How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work Quincy Compressor

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

How Do Oil-Free Air Compressors Work?

Posted on: November 5, 2021

Compressed air is only as good as its purity. When your process is exposed to oil, it becomes increasingly di�icult to keep air clean,
increasing the costs youʼll face — especially as you use more and more air. To address this concern, many companies are turning to oil-
free or oil-less air compressors. Today, oil-free compressors are becoming more common because they o�er cost savings.

How Oil-Free Air Compressors Work

Oil-Free Compressors and Class Zero Air

Oil-Free vs. Oil-Injected

Functional Steps of How Oil-Less Air Compressors Work

The Oil in Oil-Free Air Compressors

How Long Do Oil-Less Compressors Last?

Types of Air Compressors

How Oil-Free Air Compressors Work

Oil-free air compressors either have no mechanical contact inside the compression chamber or use alternate materials to protect the
mechanism without lubrication.

Most oil-free compressors utilize other materials like water or a Teflon coating to keep the mechanism running smoothly. Because the
lubrication of bearings and gears is all external to the compression chamber, proper sealing prevents any oil from contaminating the
compressed air. The result is a 100% oil-free air supply. Some oil-free designs have even removed metal-to-metal contact within the
compression chamber, eliminating the need for oil-based and synthetic lubrication altogether.

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

These purity and environmental benefits will o�en translate into other savings that may reduce your overall ownership costs. Here are a
few things to consider if youʼre contemplating switching to an oil-free model:

1. Thereʼs no need to collect or dispose of oil-ladened condensate.

2. Downstream filters have reduced replacement needs, because theyʼre not filtering oil.
3. Energy costs are minimized because thereʼs no need to increase force — some fluid-flooded units can see a downstream pressure drop
due to filtration.
4. Reduced oil costs, because thereʼs no need to continually refill your compressor.
5. Typically, these units can unload within two seconds of the unload command and will use about 18% of their full load horsepower
when unloaded.

Those savings can be very tempting. To see if you can make use of the oil-less compressors, youʼll need an understanding of how the
compressors work, how they compare to other types of models and in which applications they work best.

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Oil-Free Compressors and Class Zero Air

The phrases oil-free and “technically oil-free” are o�en used to identify the purity of compressed air. These phrases correlate with
di�erent air compressor rankings, which ultimately depend on the worldwide standards set by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO).

Air compressors are ranked based on how clean the air is a�er compression, from ISO Class 0-5. Class zero air is the highest air
quality possible and the cleanest choice for sensitive applications.

Oil-free compressors are guaranteed to meet ISO Class Zero certification. They provide a 100% oil-free air supply for sensitive
applications. While they may have higher initial costs, oil-free compressors are safer to ensure no contamination reaches the end

“Technically oil-free” compressors are ranked as ISO Class 1. These compressors are actually oil-lubricated models and are
therefore at risk for contamination. They use oil-removing filters to remove most of the oil particles during compression. However,
these air compressors cannot guarantee 100% oil-free air.

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

Oil-Free vs. Oil-Injected

The best air compressor for your facility will depend on your specific application. Oil-free compressed air is critical for many
applications where oil contamination can damage production equipment or cause product spoilage and recalls. These compressors
are the perfect solution to ensure your processes meet the highest air purity standards. In contrast, oil-injected compressors typically
have a more durable design and can last longer than oil-free models.

When the choice narrows down to an oil-free air compressor vs. oil-injected alternatives, the following considerations may be essential
to helping you find the best fit:

Air quality: Oil-free compressors provide the best air quality possible, meaning there is no risk of contaminating your end product
or process with oil.

Noise levels: While oil-injected compressors typically have higher durability, they o�en produce more noise than oil-free
compressors as a result.

Energy usage: Oil-free compressors minimize leaks and energy usage, which can help cut costs on maintenance and your energy

Environmental impact: Oil-free air helps ensure better compliance with international regulations for environmental protection.

An oil-injected air compressor might be the more cost-e�ective option for applications where the above advantages arenʼt necessary to
improve e�iciency or maintain safety. However, in situations where the risk of oil contamination is too high, such as food processing or
medical services, oil-free air compressors are required.

Functional Steps of How Oil-Less Air Compressors Work

Understanding how oil-free air compressors work and why they last as long as they do is best illustrated by reviewing each function in a
step-by-step method. Letʼs walk through how an oil-less air compressor starts working and provides you with the compressed air that
you need.

1. Drawing in Air
Oil-less air compressors start by bringing in outside air through their unloader valve and passing it through an inlet air filter (or filters) in
order to ensure that the air is clean. The filter will limit damage to your compressor and its internal components. These filters are
typically fine enough that they keep out dust, dirt and small debris.

The unloader valve opens to help the compressor pump air into its chamber, placing it in the “loaded” position. When the valve closes,
the compressor enters the “unloaded” condition and begins running. When your compressor is running and actively delivering
compressed air, it typically wonʼt be able to draw in any more air.

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

When you turn on your compressor and it starts to draw in air through an open unloader valve, the first destination for the air is the low-
pressure compressor element.

2. First Compressor Element

Youʼve probably noticed that your air compressor can create heat, and this o�en has to do with the low-pressure compressor element,
because itʼs working without any oil.

The average compressor element will operate at around 2.5 bar, and compressing air alone can make the unit operate at a temperature
of up to 180 degrees. That can be more than twice as high as the temperature that oil-lubricated compressors reach, due to the lack of
a flowing medium that whisks away heat.

Oil-free elements will begin compressing the air and then move it through your compressor to cool the air down so it can be used in
your applications.

3. Intercooler Access
A�er itʼs initially compressed, pistons will push the air through an intercooler, where the air can cool so it can be further
compressed. Depending on your specific compressor, this step will either move it to the second compression phase or the final one.

Compressing air generates heat that limits the oxygen content of the air, thus reducing its density. Cooling the air essentially acts as a
simple method for allowing denser and more oxygen-rich air to be again used by the engine, which in turn provides more fuel and
improves the power output when the air compressor is working with a combustion engine.

Intercoolers are essential for two reasons. First, they cool the air down to a proper temperature to minimize the risk of any damage
related to heat. Second, intercoolers allow air to be compressed at much higher PSIʼs in two-stage pumps, and the cooling process
means the second stage will face less wear.

Cooling air can lead to some condensation, and intercoolers will come with standard filters designed to remove moisture and water
from the air. Youʼll typically see this filter listed as a moisture trap.

A�er the air is cooled, itʼs returned to your compressor for additional compressing.

4. Second, Higher-Pressure Compression

The air will move back into the main chamber of your air compressor — or the second chamber, depending on its design — and will be
further compressed by a high-pressure element. The maximum pressure youʼll achieve typically ranges from 116 to 145 psig.

The air again becomes very hot due to the lack of lubrication in the surrounding elements, so it will need to be cooled once more.

5. Air Prep and A�ercooler Access

During its second phase of compression, the air will reach temperatures of around 150 degrees, requiring additional cooling before it
can be used in other equipment. The a�ercooler is the destination for air a�er its final compression stages, and this cooling allows it to
be properly stored.

As air flows to the a�ercooler, it will pass through a check valve designed to prevent any backflow, ensuring that air continues to
compress and fill your tank. Backflow will damage your equipment and cause a major failure of the air compressor.

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

Many compressors — especially reciprocating compressors — are fitted with pulsation dampeners, and these are located just before
the a�ercooler. The dampener is designed to reduce pulsations and vibrations caused by the air compressor when it uses suction and
opens discharge valves.

Pulsations can reverberate through the piping system, and these vibrations will make it di�icult for your tools and machinery to
measure air pressure and use it properly.

The air is finally stored or sent to your equipment for use.

6. Pressure Switches
Detection equipment in your air compressor tank will monitor the level of air you have. When it falls below a specified level, the air
compressor will turn back on and start working to rebuild the pressurized air in the tank. The pressure switch is what is used to monitor
and turn the compressor o� and on.

Pressure switches are typically attached to the unloader valve, though sometimes the valve is internal.

Pressure switches are set by the factory and arrive at predefined levels.

The Oil in Oil-Free Air Compressors

When you think about how oil-less air compressors work, youʼll need to realize that there is oil in the device but that it wonʼt come into
contact with the compressor. There is oil in the gearbox of your oil-less air compressor.

The gearbox of your air compressor is used to drive the two compressor elements via the electromotor. Gearboxes need lubrication to
operate properly and can be costly to replace, so maintenance checks should review them on a regular basis. The oil in your gearbox
will lubricate the internal gears and bearings, as well as the bearing and timing gear located inside of each compressor element.

Oil will be pumped from an oil sump inside the gearbox, and itʼs cooled via an oil cooler and oil filter before it is used to cool
compressor or gearbox parts. The filters are used to remove debris during its action.

The main di�erence is that internal elements and parts of the gearbox will be treated with long-lasting lubrication. This puts more of a
strain on the engine over time but requires less day-to-day maintenance.

Di�erent Compression Cooling Elements

Understanding the general pressurization of air compressors is pretty straightforward, as it o�en operates the same way across oil-
injected and oil-free units.

For the oil-free compressors weʼre looking at, there are two main methods for cooling the compressor itself: Water and air. Air-cooled
compressors, which tend to be rotary screw compressors, use outside air to cool the compressed air and the oil used in the gearbox. Air
circulates and moves heat away from internal components as well as from the parts that house the oil, which helps remove heat from
your compressor elements.

Water-cooled machines will have a two-part cooling system. Water moves near each element, heats up and flows away from the
components, condenses and cools and then moves back toward the equipment (o�en via gravity). These systems will have a water-
cooling circuit used for the oil, intercooler and low-pressure element. The second circuit works to cool the high-pressure element and
the a�ercooler.

How Long Do Oil-Less Compressors Last?

Generally, an oil-free compressor will not last as long as an oil-lubricated model because its pre-lubrication will gradually wear away
and degrade over time. Oil-free compressors also tend to use a universal motor, which wonʼt last as long as an induction motor.

The Teflon coating o�en used to lubricate the internal cylinder simply wears o� over time, and this wear can increase when an oil-less
compressor is used in extreme temperatures or for long durations. If youʼre vigilant, you can have an oil-less compressor last for
years, but this requires more time and money (typically) than an oil-lubricated air compressor.

If you want to extend how long your oil-less compressor will last, good maintenance is your best friend. Air compressors have a lot of

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

moving parts that can cause significant wear, so ensure that youʼre looking inside at least once a month. Check the permanently
lubricated elements, such as the cylinderʼs Teflon coating and either Teflon or carbon ring seals.

Heat Troubles
Part of how oil-less air compressors work includes a significant generation of heat. The more stress theyʼre put under or the higher the
pressure youʼre going for, the more likely it is that your air compressor will grind against itself or generate enough heat to burn out
and/or warp components.

Oil-free air compressors tend to have a smaller clearance than their oil-injected counterparts, which means there may be less room for
them to intake and move enough air to circulate and cool properly. To avoid this, you need to run the compressor only at its
manufactured specifications and ensure that youʼre providing plenty of space surrounding the unit to keep its exhaust and intake lines
free from heat-causing dust and dirt.

Types of Air Compressors

When youʼre ready to make your selection for an air compressor, itʼs important to understand the three main types of compressors.
The method of compression can impact their ability to output at a higher power level, be more portable or maintain more consistent

Reciprocating air compressors use positive displacement, which generates air pressure via two sides that provide either suction or
discharge. Positive displacement is suitable for compressing small amounts of air at high pressures and can quickly dissipate the heat
from compression.

Reciprocating compressors tend to have a lower output than others, but they can achieve relatively high pressures. Non-lubricated
reciprocating compressors will typically use a Teflon piston ring instead of oil. The Teflon ring means thereʼs no need for lubrication for
the pistons, rings and cylinders because the material reduces wear. To improve life, these units also tend to opt for aluminum pieces in
place of cast iron.

Teflon rings will need to be replaced regularly, but they present little contamination risk to the compressor.

Rotary Screw
Rotary screw air compressors also use displacement and generate the air compression by running a system of interlocking screws that
draw in air and then pressurize it in a small area.

Oil-free rotary screw compressors opt for non-contacting carbon ring seals to aid their cooling. These seals prevent
any oil from entering the air stream inside of the air compression unit. Sectioned-o� coolant is used and kept on the other side of the
seal for easy cooling.

Oil-free rotary screws can see heat buildup over time since they typically lack the ability to throttle the inlet, which will see those with
large demands opt for the flooded models.

Scroll Compressors
Scroll technology is an advanced air compression system that includes one mobile and one stationary spiral, which work together to
bring air into the chamber for compression. Air is compressed within the spiral by decreasing the volume of the air, then directing the

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How Do Oil Free Air Compressors Work? | Quincy Compressor

air to the center of the compressor to be cooled.

The biggest advantage of this technology is that there is no residual friction or wear on the system because the spirals
never contact each other. In many cases, these compressors also work more smoothly, producing a di�erent sound from other
compressors. Some may require lubricant, but many common models operate with an oil-free design.

Choosing Oil-Free With Quincy Compressor

Oil-free air compressors are a more thoughtful choice and require careful consideration for your operations. The fundamentals of how
oil-less air compressors do their work means you could be looking at lower costs, a better footprint and cleaner air.

If youʼre in an industry that demands air purity at 100% clean levels, then a compressor that doesnʼt rely on internal oil is a top bet. By
not using oil, youʼll also be able to lower your carbon footprint, and these smaller units also tend to require less energy because they
have more options for speed regulations.

Quincy Compressor o�ers a suite of oil-free air compressors and can make recommendations specific to industries such as
electronics, pharmaceuticals, textiles and food and beverage applications. We stick to the ISO 8573-1: 2010 standard to ensure that your
air purity needs are always met.

When youʼre ready, reach out to your local authorized Quincy Compressor distributor to get all of the information you need about
specialty models, including the QOF oil-free scroll compressor, and to receive a no-obligation price quote for your application.

Last Updated on November 5, 2021 at 3:10 pm

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