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Client Presentation:

Bring Your Own Coffee

Tia Nicholson, Abby Marcil, Jordyn Metz, Erin Miller, and Sam Gomez
Background, Purpose, & Focus
● Background: Caffeine was consumed by 92% of college students in 2019. In the US, 50
billion coffee cups are thrown away each year. This has an extremely negative impact on
the environment, climate, animals, and human health.
● Purpose: To decrease the use of single-use plastic on the Florida State University
campus in order to reduce the negative impact of plastics on the environment and
● Focus: For students to make coffee at home rather than purchasing it to reduce
single-use plastic coffee cups across Florida State University’s campus.
Situation Analysis
External Opportunities:
● Due to inflation, Starbucks has seen up to a 20% price increase for their products.
Students may be more willing to adopt our campaign’s behaviors if presented with
information that conveys that they may be able to save money by making coffee at home.

External Threats:
● Corporations do a great deal of advertising which may influence a student’s
decision to buy coffee out. Starbucks alone spent around $300 million on
advertising in 2021.
○ While corporations can advertise on a large scale, our campaign can better
target the local student population.
Situation Analysis
Internal Strengths:
● With help from Sustainable Campus, FSU encourages student involvement in making environmentally
conscious decisions such as recycling and reducing plastic use. This sustainable student culture
provides a core support system for our campaign.
● By increasing the student body’s awareness of the negative impacts of plastic use, this campaign will
ensure that students understand making coffee at home is quicker, more affordable, & better for the

Prior & Similar Efforts: We will adopt ideas from UC San Diego’s Kill The Cup campaign, which increased the
students’ awareness of the dangers of plastic cups to the environment. As well as ideas from a campaign
titled #brewathome, which provided an online platform that encouraged people to make coffee at home and
shared recipe tutorials and tips.
Target Goals
Within one academic year:

● Increase the number of FSU students who bring their own coffee to campus on a
weekly basis by 10%.
● Increase the percentage of FSU students who acknowledge the environmental damage
of using disposable coffee cups by 15%.
● Have 15% of FSU students believe that bringing their own coffee to campus is not only
beneficial to the environment, but also not an inconvenience for them personally.
Target Audience & Benefits
● Our target audience are students at FSU who live on and off campus who are willing to change their
coffee consumption behaviors. Focusing on behavioral and psychographic factors such as tendency
to drink coffee, tendency to purchase food at dining establishments, and higher values of altruism,
which research connects to higher levels of environmental concern .
○ Place emphasis on women (since women are more willing to adopt environmental behaviors),
students that frequently drink coffee, & individuals who are environmentally conscious.

● From the Plastics Use Survey:

● Benefits: The strongest beliefs are that making coffee at home will save them time (not having to wait
in line) and that their coffee will taste better. Students may be more receptive to the campaign if we
emphasis these beliefs.
Audience Barriers & Competition
● Barriers: The two strongest beliefs were that making beverages at home would be too much
effort and that they do not have the tools. We can address these barriers through giveaways
and online access to easy recipes.

● Competition: Purchasing beverages from coffee shops.

○ The belief that it is cooler to have a branded beverage from an outside vendor had a
relatively low average rating of importance, which means that it should be easier to
change. This helps the campaign because the target audience states that they do not
view the competition as much cooler or more physically attractive than making coffee at
Marketing Strategies: 4Ps
● Offer free online resources for homemade coffee recipes to promote making customized
coffee at home.
● Giving away Moka-pots or reusable k-cups in partnership with other FSU organizations such
as the Cuban American Student Organization and the Center for Global Engagement which
does International Coffee Hour.

● Sustainable Campus to give a raffle at Market Wednesday or Landis Green for students that
have brought their coffee from home to campus. Participants might win a free bag of coffee
from a local coffee vendor via partnership.
● Provide links to online coupons or discount codes to coffee ingredients & supplies.
Marketing Strategies: 4Ps
● While shopping at Community Co-op, or another shop with coffee ingredients, have QR codes or
signs outside to remind the audience that making coffee at home is better for the environment and
their wallet.
● Posters with QR codes placed around campus can contain recipes & resources
○ Bathroom stalls and bulletin boards

● Key messages include that making coffee at home will taste better, save students time, and save the
● BYOC: Bring Your Own Coffee
● Channels: FSU radio, flyers, social media
Implementation Plan
● Phase 1: During summer C; posters with QR codes will be placed around the campus by

FSU Sustainable Campus staff and volunteers, especially near coffee establishments
(strozier bathrooms & bulletins)

● Phase 2: During the beginning of September; begin working with the FSU radio station

and FSU micro-influencers to promote the “BYOC” (Bring Your Own Coffee) campaign,
in addition to giving easy recipes on the QR codes & social media

● Phase 3: The beginning of Spring semester; the campaign partners with the FSU

Center for Global Engagement or the Cuban American Organization to give out
Moka-pots or reusable k-cups to encourage the continuation of sustainable behavior.

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