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Asumbrado, Reymar C.

December 13, 2022

BSED ENG – 2A Prof. Blancaflor


1. Look at the list of differences between the left and right brain processing in Table 5.1 page
119. Mark the side that corresponds to your own preference, and total the items on each side.
Are you right or left brain dominant? Does this result match your general perception of

Table 5.1. Left and right brain characteristics

Left brain dominance Right brain dominance Total

Intellectual Intuitive

Remembering names Remember faces R-1

Responds to verbal Responds to demonstrated, L-1

instructions and illustrated, or symbolic
explanations instructions

Experiments systematically Experiments randomly and L-1

and with control with less restraints

Makes objective judgements Makes subjective L-1


Planned and structured Fluid and spontaneous L-1

Prefers established, certain Prefers elusive, uncertain L-1

information information

Analytic reader Synthesizing reader L-1

Reliance on language in Reliance on images in R-1

thinking and remembering thinking and remembering

Prefers talking and writing Prefer drawing and L-1

manipulating objects

Prefers multiple choice tests Prefers open-ended L-1


Controls feelings More free with feelings R-1

Not good at interpreting Good at interpreting body R-1

body language language
Rarely uses metaphors Frequently uses metaphors R-1

Favors logical problem Favors intuitive problem L-1

solving solving

L-9 R-5

Based on the total scores of each side, I am considered a left-brain dominant. The result
matches my general perception of myself because I’m the type of person who is observant,
sometimes a perfectionist and I want things organized and distributed properly.

2. Look at the list of “good language learner” characteristics on page 123 as enumerated
by Rubin and Thompson. Which ones seem the most important? Which is the least?
Create an infographic that captures the characteristics of good language learners.

For me, the most important characteristic of being a good language learner on the list is the
“find their own eay, taking charge of their learning.”
And I think the least is “learn to make intelligent guesses”.
3. Discuss any instances in which you have used any of the thirteen communication
strategies listed in table 5.3 on page 128. Are there some other strategies that you could

Among the thirteen communication strategies listed in the table, I’ve used many of them such
as message abandonment and topic avoidance included in avoidance strategies. For example,
I’m using these strategies whenever I don’t know how to explain something to someone who
is using English language especially if he/she is a foreigner. I know to myself that I’m not
that fluent enough to speak English that’s why I’m still learning about it.
While in compensatory strategies, I’ve already used circumlocution. I’m using this whenever
we have an essay and I hope that I would learn how to avoid using this because I think it’s a
bad thing especially in writing. I also tried Approximation like using the word “Colgate”
instead of toothpaste, etc. I think there’s nothing strategies that I could add because it’s
already included all strategies in terms of communication a language.

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