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This is the main landing page for the

app, based on the AIDA approach,

which inspires a first time visitor to

take an action.

Learning Work Area Member Area More

The learning hub consists of a This is where the magic happens, This will be an exclusive area for

gamified learning experience for the The Work Area will summarize a members, where our aim will be to

users. We will motivate the users to whole bunch of different features, encourage learners by networking

learn the app and earn an exclusive while ensuring all usability principles with their peers, and finding and

badge/ certificate for their profile. ’

are met, and things don t get too offering mentorship.

complex. Inspiration: Word Toolbar

Introduction to th Tutorials for implementing High-q uality, Short 1-

hour live webinars for -
Progress tracking of Extensive q
uizzes to test An overview of the Sets of shortcuts for Classic help section with

Systems thinking method practical tasks. explainer videos for advanced users, with Q& As training material the knowledge of users, students enrolled, in order advanced users to speed search bar, and updated
Generic causal loop A section that allows Find mentors to learn from F
ilter by sector F
ilter by discipline F
ilter by country

different features. with immediate feedback. to provide social proof. up their workflow. articles.
diagram (
CLD ) templates, members to socialize with or sign up to become a

with a particular behavior other users on the mentor and teach others.

story platform.

This section focuses on training the The toolkit section lets users master Archetypes has generic templates The section lets users creat causal The story section lets user add their This is where it actually happens The ! Consulting, as obvious from its name,

first time user by allowing them to the craft of different tools and then that points the users to completing a loops to build diagrams and add a narrative, declare assumptions and user is shown an overview of their lets users avail mentoring and

complete a series of learning use those. specific task on hand. -

birds eye view. define variables. tasks, and access to different consultation services.

activities i.e. videos & tutorials. sections through a dashboard.

Definition Proble Links and Loop Narrativ My Storie Archetypes: Peopl

Competencie Positiv Positive Links Assumption CLD Populations Network Managemen

Law Persona Loops Variables Plan Mentoring Service By Secto

Seminars Progress Discipline Templates Reports Publishe Virtuous Organizations

Dynamics Share


Students Shortcuts

User Manual
Saud Ahmad Saud Ahmad Saud Ahmad Saud Ahmad Saud Ahmad Saud Ahmad

Saud Ahmad

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