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Small Talk: How to be a good talker

To have a good conversation you have to take into account some tips. One of them is
having confidence in yourself. Know that if you are going to talk to a person you do not
know, you should always be respectful, keep your eyes on the person, for example
when you are going to approach the person, say phrases such as: “Hello, my name is….
I can ask you some questions” ''Hello, how are you? Did you see how the weather is

If we want to maintain the conversation, it is necessary to continue asking questions, for

example, today I approached a person I did not know at the university, I asked him
several things, the first thing I did was introduce myself and tell myself that I am a
student of educational psychology and that I am in the 5th cycle of the university, I
began to talk about topics such as: The weather in Cuenca is very strange in the
mornings it is very hot and in the afternoons it rains, she told me that she studies
graphic design and that she is in the last cycle of the university, she started to continue
the conversation and told me that he preferred to live in another city like Guayaquil
because it is hot there all the time and not as cold as at night in Cuenca. We talked
about what he likes most about his career and he told me that what he likes the most is
designing logos for companies and that he is very good at that. I told him that I really
like dealing with children and helping them with their problems. will have at home or at
school. What helped me to have a good communication with her is trust, since I very
kindly approached her and asked if I could ask her some things, I really liked talking to
her because what she studies I really liked studying in So I learned a lot more about
Graphic Design and at the same time I made a very good friend, I was a bit nervous
because I'm not that good at conversations, but it went very well and I was able to learn
more about other things that have nothing to do with what I study

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