One On One Off

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One On One


This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.
Original Context and Challenge
The ability to turn on a lighting device from more than one location can prove to be
convenient. It can reduce the risk of injury when the device is used to illuminate a
stairway in the night.
Your group is required to design, build and test an electrical circuit that may be
used to activate a lighting device from two locations. THE MODEL SHOULD :
-Be safe to use
-Be functional
-Cost no more than sixty dollars ($60.00)

Group 2

• Aliya Roopsingh – group leader
• Amy Juri – Co-leader
• Michael Ali
• Naail Ali
• Marc Harripaul
Problem Define
• It can prevent injuries when the item is used to light a
stairway. This item should be able to show you light from
more than one places and can be useful at times in need.

Evidence of Research – Internet Research
• A circuit is a complete path around which electricity can
flow. It must include a source of electricity such as a
battery. Materials that allow electricity to pass through
them easily, call conductors can be used to link the
positive and negative ends of a battery creating a circuit
along the lines and the current steps. In a closed or
complete circuit electric current can flow. When electric
circuit can be set up in two (2) ways. They can either be a
series circuit or a parallel circuit. A basic electric circuit
consist of a power source a device that will use the power
and wires to connect them. A electric circuit has to have a
power source wire for the electricity to flow through and a
device such as a lamp or a motor that uses the electric
current. All of these parts must be connected so that the
current continues to flow.

Date: 20/09/22
Name: Kimberly Juri-Persad
Age: 28

Evidence of Research Occupation: Nurse

Relationship to Questioner: Sister to Amy Juri
– Interview Topic: One On One Off
Passage: The ability to activate a lighting device from
more than one (1) spots can be useful as it reduces
the possibility of injury when the device is used to
enlighten a stairway at night. My group is asked to
contruct create and test an electrical circuit that can
be used to activate a lighting device two(2) places.

Evidence of Research – Questions for
• Question1: Do you think the idea of having an electrical lighting device useful? Why?
• Answer: The idea of the device is beneficial because it may enlighten a dark room
• Question2: How can you prevent injuries when using the device?
• Answer: By being careful when you walk.
• Question3: Do you think the device was worth being used?
• Answer: Yes it was worth being used.
• Question4: What can possibly happen if you don't use the lighting device?
• Answer: You can injure yourself badly if you fall
• Question5: Do you think the device can be called/classified as useful?
• Answer: Yes, it is advantageous.
Evidence of Research – Book Research
• Electric field strength is a vector quantity two way circuit works by
converting audio to radio waves that are then transmitted through
the air. Two way system will have one wire in and two wires out. The
minimum depth without drop panel is 125mm .

Possible Solution 1 –
Lighting Stairway
• Advantages:
1) To light a dark stairway
2) Can decrease the risk of

• Disadvantages:
1) If you want to be careful
enough you can fall and injure
2) It may use a lot of electricity.

Possible Solution 2: Two
way switch indoor and
outdoor system.

• Advantages:
1) The ability to control a single device
from two (2) separate location
2) More convenient

• Disadvantages:
1) If you wire it wrong there is a
possibility of a sudden discharge of
electricity through a part of the body.
2) It is a complicated switch to be

Chosen Solution
and Rational
Possible Possible Specifications
Solution 1 Solution 2
4 3 Safe to use
4 5 Functional
3 4 Cost no more
than $60.00
=11 =12

Developmental Work
List of
List of materials Proceedure Costing

• Screwdriver • Box • Step 1 – wire up • Bulb - $10

• Wire stripper • Bulb the light • Wires - $10
• Pliers • Switches • Step 2 – wire the • Switches - $30
• Wires switches • Wall plug - $10
• Wall plug • Step 3 – shape
box to make
bulb fit
• Step 4 – Stick
switches to box
• How the group felt while doing the project?
Our group found this project to be quite stressful at first but we later realized that creating a lighting
device actually simple.


What the group learnt in doing the What the group wants to teach the
project? population?

Our group learnt how to put together a We would like to teach the
lighting system. population how to create and
how easy it is to make a
functional lighting system marc

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