Lesson2-Relations On Sets

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Subject Mathematics 7 (Numbers and Number Sense)

Subject Matter Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Describes the universal set and subset.
 Illustrates sets and subsets using Venn diagram.

TOPIC: Relations on Sets

Objectives The students will learn to:

 Illustrate equal and equivalent sets.
 Describe and illustrate the universal set and subset.
 Use Venn diagrams to represent sets and subsets.

Materials Whiteboard

Modality Face to Face

Time Allotment 4 Hours

I. Preliminary Activities

 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

II. Explore

A. Motivation

“Colors and Shapes”

1. Given different sets with elements containing different Shapes and Colors.
2. Let the students study the sets.
3. Ask their observations, similarities and differences of the sets.

III. Firm-up

A. Equal and Equivalent Sets

1. Definitions

a. Equal Sets
- Two sets, A and B, are equal (written A=B) if they have exactly the same elements.

b. Equivalent Sets
- Two finite sets, A and B, are equivalent if they have the same number of elements.
c. Compare and Contrast Equal and Equivalent Sets.

2. Example: Motivation Part – Determine which sets are equal or equivalent.

3. Recitation: Equal and Equivalent sets in the seminary.
4. Drills: Textbook, Page 15 – Try this.
5. Mathematical Reasoning: Are all equal sets, equivalent sets? And are all equivalent sets, equal sets?

B. Universal Sets and Subsets

1. Definitions

a. Universal Set
- Universal set, or simply the universe, denoted by U, contains all elements being considered in a
given situation.

b. Subset
- Set A is a subset of B, written “A ⊆ B”, iff. every element of A is also an element of B.

c. Proper Subset
- Set A is a proper subset of B, written “A⊂B”, iff. every element of A is also an element of B and
that B contains at least one element that is not in A.

2. Example: Uno Cards – Given the cards group them in smaller sets.
3. Recitation: Universal Sets and Subsets in Real Life
4. Drills: Textbook, Page 17 – Try this.

C. Venn Diagram

1. Definition
- Sets are represented in a Venn diagram by circles drawn inside a rectangle representing the universal

2. Illustration of Relations on Sets using Venn Diagram

D. Number of Subsets of a Set

a. Think-Pair-Share
i. Complete the table on page 17 of the textbook, Activity No.4
ii. Find the pattern.
iii. Find how many subsets we have if a set has 5 elements. 6 elements. 7 elements.

IV. Deepen

1. Activity
Determine if the given sets are subsets of the universal set. Using Venn diagram, show the relation of the
sets. (Textbook, page 17 – Try this, numbers 1-6)

2. Valuing (5mins)
Who are you? What makes you, YOU? What are your subsets that will define you as a person?

3. Generalization
Recitation: Can anyone sum up what we discussed today?

4. Self-evaluation
a. Are you able to illustrate equal and equivalent sets?
b. Are you able to describe and illustrate the universal set and subset?
c. Are you able to use Venn diagrams to represent sets and subsets?

5. Assessment:
Long Quiz: Textbook, pages 18-19, numbers 1-32.

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