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Santamaria Demera Dario Javier


3° Accounting “A”


2018 - 2019

The holidays started like this with joy from both the teachers and the students.

In the first place it was the serenade on the part of students of the institution so I
concluded with artificial games at night the next day was a little more interesting
since it was the ride in car that I did not attend for personal reasons I was playing

But I saw pictures As it was and I saw quite well after that the next day we had the
field Mass with Mon Lord that a mass that came to all so conclude and started with
other activities I particularly went to reunion because it was part of the protocol of
the institution and the pass well although a little tired but well the following days
was the final of the games positive both students in the afternoon section and the
morning section the same day the previous day was the parents in the night in which
many parents went to see which was the winning course.

Ended its festivities in a big way with a meeting of all the promotions that have
graduated on the campus, in which promotions from 1978-1979 to 2016-2017 were
attended and as special guests to the founders of this prestigious institution, teachers
and bands musicals.

Equipping his five senses, man explores the universe that surrounds him and his
adventures he calls science; is what we proudly demonstrate each student of "Juan
XXIII", today November 27 continue the anniversary parties on our campus and we
start the day with the Mass Campal, led by Mr. Bishop Eugenio Arellano in the
courtyards of the school where those present They listened attentively to the word
and the wise counsel of Monsignor to the youth of today.

Beginning with the children of the basic one until culminating its sequence with the
third ones of baccalaureate. The journey continued through the streets of the New
Quinindé shouting ¡viva JUAN XXIII and its golden wedding! the whole
community congratulate this space of wisdom, dedication and will that we each have
in this life based on the belief of a totally supernatural superior being with
supremacy over all the things that creates or destroys is able to coordinate the
destiny of being human see more beyond what the common being can observe and
thus communicate to the world.

On November 28, 2018 culminated with the end of the cultural night of two
categories which were the basic higher and the baccalaureate.

The route of the fair through the murals that the Art Education area developed with
different high school students, reflecting in them a taste for painting and at the same
time embellishing our institution.

The games of the morning section that I was part of was very tired although we lost
a good time and although it did not go well for less, we reached the final with other
courses of the institution.

Thursday November 29, 2018, the final of the Olympics was held in our beloved
campus as part of the festivities for the fulfillment of its 50 years of institutional life.
In the morning, students from the school and the high school intervened with
different games for each area. The youngest of the Educational Unit, accompanied
with their teacher, had fun with the famous game "Ensacados", laughing and falling
each of the children struggled to reach the goal whether it means crossing a thin
white line with the word << arrival >> or simply re-encounter with your companions
who waited with that warm embrace that expressed the joy of the moment smoking.

On November 30, 2018, the Solemn Session of the Treasury-Missionary Educational

Unit "Juan XXIII" was held for its Golden Jubilees, in which authorities, teachers,
students and former students, parents of families and special guests. Among them,
Mr. Galo Carrasco (Former rector), Sr. Silvana Deciders (Former Delegate),

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