Questions and Answer

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What�s Your Favorite Color?

Blue. I normally don�t wear blue because my skin is so pale, but I LOVE looking at
it. It reminds me of the ocean.

What�s Your Favorite Food?

My favorite food is shrimp...... I love spices and hot food, and there is nothing
better than a shrimp po-boy.

What�s Your Favorite Dessert?

Maybe it�s a Idaho thing, but I LOVE bread pudding.

Are you ticklish???

Oh yeah. I am ticklish on my feet and knees, and especially on the small of my

What are your hobbies??

I like to read, mostly fiction. I love hanging out with friends, playing or
watching sports. (I really like football sorccar) and I really like to swim as
I also like debating. Arguing really, but not in an emotionally attached way. I
always wanted to join the debate team just so I could get people all worked up and
bothered. I love it that some people just take things WAY too seriously!!

What�s the last book you read?

I recently read The DaVinci Code. Pretty interesting, though a bit predictable at
the end. So many people had talked about it, I had to jump on the band wagon and
find out what�s all the talk about.

Who�s Your Favorite Sports Team?

Well being from the South, I really enjoy watching football. I am a fan of the
Saints, even though they might not come through like they should...Never got into
basketball but I like watching it�just don�t know many of the players.

Do you have a boyfriend?

No boyfriend at the moment. I DID have one, but we were more like close friends
that occasionally kissed. (Among other things!) lol

Do you Like Oral Sex? Yes I do like oral sex, but to get that information, you have
to travel a little farther with me
I�m a little shy.

So Do you Have a Job?

What was the craziest thing you�ve ever done?

I once stood up to my teacher in high school and totally chewed him out. I got in
trouble with the principal, but I still stand by my word.
What�s Your Favorite T.V. Show?
Seinfeld. Believe it or not, I hate those new reality shows and even though
Seinfeld has been off for years, it is still the best thing on t.v.
OH, South Park too. It is so twisted.

So You�d Say You�re a Freak?

In some cases yes. I like to try new things ..... I don�t really get jealous and
even though I have never been with anyone before, I won�t lie�I have thought about

What Turns You on?

That is too broad of a question to answer. I am attracted to confidence and
compassion. I like a someone that can make me laugh, even if I am upset but I do
want him to believe in himself. If I argue with him or her, I don�t want him or her
to flop over, I want the person to stand up for what he believes, even if it is

What would turn you off?

Lying, or at least leading me on. I am an open one and I respect honesty.
I also don�t like someone that act differently when they are around their

What�s one place in the world you�d like to go?

Australia. I just LOVE those accents.

Do you Like roller coasters?

Yes, I love them. Especially the spinning ones. The water rides come in a close

What is your dream car? That�s a tough one. I have always liked those BMW
convertibles. I think they are M3�s or something? In Blue of course!

Do you ever go pantyless?

Yes. But I will never bring attention to it. It is my special treat to know I am
not wearing anything underneath. Unless of course you get a peek from the wind
blowing my skirt up.

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