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1.What is Civil Engineering ? Discuss various civil engineering infrastructures required.

2. Write short notes on:

(i) Role of Civil Engineers.
(ii) Importance of interdisciplinary approach in the development of infrastructures

3. Briefly explain scope of any four of the following branches of civil engineering.
(a) Structural engineering
(b) Geotechnical engineering
(c) Fluid mechanics
(d) Irrigation engineering
(e) Transportation engineering and
(f) Environmental engineering
4. Explain the terms ‘Planning, Scheduling and Management’ as applied to project management,
emphasizing their importance.
5. Write short note on ‘Remote Sensing’.

6. Distinguish among ‘mild steel and high tensile steel’. Highlight use of each one of them in the
building construction.
7. Explain the following materials and list their various uses in building construction:
(a) Plain concrete
(b) Reinforced cement concrete and
(c) Prestressed concrete.
8. Write short notes on
(a) Precast concrete

9. Discuss whether concrete rubble and crusher dust can be used in making fresh concrete. Highlight
their advantages and disadvantages.
10. Write short notes on recycling the following industrial wastes:
(a) Fly ash
(b) Silica fume
(c) Blast furnace slag and
(d) Red mud.
11. Why polythene is environmental hazardous material? Discuss possible ways of recycling
the polythene.

12. Distinguish between dead load and imposed load in a building. How their values are assessed 1 ?
Why and how much reduction in imposed load is suggested in design of supporting
structural elements ?
13. Write short notes on
(a) Wind loads
(b) Snow loads
(c) Earthquake forces
14. Distinguish between load bearing and framed construction. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of them.
15. Write short note on ‘composite construction’.

16. Differentiate between plan and map.

17. List various uses of maps.
18. Explain the principles of surveying.
19. Write short notes on
(a) Auto levels
(b) Precise levels
20. Briefly explain main parts of theodolite.
21. What is meant by EDM? Briefly explain different types of EDMs.
22. Write short notes on
(a) Total Station
(b) Global Positioning System
30. What is digital mapping ? What are its advantages over ordinary mapping?
31. Write short note on ‘Digital Planimeter’.

32. Explain the terms
(a) Level Surface
(b) Datum
(c) Reduced Level

33. What is bench mark ? Briefly explain different types of benchmarks used in surveying.
34. Explain principles of direct levelling.
35. Explain the terms:
(a) Back Sight
(b) Fore Sight
(c) Intermediate Sight and
(d) Change Point
36. Differentiate between simple levelling and differential levelling.
37. With a neat sketch explain differential levelling.
38. Write short note on contours and contouring.

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