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4 c. Why Reading Matters.

1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
4. YES
5. I wil get all the infromations or the currents
events by watching news and reading online
news also by social media.
6. YES

1. Some European counterparts means other European countries.

2. C. The real world.
3. C. Children in other European countries.
4. 36% - ADULTS
44% - 16 TO 18 YEARS OLD
5. B. People in England do not read enough.

Organization Effort
BBC -The #LovetoRead weekend campaign by
BBC to put reading at the centre of their
programming this autumn.
- Charities, libraries, and publishers also
getting involved.
The Reading Agency -Helping readers of all ages to improve their
literacy skills, and will hold on event at the
British Museum.
- Invites leading writers and public figures
to share original ideas about future of
reading in the UK.
- Runs schemes hand in hand with libraries
including the reading well program for 13-
18 years old.

Person Role in Promoting Reading

Frederick Douglass US anti-slavery campaigner
Sue Wilkinson CEO of The Reading Agency
Jeanatte Winterson Comedian
Neil Gaiman Comedian
Russel Brand TV Personality
Shami Chakrabati Politician and former director of civil rights
campaihn group Liberty
Gemma Cairney BBC Radio 1 presenter

8. i. Literacy helps us access many forms of mainstream education and it’s a form of creative
escapism too.

ii. Reading also linked improved mental health and resilence against depression

iii. reading can support mental health wellbeing.

iv. Reading takes out of yourself and introduces to new people, new communities and new

v. Associated with higher levels of empathy and improved relationships with others.

vi. You read in a way that feels right for you and that you enjoy it.

9. D. Higher levels of empathy and improved relationship with others.

10. Literacy helps us access many forms of mainstream education and, is a form of creative
escapism which will be forever free.

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