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Combining Game-Based Learning and the Flipped Classroom: A

Scoping Review
Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou
Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University,
Copenhagen, Denmark
DOI: 10.34190/GBL.19.059

Abstract: There is increasing pressure on educational institutions to make their students active learners. Both game-based
learning and the flipped classroom approach can be seen as manifestations of that change in educational paradigm. Ample
evidence exists of the efficiency of each of game-based learning and the flipped classroom methodology. Successful blending
of the flipped classroom with other pedagogical models such as problem-based learning provides the framework through
which the flipped classroom methodology can support other learning approaches. However, very little research so far has
explored the use of game-based learning in the flipped classroom. This PhD project aims at examining to what extent game-
based learning and the flipped classroom method can be used in conjunction to support students’ motivation, engagement
and learning outcomes. The PhD project is in its early stage of development and I will in this paper present findings based on
a scoping review of research incorporating gaming elements in the flipped classroom. This review highlights the gradual shift
from superficial elements of rewards-based gamification to fully incorporated serious games used as support for the flipped
classroom. We will argue for the use of meaningful gamification to develop a holistic system, which incorporates
gamification, storytelling, user-generated content through the development of bespoke games tailored to support the
flipped classroom approach. We conclude that combination of game-based learning and the flipped classroom methodology
has the potential to support better student engagement and motivation. We open on the potential for further research
evaluating the impact of combining game-based learning and the flipped classroom on students’ learning outcomes.

Keywords: flipped classroom, game-based learning, active learning, gamification

1. Introduction
In recent years, educational institutions have faced the pressure of finding new ways to ensure their students’
engagement and autonomy in learning, as well as encouraging skill-based learning outcomes. This tendency has
led to a paradigm shift from passive listening to active learning. Active learning, according to Frey (2018), “shifts
the focus of learning from passively receiving content information to diligently participating in learning
activities”, and allow students to develop and nurture important skills such as “critical thinking, creativity,
communication, and collaboration” and “promotes social interactions, allowing students to work collaboratively
with their peers and teachers”.

1.1 The Flipped Classroom (FC)

Within the context of 21st skill, the development of the FC is possibly one of the most emblematic endeavours
to overhaul educational practices. Lage et al. defined the FC in these terms: “Inverting the classroom means that
events that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice
versa” (Lage et al. 2000). Interest for the FC however rose sharply in the early 2010s, following its popularization
in secondary education in the Unites States (Bergmann & Sams 2009). In 2013, Bishop and Verleger redefined
the FC against Lage et al. more generic definition. They defined the FC as “…an educational technique that
consists of two parts: interactive group learning activities inside the classroom, and direct computer-based
individual instruction outside the classroom.” The FC is therefore characterized by “use of technology, especially
video” (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015). Figure 1 presents the general structure of the FC as admitted by this

Many reviews of the FC reveal the interest for the method in the scientific and educational discourse (Bishop &
Verleger 2013; O’Flaherty & Phillips 2015; Zainuddin & Halili 2016). Former reviews make a compelling argument
to the efficiency of the FC: student perceptions and engagement toward FC approaches are generally positive,
the FC helps to improve students’ communication skills and independent learning, and allows teachers to spend
more time with students individually (Lo & Hew 2017). While the FC originated in secondary education, the most
recent monography by Reidsema et al. (2017) testifies to the vitality of the method in higher education, through
a range of case studies going from business course to health education and mechanical engineering.

Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou

Figure 1: The structure of the flipped classroom

On the other hand, Herreid and Schiller (2013) noted some potential issues with FC. They underlined the
difficulty for students to come fully prepared in class and for teachers to provide them with quality online
content, and the necessity to be able to track students’ pre-class preparation for optimal results.

1.2 Game-based learning

Research into educational games and game-based learning has also benefitted from a wide range of interest.
Games embody well-established principles and models of learning and allow replacing the learning activity into
a meaningful context (Van Eck 2006). Gaming elements have been introduced in the classroom in a variety of
forms: serious games (Michael & Chen 2005), Digital Game-Based Learning (Prensky 2003), and gamification,
defined as an “umbrella term for the use of video game elements to improve user experience and user
engagement in non-game services and applications” (Detering 2011) applied to education and especially e-
learning (Muntean 2011).

Research points to the validity of combining the FC to other active learning methodology, such as problem-based
learning. For example, Song et al. (2017) present the FC as a means to exploit the classroom time for
appropriately designed interactive learning activities such as collaborative and problem-based learning
activities. Triantafyllou (2015) combined the FC methodology with the Aalborg model of problem-based learning
through the evaluation of the Moodle virtual learning environment.

We can also find within literature increasing indirect evidence supporting the integration of games and game-
based learning in the FC. With a push to promote active learning and integration of digital tools in the FC,
integration of games in various forms appears as a means to support its efficiency. This endeavour can take
various forms, from embedding elements of gamification (Nicholson 2012) to game-based learning in which
learning materials are integrated into the gameplay to stimulate motivation and problem-solving skills in
learners (Tao et al. 2016).

The authors often pit the efficiency of the game-based FC against a regular FC without games, more rarely
against non-flipped game-based learning. One of the most important variation in these studies concerns when
the gaming elements intervene in the FC process, either as part of the pre-class preparation, as an in-class
activity, or more rarely as a way for students to further their education in the post-class process. Figure 2
presents the various ways in which integration of gaming elements can occur in the FC.

1.3 Combining the flipped classroom and game-based learning

However, in spite of the fact that there has been a significant number of literature reviews of the FCs in recent
years (Lo & Hew 2017), no such analysis exists yet to specifically examine the presence and use of gaming
elements and game-based learning in the FC. This article means therefore to complete the existing literature by
examining the arguments in favour of combining game-based learning and the FC through a scoping review of
said literature. We believe that examining the use of game-based learning in the FC will allow us to examine
which tools enable the successful combination of both methodologies, and in which areas is their development
still lacking.

Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou

Figure 2: Incorporation of games and gaming elements in the FC

The scoping review was a useful tool to analyse the FC by focusing on the articulation between technology,
implementation of the FC, and learning outcomes (O’Flaherty and Philips 2015). There are several advantages
to using a scoping review (Arksey and O’Malley 2005): it allows researchers to examine the extent, range and
nature of the research activity, to determine the value for undertaking a full systematic review, to summarize
and disseminate research findings, and to identify gaps in existing literature.

We believe that the choice of a scoping review for this study will first allow us to present the current theoretical
framework for the integration of game-based learning in the FC. We will make an argument in favour of a more
holistic approach to the integration of game-based learning in the FC, and finally identify which specific type of
games, subjects or areas might open themselves to further research and development.

2. Methodology
For this paper, we have therefore used Arksey and O’Malley’s methodology (Arksey and O’Malley 2005), as
expended by Levac, Colquhoun, and O'Brien (2010).

The scoping review method uses the following steps:

Stage 1. Identifying the research question

Stage 2 Identifying relevant studies
Stage 3 Study selection
Stage 4 Charting the data
Stage 5 Collating, summarising and reporting the results

2.1 Stage 1: Identifying the research question

The focus of this research is to explore the key factors through which the FC and game-based learning were
successfully combined, and how these methodologies can improve the students’ flipped learning experience and
learning outcomes. To ensure that a substantial range of literature was examined, we followed the initial
research questions to guide the search:

1. Which technological tools were used to implement game-based learning in the FC?
2. What were the educational outcomes of the use of game-based learning in the FC?
3. What was the theoretical framework used to combine game-based learning and the FC?

Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou

2.2 Stage 2: Identifying relevant studies

Arksey and O’Malley suggest using a wide definition for search terms. Owing to the fact that the implementation
of games could take various forms, from gamification (Detering 2011) to simulations (Landriscina 2012), or a
combination of several types of gaming elements, we opted for a large selection of related terms. We used the
following research string:

("game-based" OR "gamification" OR "serious games" OR "educational games" OR "simulation") AND ("flipped


The selection was then restricted to research that specifically pertained to game-based learning in the
classroom. The selected databases for this study were Scopus, Proquest, Web of Science, JSTOR and Google
Scholar. Only peer-reviewed articles and papers, accessible in English, and in the period 2009-2019 (which
coincides with the exponential development of the FC) were researched.

2.3 Stage 3: Study selection

Using the key search descriptors, 1356 articles were identified. After excluding duplicates, and articles studying
active learning methodologies in isolation (FC, or serious games, investigated separately and not in combination
with each other), 70 articles were selected. These articles presented the combined use of the FC with either
games, gamification, gaming elements or simulation. For the purpose of this research, we then restricted the
search to articles that concerned specifically games, not simply gamification, gaming tools such as clickers, or
drill-based simulations (Desphande and Huand, 2011). After this phase, we ended with a final 25 articles, which
specifically presented fully developed games and game-based learning in the FC.

2.4 Stage 4: Charting the data

The data extracted from the selection of articles was mapped using the following criteria: Study ID, Title,
Journal/Publication, Author, Year, Country of study, Technology employed, Category of gaming elements
employed, Position in the FC, Study level, Subject studied, Size of class, Learning outcomes, Evaluated variables
and study focus, Study methodology, Theoretical framework for the study.

2.5 Stage 5: Collating, summarizing and reporting the results

The final stage of the scoping review summarizes and reports findings.

3. Findings
The final selection was of 25 articles, representing 13 countries of study. The majority of studies came from
Taiwan, with 10 articles emanating from this country. Furthermore, for a 2009-2019 study, the oldest article
dated only from 2015, and 20 articles came out between 2017 and 2019, showing a recent, but increasing,
interest towards the subject. The level of students was also diverse, ranging from primary school (3 articles) to
middle and high school (5 articles), the majority of studies still involving university students (17 articles).

3.1 Which technological tools were used to implement game-based learning in the flipped
The studied articles presented a remarkable diversity of games used in the FC. Five articles investigated non-
digital serious games, in the form of board games played in class. These examples were: storytelling games and
Jenga for Elementary school language training (Girmen & Kaya 2019), a capture the flag board game for a high
school level mathematics class (Hung et al. 2018), and, at university level, several examples of non-digital games
used in the classroom. The latter included a custom-made science Trivial Pursuit (Hattingh & Eybers, 2017), a
board game for a process control class (Rodriguez et al. 2019), and a Taboo-like word game to practise definitions
in engineering class (Martin & Klein 2017). The last and most interesting example involved the creation of a
technology-enhanced board game, completing the board game with QR cards to engage the students in the
learning activity (Hung 2018).

Five articles were relevant with the inclusion of simulation games, more specifically games developed as “an
interactive representation of reality based on the construction of a model of a system of which we want to
understand the working” (Landriscina 2012). These included a simulation system supported by gamification and

Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou

role-playing games (RPG) elements (Abdool et al. 2017), an augmented reality system to train in basic materials
science course (Liou et al. 2016), a simulation role-playing game for project development in software engineering
(Kochumarangolil, & Renumol 2018), and interactive simulations used for the pre-class preparation (McIntyre et
al. 2018).

Digital game-based learning represented a solid majority of the selected articles with 15 articles. We will offer
here a quick overview of the games and technologies used:
ƒ Coding games such as Scratch (Vlahu-Gjorgievska et al. 2018), HackerRank and CodinGame (Bye 2017)
ƒ Custom-made serious games such as The Protégé for pre-class preparation (Ling 2018), Adventure of an
Astronaut for Elementary school English learning (Tao et al. 2016), SumMagic for middle high school physics
class (Liao et al. 2019), and A Trip to Beitu for classical Chinese (Wang 2019)
ƒ Commercial serious games such as Binary and Volunteer game by Cisco (Zhamanov & Sakhiyeva 2015),
educational LEGO applications (Cukurbasi & Kiyici 2018)
ƒ Contextual games and gaming modules developed through open platforms such as RPGMaker (Wang et al.
2017; Lin et al. 2018), Gdevelop (Kleftodimos & Evangelidis 2018), WebGL (Hsu & Lin 2016)
ƒ Commercial games Ballance and Angry Birds as out of the shelf games used to practise before class (Ye et
al. 2018).
A minority of articles investigated the potential of narration-driven games, whether storytelling games or role-
playing games (e.g Girmen & Kaya 2019; Wang et al. 2017; Lin et al. 2018; Abdool et al. 2017)

As for positioning in the FC, most articles referenced the use of serious games or simulation games as in-class
activities, with 15 articles out of 25. Eight articles presented game-based as a tool for the pre-class preparation
process. Finally, two articles dealt with the whole of the FC, backing their use of game-based learning with a
gamification system, which supported the whole of the FC process (Estriegana et al. 2019; Abdool et al. 2017).
However, with exception to the latter, no articles really delved into the post-class process, self-learning and
students’ reflection in the learning process.

3.2 What were the educational outcomes of the use of game-based learning in the flipped
Three forms of evaluation and educational outcomes appeared in the selected articles. Students’ performances
were examined in 13 articles, either through grades, pass rates, knowledge in pre- and post-tests or students’
production. Sixteen articles investigated the students’ perception of the learning process, through their self-
reported opinion of the efficiency of the method, interest in the studied subject, or evaluation of the technology-
enhanced learning. Finally, 12 articles investigated more closely the student’s living experience in the classroom
by testing for motivation, anxiety level or engagement with the activity. Three articles tested for all 3
parameters, 10 articles for two parameters, the rest only for one parameter.

The results presented in the selected articles are overwhelming positive and support the argument in favour of
the efficiency of the combination of the FC and game-based learning. When pitted against other forms of
learning, the combination yielded better results than a standard FC devoid of game-based learning (Hsu & Lin
2016; Hung 2018; Wang 2019), non-flipped game-based learning (Liao et al. 2019; Lin et al. 2018; Wang et al.
2017) or traditional lecture-based teaching methods (Liou et al. 2016; Ye et al. 2018).

Students tested for learning outcomes presented better grades and pass rates (Abdool et al. 2017), reported
positive opinions of the method (Rodriguez et al. 2019), presented less anxiety towards the studied subject
(Hung 2018) and greater motivation (Wang 2019).

A few articles, however, present some nuances to the massive positive results in favour of developing a game-
based FC. In one article, the benefit of the game-based FC in mathematics was inferior in students who already
exhibited high level of self-confidence in mathematics (Hung et al. 2018). Another study indicates that, while
students appreciated active learning, responses to flipping of the classroom and the video preparation was
mixed: the authors recommended maintaining part of the curriculum as lectures, especially in the final year
leading to the exams (Martin & Klein 2017). Another reported issue concerns technology breaking down, which

Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou

led to a rupture of flow in the course (Venemyr et al. 2017). Finally, one article stated that, while there was
better learning motivation in students, no significant difference in learning performance was achieved in the
gamified learning condition (Wang 2019).

3.3 What was the theoretical framework used to combine game-based learning and the flipped
Our investigation into the theoretical background for these studies yielded very unequal results. Most articles
unsurprisingly referenced previous research in the FC methodology (17 out of 25) and research into game-based
learning, gamification or game design (15 articles). Only a minority of articles, however, presented some
reference to cognitive theory or learning theory such as Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory (Liao et al.
2019; Ling 2018) or Kolb’s experiential learning cycle (Venemyr et al. 2017; Vlahu-Gjorgievska et al. 2018).

Only two articles elaborated a specific theoretical model to enable the combined use of the FC and game-based
learning. Hattingh and Eybers (2017) designed the concept of the F.L.I.P classroom: Flexible learning
environment (F), Learning culture (L), Intentional content (I) and Professional educator (P). Kochumarangolil and
Renumol (2018) proposed the notion of Activity-Oriented Teaching Strategy (AOTS): a system combining four
methodologies to facilitate students’ engagement and learning process, namely the FC, project role-play for
developing project artefacts, teaching by example, and student seminars.

Some articles, finally, presented very little in terms of theoretical background and remained focused on the
curriculum developed and technology applied (Estriegana et al. 2019; Kleftodimos & Evangelidis 2018; McIntyre
et al. 2018)

4. Discussion

4.1 Which technological tools were used to implement game-based learning in the flipped
The articles reviewed show that there is great potential in combining the FC and game-based learning. The games
used were very diverse and used for both preparation and training at home, and as in-class activities.

Our study however showed the lack of specific interest in the post-class process. Only two articles presented
methods that encompassed the whole of the FC experience. Further research into the post-class process,
students’ self-reflection and consolidation of the learning process in-class appears therefore necessary.
Appropriate use of gamification elements to support the whole of the FC experience was used in two studies
(Abdool et al. 2017; Estriegana et al. 2019) and can be considered as the most promising lead to support efficient
integration of game-based learning in the FC. Similarly, a minority of articles presented any interest in narration
and narrative games. This may owe to the fact that the narrative parts of the game are less controllable, and
less immediately exploitable in terms of educational benefits. However, Nicholson (2012), as a response to the
critics levied against gamification based on extrinsically motivated points and rewards system, developed the
notion of meaningful gamification as “the integration of user-centered game design elements into non-game
contexts”. Both her theoretical framework and the results of this review suggest that the development of
meaningful gamification and increased focus in user-generated content and students-driven narration will be
necessary to increase engagement in content and development of the FC as a complete holistic experience. Our
research suggests that we should approached integration of game-based learning in the FC in the future as a
bespoke design, with less fragmentation and separation between the pre-class, in-class and post-class process.

4.2 What were the educational outcomes of the use of game-based learning in the flipped
The scoping review shows positive results in terms of grade improvement and pass rate, and students generally
reported high level of satisfaction in the method. However, only three articles investigated different populations
of student, by investigating low-achieving students (Wang 2019), students with low levels of self-confidence in
mathematics class (Hung et al. 2018), or high levels anxiety in English (Hung 2018), compared to the rest of the
same cohorts. We consider therefore that the potential of further investigation resides in focusing more on
targeted benefits for diverse, under-represented or under-privileged population of students, such as female
students in STEM field or working-class students.

Muriel Algayres and Evangelia Triantafyllou

We will also underline that, of the articles we examined, no studies proposed a delayed post-test or investigation
into the long-term effect of the gamified FC. It appears therefore important to encourage study into the impact
in terms of information retention and consolidation of the learning process.

4.3 What was the theoretical framework used to combine game-based learning and the flipped
The scoping review shows that the research into the conceptual framework to integrate fully the FC and game-
based learning appears to be still under-developed. Only two articles offered an original theoretical model, and
many articles did not present a satisfying theoretical background. Few articles aimed at articulating the gamified
FC experience with cognitive psychology or educational theory. Finally, the general lack of development of a
theoretical framework may also explain the lack of interest in the post-class process: the integration of game-
based learning in the FC still appears very much disjointed, with separations between the different parts of the
FC experience. A new theoretical framework might also be a remedy against most critics levied against the FC

There is therefore potential both in developing more complete theoretical models for combining the FC and
game-based learning, and in investigating more thoroughly the students’ learning experience.

5. Conclusion
Faced with the necessity to promote and develop active learning, educational institutions have turned massively
towards the FC in what may very well be one of the most striking overhauls of traditional, lecture-based
education. As the efficiency of the FC is now well established, we can now begin to document the potential of
combining the FC with other methodologies such as game-based learning. Our review showed that combination
of the FC and game-based learning has the potential to support better student engagement and motivation in
both methods. However, further research and development to support the whole FC experience and to reinforce
the game-based learning process through meaningful gamification and user-generated content remains to be

This research was funded by the FLIP2G project. This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+
programme of the European Union. This paper reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot
be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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