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Semestral Project –

Female Reproductive System

Patinga, Christine Mae V.


BSEDSCI 14 – Anatomy and Physiology

 Construction Paper (Red, Yellow, Pink)
 Stick Glue
 Glue Gun
 Cuter
 Scissor
 Bond Paper
 Card Board
 Pencil
 Masking Tape
 Foam
 Printed Picture of Female Reproductive System

Procedures (with Pictures)

 Cut out the printed picture of female reproductive system using the cutter and the scissor.

 Trace it on the construction paper.

 After tracing in the construction paper, cut it again to see the formation of it.

 Use a stick glue in sticking the foam in the back part of the cut out construction paper.

 Afterwards assemble the whole piece.

 After assembling it put the label of each part.
 Next, make a box using the card board and masking tape.

 After making the box put the finish product of female reproductive system.
 Cover it with plastic cover.
The female reproductive system is designed to serve a variety of purposes. It produces
ova, or egg cells, which are necessary for reproduction. The system is set up to deliver the ova to
the area where fertilization will take place. Along with the sperm, the egg is fertilized in the
fallopian tubes. The next step for fertilized eggs is to implant in the uterine walls and start the
stages of pregnancy. In addition to the aforementioned functions, the female reproductive system
also contributes to the production of female sex hormones, which help keep the reproductive
cycle regular. The female reproductive system is made up of two ovaries, as well as oviducts, a
vagina, a cervix, a uterus, and the external genitalia, all of which are found in the pelvic area.
Along with a pair of structurally and functionally integrated mammary glands, these components
support the processes of ovulation, fertilization, childbirth, and ultimately child care. After
puberty, all females produce mature egg cells once a month during a process known as the
menstrual cycle. The endocrine system regulates the entire menstrual cycle, and the hormones
involved are FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone. Along with hormonal disorders, there are
numerous other factors that contribute to menstrual cycle disruption. The cycle can be erratic at
times, particularly during puberty. Except during pregnancy, menstrual cycles occur every month
from puberty to the age of 45 to 55.
What are the important takeaways that you have learned in this subject?

The things that I learn in in this subject anatomy and physiology is that it explains the
composition and functioning of the human body. This subjects also contains information about
anatomical terms, cells and tissues, body systems, disease, and inheritance, among others. It also
assists me in learning about the important bodily systems, including the skeletal system,
muscular system, integumentary system and many more. I learned in this subject the structure of
the skin which it has three main layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous layer. 
The primary epidermis cells, or keratinocytes, are produced at the base of the epidermis through
cell division. The surface is constantly being populated by new cells. They flatten and gradually
perish as they move. The stratum corneum, also known as the horny layer, is made up of
corneocytes, which are dead keratinocytes that have been flattened. This barrier is continuously
shed or worn away. The pigment melanin, which gives skin its color and provides UV protection,
is made by melanocytes. The inner layer known as the dermis consists of the following: sweat
glands, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands. Sweat is produced by sweat glands and transported
to pores in the epidermis by sweat ducts. They assist in controlling temperature. Pits called hair
follicles are where hair grows. The regulation of body temperature is aided by hairs. Sebum, an
oil produced by sebaceous glands, protects hair from dirt and bacteria. The "surface film" is
made up of sweat and sebum. Connective tissue and fat make up the dermis-level subcutaneous
layer. I learned that the muscle fibers are specialized cells that make up the muscular system.
Their ability to contract is their main characteristic. Movement is caused by muscles that are
connected to blood vessels, internal organs, or bones. Muscle contraction is the primary cause of
almost all bodily movement. There are a lot of interesting topics in this subject that can help me
understand the human body.

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