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This chapter presents the partial test results from the pilot testing administered by the

researchers. Through the developed test, this study aims to answer the following questions; what

is the average level of strong mindedness among the participants? What does the result of the test

tells us? The partial results from pilot testing was analysed and computed through Microsoft

Excel and run Measures of Central Tendency in SPSS to interpret the results.

Results for the Pilot Testing

Constructs No. of items (total 39) Alpha (α)

Statements for strong mindedness 36

Negative/opposite statements 3 .981

Table 1 Cronbach’s Alpha for Pilot Testing

Tables 1 presents the results from the pilot testing and the value of its cronbach’s alpha.

After test validation from 3 validators, out of 45 original number of items, it was reduced to 39

items due to some items that were rejected by the validators. The revised questionnaires,

composed of statements for strong-mindedness (36 items) and the negative or opposite

statements (3 items), were then administered for pilot testing. After pilot testing, SPSS

cronbach’s alpha was computed out of the partial results and it was found that the value of

crombach’s alpha is .981.

Participants Mean Median Mode Range

n=30 129.17 141.5 151 131

Table 2. Measures of Central Tendency of the Partial Scores

The data were collected from 30 randomly selected criminology students composed of 16

males and 14 females n=30, from the population of 37 students. The average of the scores on the

data is x̃=129.17 which mean that this is the average level of strong-mindedness of Criminology

students for the pilot testing. Half of the participants scored 141.5 and above which are all

considered a high level of strong mindedness and the other half scored lower than 141.5. The

most frequent score was 151 which appeared thrice, it is also considered a high level of strong

mindedness. The lowest score is 55 and the highest is 186 with the range of 131.

In addition, only four (4) students out of 30 scored 65 below, therefore, only three

students are considered low in strong mindedness. Considering that the median is 141.5 means

that, more than 50% of the students are considered high in strong-mindedness.

Results for the Final Testing

Constructs No. of items (total 39) Alpha (α)

Statements for strong mindedness 36

Negative/opposite statements 3

Table 3 Cronbach’s Alpha for Final Testing

Table 3 presents the constructs and number of items and the new alpha value for the

second testing. After computing the Cronbach’s alpha from the pilot testing, researchers

proceeded to conduct the second and final testing with the same constructs and number of items.

The sample size was increased from 30 participants from the pilot testing, to 40 participants with
equal number of males and females for the final testing. After gathering data from 40

participants, Cronbach’s alpha was computed once again through SPSS, and results reveal that

alpha level was reduced to .944.

Participants Mean Median Mode Range

n=40 149.95 155 144 106

Table 4. Measures of Central Tendency of the Final Scores

Table 4 shows the results in the Measures of central tendency after the final testing. The

data were collected from 40 randomly selected criminology students for the second testing,

composed of 20 males and 20 females, n=40 from the population of 55 students. For the second

testing, the average of the scores on the data is x̃=149.95 which means that this is the average

level of strong-mindedness for Criminology students for the final testing. Half of the participants

scored 155 and above which are all considered a high level of strong mindedness and the other

half scored lower than 155 wherein the lowest score is 76. The most frequent score was 144

which appeared thrice, it is also considered a high level of strong mindedness.

No students answered 65 below for the second testing. The lowest score is 76, which is

considered a moderate level of strong-mindedness and the highest score is 182. Therefore, from

the results of the overall data from the sample of 40 students of Leyte Colleges reveal that, the

participants’ level of strong-mindedness is strong to moderate.


This study has implications for the school and the community. The school will be able to

know and measure one of the most important trait an effective criminologist should possess

through this study and by using the produced test. Through this study, the school will be assured
of what future criminologist they have and what to work on to improve. Criminology students

are future uniformed personnel who will serve, protect the country, solve crimes, handle lives,

and deal with criminals. So this study provides insight and assurance of what type of

Criminologists the country will bring about in the future.


This study was limited to criminology students, and the school was limited to Leyte

Colleges of Tacloban City only. In each data gathering the number of participants involved is 40

and below which limits the generalizability of the results. The data gathering was purely

conducted online for safety amid COVID-19 pandemic. So the set-up being online without

personal engagement between researchers and participants could have influenced the way

participants responded to the test. Further, the test has a high value of Cronbach’s alpha; the test

was still run for final testing despite the high value of alpha. The small sample size of the study

also influenced the results.

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