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Cold war

Erosion of USA-USSR relationship after WWII


Intense ideological battle between Russia and America

Soviet Nationalism

Stalin speech Feb 9 1946- capitalism prompted “crises and catastrophic wars”

“Our soviet social system was victorious”

Validation of soviet communism

The Long Telegram

US diplomat George Kennan (feb 1946)

Confirmation of society nationalism

Stalin and soviet govt- US destruction necessary

“The Soviet govt was committed fanatically to the idea that it is desirable and necessary that the
internal harmony of our society be disrupted, our way of life is to be destroyed… if soviet power
is to be secure.”
- AKA their power, influence, and flourishing in the future was directly related to the
weakening of the US

Eisenhower's address (jan 1953)

Inaugurated first pres term on Jan 20 1953

WWII hero, five star general

Timing of presidency- heart of cold war anxiety, nuclear paranoia, arms race between US and

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