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Coordinates: 15°48′03″S 47°51′41″W

2023 invasion of the Brazilian Congress

On 8 January 2023, following the victory of Luiz
2023 invasion of the Brazilian Congress
Inácio Lula da Silva in the 2022 Brazilian general
election, supporters of the previous president, Jair Part of the 2022–2023 Brazilian election
Bolsonaro, attacked the Supreme Federal Court, the protests
National Congress of Brazil and the Planalto
Presidential Palace in the Três Poderes Plaza in the
capital, Brasília. Senator Veneziano Vital do Rêgo,
interim president of the Federal Senate, confirmed that
rioters had breached the Chamber of Deputies' Green
Hall and attempted to enter the Planalto Palace. Lula
was not in Brasília at the time of the attack,[11][12][13]
and neither was Bolsonaro, who left Brazil for the
United States in Orlando, Florida, before Lula's

The attack occurred a week after Lula's inauguration Protesters climbing the ramp of the National
and followed several weeks of unrest from Bolsonaro's Congress of Brazil during the attack
supporters. The Supreme Court, Congress, and Date 8 January 2023
Presidential Palace were reported as cleared later that
Location Three Powers Plaza, Brasília,
evening.[15] It drew swift condemnation from
Federal District, Brazil
governments around the world. At 18:00 BRT
15°48′03″S 47°51′41″W
(UTC−03:00), Lula announced that he had signed a
decree authorizing a federal state of emergency in the Caused by False allegations of electoral
Federal District through the end of January 2023.[16] fraud in the 2022 Brazilian
general election promoted by
Because Congress was not in session, it plans to
former President Jair Bolsonaro
convene in an emergency meeting to vote on the
and his allies[1]
decision.[17][18] Brazilian security forces cleared all
three buildings by 21:00 BRT.[1] Instigate a military coup
d'état against Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva's government[2]

Contents Remove Lula and reinstate

Bolsonaro as President of
Background Brazil[3][4]
Planning and financing Methods
Protest: political
Events demonstration
Aftermath Civil disorder: assault,
Damage and theft rioting, looting, vandalism,
intimidation, attack on a
Government Resulted in
Severe damage to the
Parties and politicians federal buildings, many art
International pieces stolen or damaged.
Asia Rioting suppressed, all three
Europe targeted buildings cleared
Oceania Arrest and detainment en
International organizations masse of rioters by federal
and state law enforcement
Other authorities
See also Declaration by Lula of
federal takeover of the
Federal District for the
remainder of January 2023
Background Suspension of Ibaneis Rocha
as governor of the Federal
District for 90 days, by order
During Bolsonaro's tenure as president of Brazil, his
of the Supreme Federal
allies and supporters floated the idea of an assault like Court
the United States Capitol attack of 6 January 2021 in
the event Bolsonaro lost his re-election bid.[19] Number
Bolsonaro supporters alleged that the 2022 Brazilian Unknown
general election suffered from widespread electoral Casualties
fraud causing Bolsonaro's loss. They cited electronic
Injuries 80+ (40+ seriously injured)[5]
voting machines malfunctioning and voting patterns
they deemed suspicious, and mistrust election officials; Detained During the riot:
the military helped oversee the election and found no
~200, (according to the
signs of fraud.[20] Supporters of Bolsonaro used social Ministry of Justice and Public
media to spread misinformation about electoral fraud, Security)[6]
further motivating the protesters.[21]
300 (according to Brazilian
Some military reservists wanted a truckers' strike before
the second round of elections, including Colonel 400+ (according to Federal
Marcos Koury, who, on 16 October 2022, published a District governor)[8][9]
video encouraging a truckers' general strike before the
second round.[22] Koury's video about the shutdowns After the riot:
was shared in several Bolsonarist groups on Telegram
1,500+ (according to the
and, days later, members of these same groups started
Minister of Justice)[10]
defending roadblocks after the elections.[22] Calls for
strikes were also made on YouTube.[22]

Trucker protests lost strength on 3 November 2022,[23][24][25] and Bolsonaro supporters started
concentrating in the vicinity of Brazilian Armed Forces facilities. Demonstrations took place at military
installations in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Florianópolis, Recife, Salvador, and other
cities and regions.[26] Some Bolsonaro supporters called for a military coup.[26]

Lula's electoral victory was officially ratified by the Superior Electoral Court on 12 December 2022.[27][28]
Militant far-right Bolsonaro supporters stormed the Federal Police headquarters in Brasília and torched
vehicles on the street after one of the protesters was arrested for inciting violence to prevent Lula's
swearing-in. The police used stun grenades and tear gas to disperse them.[29][30] A bombing attempt near
Brasília International Airport was prevented by the police on 23 December; the suspect was arrested a day
later. According to his testimony, he was motivated by Bolsonaro casting doubts at the integrity of the
election process in the past.[31][32] Other attacks were carried out by Bolsonaro supporters during the
beginning of Lula's government.
On 2 January 2023, former Bolsonaro minister Anderson Torres was appointed as chief security official of
the Federal District. Torres left Brazil on the night of 6 January for Orlando, Florida, United States, arriving
there on 7 January, just hours before the attacks and one week after Bolsonaro had arrived in

Planning and financing

Reports on the planning of the attack were already circulating in the first week of 2023, with audio leaked
from several WhatsApp and Telegram groups. The material obtained exposed the intention of the
organization of the acts to provoke violent actions on the part of the crowd, circumventing police
action.[35][36][37] Several groups and communities from throughout the country arranged for transport by
bus to Brasília to participate in the demonstrations.[38] Social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and
Instagram did not moderate misleading claims about the election, meaning that people who used these sites
to find information about the election were presented with these misleading claims.[39]

Members of the federal government headed by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva were aware of the plans
of the rioters, but were assured by the Governor of the Federal District Ibaneis Rocha that the situation was
under control. Rocha however changed the plans for the agreed upon security presence on 7 January 2023,
as a result of which there was only a small security contingent present when the invasion began.[10]
Anonymous government officials told The Washington Post that the cost of buses transporting Bolsonaro
supporters to Brasília was covered by donors from ten states, including those involved in the agribusiness
sector. Minister of Justice Flávio Dino stated that until that moment it was not possible to "clearly
distinguish" the responsibilities regarding financing. He added: "What you can definitely say is that there
was funding."[10][40][41]

On the morning of 7 January, more than 100 buses from all parts of Brazil arrived in Brasília, bringing in
Bolsonaro supporters. They joined the 200 people who were camped in front of the Army Headquarters,
raising the total number to over 4,000 people.[42] On the afternoon of 8 January, the demonstrators marched
from the Army Headquarters, where some of them had been camped for weeks in protests, demanding a
military coup. Lula's government attempted to evict these protesters. When this failed, it ordered reinforced
security.[43][44] The Minister of Justice also reiterated that week that the camps would be dismantled. The
demonstrators broke through the police barriers near the congress building and, armed with sticks,
confronted the police, who fired tear gas and used pepper spray on them.[43] Despite this, some members of
the military police were caught being lenient with the attackers.[45] The demonstrators then attempted to
enter the Palácio do Planalto, the seat of executive power, and the Supreme Federal Court.[43]

Senator Veneziano do Rêgo confirmed to CNN Brazil that protesters had managed to invade the Congress
building. According to him, they reached the upper part, where the domes of the Federal Senate and the
Chamber of Deputies are located, and the Green Hall of the Chamber of Deputies.[46] Protesters attempted
to extend a green and yellow banner over the building.[46] Some protestors among the mob were also seen
with the flag of the Empire of Brazil.[47] Protesters later climbed the ramp of the Congress building and
reached the Supreme Federal Court building and the Palácio do Planalto, where they, during the attempt to
enter the buildings, committed acts of vandalism and attacked police, but, after several confrontations, the
protesters managed to enter both buildings, where more vandalism and fighting ensued.[48] Soldiers from
the Brazilian Army responded. Two helicopters tried to disperse the crowd.[49] A National Force vehicle
reportedly fell into the reflecting pool of the monument during the confrontations.[50]
Journalists were attacked during the protests. Folha de São Paulo photographer Pedro Ladeira was
attacked and robbed by some of the rioters.[51] A journalist for Metrópoles was also attacked during the
storming.[52] Journalists and photographers from BandNews, O Tempo, AFP and Reuters were also
attacked. Some were pushed to the ground and had their equipment stolen or damaged.[53]

The governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, assured that he was "taking all measures to contain the
anti-democratic riot in the Esplanada dos Ministérios"; in addition, he dismissed the Secretary of Security of
the Federal District, Anderson Torres.[54][55][56] Likewise, the solicitor general's office reported that it had
filed a request for Torres's arrest.[56]At 18:00 BRT (UTC−03:00), Lula announced that he had signed a
decree authorizing a federal intervention in Brasília in the scope of public security, to continue until 31
January.[16] Lula applied Article 34, Subheading III of the Federal Constitution, which empowers the
government to put an end to serious impairment of public order.[57] It was the third application of Article 34
of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which has previously been applied in Rio de Janeiro and Roraima during
the Temer Government.[58] Ricardo Garcia Cappelli, executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice and
Public Security, was appointed as intervenor.[59][60] The intervention relieves the Federal District governor
Ibaneis Rocha of the authority to oversee security in the district,[61] and will last until 31 January.[62]

Hours after the security breach, the Military Police of the Federal District (PMDF) reported it had begun to
clear rioters out of the buildings.[63]By 19:00 BRT, over 150 people had been arrested by the security
forces, at least 30 of them in flagrante delicto in the Federal Senate.[64][65] The Minister of Justice, Flávio
Dino, later announced in a press conference that approximately 200 people were arrested in flagrante
delicto, and that new arrests were still being made; according to Dino, several buses heading to Brasília, as
well as their financiers, had been investigated and identified.[66] The Federal District Governor Ibaneis
Rocha, in a publication on a social network, stated that more than 400 people had been arrested.[67]

Several hours after the attack began, the Federal District Military Police announced that it had begun
clearing the buildings.[68] The security forces managed to retake the National Congress by the evening after
launching a security operation in which they used tear gas and batons.[69] By 17:00 BRT, security forces
had regained control of the Supreme Court building, though some rioters remained encamped in its parking
garage.[70] The Brazilian Army arrived in military trucks in the late afternoon and ambushed the intruders
in the presidential palace through the back door. The rioters left the building by 18:30 BRT, with some
being escorted out by the police.[1][71] Justice Minister Flávio Dino announced by 21:00 BRT that all three
buildings had been cleared.[1]

At the time of the riots, neither Lula da Silva nor Bolsonaro were in Brasília; Lula was in Araraquara, São
Paulo, while Bolsonaro was in Orlando, Florida, in the United States.[72][34]

During the attack, vandalism was widespread; several pieces of art such as paintings, chairs, tables, etc.,
were damaged or stolen during the attack, including famous pieces such as the coat of arms of the republic
and a copy of the original 1988 constitution book.[73][74][75] Weapons, munitions and documents from the
Cabinet of Institutional Security were also stolen by the protesters.[76][77] In an interview with CNN Brazil,
Senator Randolfe Rodrigues said they found five abandoned grenades during the invasions, three of which
were left at the Supreme Federal Court and two at the National Congress.[78]
The view from the ramp of the National
Congress of Brazil

Police begin to push back


Damage and theft

A number of important spaces in the three stormed buildings were

extensively vandalized and looted, including the Noble Hall and
Plenary of the Federal Supreme Court, the Green, Blue and Black
Halls and the lobby of the Congress, and the Noble Hall and the
First Lady's office at the Planalto Palace. Many other spaces, such
as corridors, windows, rooms and offices, were also vandalized,
damaging a large amount of furniture, equipment and other Damage in the Supreme Federal
objects.[79][80][81] Several spaces were completely destroyed.[82] Court building after the storming.
According to an official, the invaders destroyed fire hydrants, in an
attempt to prevent the fight against fires that existed at various
points of the invasion.[83]
In addition to structural damage, several works of art, mainly
paintings, vases and historical objects (such as chairs, clocks,
carpets and tables) were damaged, stolen or destroyed during the
attack.[84][85] In the Planalto, former president Juscelino
Kubitscheck's desk was reported destroyed after it was used in a
barricade, and As Mulatas, a painting by modernist Emiliano Di
Cavalcanti, was stabbed repeatedly.[84] Electronic devices –
including laptops, computers, printers and televisions – were also
damaged or stolen by protesters; the copy of the original 1988 Showcase with historical objects in
constitution book was initially taken by a protester, but was later the National Congress
found among the rubble in the building of the Supreme Federal
Court.[86] The offices of the Workers' Party and of the Brazilian
Social Democracy Party in the Congress building were also
invaded and vandalized by the mob.[87] Rioters urinated and
defecated in the press areas of the Congress building.[88]

The events have been likened by journalists to the United States
Capitol attack of 6 January 2021, which it was apparently inspired Damage left by rioters in the Federal
by.[89][90] Several newspapers, including O Globo, Veja, and Senate building
Folha de S.Paulo, characterized what happened as a terrorist
act.[91][92][93] O Estado de S. Paulo and El Mundo described the
event as an attempted coup d'état.[94][95]



President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva condemned the demonstrators

as "fascists" in a tweet and called their actions "barbarism".[96] He
said that "there was, I would say, incompetence, bad will, bad faith,
on the part of the people who take care of public security in the
Federal District".[97] Minister of Planning and Budget Simone
Tebet called for "exemplary punishments" for the protestors on
Twitter. She added that "the Federal Constitution supports our Lula declares federal intervention in
Ministers of Justice and Defense in the use of all rigorous legitimate the Federal District
means for the defense of order, society and democracy".[98] Lula
returned to Brasília after the buildings were cleared and visited the
Supreme Court and the presidential palace.[99]

President of the Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira condemned the attacks and called for punishment of
those involved.[100] The Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, Luciano Bivar (UNIÃO), stated that
there would be reinforcement of the Military Police, with new contingents being sent to the National
Congress and the Planalto Palace.[12]

Minister of Justice Flávio Dino, President of the Federal Senate Rodrigo Pacheco and Vice-President
Geraldo Alckmin also criticized the attack on social media.[101]
The Brazilian superior courts released a joint note to condemn the 8 January attacks:[102]

The Supreme Federal Court, the Superior Electoral Court, the Superior Court of Justice, the
Superior Labour Court and the Superior Military Court come to the public to express their
indignation at the serious events that took place this Sunday, 8 January, with acts of violence
against the three Powers of the Republic and destruction of public property. While expressing
solidarity with the legitimately constituted authorities, and who are the target of this absurd
aggression, they reiterate to the Brazilian Nation the commitment that the Judiciary will remain
firm in its role of guaranteeing fundamental rights and the Democratic State of Law, ensuring
the rule of law and the full accountability of those who violate it.

After the federal buildings were retaken, Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Court removed the
Federal District governor Ibaneis Rocha for 90 days due to alleged shortcomings in the preparedness of the
security forces. He also ordered clearing of camps set up by protesters outside military bases within 24
hours, clearing of all roads and buildings occupied by them, and removal of all anti-democratic posts by
Bolsonaro supporters from Facebook, Twitter and TikTok.[103]

The police started clearing protest camps near army bases throughout the country on 9 January.[104]
Soldiers backed by the police dismantled a camp outside the army headquarters in Brasília, used as a base
by those who attacked the Three Powers Plaza, and arrested about 1,500 people.[105][106]

Parties and politicians

National President of the Workers' Party Gleisi Hoffmann said that "the DF government (of Ibaneis Rocha)
was irresponsible in the face of the invasion of Brasília and the National Congress."[107]

Liberal Party head Valdemar Costa Neto said, "Today is a sad day for the Brazilian nation. We cannot
agree with the plundering of the national Congress. All orderly demonstrations are legitimate. Disorder has
never been part of our nation's principles. I want to tell you that we vehemently disapprove of this type of
attitude and let the law be enforced, strengthening our democracy"[108] but also denied that the protestors
were affiliated with or represented Bolsonaro.[109]

Bolsonaro himself condemned the protesters in a tweet[110] and denied responsibility.[111] Supporters of
Bolsonaro, like Senator Carlos Portinho, denounced acts of violence. Portinho, however, blamed the legal
"superpowers" of Supreme Federal Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes for aggressive protests, calling for
their removal to "appease" the protestors.[112] Another Bolsonaro supporter, former federal judge and
Senator for Paraná, Sergio Moro (UNIÃO) said that "The new Lula government began more concerned
with repressing protests and dissenting opinions than with presenting results. The unrestricted political
allocation of ministries and state companies is back. All in favor of a mysterious "reconstruction" without
any direction. It is not a good start." [113] Flávio Bolsonaro, a senator and the eldest son of the former
President, denied any relationship between the protestors and his father in leaked WhatsApp messages.[114]
Others, such as Federal Deputy Gustavo Gayer (PL), Governor of São Paulo Tarcísio de Freitas
(REPUBLICANOS), Governor of Paraná Ratinho Júnior (PSD), Governor of Rio de Janeiro Cláudio
Castro (PL), Governor of Minas Gerais Romeu Zema (NOVO), National President of the Republicanos
Marcos Pereira and Senator-elect Hamilton Mourão (REPUBLICANOS) condemned the acts of
vandalism, but the majority of the pro-Bolsonaro parties and politicians reimained silent.[115][116][101]

Senator Soraya Thronicke (UNIÃO) announced that her advisors filed a request for the opening of a
parliamentary commission of inquiry against the protests.[117]
Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (REDE), Senator Jean Paul Prates (PT), Governor of Rio Grande do Sul
Eduardo Leite (PSDB), Governor of Pará Helder Barbalho (MDB), former governor of Amapá Waldez
Góes (PDT), National President of the Social Democratic Party Gilberto Kassab, as well as Federal
Deputies Marcelo Freixo (PT), José Guimarães (PT) and André Janones (AVANTE) condemned the
attacks, with some characterizing them as domestic terrorism.[101] Former presidential candidate Ciro
Gomes (PDT) classified the acts as one of the greatest "crimes in the history of the Republic", and
encouraged punishments in the "maximum rigor of the law" to those responsible.[118]


The attack was widely condemned by foreign governments and international organisations, especially in
Latin America.[119]


Organisation of American States Secretary General Luis Almagro stated, "We condemn the attack on the
institutions in Brasília, which constitutes a reprehensible action and a direct attack on democracy. These
actions are inexcusable and fascist in nature."[119]

The United States embassy in Brazil referred to the protests as anti-democratic and warned its citizens to
avoid the area of rioting.[120][119] President Joe Biden described the situation as "outrageous".[121] U.S.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned the calls for a coup on Twitter, writing "We condemn the
attacks on Brazil's Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court today. Using violence to attack democratic
institutions is always unacceptable. We join [Lula da Silva] in urging an immediate end to these
actions".[122] United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also condemned the attack and said
that the White House was following the situation.[123] Many American observers also compared the attack
to the attempted insurrection at the American capitol two years prior. Joaquin Castro and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives, called on the U.S.
government to deport Bolsonaro, who had been taking refuge in Orlando, Florida, in the days leading up to
and after Lula's swearing-in, back to Brazil for inspiring the riots.[124][119]

Latin American heads of state condemned the violence, such as President Gustavo Petro of Colombia, who
called for an urgent meeting of the Organization of American States in the face of what he considers an
attempted "coup" by fascism, or President Gabriel Boric of Chile, who condemned the rioting as a "vile
attack" and announced his full support for the government.[125][126] President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel
condemned the riots and expressed support and solidarity with Lula and his government.[127] A similar
statement was made by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador who described the events at
Brasilia as "reprehensible and antidemocratic" and described the protesters as being "motivated by
oligarchs".[128] President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro rejected the violence by "Bolsonaro's neo-fascist
groups" and expressed support for Lula.[129] Alberto Fernández, the president of Argentina, described the
storming as an "attempted coup d'état"[130] and the Vice President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner,
compared events in Brasilia with the invasion of the US capitol in January 2021.[131] Likewise, Guillermo
Lasso, President of Ecuador, condemned the "disrespectful acts of vandalism perpetrated against
democratic institutions in Brasília", and expressed his support for the government of Lula da Silva.[132]
Other condemnations came from the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard, the foreign
minister of Argentina, and the foreign-affairs ministries of Ecuador, Bolivia and Uruguay.[133][15][119]

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi was "deeply concerned about the news of rioting and vandalism
against the State institutions in Brasília". He said India extended its full support to the Brazilian

The State of Palestine "condemned the recent acts of violence and terrorism in Brazil, calling them an
assault on Brazilian democracy and its elected president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The state reaffirmed its
support for the friendly Federative Republic of Brazil against any attempts to undermine its security or

Deputy Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic
of China Wang Wenbin also condemned the attack and expressed support for Lula.[135][136]


EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Josep Borrell condemned the attack on the institutions.[119]
President of the European Council Charles Michel expressed support for President Lula and condemned
"the assault on the democratic institutions of Brazil."[137] The Iberian governments, who have historical
and linguistic ties with Latin America, supported Lula. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain
emphatically condemned the assault and showed support to Lula and to the democratically-elected
Brazilian institutions, while the government of Portugal condemned the violence and stated its supporting
of Brazilian authorities in restoring order and stability.[138][139][15]

President of France Emmanuel Macron declared that Lula "can count on France's unwavering
support".[119] The attack was also condemned by the British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly,[140] Italian
deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister Antonio Tajani,[141] Austrian foreign minister Alexander
Schallenberg,[142] German Chancellor Olaf Scholz[135] and the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[143]
Pope Francis condemned the insurrection attempt and expressed concern for the situation in Brazil.[144]
Dmitry Peskov, press secretary for Russian President Vladimir Putin, declared support for Lula and said
Moscow condemns "in the strongest terms" the actions of those who provoked the disorder.[145][146]


The Australian Government issued a statement condemning the attack on the Brazilian Congress, Supreme
Court, and Presidential Palace. A Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) spokesperson described
the attack as "unacceptable; democratic institutions and processes must be respected."[137]

International organizations

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the assault, stating, "I condemn today's
assault on Brazil's democratic institutions. The will of the Brazilian people and the country's institutions
must be respected. I have full confidence that it will be. Brazil is a great democratic country." [147] The
Caribbean Community issued a communiqué "strongly condemning the violent invasion of governmental
buildings in Brasilia by a misinformed crowd who reject to accept the results of free, democratic and just
elections" and called for the restauration of order.[148] The left-wing Progressive International also
condemned the attack on Twitter.[149]

Left-wing figures and groups, such as the former Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras,[150] former
Leader of the British Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn,[151] former President of the Workers' Party of Belgium
Peter Mertens,[152] founder of La France Insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon,[153] as well as the Irish
democratic socialist party Sinn Fein[154] and the Socialist Party, a Swedish Trotskyist political organization,
expressed solidarity with Lula.[155] American far-right political activist and former Trump administration
Counselor to the President Steve Bannon praised those participating in the attack as "Brazilian freedom

Social media companies Meta Platforms and YouTube confirmed on 9 January that they would be
removing content supporting or promoting the invasion of Brazilian federal government buildings. In
addition, a representative from Telegram confirmed that the platform was working with the Brazilian
government and fact checking groups to stop the spread of content promoting violence related to the events
in Brazil.[157]

See also
Brazil portal

Crime portal

Politics portal

2017 Venezuelan National Assembly attack

2017 storming of the Macedonian Parliament
2019 storming of the Hong Kong Legislative Council
2019 South Korean Capitol attack
2022 Iraq parliament attack
2022 German coup d'état plot
Olavo de Carvalho
List of coups and coup attempts in Brazil
Proclamation of the Brazilian Republic
Brazilian Revolution of 1930
1937 Brazilian coup d'état
1945 Brazilian coup d'état
1964 Brazilian coup d'état

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