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Subject Mathematics 7 (Numbers and Number Sense)

Subject Matter Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Describes the universal set and subset.
 Illustrates sets and subsets using Venn Diagram.

TOPIC: Relations on Sets

Objectives The students will learn to:

 Describe and illustrate well-defined sets and null set.
 Identify the elements and cardinality of a set.
 Differentiate between finite and infinite sets.

Materials PPT Presentation Google Workspace

Online Whiteboard Laptop

Modality Online Synchronous Discussion

Time Allotment 3 Hours

I. Preliminary Activities (5mins)

 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

II. Explore (15mins)

A. Motivation

1. Identifying relationships between sets using different examples.

2. Relations in nations, community and inside the seminary.

B. Firm-up

1. Equal and Equivalent Sets

a. Definition of Terms

i. Equal Sets – Two sets, A and B are equal (written A=B) if they have exactly the same
ii. Equivalent Sets – Two finite sets, A and B, are equivalent if they have the same number of

b. Compare and Contrast

i. Given different sets, study each set and compare each set.
ii. Identify if what sets are equal, what sets are equivalent or what sets are neither.
2. Universal Sets, Subsets, and Venn Diagram

a. Definition of Terms

i. Universal Set – denoted by U, contains all elements being considered in a given

ii. Subset – Set A is a subset of another set B if all elements of set A are elements of set
iii. Proper Subset – if set B is a proper subset of set A, then all elements of set B are in
set A but A contains at least one element that is not in B.

b. Venn Diagram

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