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Provisions of Law

▪ If the employee works more than the hours stipulated in the contract, he/she shall be
entitled to the recognition and payment of supplementary or overtime hours.
▪ Every employee is entitled to receive the payment of the thirteenth and fourteenth salary on
the dates established by the State.
▪ The reserve fund is also one of the benefits to which the employee is entitled to receive,
once he/she reaches the 2nd year of seniority in the company.
▪ Enjoying an annual period of paid vacation is also a right enshrined in the labor regulations
as part of the rights of the Ecuadorian worker, according to the time of work performed.
▪ Your employer's retirement should be recognized once you meet the legal requirements.
This is a benefit that is achieved when 25 years or more of uninterrupted work are
▪ Maternity and/or paternity leave, which is acquired when a child is born to the father or
mother of the family.
▪ Profit sharing is also included as part of the social benefits in Ecuador.
▪ Maternity allowance, which arises when the working mother is enjoying her breastfeeding
period, among other benefits, which depend on the employer.

Social benefits in Ecuador associated with IESS

▪ Old-age pension, disability pension and pension for death and disability.
▪ Funeral assistance services.
▪ Payment for occupational hazards.
▪ Medical and monetary assistance for illness or maternity.
▪ Health coverage for members' descendants under 18 years of age.
▪ Mortgage loans.
▪ Extension of health coverage for the spouse, or cohabitation, which involves the payment of
an additional premium, which can reach up to 40% of the aggravated matter.

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