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She said she … late at the office that evening

and that she … home till about eleven. 7. We-----to visit my wife’s parentsnext
A) is working / got Saturday, and afterthat,we--------to a puppet
B) would work / isn't getting play.
C) was working / gets A) are planning / aregoing
D) would be working / wouldn't get B) planned /went
E) will be working / was getting C) were planning / aregoing
D) plan / go
2. Just asthe bus------away from the curb, E) are planning /go
anotherpassenger-------in through thestill
open door. 8. For the past fewdays, I------to decide
A) is pulling / has been leaping whether or not to drop out of university, butI still
B) pulled / has leapt ---------what todo.
C) was pulling /leapt A) was trying / didn’tknow
D) pulls / wasleaping B) have tried / didn’tknow
E) has pulled / leaps C) have been trying / don’tknoıw
D) tried / haven’tknown
3. I----for Mom outside the bank whileshe E) try / haven’tknown
---- some money for the shopping.
A) waited /withdrew 9. Mysister------in a small apartment atthe
B) have waited / haswithdrawn moment,butshe-------to find a house witha
C) am waiting /withdrew garden sometime soon.
D) was waiting / haswithdrawn A) is living /hopes
E) wait / has beenwithdrawing B) lives / hashoped
C) has lived /hoped
4. You ---- very ill. I don’tthinkyou-----after D) lives / washoping
your health properly. E) has been living /hoped
A) are looking /looked
B) have looked / havelooked 10.Christmas thank – you cards all daylong,
C) looked / have beenlooking and I-----only twenty out ofsixty.
D) look / arelooking A) am writing /finished
E) were looking /look B) have been writing / havefinished
C) was writing / wasfinishing
5. It’s been almost eight years since he---- D) wrote / amfinishing
the guitar in front of an audience, so it’s quite E) have written /finish
normal that he------nervous about his
performance tomorrow. 11. Because of the icy road, we very narrowly----
A) has played /felt an accidentaswe-------around the curve.
B) was playing /feels A) are avoiding /drive
C) is playing / wasfeeling B) were avoiding / havedriven
D) played / isfeeling C) have avoided /drive
E) has played / hasfelt D) have been avoiding / aredriving
E) avoided / weredriving
6. The car in frontofus------verysuddenly
because anold woman-------slowly acrossthe 12. None of my close friends-----marrieduntil
road. now, but my best friend Rey------his highschool
A) has stopped /walks sweatheart Lora next week.
B) stopped / waswalking A) got /marries
C) is stopping / haswalked B) gets / hasmarried
D) was stopping / waswalking C) has got / ismarrying
E) stopped /walked
D) was getting /marries
E) gets / ismarrying

13. James-----his job in a hotel, and now he

---- as a sales assistant in a department
store. 18. Lynn Hill, the greatRock climber,-----for
A) have been quiting /works the first time at the age of 14, and since then, she
B) quit / isworking ---------some of the most amazing climbs in
C) quits / has beenworking the sports history.
D) has quit / hasworked A) is climbing /did
E) was quitting /works B) was climbing /does
C) has climbed / has beendoing
14. Mevlana’s father, Bahaddin Walad,---- D) climbed / hasdone
out with his son for Anatolia E) has been climbing / isdoing
whentheMongols over CentralAsia.
A) is setting /took 19. Vanessa-----a lot of beautiful buildings on
B) has set / have beentaking her trip around the world,butshe--------theTaj
C) was setting / havetaken Mahal most.
D) has been setting /take A) had seen / willlike
E) set / weretaking B) saw / hasliked
C) has seen / likes
15. AlthoughSandra normally------clothes, D) sees /liked
she-----working as a sales assistantbecause E) saw /likes
of the economic crisis.
A) designes / hasstarted 20. Tom Hanks----two Oscars nadfour
B) is designing /starts Golden Globessincehe------acting in moviesin
C) has designed /starts the 1980’s.
D) has designed / has beenstarting A) won /starts
E) has been designing / wasstarting B) has been winning / hasstarted
C) has won /started
16. Justin Timberlake-----famousthrough D) wins / has beenstarting
the group N’ Sync, but nowadays, he ---- E) is winning / wasstarting
most of his songs as a solo artist.
A) became /sings 21. Although both the ancient Egyptians and
B) has become /sang Mesoamericans ----pyramids, they------themfor
C) becomes / issinging different purposes.
D) is becoming / has beensinging A) built /constructed
E) was becoming / hassung B) are building /construct
C) were building / haveconstructed
17. Jonathan’ssportsshoes-------muddy D) have built / wereconstructed
becauseshe------Football in the park in the E) are building / have beenconstructing
A) were / isplaying 22. I----here for nearly two hours now andthe
B) are / hadplayed doctor still ----.
C) are / has beenplaying A) was waiting / wasn’tcoming
D) have been / wasplaying B) am waiting / hasn’t beencoming
E) will have been /played C) have waited / didn’tcome
D) have been waiting / hasn’tcome
E) wait / isn’tcoming
treaty in 1283 BC, and, at the moment, a copyofit
------in the UNHeadquarters.
A) makes / has beenhanging
B) have been making /hangs
C) made / is hanging
D) were making / hashung
E) have made /hangs
23. Benazir Bhutto once-----the governmentof
Pakistan as Prime Minister, butnow she-------in 29. ArundhatiRoy-----only one novel,although
exile in the United Arab Emirates. she often-----books or articles oncontemporary
A) runs / isliving issues.
B) has run / lived A) writes / has beenwriting
C) was running / haslived B) has written /writes
D) ran / lives C) wrote / iswriting
E) is running / has been living D) is writing /wrote
E) was writing / haswritten
24. TRT----to the Turkish Nation ever sincethe
firstTVsets------in homes in the1960’s. 30. In 1984, the peopleof Bhoal------outtheir
A) broadcasts / wereappearing daily routines when a poisonous gas------from
B) has been broadcasting /appeared the nearby Union CarbidePlant.
C) has broadcast / haveappeared A) have carried / wasleaking
D) is broadcasting / have beenappearing B) are carrying / hasleaked
E) was broadcasting / areappearing C) were carrying /leaked
D) have been carrying / isleaking
25. TheGermans------an assault towardsthe E) carried /leakes
Caucasus while the USSR----a second attack in
the direction of Moscow. 31. As our TV----very well for the lasttwo
A) have launched / isawaiting months,we------of buying a new one.
B) launch / has beenawaiting A) didn’t work / have beenthinking
C) are launching /awaited B) hasn’t worked /think
D) were launching / hasawaited C) doesn’t work / werethinking
E) launched / wasawaiting D) isn’t working / havethought
E) hasn’t been working / arethinking
26. Jimmy----his thesis on the medievalItalian
republics,sohe-------to the library to findsome 32.Since Iris ---- from University, she----
books. English as a voluntary worker in China.
A) was doing / isgoing A) has been graduating /teaches
B) does / wasgoing B) has graduated / wasteaching
C) has done /goes C) was graduating /taught
D) did / has beengoing D) graduated / has beenteaching
E) is doing / hasgone E) graduates / isteaching
27. Joseph-----upset about his examresults 33. Around 4thcentury AD, Indonesianpeople
anymore; infact, he------a lot recently. ---- the Indian Ocean to Madagascar,
A) didn’t look /smiles andtheirdescendantsstill an Indonesian –like
B) isn’t looking / willsmile language there today.
C) hasn’t looked / issmiling A) have crossed / arespeaking
D) won’t look / wassmiling B) are crossing / have beenspeaking
E) doesn’t look / has beensmiling C) crossed /speak
D) were crossing /spoke
28. The Hittites andtheEgyptians-------a peace
E) have been crossing / havespoken
40. Britney-----Vietnam, and this yearshe
34. Vanessa-----on his own ever since hiswife ---- to Mexico for hervacation.
---- him due to his heavydrinking. A) has visited / istravelling
A) lived / wasdeserting B) has been visiting / hastravelled
B) has been living /deserted C) visited /travels
C)has lived / hasdeserted D) visits / wastravelling
D) lives / has beendeserting E) was visiting / istravelling
E)is living / is deserting

35. While he ---- in India, Ibn Battuta-----as

a judge, or qadi, for the Sultan of Delhi.
A) was staying / hasworked 41. More than twohundred people--------the
B) has stayed / wasworking tower whenthebomb--------in one of thedustbins.
C) stayed / has beenworking A) have visited / wasexploding
D) was staying /worked B) were visiting /exploded
E) stayed / hasworked C) visited / hasexploded
D) are visiting / isexploding
36. Ingeneral, yousef------landscapes, but E) visits / hasexploded
she-----a portrait of the mayor of the local
council for the time being. 42. It ---- one week sincethe flood------butstill
A) has been painting /does aid workers are rescuing people.
B) was painting /did A) is / isstriking
C) is painting / hasdone B) was / wasstriking
D) painted / has beendoing C) has been /struck
E) paints / isdoing D) will / isstriking
E) is going to be /strikes
37. I ---- Indian food before,butstill-------to
try your chicken biryani. 43. By the end of next weekthe jury-------all the
A) have been eating / haven’twanted witnessesandthey-------the courtroom to decide
B) have eaten / don’twant on a verdict.
C) am eating / don’twant A) have been hearing / haveleft
D) eat / didn’twant B) have heard / areleaving
E) was eating / haven’twanted C) are hearing /leave
D) hear /left
38. We ---- for a new car,soI------through E) will have heard / willleave
the advertisements in the newspapers.
A) look /searched 44. By 16thcentury,Austria-------so large thatits
B) have been looking /search emperor-----all of modern Austria, Belgium,the
C) looked / have beensearching Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, and Spain as
D) are looking / amsearching well as parts of Italy and Yugoslavia.
E) were looking /search A) has become /ruled
B) was becoming / hasruled
39. Edith Wharton-----on her novel The C) was going to become /rule
Buccaneerswhenshe-------nearParis. D) had become / wasruling
A) was working /died E) becomes / has beenruling
B) worked / has beendying
C) has been working / hasdied 45. Over the last few years, consume interest in
D) is working /dies organicagriculture------up dramatically, and
E) works / wasdying demand-----currently ahead ofsupply.
A) has shot /is 51. It-----until the 17thcentury thatmilitary
B) shot /was leaders began to realize that stress on soldiers
C) had shot / hadbeen ---- a profound influence on the success of
D) is shooting / hasbeen military operations.
E) was shooting / wouldbe A) had not been / washaving
B) is not /has
46. In the past few months, our company C) was not / couldhave
director-----more mettle than mostindustrialists D) has not been /had
---- in an entire career. E) may not be / musthave
A) had shown / havedone
B) showed / woulddo
C) shows /did
D) was showing / haddone
E) has shown /do
47. The new recordings of Corelli’sconcertos
---- a welcome opportunity to reflect on some of
52. Cabbage-----as early as 2000 B.C. andthe
the changes intaste that-------since 1989.
A) have offered /developed
common cabbage, sprouting broccoli, and
B) offer / havedeveloped kohlrabi.
C) had offered /develop A) should have been cultivated / haveincluded
D) offered / woulddevelop B) had been cultivated /included
E) will offer / haddeveloped C) would be cultivated / used toinclude
D) would have been cultivated / caninclude
48. A battery cell that-----popular duringthe
E) was cultivated /include
nineteenthcentury-------in 1836 by theEnglish
chemist John Frederick Daniell.
A) had become / had beenconstructed
B) would have become / has beenconstructed
C) is to become / isconstructed
D) became / wasconstructed
E) would become / was to have beenconstructed

49. It is time the members of the European

Community-----into the open theirfears
concerning economic recession.
A) havebrought
B) shouldbring
C) brought
D) arebringing
E) Willbring

50. There ---- no doubt that the oil sector----

the basis of the Iraqi economy for many years to
A) has been / may haveformed
B) is / willform
C) was / hasformed
D) had been /formed
E) will be / wouldform

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