryogenic Temperatures,
STP 496, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1971) 40-60 [A79-40917].
[85] W. E. Witzell, NASA CR-145140 (1977) [N77-18253].
[86] A. Feldman, F. W. Smith, and A. Holston, Jr., NASA CR-135197
(1977) [N77-25576].
[87] R. W. Finger, NASA CR-135369 (1978) [N78-21493].
[88] D. T. Read and R. P. Reed, 2nd International Conference on Mech-
anical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1093-1097.
[89] C. M. Carman, J. W. Forney, and J. M. Katlin, NASA CR-54297 (1966)
[90] C. W. Ferguson, NASA CR-54852 (1966) [N66-22267].
[91] L. R. Hall and W. D. Bixler, NASA CR-120834 (1972) [N73-15920].
[92] J. N. Masters, W. L. Engstrom, and W. D. Bixler, NASA CR-134649
(1974) [N74-32932].
[93] R.C. Shah, NASA CR-134611 (1974) [N74-32354].
[94] J. N. Masters, W. D. Bixler, and R. W. Finger, NASA CR-134587
(1973) [N74-19542].
[95] J. N. Masters, W. P. Haese, and R.W. Finger, NASA CR-72606 (1969)
[96] L. R. Hall and R. W. Finger, NASA CR-72659 (1971) [N72-13469].
[97] Wo L. Engstrom, NASA CR-I15388 (1972) [N72-33531].
[98] R. W. Finger, NASA CR-135036 (1976) [N76-32578].
[99] C. F. Fiftal and R. D. Karsten, NASA CR-149940 (1976) [N76-27600].
[i00] Anon., NASA CR-150222 (1975) [N77-20155].
[I01] D. T. Read and R. P. Reed, IJF 13 (1977) 201-213 [A78-14364].
[102] R. P. Puzak, K. B. Lloyd, R. W. Huber, R. J. Goode, E. A. Lange,
C. N. Freed, T. W. Crooker, R. W. Judy, Jr., and D. G. Howe, NRL
Report 6513 (1966) [N67-24914].
[103] J. G. Kaufman and F. G. Nelson, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 74-85 [A75-15978].
[104] J. J. Ruschau, AFML-TR-75-136 (1975) [N76-22364].
[i05] C. M. Hudson and P. E. Lewis, Part-Through Crack Fatigue Life
Prediction, STP 687, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1979) 113-128 [A81-I0358].
fnt Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)
[106] M. W. Brennecke, NASA TP 1383 (1978) [N79-16950].
[107] P. M. Lorenz, ASM Technical Paper W9-13.2, 1969 Western Metal and
Tool Conference (1969) [A69-38666].
[i08] R. G. JForman, S. ~ Glorioso, and J. D. Medlock, NASA TN D-7377
(1973) [N73-29946].
[109] J. L. Shannon, Jr., J. K. Donald, and W. F. Brown, Jr., Develop-
ments in Fracture Mechanics Test Methods S.tandardization, STP 632,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977)
96-114 [A77-51582].
[Ii0] J. K. Donald and J. L. Shannon, Jr., AMMRC CTR 74-72 (1974) [N75-
[iii] O. L. Deel, P. E. Ruff, and H. Mindlin, AFML-TR-75-97 (1975)
[112] J. A. Lumm, AFML-TR-66-238 (1966) [X67-13063].
[113] F. G. Nelson and D. J. Brownhill, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP
631, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1977) 285-309.
[114] R. A. Rawe, D. E. Schwab, R. S. Wroth, and H. Taketani, NASA CR-
112339 (1968) [N70-75572].
[115] R. L. Lake, F. ~ DeMoney, and R. J. Eiber, Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering, 13, Plenum Press, New York (1968) 278-293.
[116] J. G. Kaufman, Materials Engineering in the Arctic, American
Society for Metals (1976) 240-247.
[117] J. G. Kaufman, F. G. Nelson, and R. H. Wygonik, Fatigue and
Fracture Toughness-Cryogenic Behavior, STP 556, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974) 125-158.
[118] Douglas Mann, Ed., LNG Materials and Fluids, National Bureau of
Standards, Boulder, CO (1977).
[119] R. L. Tobler and R. P. Reed, JEMT 99 (1977) 306-312 [A78-14396].
[120] R. A. Kelsey and F. G. Nelson, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,
24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 505-518.
[121] H. I. McHenry, S. E. Naranjo, D. T. Read, and R. P. Reed, Advances
i~Cryogenic Engineering, 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 519-
528 [A79-44549].
[122] A. W. Pense, R. D. Stout, and B. R. Somers, Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering, 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 548-559 [A79-44550].
[123] O. L. Deel and H. Mindlin, AFML-TR-71-249 (1971) [N73-I1534].
[124] H. ~ Chu, Naval Ship Research and Development Center Report 4169
(1973) [N74-16240].
[125] J. M. Kraft, C. L. Lamb, and K. E. Simmonds, NRL Memo Report 2399
(1972) [N72-24599].
[126] J. P. Hickerson, Jr., Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP 631, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 62-71

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[127] R. Taggart, K. K. Wahl, and R. Beeuwkes, Jr., Properties Related
to Fracture Toughness, STP 605, American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia (1976) 62-70 [A77-17520].
[128] T. D. Moore, Ed., Structura~ Alloys Eand~ook~ Battelle Columbus
Lab, 1978 Edition, 2 (1978).
[129] P. C. Paris, H. Tada, A. Zahoor, and H. Ernst, Elastic-Plastic
Fracture, STP 668, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1979) 5-36 [A79-51152].
[130] E. T. Wessel, W. G. Clark, Jr., and W. K. Wilson, Westinghouse
Research Laboratories Research Report 66-9B4-315-RI (1966) [N67-
[131] J. G. Kaufman, G. E. Nordmark, and B. W. Lifka, AFML-TR-66-291
(1966) [X67-13864].
[132] S. O. Davis, N. G. Tupper, and R. M. Niemi, AFML-TR-67-38 (1967)
[133] S. O. Davis, N. G. Tupper, and R. M. Niemi, AFML-TR-65-150 (1965)
[134] W. K. Wilson, W. G. Clark, Jr., and E° T. Wessel, Tank Automotive
Command Technical Report No. 10276 (1968) [N69-25902].
[135] Deleted.
[136] R. H. McDaniel, W° M. Laney, J . ~ Warwick, J. B. Wattier, and
J. R. Bell, NASA CR-148066 (1971) [N76-74829].
[137] W. M. Griffith, 9th National SAMPE Technical Conference, 9,
Materials and Processes - In Service Performance (1977) 15-26
[138] J. T. Staley, MEQ 14 (1974) 50-55 [A75-12729].
[139] J. T. Staley, AFML-TR-73-34 (1973) [N74-I1354].
[140] R. R. Cervey, AFML-TR-75-220 (1975) [N76-32307].
[141] R. E. Jones, AFML-TR-72-2 (1972) [N72-29538].
[142] J. M. Van Orden, W. E. Krupp, E. Walden, and J. T. Ryder, AIAA/
ASME 19th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Confer-
ence (1978) 242-255 [A78-29800].
[143] R. R. Wells, AIAA Paper 74-372, AIAA/ASME/SAE 15th Structures,
Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Las Vegas, NV (1974)
[144] O. L. Deel, AFML-TR-77-198 (1977) [N78-30213].
[145] J. W. Coursen, G. E. Nordmark, G.T. Sha, and J. D. Walsh, Alu-
minum Company of America Final Report Contract No. N00019-74-C-
0065 (1976) [N76-26327].
[146] R. J. H. Wanhill, L. Schra, and H. P. Van Leeuwen, EFM Ii (1979)
507-524 [A79-23895].
[147] J. T. Staley, J. E. Jacoby, R. E. Davies, G. E. Nordmark, J. D.
Walsh, and F. R. Rudolph, AFML-TR-76-129 (1977) [X77-78467].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[148] V. Weiss, M. Sengupta, and W. Sanford, Syracuse University, Final
Report, Contract No. N00019-75-C-0065 (1975).
[149] J. M. Shults, AIAA Paper 74-373, AIAA/ASME/SAE 15th Structures,
Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Las Vegas, NV (1974)
[150] R. E. Jones and K. A. Fudge, AFML-TR-73-269 (1973) [N74-20147].
[151] R. W. Brodie and L. Bakow, Naval Air Systems Command Report NADC-
76269-30 (1978) [N79-12207].
[152] C. N. Freed, A. M. Sullivan, and J. Stoop, NRL Report 7299 (1971)
[153] J. M. Kraft, C. L. Lamb, and K. E. Simmonds, NRL Memo Report 2399
(1972) [N72-24599].
[154] R. H. Weitzmann and I. Finnie, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 111-126 [A75-15981].
[155] A. M. Sullivan and C. N. Freed, NRL Report 7270 (1971) [N71-37535].
[156] R. A. Everett, Jr., NASA TM X-3165 (1975) [N75-15774].
[157] J. R. Thompson, Jr., Naval Surface Weapons Center Report NSWC/DL-
TR-3744 (1977) [N78-18192].
[158] H. Zoeller, University of Dayton Research institute Report MLAA 67-7
[159] J. C. Ekvall, T. R. Brussat, A. F. Liu, and M. Creager, AFFDL-TR-
72-80 (1972) [N73-24074].
[160] V. Weiss, K. Grewal, W. Rosenberg, and H. Lin, AFML-TR-67-37 (1967)
[161] N. E. Dowling, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP 631, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 139-158.
[162] J. T. Staley, Final Alcoa Report, Naval Air Systems Command, Con-
tract N00019-70-C-0118 (1970) [N71-25876].
[163] Deleted.
[164] K. Erhardt, A. Wilson, R. Pelloux, and N. J. Grant, AFML-TR-71-
109 (1971) [N72-12479].
[165] M. D. Campbell, J. ~. Haskins, and J. E. Jensen, AFFDL-TR-70-144
(1970) 539-555 [N71-25092].
[166] J. G. Kaufman~ G. E. Nordmark, and B. W. Lifka~ AFML-TR-65-170
(1965) [X66-I1716].
[167] T. H. Sanders, Jr., Naval Air Development Center, Final Report,
Contract No. N62269-76-C-0271 (1979) [N79-33308].
[168] J. G. Ka~a~man, P. E. Schilling, G. E. Nordmark, B. W. Lifka, and
J. W. Coursen, AFML-TR-69-255 (1969) [X70-13774].
[169] P. F. Packman, H. S. Pearson, J. S. Owens, and G. B. Marchese,
AFML-TR-68-32 (1968) [X68-17347].
[170] C. E. Feddersen and W. S. Hyler, Battelle Memorial Institute
Columbus Laboratories Report G-8902 (1970) [N71-16330].
Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)
[171] S. O. Davis, AFML-TR-70-202, Part V (1972)[N73-14575].
[172] H. P. Van Leeuwen and L. Schra, National Aerospace Laboratory
Report NLRTR 69058L (1969) [N71-12126].
[173] S. H. Smith, T. R. Porter, and W. D. Sump, NASA CR-996 (1968)
[174] R. E. Jones, AFML-TR-72-1 (1972) [AD-748257].
[175] A. W. Bowen and P. J. E. Forsyth, Royal Aircraft Establishment
Report 78069 (1978) [X79-72721].
[176] J. T. Staley, Properties Related to Fracture Toughness, STP 605,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976)
71-103 [A77-17521].
[177] R. R. Cervey, AFML-TR-75-20 (1975) [N76-15305].
[178] H. P. Keller and D. Munz, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP 631,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977)
217-231 [A78-26664].
[179] D. Munz, Deutsche Luft-und Raumfahrt Report DLR-FB 77-04 (1977)
[180] D. Munz, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 406-425 [A79-51167].
[181] G. G. Garrett and J. F. Knott, Special Volume, 2nd International
Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 488-514.
[182] A. Luxmoore, M. F. Light, and W. T. Evans, IJF 13 (1977) 257-259
[183] D. S. Thompson, AFML-TR-73-18 (1973) [N73-25613].
[184] J. W. Evancho, Alcoa Technical Center, Final Technical Report -
Feb. 8, 1973-Feb. 7, 1974. Contract N62269-73-C-0219 (1974)
[185] J. T. Staley and H. Y. Hunsicker, AFML-TR-70-256 (1970) [X71-72435].
[186] T. Kawabata and O. Izumi, ~ S 13 (1978) 945-950.
[187] C. J. Peel and P. Poole, Royal Aircraft Establishment TR 78034
(1978) [N79-26193].
[188] D. S. Thompson and S. A. Levy, AFML-TR-70-171 (1970) [X70-19039].
[189] D. K. Benson and G. G. Shaw, Technical Report No. i to Office of
Naval Research, Midwest Research Institute (1972) [N73-16567].
[190] I. R. Kramer and A. Kumar, AMMRC CR 71-2/2 (1971) [N72-16916].
[191] D. N. Lal and V. Weiss, MT 9A (1978) 413-426 [A78-30118].
[192] T. Takano and H. Okamura, Fracture Mechanics and Technology,
Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers (1977) 699-712.
[193] S. Matsuoka and K. Tanaka, JMS 13 (1978) 1335-1353 [A78-36938].
[194] R. J. H. Wanhill, Corrosion Fatigue of Aircraft Materials, AGARD
Report 659 (1977) 2-1--2-37 [N78-15260].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[195] R. J. Bucci, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP 631, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 388-401 [A78-26654].
[196] K. Walker, Effects of Environment and Complex Load History on
Fatigue Life, STP 462, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1970) 1-14 [A70-26089].
[197] D. Brock, 2nd International Conference on Fracture, Brighton,
England (1969) 754-764 [A69-23065].
[198] W. G. Fleck and R. B. Anderson, 2nd International Conference on
Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 790-802 [A69-23072].
[199] N. E. Ashbaugh and A. F. Grandt, AFML-TR-77-233 (1978) [N79-
[200] P. E. Ruff and W. S. Hyler, AFML-TR-74-67 (1974) [N75-I0506].
[201] E. K. Walker, AFFDL-TR-70-144 (1970) 225-233 [N71-25092].
[202] W. G. Fleck and R. B. Anderson, AFFDL-TR-70-144 (1970) 417-424
[203] C. E. Jaske, C. E. Feddersen, K. B. Davies, and R. C. Rice, NASA
CR-132332 (1973) [N74-I1714].
[204] R. G. Dubensky, NASA CR-1732 (1971) [N71-18002].
[205] T. L. MacKay, EFM ii (1979) 753-761 [A79-28885].
[206] J. A. Vazquez, A. Morrone, and H. Ernst, EFM 12 (1979) 231-240
[207] F. Erdogan, NASA CR-901 (1967) [N67-39068].
[208] D. A. Virkler, B. M. Hillberry and P. K. Goel, JEMT i01 (1979)
148-153 [A79-39789].
[209] H. Okamura and S. Sakai, FEMS 1 (1979) 409-419 [A79-52412].
[210] A. J. McEvily, MS ii (1977) 274-284 [A77-47502].
[211] M. Kikukawa, M. Jono, and K. Tanaka, Special Volume, 2nd Inter-
national Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976)
[212] G. R. Chanani, Corrosion-Fatigue Technology, STP 642, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 51-73
[213] W. G. Truckner, J. T. Staley, R. J. Bucci, and A. B. Thakker,
AFML-TR-76-169 (1976) [N77-26300].
[214] A. M. Sullivan and T. W. Crooker, NRL Report 7912 (1975) [N76-
[215] H. W. Liu and A. S. Kuo, Fracture Mechanics and Technology,
Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers (1977) 893-906
[216] H. W. Liu and N. lino, 2nd International Conference on Fracture,
Brighton, England (1969) 812-823 [A69-23082].
[217] D. N. Lal and V. Weiss, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical
Behavior of Materials (1976) 617-621.

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[218] A. F. Liu and D. F. Dittmer, AFFDL-TR-78-175 (1978) [N80-I1512].

[219] T. S. Kang and H. W. Liu, NASA CR-120890 (1972) [N72-22913].
[220] J. Petit, J. L. Maillar~ and M. C. Lafarie, IJF 13 (1977) 512-518
[221] A. F. Liu, J. E. Allison, D. F. Dittmer, and J. R. Yamane,
Fracture Mechanics, STP 677, American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 5-22 [A80-23855].
[222] A. F. Liu and H. P. Kan, Northrup Report NOR 77-112 (1977) [N79-
[223] D. E. Pettit, J. T. Ryder, W. E. Krup~ and D. W. Hoeppner, AFML-
TR-74-183 (1974) [X76-73431].
[224] W. N. Sharpe, Jr. and A. F. Grandt, Jr., AFML-TR-74-203 (1975)
[225] P. E. Ruff and S. H. Smith, AFML-TR-77-162 (1977) [N78-30171].
[226] T. W. Crooker, NRL Report 7286 (1971) [N72-12481].
[227] T. W. Crooker, NRL Report 7422 (1972) [N73-I1538].
[228] C. F. Tiffany, P. M. Lorenz, and R. C. Shah, NASA CR-72252 (1966)
[229] D. E. Pettit and D. W. Hoeppner, NASA CR-128600 (1972) [N73-
[230] S. J. Hudak, Jr., A. Saxena, R. J. Bucci, and R. C. Malcolm,
AFML-TR-78-40 (1978) [N79-12469].
[231] E. J. Ripling, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable Cracking, STP
559, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1974) 59-73.
[232] W. M. McGee and T. M. Hsu, AFFDL-TR-77-2, Volume I (1977) [N78-
[233] Deleted.
[234] L. R. Hall, R. C. Shah, and W. L. Engstrom, AFFDL-TR-74-47 1 and
2 (1974) [N75-17504 and N75-23776].
[235] T. M. Hsu, W. M. McGee, and J. A. Aberson, AFFDL-TR-77-83, I
(1978) [N79-12468].
[236] Deleted.
[237] P. D. Bell and M. Creager, AFFDL-TR-74-129 I (1974) [N77-73868].
[238] S. Banerjee, NASA TM-78592 (1979) [N79-23256].
[239] R. P. Wei, P. S. Pao, R. G. Hart, T. W. Weir, and G. W. Simmons,
MT IIA (1980) 151-158 [A80-22542].
[240] G. Marci, Fracture Mechanics, STP 677, American Society for Test-
ing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 168-186 [A80-23864].
[241] A. Saxena and S. J. Hudak, Jr., Fracture Mechanics, STP 677,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
215-232 [A80-23867].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[242] R. Roberts, K. Wnek, and J. C. Tafuri, Advances in Cryogenic

Engineering, 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 187-196 [A79-
[243] H. Homma and H. Nakazawa, EFM i0 (1978) 539-552 [A78-39157].
[244] G. S. Jost, 2nd International Conference on Fracture, Brighton,
England (1969) 745-753 [A69-23078].
[245] R. A. Kelsey, G. E. Nordmark, and J. W. Clark, Fatigue and
Fracture Toughness-Cryogenic Behavior, STP 556, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974) 159-185.
[246] S. Matsuoka and K. Tauaka, EFM ii (1979) 703-715 [A79-28883].
[247] T. W. Crooker, F. D. Bogar, and W. R. Cares, Corrosion-Fatigue
Technology, STP 642, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1978) 189-201.
[248] H. P. Chu, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable Cracking, STP 559,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974)
245-263 [A75-15985].
[249] H. P. Chu and J. G. Macco, Corrosion-Fatigue Technology, STP 642,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978)
[250] H. P. Chu, Naval Ship Research and Development Center Report 3933
(1973) [AD-760668].
[251] W. M. Catanach and F. Erdogan, 2nd International Conference on
Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 765-776 [A69-23066].
[252] T. H. Sanders, Jr., R. R. Sawtell, J. T. Staley, R. J. Bucci, and
A. B. Thakker, Alcoa Laboratories Report 56-78-AF8 (1978) [N79-
[253] H. D. Dill and C. R. Saff, AFFDL-TR-78-137 (1978) [N79-33504].
[254] R. D. Brown and J. Weertman, EFM i0 (1978) 757-771 [A78-50478].
[255] M. Creager and A. W. Sommer, AFML-TR-77-193 (1977) [N78-33484].
[256] E. P. Louwaard, Delft University of Technology Report LR-243
(1977) [N78-14154].
[257] J. P. Gallagher, H. D. Stalnaker, and J. L. Rudd, AFFDL-TR-74-5
(1974) [N75-I1955].
[258] T. R. Brussat, S. T. Chin, and M. Creager, AFFDL-TR-77-79, I
(1977) [N78-33483].
[259] R. J. Selines, R. E. Stoltz, and R. M. Pelloux, AFML-TR-72-21,
Parts I and II (1972) [N73-12597].
[260] K-H Schwalbe, EFM Ii (1979) 331-342 [A79-23058].
[261] J. Zola, Corrosion-Fatigue Technology, STP 642, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 169-183 [A78-
[262] H. D. Dill and C. R. Saff, AFFDL-TR-76-112 (1977) [N78-II054].
[263] P. R. Abelkis, Fractography in Failure Analysis, STP 645, Ameri-
can Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978)

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


213-234 [A79-24283].
[264] B. R. Kirby and C. J. Beevers, FEMS i (1979) 203-215 [A79-47774].
[265] D. R. Holloway, Air Force Institute of Technology Report AFIT/
GAE/MC/775-1 (1977) [N78-32233].
[266] R. R. Cervay, AFML-TR-72-173 (1972) [N73-18560].
[267] D. E. Pettit and J. M. Van Orden, Fracture Mechanics, STP 677,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
106-124 [A80-23861].
[268] F. D. Bogar and T. W. Crooker, NRL Report 8265 (1978) [N79-16951].
[269] W. D. Dover and J. Boutle, Journal of Strain Analysis 13 (1978)
129-139 [A79-52410].
[270] D. Rhodes and J. C. Radon, FEMS 1 (1979) 383-393.
[271] J. C. Radon, MS 13 (1979) 411-419.
[272] H. Abdel-Raouf, T. H. Topper, and A. Plumtree, MT 10A (1979)
[273] S. J. Maddox and D. Webber, Fatigue Testing of Weldments, STP
648, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1978) 159-184.
[274] J. F. Knott and A. C. Pickard, MS ii (1977) 399-404 [A77-47513].
[275] B. M. Kapadia and E. J. Imhof, Jr., Flaw Growth and Fracture,
STP 631, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1977) 159-173.
[276] J. L. Shannon and W. Rzasnicki, NASA TM-73847 (1977) [N78-13182].
[277] H. Conrad, M. K. Keshavan, and G. A. Sargent, Special Volume, 2nd
International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials
(1976) 538-568.
[278] R. L. Tobler, R. P. Reed, and R. E. Schramm, JEMT i00 (1978) 189-
194 [A78-35387].
[279] G. R. Irwin, J. M. Kraft, P. C. Paris, and A. A. Wells, NRL
Report 6598 (1967) [N68-17840].
[280] F. J. Loss, NRL Memo Report 3289 (1976) [N77-12461].
[281] F. J. Loss, J. R. Hawthorne, and C. A. Griffis, NRL Memo Report
3036 (1975) [N76-20556].
[282] A. M. Sullivan, ist International Conference on Fracture, Sendai,
Japan 3 (1966) 1949-1969.
[283] J. D. Landes and J. A. Begley, Developments in Fracture Mechanics
Test Methods Standardization, STP 632, American Society for Test-
ing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 57-81 [A77-51580].
[284] J. D. Landes and J. A. Begley, Fracture Analysis, STP 560, Ameri-
can Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974) 170-
[285] E. T. Wessel, W. G. Clark, Jr., and W. H. Pryle, 2nd Internation-
al Conference on Fracture, Brighton, England (1969)825-850.

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[286] W. A. Logsdon, Mechanics of Crack Growth, STP 590, American

Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976) 43-60.
[287] J. M. Kraft and A. M. Sullivan, NRL Report 5776 (1962) [N63-15366].
[288] P. C. Paris, R. J. Bucci, and C. L. Loushin, Fracture Toughness
and Slow-Stable Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing
and Materials, Philadelphia (1974) 86-98 [A75--15979].
[289] J. M. Kraft and R. A. Gray, Jr., Report of NRL Progress (June,
1970) 1-14.
[290] Anon., Pressure Vessel Research Committee/Metals Properties Coun-
cil Task Group on Fracture Toughness Properties for Nuclear Com-
ponents, Final Report, Welding Research Council Nomograph (1977).
[291] T. D. Moore, Structural Alloys Handbook, Mechanical Properties
Data Center, Battelle Columbus Lab. Publ., 1978 Edition 1 (1978).
[292] W. L. Server, J. W. Sheckherd, and R. A. Wullaert, Electric Power
Research Institute Report EPRI NP-II9 (1976) [N76-30361].
[293] K. Stahlkopf, Electric Power Research Institute Report EPRI NP-
121,2 Part I (1976) [N77-76484].
[294] J. R. Hawthorne, NRL Report 8171 (1977) [N78-30907].
[295] R. O. Ritchie, W. L. Server, and R. A. Wullaert, IJF 14 (1978)
[296] R. O. Ritchie, W. L. Server, and R. A. Wullaert, MT 10A (1979)
[297] L. E. Steele, NRL Memo Report 2595 (1973) [N73-30661].
[298] J. W. Morris, Jr., S. Jin, and C. K. Syn, 2nd International Con-
ference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1159-1163.
[299] A. Otsuka, T. Miyata, and S. Nishimura, Fracture Mechanics and
Technology, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers
(1977) 539-551.
[300] G. A. Clarke, W. R. Andrews, P. C. Paris, and D. W. Schmidt,
Mechanics of Crack Growth, STP 590, American Society for Testing
and Materials, Philadelphia (1976) 27-42.
[301] P. W. Early and S. J. Burns, Department of Mechanical and Aero-
space Sciences and The Materials Science Program Report, Univer-
sity of Rochester, Rochester, NY (1978) [N80-74425].
[302] P. C. Paris, H. Tada, H. Ernst, and A. Zahoor, Elastic-Plastic
Fracture, STP 668, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1979) 251-265 [A79-51151].
[303] R. A. Wullaert, W. Oldfield, and W. L. Server, Electric Power
Research Institute Report EPRI NP-121, 1 (1976) [N77-I0192].
[304] Deleted.
[305] K. Stahlkopf, Electric Power Research Institute Report EPRI NP-
121, 2, Part 2 (1976) [N77-76485].
[306] W. L. Server, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 493-514.

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[307] W. A. Logsdon, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Soc-
iety for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 515-536.
[308] J. G. Merkle, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 674-702.
[309] A. D. Wilson, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Soc-
iety for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 469-492.
[310] A. D. Wilson, JEMT I01 (1979) 265-274.
[311] I. Milne, MSE 30 (1977) 243-251.
[312] W. A. Logsdon and J. A. Begley, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP
631, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1977) 477-492.
[313] B. Marandet and G. Sanz, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP 631,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977)
[314] P. C. Riccardella and J. L. Swedlow, Fracture Analysis, STP 560,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1974)
[315] F. J. Loss, R. A. Gray, and J. R. Hawthorne, NRL Report 8165
(1978) [N78-17418].
[316] F. J. Loss, NRL/NUREG Memo Report 3512 (1977) [N78-I0515].
[317] R. G. Hoagland, A. R. Rosenfield, P. C. Gehlen, and G. T. Hahn,
Fast Fracture and Crack Arrest, STP 627, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977)177-202.
[318] L. E. Steele, C. Z. Serpan, Jr., J. R. Hawthorne, J. M. Kraft,
R. A. Gray, Jr., F. A. Schmidt, Jr., and H. E. Watson, NRL Memo
Report 2126 (1970) [N70-38242].
[319] C. F. Hiekey, Jr., AMMRL MS 74-4 (1974) [N74-27978].
[320] T. U. Marston, M. P. Borden, J. H. Fox, and D. L. Reardon, Elec-
tric Power Research Institute Report EPRI 232-2 (1975) [N76-
[321] W. R. Andrews and C. F. Shih, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
[322] D. L. Bagnoli and E. B. Norris, Metal Properties Council Report
MPC-5 (1977) 1-61.
[323] P. O. Metz and D. A. Sarno, Metal Properties Council Report MPC-
5 (1977) 63-95.
[324] J. P. S andifer and G. E. Bowie, Fatigue Testing of Weldments,
STP 648, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1978) 185-196.
[325] H. Susukida, M. Satoh, T. Uebayashi, K. Yoshida, and Y. Ando,
3rd International Conference on Pressure Vessel Technology, Part
II (1977) 619-625.
[326] R. L. Tobler, R. P. Mikesell, and R. P. Reed, Fracture Mechanics,

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


STP 677, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia

(1979) 85-105 [A80-23860].
[327] S. R. Novak, Resistance to Plane-Stress Fracture (R-Curve Behav-
ior ) of A572 Structural Steel, STP 591, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976).
[328] H. Johansson, MT 9A (1978) 95-99.
[329] L. S. Costin, J. Dnffy, and L. B. Freund, Fast Fracture and Crack
Arrest, STP 627, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1977) 301-318.
[330] R. H. Sailors, Properties Related to Fracture Toughness, STP 605,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976)
34-61 [A77-17519].
[331] A. M. Sullivan and J. Stoop, NRL Report 7601 (1973) [N74-I1363].
[332] V. F. Zackay, E. R. Parker, R. D. Goolsby~ and W. E. Wood~
Nature, Physical S~ience 236 (1972) 108-109 [A72-27695].
[333] V. F. Zackay, E. R. Parker, and W. E. Wood, Proceedings Third
International Conference on Strength of Metals and Alloys 1
(1973) 175-179 [A74-33634].
[334] W. E. Wood, E. R. Parker, and V. F. Zackay, AMM C CTR 73-24
(1973) [N74-13266].
[335] C. N. Freed and R. J. Goode, NRL Report 6740 (1968) [N69-26304].
[336] E. A. Steigerwald, AFML-TR-67-187 (1967) [X68-13375].
[337] D. E. Diesburg and G. T. Eldis, MT 9A (1978) 1561-1570.
[338] C. Visnevsky, AMMRC CR 69-18/1 (1970) [N70-30168].,
[339] K. Garland, McDonnell Aircraft Company Report 513-965 (1971).
[340] D. F. Bulloch, T. W. Eichenberger, and J. L. Guthrie, AFML-TR-68-
57 (1968) [X68-18532].
[341] L. J. McEowen, 1976 Tri-Service Conference on Corrosion, Metals
and Ceramics Information Center Report MCIC-77-33 (1977) 165-180
[342] D. P. Kendall, J. H. Underwood, and D. C. Winters, Watervliet
Arsenal Report R-WV-T-6-39-73 (1973) [N74-17258].
[343] P. Thornton and V. J. Colangelo, Watervliet Arsenal Report WVT-
TR-75019 (1975) [N77-12208].
[344] T. E. Davidson, J. F. Throop, and A. N. Reiner, Watervliet Ar-
senal Report (1970) [AD-713519].
[345] W. L. Server, R. A. Wullaert, and J. W. Sheckherd, Flaw Growth
and Fracture, STP 631, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1977) 446-461.
[346] A. A. Anctil and E. B. Kula, Effects of Environment and Complex
Load History on Fatigue Life, STP 462, American Society for Test-
ing and Materials, Philadelphia (1970) 297-317.
[347] G. C. Angelino, Fast Fracture and Crack Arrest, STP 627, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 392-407.
[348] F. R. Stonesifer, NRL Memo Report 2929 (1974) [N75-21443].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[349] W. E. Wood, Oregon Graduate Center Final Report, Naval Air Sys-
ems Command Contract N00019-76-C-0149 (1977) [N77-31289].
[350] P. E. Irving, M. P. Seah, and A. Kurzfeld, 2nd International CQn-
ference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 563-567.
[351] Deleted.
[352] M. H. Jones and W. F. Brown, Jr., NASA TM X-1860 (1969) [N69-
[353] A. A. Anctil and E. B. Kula, AMM C TR 69-15 (1969) [N69-39318].
[354] B. Mravic and J. H. Smith, AFML-TR-71-213 (1971) [N80-70447].
[355] C. S. Carter, AFML-TR-70-139 (1970) [X70-17953].
[356] M. Azrin, M. L. Ebner, D. R. Poirier, W. A. Backofen, and M. C.
Flemings, AFML-TR-64-376 (1965) [N65-20923].
[357] Deleted.
[358] Go T. Hahn~ R. G. Hoagland, M. F. Kanninen, A. R. Rosenfield,
and R. Sejnoha, Battelle Columbus Laboratories Report No. SSC-
242 (1973) [N74-26045].
[359] J. Lereim and J. D. Embury, EFM ii (1979) 161-164.
[360] T. B. Cox and J. R. Low, Jr., NASA CR-131102 (1972) [N73-19523].
[361] J. H. Underwood, EM 18 (1978) 350-355.
[362] R. O. Ritchie and R. M. Horn, MI 9A (1978) 331-341 [A78-30113],
[363] M. ~ Bhat, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-6046 (1977)
[364] Y. E. Smith and D. E. Diesburg, MP 115 (May 1979) 68-73.
[365] W. D. Bixler, NASA CR-157366 (1972) [N78-79364].
[366] K. Nakazawa and G. Krauss, MT 9A (1978) 681-689.
[367] R. J. Kar, R. M. Horn, and V. F. Zackay, MT 10A (1979) 1711-1717.
[368] Deleted.
[369] Deleted.
[370] F. H. Froes, J. C. Chesnutt, R. G. Berryman, G. R. Keller, and
W. T. Highberger, 10th National SAMPE Technical Conference, i0
(1978) 522-533 [A79-24118].
[371] S. R. Novak, A. W. Loginow, H. M. Reichhold~ J. G. Bassett, and
G. C. McKelvey, AFML-TR-78-89 (1978) [N79-14200].
[372] C. D. Little and P. M. Machmeier, AFML-TR-75-148 (1975) [N76-
[373] P. M. Machmeier, J. C. Collins, and R. L. Jones, AFML-TR-77-61
(1977) [N77-32294].
[374] W. E. Routh, AFFDL-TR-77-73 (1977) [N78-15239].
[375] J. P. Hickerson, Jr., Sandia Laboratories Report SLA 73-0498
(1974) [N75-I1376].
[376] M. G. Dawes, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Society
Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 307-333 [A79-
[377] N. E. Ryan, Aircraft Structural Fatigue, Australian Research
Laboratory (ARL)/Struc-Report-363, ARL/Mat-Report-104, Melbourne
(1977) 393-418 [N78-30287].
[378] V. F. Zackay, W. W. Gerberich, R. Busch, and E. R. Parker, ist
International Conference on Fracture, Sendai, Japan, 2 (1966)
[379] P. N. Randall, AFML-TR-66-204 (1966) [X67-II037].
[380] M. F. Amateau and E. G. Kendall, Space and Missile Systems Organi-
zation Report SAMSO-71-186 (1971) [N72-14570].
[381] C. E. Feddersen, AFML-TR-72-20 (1972) [N73-II033].
[382] P. A. Parrish, AFML-TR-74-149 (1975) [N77-72885].
[383] R. T. Ault, K. D. McDowell, and P. L. Hendricks, AFML-TR-66-276
(1966) [X68-80652].
[384] G. K. Bhat, NASA CR-135044 (1976) [N77-16150].
[385] J. C. Radon and A. A. Pollock, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 15-30.
[386] D. A. Curry and J. F. Knott, MS 13 (1979) 341-345.
[387] R. J. Weimer and H. C. Rogers, 2nd International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1473.-1477.
[388] S. O. Davis, D. C. Lagrone, R. M. Niemi, and N. G. Tupper, AFML-
TR-65-214 (1965) [X66-23714].
[389] J. H. Mulherin, W. B. Steward, and J. D. Corrie, Frankford Arsenal
Report FA-TR-76015 (1976) [AD-A027025].
[390] D. Kalish and S. A. Kulin, AFML-TR-68-69 (1968) [X68-17822].
[391] F. R. Stonesifer and H. L. Smith, NRL Memo Report 1933 (1968)
[392] J. A. Van Den Aryle, Sandia Laboratories Report SAND-78-0462
(1978) [N79-II197].
[393] F. R. Stonesifer and H. L. Smith, NRL Memo Report 2466 (1972)
[394] T. W. Crooker and E. A. Lange, NRL Report 6761 (1968) [N69-16260].
[395] T. W. Crooker and E. A. Lange, NRL Report 6805 (1968) [N69-20403].
[396] T. W. Crooker and E. A. Lange, Effects of Environment and Com-
plex Load History on Fatigue Life, STP 462, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1970) 258-271 [A70-26100].
[397] T. W. Crooker, L. A. Cooley, E. A. Lange, and C. N. Freed, NRL
Report 6698 (1968) [N69-77689].
[398] R. E. Jones, AFML-TR-71-250 (1971) [N74-72911].
[399] R. T. Bubsey and W. F. Brown, Jr., NASA TN D-4998 (1969) [N69-
Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[400~ R. T. Auit~ Go M. Waid~ and ~. B. Bertolo~ AFML-TR-71-~27 (i97!)

[401] J. A. Joyce and J. P. Gudas, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
451-468 [A79-51168].
[402] L. GrHter, MSE 35 (1978) 157-164.
[403] Y-W. Cheng and F. J. Worzala, 2nd International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1223-1227.
[404] A. G. Glover and G. Pollard, 2nd International Conference on
Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 350-359.
[405] S. Nunomura, T. Kashiwamura, K. Machida, and S. Sakui, Fracture
Mechanics and Technology, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International
Publishers (1977) 553-561 [A78-42572].
[406] L. R. Olsson and H. F. Fischmeister, Powder Metallurgy 20 (1978)
[407] H. Johansson and R. Sandstrom, MSE 36 (1978) 175-180.
[408] J. A. Rescalvo and B. L. Averbach, MT 10A (1979) 1265-1271.
[409] C. F. Hickey, Jr., Fatigue and Fracture Toughness-Cryogenic Be-
havior, STP 556, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 55-67.
[410] R. C. Andrew, G. M. Weston, and J. C. Ritter, MS 13 (1979) 78-82.
[411] T. Kanazawa, S. Machida, S. Momota, and Y. Hagiwara, 2nd Inter-
national Conference on Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 1-14.
[412] Go Birbeck and A. E. Wraith, 2nd International Conference on
Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 24-30.
[413] F. M. Burdekin, R. E. Dolby, and G. R. Egan, 2nd International
Conference on Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 180-191.
[414] J. M. Kraft, Report of NRL Progress, PB 169123 (Jan. 1966) 6-16
[415] M. D. Roney and M. C. Deno, Materials Engineering in the Arctic,
American Society for Metals (1976) 116-124.
[416] C. E. Turner and J. C. Radon, 2nd International Conference on
Fracture, Brighton, England (1969) 165-179.
[417] P. J. Fopiano, S. A. Oliver, and E. B. Kula, AMMRC-TR-77-8 (1977)
[418] K. W. Carlson, University of Illinois, Dept. Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics Report No. 426 (1978) [AD-DI08317].
[419] B. K. Neale, IJF 14 (1978) 203-212.
[420] G. G. Chell and R. S. Gates, IJF 14 (1978) 233-247.
[421] M. Raghaven and G. Thomas, MT 10A (1979) 1665-1673 [A80-13281].
[422] A. A. Anctil and E. B. Kula, AMMRC-TR-69-25 (1969) [N70-23890].
[423] R. Beeuwkes, Jr., A. M. Hansen, and R. T. Tremblay, AMMRC-TR-
78-44 (1978) [N79-23446].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[424] R. J. Buzzard and D. M. Fisher, NASA TM-73731 (1977) [N77-30500].
[425] A. T. Stewart, Proceedings International Conference on Mechanisms
of Environment Sensitive Cracking of Materials, U. Surrey, Guild-
ford, England (1977) 400-411.
[426] D. E. Diesburg, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable Cracking,
STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1974) 3-14.
[427] T. Iwadate, T. Karaushi, and J. Watanabe, Flaw Growth and Frac-
tune, STP 631, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1977) 493-506.
[428] K. Ando, N. Ogura, and T. Nishioka, 2nd International Conference
on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 533-537.
[429] E. A. Wilie, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-4574 (1976)
[430] J. Kameda and C. J. McMahon, Jr., MT IIA (1980) 91-101 [A80-
[431] E. F. Walker, E. H. Watson, D. B. James, P. McIntyre, and M. J.
May, High Pressure Engineering, I Mech E 1975, Mechanical En-
gineering Publications Limited, London (1977) 13-33.
[432] B. V. N. Rao, R. W. Miller, and B. Thomas, Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory Report LBL-3982 (1976) [AD-DI08814].
[433] J. W. Morris, Jr., S. K. Hwang, K. A. Yushchenko, V. I.
Belotzerkovetz, and O. G. Kvasnevskii, Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering, 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 91-102.
[434] K. Maruyama, H. Yoshinaga, T. Kishida, K. Sakai, M. Yamamoto,
and H. Ootani, The Sumitomo Search, 18 (1977) 19-33.
[435] F. R. Stonesifer and H. L. Smith, NRL Memo Report 2144 (1970)
[436] W. R. Witzke and J. R. Stephens, NASA TN D-8232 (1976) [N76-
[437] G. K. Bhat, NASA CR-159394 (1978) [N79-12202].
[438] S. K. Hwang and J. W. Morris, Jr., MT 10A (1979) 545-555 [A79-
[439] J. R. Stephens and W. R. Witzke, CRYO 19 (1979) 153-160 [A79-
[4~0] J. R. Stephens and W. R. Witzke, NASA TP 1308 (1978) [N78-31213].
[441] J. H. Devletian, J. R. Stephens, and W. R. Witzke, NASA TN D-
8403 (1977) [N77-18249].
[442] S. K. Hwang and J. W. Morris, Jr., NASA CR-135310 (1977) [N78-
[443] J. R. Stephens and W. R. Witzke, CRYO 20 (1980) 18-24 [A80-34049].
[444] F. R. Stonesifer and H. L. Smith, NRL Report 7053 (1970) [N71-
[445] S. R. Novak and S. T. Rolfe, United States Steel Applied Research

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

Laboratory Report S-23309-2 (1966) [AD-482761L].
[446] K. Ishikawa, K. Tsuya, and N. Maruyama, Journal Iron and Steel
Institute of Japan 64 (1978) 1038-1046.
[447] J. E. Srawley, NASA TM X-52470 (1968) [N68-29972].
[448] D. M. Fisher and A. J. Repko, Journal of Materials 7 (1972) 167-
174 [A72-33317].
[449] C. F. Hickey, Jr., AMMRC MS-78-I (1978) [N78-22208].
[450] A. Vary, NASA TM X-71769 (1975) [N75-29241].
[451] J. A. Kies, H. L. Smith, H. E. Romine, and H. Bernstein, NASA
CR-140 (1964) [N65-12449].
[452] J. E. Srawley, 2nd International Conference on Fracture, Brighton,
England (1969) 131-146.
[453] A. M. Adair and J. A. Roberson, AFFDL-TR-70-144 (1970) 87-97
[454] B. G. Reisdorf, A. J. Birkle, and P. H. S. Cox, AFML-TR-65-364
(1965) [X66-16071].
[455] J. A. Psioda and J. R. Low, Jr., NASA CR-135288 (1977) [N78-
[456] C. M. Carman, Frankford Arsenal Report I{-1863 (1967) [N68-12802].
[457] J. A. Psioda and J. R. Low, Jr., NASA CR-143501 (1975) [N75-
[458] J. A. Psioda and J. R. Low, Jr., NASA CR-139673 (1974) [N74-
[459] C. S. Carter, The Boeing Company, Boeing Document D6-22978 (1969)
[460] T. Kunitake and Y. Okada, Sumitomo Metals 29 (1977) 238-246.
[461] T. Kunitake and Y. Okada, The Sumitomo Search, 20 (Nov. 1978)
[462] R. Brook and C. Musiol, MS ii (1977) 131-135 [A77-29796].
[463] H. I. McHenry and R. E. Schramm, Advances in Cryogenic Engineer-
ing, 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 161-165 [A79-44536].
[464] C. S. Carter, The Boeing Company Document D6-25459 (1970) [N71-
[465] M. Y oshiki, T. Kanazawa, and S. Machida, ist International
Conference on Fracture, Sendai, Japan, 3 (1966) 1711-1725.
[466] D. Kalish and S. A. Kulin, AFML-TR-67-115 (1967) [X67-20896].
[467] T. Kanazawa,S. Machida, Y. Niimura, and J. Kobayashi, Fracture
Mechanics and Technology, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International
Publishers (1977) 881-891.
[468] B. L. Averbach, ist International Conference on Fracture, Sendai,
Japan, 2 (1966) 747-778.
[469] W. W. Gerberich, P. L. Hemmings, V. F. Zackay, and E. R. Parker,

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


2nd International Conference on Fracture, Brighton, England

(1969) 288-305.
[470] M. Tvrd~, L. Hyspeck~, and K. Mazanec, Metals Technology 5
(1978) 73-78 [A78-31735].
[471] J. H. Underwood, L. P. Pook, and J. K. Sharples, Flaw Growth
and Fracture, STP 631, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1977) 402-415 [A78-26670].
[472] B. V. Narasinha Rao, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-
3794 (1975) [N79-79629].
[473] J. L. Y oungblood and M. Raghavan, NASA TP 1288 (1978) [N78-
[474] D. S. McDarmaid, Metals Technology 5 (1978) 7-16 [A78-25040].
[475] C. S. Carter, The Boeing Company Research Report D6-23888 (1969)
[476] S. L. Pendleberry, R. F. Simenz, and E. K. Walker, Lockheed-
California Company, Technical Report No. DS-68-18 (1968) [N68-
[477] S. D. Antolovich, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Report
AFOSR-TR-76-0550 (1975) [N77-II172].
[478] T. A. Lechtenberg, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report LBL-6686
(1977) [N78-29226].
[479] D. Dilipkumar and W. E. Wood, EM 19 (1979) 416-420.
[480] R. O. Ritchie, MS ii (1977) 368-381 [A77-47510].
[481] B. M. Kapadia and E. J. Imhof, Jr., Flaw Growth and Fracture,
STP 631, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia,
(1977) 159-173.
[482] S. Majumdar and J-D Morrow, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 159-182.
[483] G. A. Vroman, NASA CR-120742 (1974) [N75-22784].
[484] R. J. Walter, NASA CR-120702 (1975) [N75-19412].
[485] R. L. Tobler and R. P. Reed, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,
24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 82-90 [A79-44531].
[486] H. I. McHenry and G. R. Irwin, Journal of Materials 7 (1972)
455-459 [A73-16127].
[487] B. Mukherjee, Corrosion-Fatigue Technology, STP 642, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 264-285
[488] L. A. James, WJ 56 (1977) 386s-391s.
[489] W. R. Corwin and C. R. Brinkman, 2nd International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1498-1502.
[490] W. Bamford, JEMT i01 (1979) 182-190.
[491] P. M. Scott, MS 13 (1979) 396-401.

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[492] R. R. Seeley, L. Katz, and J. R. M. Smith, Fatigue Testing of
Weldments, STP 648, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1978) 261-284.
[493] A. M. Sullivan and T. W. Crooker, Fracture Mechanics and Techno-
logy, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers (1977)
[494] T. W. Crooker, FractureMechanics, Symposium on Naval Structural
Mechanics, 10th, Washington, D. C., University Press of Virginia
(1978) 333-346 [A79-17538].
[495] F. R. Stonesifer, NRL Memo Report 3400 (1976) [N77-23247].
[496] J. M. Krafft and H. L. Smith, NRL Memo Report 2598 (].973) [N73-
[497] D. G. Ford, Aircraft Structural Fatigue, Australian Research
Laboratory (ARL)/Struc-Report-363, ARL/Mat-Report-104, Melbourne
(1976) 269-298 [N78-30271].
[498] P. C. Paris, Flaw Growth and Fracture, STP 631, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1977) 3-27 [A78-26655].
[499] W. G. Clark, Jr., Journal of Materials 6 (1971) 134-149.
[500] F. R. Stonesifer, EFM i0 (1978) 305-314.
[501] G. C. Salivar and D. W. Hoeppner, EFM 12 (1979) 181-184.
[502] D. F. Mowbray, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 736-752 [A79-51173].
[503] R. Brazill, G. W. Simmons, and R. P. Wei, JEMT i01 (1979) 199-204.
[504] K. Tanaka and S. Matsuoka, IJF 13 (1977) 563-583 [A78-18038].
[505] C. Pooh and D. W. Hoeppner, EFM 12 (1979) 23-31.
[506] B. Mukherjee, ASME Paper No. 78-Mat-8 (1978).
[507] J. A. Vazquez, A. Morrone, and J. C. Gasco, Fracture Mechanics,
STP 677, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1979) 187-197 [A80-23865].
[508] M. H. E1 Haddad, K. N. Smith, and T. H. Topper, Fracture Mech-
anics, STP 677, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1979) 274-289 [A80-23870].
[509] H. Suzuki and A. J. McEvi!y, MT 10A (1979) 475-481.
[510] H. G. Nelson, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Behavior
of Materials (1976) 690-694.
[511] H. Iguchi, K. Tanaka, and S. Taira, FEMS 2 (1979) 165-176.
[512] H. Kobayashi, R. Murakami, and H. Nakazawa, Fracture Mechanics
and Technology, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishers
(1977) 205-219 [A78-42560].
[513] K. Nishioka and K. Hirawaka, High Pressure Engineering, I Me~ch E
1975, Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited, London (1977)
[514] F. A. Heiser and W. Mortimer, Watervliet Arsenal Report WVT-7112

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


(1971) [N71-29812].
[515] W. T. Matthews, F. I. Baratta, and G. W. Driscoll, AMMRC TR 71-38
(1971) [N72-30492].
[516] P. E. Irving and A. Kurzfeld, MS 12 (1978) 495-502.
[517] R. P. Jewett, R. J. Walter, and W. T. Chandler, Corrosion-Fatigue
Technology, STP 642, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1978) 243-263 [A78-38191].
[518] J. C. Radon, C. M. Branco, and L. E. Culver, IJF 13 (1977) 595-
[519] I. M. Austen and P. Mclntyre, MS 13 (1979) 420-428 [A79-43874].
[520] J. T. Barnby and R. Holder, MS ii (1977) 5-10.
[521] J. K. Musuva and J. C. Radon, FEMS i (1979) 457-470 [A79-52417].
[522] B. Mukherjee, JEMT i01 (1979) 47-52.
[523] M. H. E1 Haddad, T. H. Topper, and K. N. Smith, EFM ii (1979)
573-584 [A79-23899].
[524] P. E. Irving and L. N. McCartney, MS ii (1977) 351-361 [A77-47508].
[525] T. W. Crooker, NRL Report 7220 (1971) [N79-74847].
[526] T. W. Crooker and E. A. Lange, NRL Report 6870 (1969) [N69-33111].
[527] R. O. Ritchie, V. A. 6~ang, and N. E. Paton, FEMS I (1979) 107-121
[528] H. Kitagawa and S. Takahashi, 2nd International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 627-631.
[529] K. Nishioka, K. Hirakawa, and I. Kitaura, International Committee
on Aeronautical Fatigue, Document Number 993. Reprinted from The
Sumitomo Search~ 17 (1977) 39-55 [N79-70116].

[530] A. Ohta, M. Kosuge, and E. Sasaki, IJF 14 (1978) 251-264 [A78-

[531] J. Congleton, I. H. Craig, B. K. Denton, and R. N. Parkins, MS
13 (1979) 436-443.
[532] J. M. Barsom and R. C. McNicol, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 183-204.
[533] T. W. Crooker, D. J. Krause, and A. M. Sullivan, NRL Memo Report
2822 (1974) [X75-74987].
[534] J. Awatani, K. Katagiri, and H. Nakai, MT 9A (1978) 111-116.
[535] S. Ueda, Fracture Mechanics and Technology, Sijthoff and Noordhoff
International Publishers (1977) 111-123.
[536] K. Ohji, K. Ogura, S. Harada, and T. Taji, Bulletin Japan Society
of Mechanical Engineers 21 (1978) 939-947 [A78-45514].
[537] S. Usami, H. Kimoto, K. Enomoto, and S. Shida, FEMS 2 (1979) 155-
164 [A80-20563].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[538] H. Kitagawa, S. Takahashi, C. M. Suh, and S. Miyashita, Fatigue

Mechanisms, STP 675, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1979) 420-449 [A81-I0738].
[539] S. Kawai and K. Koibuchi, FEMS 1 (1979) 395-407 [A79-52411].
[540] H. Suzuki, S. Ouyabu, T. Kunio, and A. J. McEvily, FEMS 2 (1979)
1-12 [A80-20552].
[541] E. B. Kula, A. A. Anctil, and H. H. Johnson, AMMRC TR 74-6 (1974)
[542] R. I. Stephens and G. Glinka, EM 20 (1980) 24-30.
[543] M. E. McDermott and R. I. Stephens, Fracture Mechanics, STP 677,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
719-733 [A80-23888].
[544] G. Clark and J. F. Knott, MS ii (1977) 345-350 [A77-47507].
[545] H. Kitagawa, R. Yuuki, and K. Tohgo, FEMS 2 (1979) 195-206.
[546] M. Kikukawa, M. Jono, K. Tanaka, and Y. Kondo, IJF 13 (1977) 702-
[547] H. P. Van Leeuwen, EFM 9 (1977) 951-974.
[548] R. P. Skelton and J. R. Haigh, MSE 36 (1978) 17-25.
[549] S. G. Druce, C. J. Beevers, and E. F. Walker, EFM ii (1979) 385-
[550] C. J. Beevers, MS ii (1977) 362-367.
[551] J. D. Atkinson and T. C. Lindley, MS 13 (1979) 444-448.
[552] T. W. Crooker, L. A. Cooley, and E. A. Lange, NRL Memo Report
1822 (1967) [N68-16817].
[553] R. E. Frishmuth, JEMT 101 (1979) 75-79 [A79-22344].
[554] T. T. Shih and G. A. Clarke, Fracture Mechanics, STP 677 (1979)
125-143 [A80-23862].
[555] C. R. Aita and J. Weertman, MT IOA (1979) 535-544.
[556] P. Smith and A. T. Stewart, MS 13 (1979) 429-435.
[557] A. M. Sullivan, NRL Report 7941 (1975) [N76-26461].
[558] H. I. McHenry and E. K. Hensley, AIAA Paper 74-347, AIAA/ASME/SAE
15th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Las
Vegas, NV (1974) [A74-26661].
[559] G. Glinka, Fracture Mechanics, STP 677, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 198-214 [80-23866].
[560] I. M. Austen and E. F. Walker, Mechanisms of Environment Sensitive
Cracking of Materials, The Metals Society (1977) 334-347.
[561] F. D. Calfo, NASA TN D-5413 (1969) [N69-35688].
[562] F. D. Calfo, NASA TN D-4777 (1968) [N68-33191].
[563] R. G. Forman, NASA TN D-7952 (1975) [N75-21433].
[564] L. E. Steele, NRL Memo Report 2531 (1972) [N73-19660].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[565] W. H. Bamford and A. J. Bush, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
[566] W. A. Logsdon, J. M. Wells, and R. Kossowsky, 2nd International
Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1283-1289.
[567] J. M. Wells, W. A. Logsdon, and R. Kossowsky, Advances in Cryo-
genic Engineering, 24, Plenum Press (1978) 150-160 [A79-44535].
[568] L. E. Steele, NRL Memo Report 2875 (1974) [N75-15444].
[569] L. E. Steele, NRL Memo Report 3110 (1975) [N76-18907].
[570] J. B. Hawthorne and H. E. Watson, 1976 ASME-Metals Properties
Council Symposium on Creep-Fatigue Interatiion MPC~(1976) 417-
[571] J. A. Harris, Jr. and M. C. Van Wanderham, NASA CR-I19884 (1971)
[572] J. A. Harris, Jr. and M. C. Van Wanderham, Pratt and Whitney Air-
craft Report No. FR-5768 (1973) [N73-31804].
[573] C. Calabrese, EFM ii (1979) 537-546.
[574] T. L. Capeletti, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Be-
havior of Materials (1976) 1489-1497.
[575] Anon., Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, AFML-TR-68-115 2
(Through 1978).
[576] F. R. Schwartzberg and T. F. Kiefer, NASA CR-134757 (1975) [N75-
[577] C. F. Tiffany, Bulletin of the 20th Interagency Solid Propulsion
Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 4 (1964) 641-656 [N74-77957].
[578] W. J. Mills, JEMT i00 (1978) 195-199.
[579] S. O. Davis, R. M. Niemi, and N. G. Tupper, AFML-TR-66-120 (1966)
[580] R. T. Ault, R. B. Holtmann, and J. R. Myers, AFML-TR-68-7 (1968)
[581] Anon., Aerospace Structural Metals Eandbook, AFML-TR-68-115 1
(through 1978).
[582] R. L. Tobler, H. I. McHenry, and R. P. Reed, Advances in Cryogenic
Engineering, 24, Plenum Press I19~8) 560-5~2.
[583] J. Agren and H. Johansson, MSE 34 (1978) 285-289.
[584] R. L. Tobler and R. P. Reed, 2nd International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 1206-1210.
[585] R. L. Tobler and R. P. Reed, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
537-552 [A79-51169].
[586] R. R. Vandervoort, CRYO 19 (1979) 448-452 [A79-45926].
[587] P. P. Dessau, NASA CR-147075 (1971) [N76-73976].
[588] L. A. James, Atomic Energy Review 14 (1976) 37-86 [A76-38150].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[589] D. J. Michel, NRL Memo Report 3610 (1977) [N78-19271].

[590] D. J. Michel and H. H. Smith, NRL Memo Report 3627 (1977) [N78-
[591] L. E. Steele, J. R. Hawthorne, P. Shahinian, H. H. Smith, F. A.
Smidt, Jr., H. E. Watson, J. A. Sprague, and C. Z. Serpan, Jr.,
NRL Memo Report 2369 (1971) [N72-21659].
[592] P. Shahinian, H. E. Watson, and H. H. Smith, NRL Report 7446
(1972) [N73-12578].
[593] L. E. Steele, NRL Memo Report 2752 (1974) [N74-27178].
[594] R. L. Tobler, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Behavior
of Materials (1976) 573-577.
[595] L. A. James, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory Report
HEDL-TME 78-99 (1978) [N80-I1521].
[596] H. U. Staal and J. D. Elen, EFM ii (1979) 275-283 [A79-23053].
[597] W. R. Brose and N. E. Dowling, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
720-735 [A79-51172].
[598] L. A. James, JPVT i01 (1979) 171-176 [A79-39793].
[599] W. H. Bamford, JPVT i01 (1979) 73-79.
[600] G. J. Lloyd, MS 13 (1979) 39-47 [A79-22681].
[601] P. Shahinian, Nuclear Technology 38 (1978) 415-426 [A78-33592].
[602] J. R. Hawthorne, NRL Report 8201 (1978) [N78-25169].
[603] L. E. Steele, NRL Memo Report 3010 (1975) [N75-32243].
[604] W-C. Chen and H. W. Liu, NASA CR-135105 (1977) [N77-33314].
[605] D. J. Michel and H. H. Smith, 2nd International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 568-572.
[606] J. L. Yuen and J. F. Copeland, JEMT i01 (1979) 214-223.
[607] G. J. Lloyd and J. Wareing, JEMT i01 (1979) 275-283.
[608] K. Sadananda and P. Shahinian, IJF 15 (1979) R81-R84.
[609] B. Mukherjee, Properties of Reactor Structural Alloys After Neut-
ron or Particle Irradiation ,~ STP 570, American Society for Test-
ing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976) 117-125.
[610] K. R. Kondas, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Missouri (1976)
[611] L. A. James, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, HEDL-TME-
79-80 (1980).
[611a]R. M. Gamble and P. C. Paris, Mechanics of Crack Growth, STP 590,
American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1976)
345-367 [A76-31239].
[612] C. Amzallag, P. RabSe, and A. Desestret, Corrosion-Fatigue Tech-
nology, STP 642, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1978) 117-132 [A78-38188].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[613] V. P. Swaminathan and A. Plumtree, 2nd International Conference
on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 578-582.
[614] J. A. Moskovitz and R. M. Pelloux, 2nd International Conference
on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (1976) 673-679.
[615] T. Koizumi and M. Okazaki, FEMS i (1979) 509-520 [A79-52419].
[616] S. Usami and S. Shida, FEMS i (1979) 471-481.
[617] Anon., Preliminary Data Sheet RMI 3A1-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr Titanium
Alloy for Deep Hardening Applications, Reactive Metals Inc. Re-
port, Niles, OH (1969) [N79-79128].
[618] Anon., Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus Laboratories Report
F33615-69-C-II15 (1970) [AD-715877].
[619] M. J. Buczek, G. S. Hall, S. R. Seagle, and H. B. Bomberger,
AFML-TR-74-255 (1974) [N75-24931]!
[620] T. B. Gurganus and G. S. Hall, AFML-TR-75-211 (1975) [N77-12197].
[621] T. L. Sullivan, NASA TN D-4444 (1968) [N68-22884].
[622] J. D. Boyd, P. J. Moreland, W. K. Boyd, R. A. Wood, D. N. Williams,
and R. I. Jaffee, NASA CR-1525 (1970) [N70-18086].
[623] R. G. Berryman, F. H. Froes, J. C. Chesnutt, C. G. Rhodes, J. C.
Williams, and R. F. Malone, Rockwell International Report TFD-
74-657 (1974) [N75-18415].
[624] R. W. Judy, Jr., C. N. Freed, and R. J. Goode, NRL Report 7427
(1972) [N73-I1533].
[625] J. T. Ryder, NASA CR-135137 (1977) [N77-20207].
[626] R. H. Van Stone, J. R. Low, Jr., and J. L. Shannon, Jr., MT 9A
(1978) 539-552 [A78-32319].
[627] T. L. Sullivan, NASA TN D-4016 (1967) [N67-28299].
[628] C. F. Fiftal, D. A. Bolstad, and M. S. Misra, Toughness and
Fracture Behavior of Titanium, STP 651, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 3-16 [A79-24257].
[629] R. H. Van Stone, J. L. Shannon, Jr., W. S. Pierce, and J. R. Low,
Jr., Toughness and Fracture Behavior of Titanium, STP 651, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 154-179
[630] R. H. Van Stone, J. R. Low, Jr., and J. L. Shannon, Jr., NASA TM
X-72356 (1974) [N75-15773].
[631] W. E. French and D. A. Brown, NASA CR-143049 (1971) [N75-75015].
[632] C. J. Kropp and A. Hurlich, The Science, Technology and Application
of Titanium, Pergamon Press (1970) 983-985 [A70-34438].
[633] Anon., Preliminary Data Report RMI TI-5AI-6Sn-2Zr-IMo-0.25Si,
Reactive Metals Inc. Report, Niles, OH (1968).
[634] H. Margolin, E. Levine, M. Young, and I. Greenhut, AFML-TR-73-172
(1973) [N74-26037].
[635] H. Margolin, E. Levine, M. Young, and Y. Mahajan, AFML-TR-75-100

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

(1975) [N76-25397].
[636] T. W. Crooker, R. W. Judy, Jr., and L. A. Cooley, NRL Memo Report
2160 (1970) [N71-II132].
[637] R. W. Huber, R. J. Goode, and R. W. Judy, Jr., Report of NRL
Progress (Nov. 1967) i-ii [N68-19481].
[638] Anon., Report of NRL Progress (Nov. 1966) 20-21 [N67-19963].
[639] S. R. Seagle, G. S. Hall, and H. B. Bomberger, T i t ~ i ~ S c i e n c e
and Technology; Proceedings of the Second International Conference,
3 (1973) 1981-1991 [A74-16558].
[640] M. W. Mahoney and N. E. Paton, MT 9A (1978) 1497-1501 [A79-I1946].
[641] L. J. Bartlo, H. B. Bomberger, and S. R. Seagle, AFML-TR-73-122
(1973) [X73-79823].
[642] M. W. Mahoney, N. E. Paton, W. M. Parris and J. A. Hall, AFML-TR-
77-56 (1977) [N78-16152].
[643] C. F. Hickey, Jr. and T. S. DeSisto, AMMRC TR 73-23 (1973) [N74-
[644] J. R. Beyer, D. L. Sims, and R. M. Wallace, AFML-TR-77-101 (1977)
[645] M. J. Harrigan, A. W. Sommer, P. G. Reimers, and G. A. Alers,
Titanium Science and Technology, Plenum Press, 2 (1973) 1297-1320
[646] J. A. Hall, C. M. Pierce, D. L. Ruckle and R. A. Sprage, AFML-TR-
71-206 (1971) [N73-16566].
[647] A. W. Sommer and M. Creager, AFML-TR-76-222 (1977) [N77-29284].
[648] T. W. Crooker and E. A. Lange, NRL Report 6588 (1967) [N68-18368].
[649] G. R. Yoder and C. A. Griffis, NRL Report 7789 (1974) [N75-15794].
[650] G. R. Yoder and C. A. Griffis, NRL Report 7710 (1974) [N74-29995].
[651] G. R. Yoder and C. A. Griffis, NRL Report 7662 (1974) [N74-23123].
[652] R. W. Judy, Jr., R. J. Goode, and R. W. Huber, NRL Memo Report
2345 (1971) [X72-70760].
[653] R. J. Goode, R. W. Judy, Jr., and R. W. Huber, NRL Report 6759
(1968) [N69-20378]°
[654] R. E. Lewis and F. A. Crossley, Lockheed Missiles and Space Com-
pany Report LMSC-D555813 (1977) [N78-I1238].
[655] C. E. Federsen and W. S. Hyler, Battelle Columbus Laboratories
Report G-9706 (1971) [N73-12600].
[656] G. J. Petrak, AFML-TR-70-291 (1971) [N71-26046].
[657] W. D. Bixler, NASA CR-I02152 (1970) [N70-18309].
[658] C. D. Bass, AFML-TR-69-116 (1969) [X70-II176].
[659] S. Demay, Grumman Aerospace Corporation Report, Navy Contract
Number N62269-73-C-0127 (1973) [N74-29006].
[660] R. Chait and T. S. DeSisto, AMMRC PTR 72-5 (1972)[N73-20598].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[661] R. Chait and P. T. Lum, Toughness and Fracture Behavior of Titan-
ium, STP 651, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1978) 180-199 [A79-24263].
[662] G. S. Hall, S. R. Seagle, and H. B. Bomberger, Toughness and
Fracture Behavior of Titanium, STP 651, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 227-245 [A69-24266].
[663] R. L. Tobler, Toughness and Fracture Behavior of Titanium, STP
651, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia
(1978) 267-294 [A79-24268].
[664] C. E. Hartbower, W. G. Reuter, and P. P. Crimmins, AFML-TR-68-
163 (1968) [X69-I0699].
[665] R. R. Cervay, AFML-TR-74-49 (1974) [N74-32001].
[666] J. G. Bjeletich, AFML-TR-73-197 (1973) [N74-21151].
[667] D. Hull, P. Beardmore, and A. P. Valintine, AFML-TR-66-369 II
(1967) [X67-19207].
[668] W. D. Bixler, NASA CR-99512 (1969) [N69-19768].
[669] C. F. Tiffany, J. N. Master% and W. D. Bixler, NASA CR-99632
(1969) [N69-28040].
[670] J. C. Lewis, L. R. Toth, and J. T. Kenny, Chemical Propulsion
Information Agency Report CPIA Publication 280, 3 (1976) 435-455.
[671] M. F. Amateau, W. D. Hanna, and E. G. Kendall, Air Force Report
Number SAMO-TR-71-268 (1971) [N72-18554].
[672] J. A. Hall and C. M. Pierce, AFML-TR-70-312 (1971) [N71-31796].
[673] M. G. Ulitchny, H. J. Rack, and D. B. Dawson, Toughness and Frac-
i~e Behavior of Titanium, STP 651, American Society for Testing
and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 17-42 [A79-24258].
[674] W. H. Hell, Titanium Corporation of America, Lecture Number 8,
Titanium Course, New York University, NY (1969).
[675] W. R. Kerr, AFML-TR-75-196 (1976) [N77-12195].
[676] H. P. Ellison and R. H. Witt, AFML-TR-76-3 (1976) [N77-20455].
[677] T. S. DeSisto, AMMRC TR 73-31 (1973) [N74-I1351].
[678] C. F. Fiftal and E. J. Beck, NASA CR-134209 (1974) [N74-20127].
[679] G. H. Heitman, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, Paper Number
$69-3 (1969) [A69-39472].
[680] A. M. Sullivan, 2nd International Conference on Fracture, Brighton,
England (1969) 396-405.
[681] P. J. Bania, AFML-TR-75-84 (1975) [N76-26330].
[682] G. J. Petrak, AFML-TR-66-392 (1967) [X67-19771].
[683] D. B. Hunter and S. V. Arnold, Science, Technology and Appli-
cation of Titanium, Pergamon Press (1970) 959-968 [A70-34435].
[684] Deleted.
[685] J. A. Feeney and M. J. Blackburn, The Boeing Company Document

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

D6-24472 (1970) [N70-40750].
[686] G. R. Keller, J. C. Chesnutt, F. H. Froes, and C. G. Rhodes,
Naval Air Systems Conmnand Report NA-78-917 (1978) [N79-26176].
[687] R. G. Berryman, J. C. Chesnutt, and F. H. Froes, MP 112 (Dec.
1977) 40-45 [A78-17700].
[688] W. T. Highberger, MP 115 (March 1979) 56-59.
[689] J. E. Coyne, The Science, Technology and Application of Titanium,
Pergamon Press (1970) 97-110 [A70-34358].
[690] R. J. H. Wanhill and P. de Rijk, British Corrosion Journal 9
(1974) 84-87.
[691] H. R. Rack, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Behavior
of Materials (1976) 1196-1200.
[692] K. H. Miska, Materials Engineering 77 (May 1973) 52-55.
[693] T. K. Redden, General Electric Technical Data Sheet, Evandale, OH
[694] R. M. Duncan and C. D. T. Minton, The ~c~ence, Technology and
Application of Titanium, Pergamon Press (1970) 945-957 [A70-34434].
[695] F. A. Crossley, R. L. Boorn, R. W. Lindberg, and R. E. Lewis,
Titanium Science and Technology, Proceedings of the Second Inter-
national Conference, 3 (1973) 2025-2039 [A74-16561].
[696] F. A. Crossley, MP 114 (Aug. 1978) 60-64 [A78-46401].
[697] F. Hourlier, D. McLean, and A. P£neau, Metals Technology 5 (1978)
154-158 [A78-36781].
[698] R. C. May, The Franklin Institute Research Laboratories Report
F-C3277 (1973) [N73-32434].
[699] W. R. Cares and T. W. Crocker, NRL Memo Report 2617 (1973) [N73-
[700] G. R. Yoder, L. A. Cooley, and T. W. Crocker, JEMT i01 (1979)
86-90 [A79-22346].
[701] H. L. Smith, C. L. Lamb, and W. H. Cullen, NRL Report 7966 (1976)
[702] J. A. Ruppen and A. J. McEvily, FEMS 2 (1979) 63-72 [A80-20555].
[703] T. A. Cruse, A. E. Gemma, R. F. Lacroix, and T. G. Meyer, Part-
Through Crack Life Prediction, STP 687, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 3-15 [A81-i0352].
[704] T. W. Crocker, NRL Report 8110 (1977) [N77-30217].
[705] G. R. Yoder, L. A. Cooley, and T. W. Crocker, NRL Report 8049
(1976) [N77-23252].
[706] M. Katchner and M. Kaplan, Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable
Cracking, STP 559, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1974) 264-282 [A75-15986].
[707] J. M. Kraft, NRL Memo Report 2980 (1975) [N75-30309].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)


[708] J. T. Ryder, W. E. Krupp, D. E. Pettit, and D. W. Hoeppner,

Corrosion-Fatigue Technology, STP 642, American Society for Test-
ing and Materials, Philadelphia (1978) 202-222 [A78-38190].
[709] W. L. Weiss and J. C. Zola, Journal of the American Belicopter
Society 20 (July 1975) 28-38.
[710] G. F. Pittinato, NASA CR-I02660 (1969) [N70-27030].
[711] C. A. Stubbington and S. Pearson, EFM i0 (1978) 723-756 [A78-
[712] G. R. Yoder, L. A. Cooley, and T. W. Crooker, JEMT 99 (1977) 313-
[713] P. J. Bahia and D. Eylon, MT 9A (1978) 847-855 [A78-39596].
[714] T. W. Crooker and L. A. Cooley, B~port of NRL Progress (June 1970)
[715] M. F. Amateau and E. G. Kendall, Paper Number W71-22.5, 1971
Western Metal and Tool Conference (1971) [A71-23096].
[716] W. H. Cullen and F. R. Stonesifer, NRL Memo Report 3378 (1976)
[717] K. Walker, S. Pendleberry and R. McElwee, Effects of Environment
and Complex Load History on Fatigue Life, STP 462, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1970) 234-240
[718] S. B. Chakrabortty, FEMS 2 (1979) 331-344 [A80-23315].
[719] G. W. Salgat and D. A. Koss, MSE 35 (1978) 263-272 [A79-20252].
[720] N. Walker and C. J. Beevers, FEMS 1 (1979) 135-148 [A79-33207].
[721] Anon., Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, AFML-TR-68-115 4
(through 1978).
[722] G. Curbishly, NASA CR-141696 (1975) [N75-18622].
[723] J. L. Bartos, AFML-TR-74-187 (1974) [N75-19427].
[724] R. M. Wallace, C. G. Annis, Jr., and D. L. Sims, AFML-TR-76-176
II (1977) [N78-III13].
[725] W. A. Logsdon, J. M. Wells, and R. Kossowsky, Advances in Cryo-
genic Engineering, 26, Plenum Press, New York (1980) 137-150.
[726] R. J. Walter and W. T. Chandler, Proceedings of Conference on
Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials, Blacksburg,
VA (1977) 513-522 [A78-51732].
[727] H. G. Popp and A. Coles, AFFDL-TR-70-144 (1970) 71-86 [N71-25092].
[728] R. J. Walter and W. T. Chandler, Proceedings International Con-
ference on the Effects of Hydrogen on Material Properties and
Selection and Structural Design, Champion, PA (1973) 515-525
[729] Deleted.
[730] D. E. Pettit, C. E. Feddersen, and H. Mindlin, NASA CR-I01942
(1969) [N70-23013].

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[731] W. A. Logsdon, R. Kossowsky, and J. M. Wells, Advances in Cryo-
genic Engineering, 24, Plenum Press, New York (1978) 197-209
[732] B. Z. Weiss, H. D. Steffens, A. H. Engelhart, and B. Wielage, WJ
59 (1979) 287s-295s [A79-52857].
[733] R. L. Tohler, CRYO 16 (1976) 669-674 [A77-15515].
[734] R. G. Forman, NASA TN D-7665 (1974) [N74-23116].
[735] W. A. Logsdon, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 22, Plenum
Press, New York (1977) 47-58.
[736] R. Kossowsky, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 22, Plenum Press,
New York (1977)59-67.
[737] J. M. Wells, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 22, Plenum Press,
New York (1977) 80-90.
[738] Anon., Aerospace Structural Metals Handbook, AFML-68--II55 ~
(through 1978).
[739] J. Zelahy, AFML-TR-73-166 (1973) [X74-70326].
[740] J. A. Harris, NASA CR-123829 (1972) [N72-32145].
[741] B. A. Cowles, D. L. Sims, and J. R. Warren, NASA CR-159409 (1978)
[742] H. F. Merrick and S. Floreen, MT 9A (1978) 231-236 [A78-25058].
[743] C. G. Annis, Jr., R. M. Wallace, and D. L. Sims, AFML-TR-76-176
I (1976) [N77-28529].
[744] D. L. Sims, C. G. Annis, and R. M. Wallace, AFML-TR-76-176 III
(1977) [N78-12092].
[745] D. E. Macha, EFM 12 (1979) i-ii [A80-12151].
[746] R. B. Scarlin, Fatigue Mechanisms, STP 675, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979) 396-419.
[747] W. J. Mills and L. A. James, JEMT i01 (1979) 205-213.
[748] W. T. Chandler and R. J. Walter,Hydrogen Energy, Proceedings
Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy Conference B., Plenum Press (1975)
1057-1078 [A75-44804].
[749] K. Sadananda and P. Shahinian, NRL Memo Report 3727 (1978) [N78-
[750] R. P. Wei, K. Klier, G. W. Simmons, R. P. Gangloft, E. Chornet,
and R. Kellerman, NASA CR-140008 (1974) [N74-32963].
[751] V. Shahani and H. G. Popp, NASA CR-159433 (1978) [N78-33478].
[752] P. Shahinian and K. Sadananda, JEMT i01 (1979) 224-229.
[753] K. Sadananda and P. Shahinian, JEMT i00 (1978) 381-387 [A79-12604].
[754] S. Floreen and R. H. Kane, MT 10A (1979) 1745-1751 [A80-13287].
[755] L. A. James, WJ 57 (1978) 17s-23s [A78-29943].
[756] L. A. James and W. J. Mills, Hanford Engineering Development
Laboratory HEDL-TME 80-9 (1980).
Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

[757] L. A. James, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory HEDL-TME

80-11 (1980).
[758] W. J. Mills and L. A. James, Hanford Engineering Development
Laboratory HEDL-TME 80-10 (1980).
[759] T. W. Crooker, E. A. Lange, and R. E. Morey, NRL Report 6218
(1965) [N65-30446].
[760] S. Purushothaman, R. J. Richards, J. K. Tien, and J. D. Frandsen,
MT 9A (1978) 1101-1105.
[761] R. J. Richards, S. Purushothaman, J. K. Tien, J. D. Frandsen, and
O. Buck, MT 9A (1978) 1107-1111.
[762] L. A. James and W. S. Spear, Journal of Nuclear Materials 67
(1977) 283-288.
[763] M. Gell, G. R. Leverant, and C. H. Wells, Achievement of High
Fatigue Resistance in Metals and Alloys, STP 467, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1970) 113-153 [A71-I0166].
[764] K. Sadananda and P. Shahinian, EFM ii (1979) 73-86 [A79-25480].
[765] K. Sadananda and P. Shahinian, Fracture Mechanics, Symposium on
Naval Structural Mechanics, 10th, Washington, D. C., University
Press of Virginia (1978) 685-703 [A79-17557].
[766] K. Sadananda and P. Shahinian, ./MS 13 (1978) 2347-2357 [A79-18328].
[767] P. E. Bretz and R. W. Hertzberg, JMS 14 (1979) 265-274 [A79-22002].
[768] A. Varchavsky and E. Donoso, MSE 32 (1978) 65-70.
[769] Anon., Electron ZE63A, Magnesium Elektron Limited, England.
[770] G. E. Tardiff, B. A. Kuhn, and L. A. Heldt, Mechanics of Crack
Growth, STP 590, American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia (1976) 115-127 [A~6~3~22~].
[771] J. M. Finn, L. C. Koch, and D. L. Rich, AFFDL-TR-68-108 (1968)
[772] K. H. Miska, Materials Engineering 84 (Oct. 1976) 26-27, 29.
[773] R. E. Cooper, 3rd International Conference on Fracture, Munich,
Germany 4 (1973) I I I - 432.1-432.7.
[774] F. A. Pall, The Boeing Company Report D2-I13565-I (1967).
[775] M. H. Jones, R. T. Bubsey, and W. F. Brown, Jr., NASA TM X-67967
(1971) [N72-14546].
[776] D. O. Harris and H. L. Dunegan, Journal of Materials 3 (1968)
59-72 [A68-23592].
[777] D. L. Harrod, T. F. Hengstenberg, and M. J. Manjoine, Journal of
Materials 4 (1969) 618-632 [A69-42450].
[778] Deleted.
[779] R. W. Fenn, Jr., D. D. Crooks, W. C. Kinder, and B. M. Lempriere,
AFML-TR-67-212 (1967) [X68-I1923].
[780] L. A. Simpson and C. F. Clarke, Elastic-Plastic Fracture, STP 668,

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1979)
[781] G. L. Hanna and E. A. Steigerwald, AFML-TR-65-23 (1965) [X65-
[782] P. E. Ruff, NASA CR-120673 (1975) [X75-I0121].
[783] D. W. Chung and N. S. Stoloff, MT 9A (1978) 1387-1399 [A79-I1937].
[784] D. W. Chung and N. S. Stoloff, MT 9A (1978) 71-78 [A78-21855].

3 September 1981

Int Journ of Fracture 20 (1982)

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