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Subject : English Practical 2

Program : D III of Accountancy
Semester/Class: III/B-C
Date/day : Monday, 31st November 2022
Time : 100 Minutes/ Close book
Lecturer : Ruslan Riyadi, S.Pd.,M.MPd.

Answer the following questions with carefully!

1. What is your opinion about Direct and Indirect Speech? (score: 10)
2. Please explain about Subject, Verb agreement and Verb as Complement! (score: 20)
3. What is your opininion about Affirmative, Negative Agreement, Negation and Commands? (score: 20)
4. What is your opinion about Modal Auxiliary Verb?(score: 10)
5. Translate this text into Indonesian language! (score: 20)

In economics, utility is a measure of relative satisfaction. Given this measure, one may speak
meaningfully of increasing or decreasing utility, and thereby explain economic behavior in terms of attempts to
increase one's utility. Utility is often modeled to be affected by consumption of various goods and services,
possession of wealth and spending of leisure time.
Utility is usually applied by economists in such constructs as the indifference curve, which plot the
combination of commodities that an individual or a society would accept to maintain a given level of
satisfaction. Individual utility and social utility can be construed as the dependent variable of a utility function
(such as an indifference curve map) and a social welfare function respectively. When coupled with production or
commodity constraints, under some assumptions, these functions can represent Pareto efficiency, such as
illustrated by Edge worth boxes in contract curves. Such efficiency is a central concept in welfare economics.
Good luck and Stay be haelthy!

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